满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was getting ready for bed when the tel...

I was getting ready for bed when the telephone rang unexpectedly. My mind quickly ran ______ the list    of family members, but the voice on the other end of the line was only ______ familiar. “Lindy, this is Leslie,” she said. I didn’t know Leslie very well, so I was a little ______ that she would be calling me at 11:00 pm. I    was afraid that it  would be something really ______ to cause her to reach out to someone she ______ knew.  However, she asked me a most ______ question. “Do you have  any room for a turkey in  your freezer?” she  asked. “Sure,” I responded, feeling quite confused. My family was at the bottom of our food supply. “I will ______ when I get to your house,” Leslie replied.

We  quickly ______ blue jeans  from  our nightclothes  and  prepared to  meet  her  outside ______ the  doorbell wouldn’t wake up our four children. Leslie and her husband came in a huge freezer truck. She explained that her husband serviced a small grocery store that had just lost its lease( ). They had to ______ all  the freezers  before midnight. She thought  it was a ______ to just  throw all this food away so  she began to go through her list of ______, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ______ to take  it. Ours was the last place they planned to stop and anything left would have to be______

Still not fully ______ what had just occurred, I asked her, “When will you be coming back for all this?”  Leslie  replied, “It  is  yours! We  have  been ______ food since 5:00 pm  and have ______ our list  of contacts. Thanks a lot for helping us out.”

Leslie had no idea that we ______ to buy groceries. By the time the freezer food finally ______, buying  groceries was no longer a problem. I admit that I’m still afraid of late night calls, assuming the worst, ______ then I remember that summer night when an acquaintance called me to send me turkeys.

1.A. into    B. across    C. through    D. after

2.A. vaguely    B. definitely    C. reasonably    D. hopefully

3.A. thrilled    B. embarrassed    C. surprised    D. annoyed

4.A. creative    B. impressive    C. complex    D. awful

5.A. normally    B. barely    C. precisely    D. frequently

6.A. strange    B. authentic    C. fascinating    D. tough

7.A. pause    B. explain    C. appreciate    D. negotiate

8.A. hunted for    B. put aside    C. changed into    D. took out

9.A. in that    B. as if    C. in case    D. so that

10.A. empty    B. replace    C. fix    D. remove

11.A. success    B. shame    C. chance    D. duty

12.A. merchants    B. rescuers    C. contacts    D. clients

13.A. considerate    B. generous    C. willing    D. conscious

14.A. deleted    B. leaked    C. swapped    D. dumped

15.A. describing    B. understanding    C. predicting    D. observing

16.A. submitting    B. fetching    C. consuming    D. delivering

17.A. packed    B. exhausted    C. refreshed    D. concluded

18.A. struggled    B. managed    C. decided    D. tended

19.A. ran out    B. went off    C. broke down    D. caught on

20.A. for    B. or    C. and    D. but


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者正准备睡觉,突然电话铃响了。作者的脑子里飞快地闪过了家庭成员的名单,但电话那头的声音却似曾相识。是莱斯利打来的电话,作者对她不太了解,她会在晚上11点打电话给作者,作者感到惊讶。文章讲述了作者和莱斯利的有通话记录。 1.考查介词。根据My mind quickly ran ___1___ the list of family members, but the voice on the other end of the line was only ___2___ familiar.可知,我的脑子里飞快地闪过了家庭成员的名单,但电话那头的声音却似曾相识。故选C。 2.考查副词。A. vaguely含糊地; B. definitely明确地; C. reasonably合理地; D. hopefully充满希望地。根据My mind quickly ran ___1___ the list of family members, but the voice on the other end of the line was only ___2___ familiar.可知,我的脑子里飞快地闪过了家庭成员的名单,但电话那头的声音却似曾相识。故选A。 3.考查形容词。A. thrilled激动的; B. embarrassed尴尬的; C. surprised吃惊的; D. annoyed烦恼的。根据I didn’t know Leslie very well, so I was a little ___3___ that she would be calling me at 11:00 pm.可知,我不太了解莱斯利,所以我有点惊讶,她会在晚上11点打电话给我。故选C。 4.考查形容词。A. creative有创造力的; B. impressive给人印象深刻的; C. complex复杂的; D. awful可怕的。根据I was afraid that it would be something really ___4___ to cause her to reach out to someone she ___5___ knew.可知,让她去接触一个她几乎不认识的人,我担心这会是一件非常可怕的事情。故选D。 5.考查副词。A. normally正常地; B. barely几乎不; C. precisely精确地; D. frequently频繁地。根据I was afraid that it would be something really ___4___ to cause her to reach out to someone she ___5___ knew.可知,让她去接触一个她几乎不认识的人,我担心这会是一件非常可怕的事情。故选B。 6.考查形容词。A. strange奇怪的; B. authentic真实的; C. fascinating迷人的; D. tough艰苦的,困难的。根据However, she asked me a most ___6___ question.可知,然而,她问了我一个非常奇怪的问题。故选A。 7.考查动词。A. pause暂停; B. explain解释; C. appreciate欣赏,感激; D. negotiate谈判,商议。根据My family was at the bottom of our food supply. “I will ___7___ when I get to your house,” Leslie replied.可知,我的家庭处于食物供应的最底层。莱斯利回答说:“我到你家再跟你解释。”故选B。 8.考查动词词组。A. hunted for猎获; B. put aside储蓄; C. changed into把---变成; D. took out拿出。根据We quickly ___8___ blue jeans from our nightclothes and prepared to meet her outside ___9___ the doorbell wouldn’t wake up our four children.可知,我们迅速从睡衣换上蓝色牛仔裤,准备在外面迎接她,这样门铃就不会吵醒我们的四个孩子。故选C。 9.考查状语从句引导词。A. in that在于,因为; B. as if好像; C. in case 万一; D. so that为了。根据We quickly ___8___ blue jeans from our nightclothes and prepared to meet her outside ___9___ the doorbell wouldn’t wake up our four children.可知,我们迅速从睡衣换上蓝色牛仔裤,准备在外面迎接她,这样门铃就不会吵醒我们的四个孩子。此处是so that引导的目的状语从句,故选D。 10.考查动词。A. empty倒空; B. replace替代; C. fix修理,安装; D. remove移动。根据They had to ___10___ all the freezers before midnight.可知,他们必须在午夜前清空所有的冰柜。此处empty是动词“倒空”,故选A。 11.考查名词。 A. success成功; B. shame羞愧; C. chance机会; D. duty责任。根据She thought it was a ___11___ to just throw all this food away so she began to go through her list of ___12___, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ___13___ to take it.可知,她觉得把所有的食物都扔掉太丢人了,于是她开始查看自己的联系人名单,把食物送给任何她认为可能愿意接受的人。故选B。 12.考查名词。A. merchants商人; B. rescuers救援者; C. contacts联系; D. clients客户。根据She thought it was a ___11___ to just throw all this food away so she began to go through her list of ___12___, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ___13___ to take it.可知,她觉得把所有的食物都扔掉太丢人了,于是她开始查看自己的联系人名单,把食物送给任何她认为可能愿意接受的人。故选C。 13.考查形容词。A. considerate体贴的; B. generous慷慨的; C. willing愿意的; D. conscious意识到的。根据She thought it was a ___11___ to just throw all this food away so she began to go through her list of ___12___, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ___13___ to take it.可知,她觉得把所有的食物都扔掉太丢人了,于是她开始查看自己的联系人名单,把食物送给任何她认为可能愿意接受的人。故选C。 14.考查动词。A. deleted删除; B. leaked泄露; C. swapped交换; D. dumped倾倒。根据Ours was the last place they planned to stop and anything left would have to be___14___可知,我们的车是他们最不打算停的地方,剩下的东西都得扔掉。故选D。 15.考查动词。 A. describing描述; B. understanding理解; C. predicting预测; D. observing观察。根据Still not fully ___15___ what had just occurred, I asked her, “When will you be coming back for all this?”可知,我还没有完全弄明白刚才发生的事情,就问她:“你什么时候回来处理这一切?”故选B。 16.考查动词。A. submitting提交; B. fetching去取; C. consuming消耗; D. delivering递送。根据Leslie replied, “It is yours! We have been ___16___ food since 5:00 pm and have ___17___ our list of contacts. Thanks a lot for helping us out.”可知,莱斯利回答说:“这是你的!我们从下午5点就开始送餐,联系人名单已经用完了。非常感谢你帮助我们。”故选D。 17.考查动词。A. packed包装; B. exhausted耗尽; C. refreshed使清凉; D. concluded推断。根据Leslie replied, “It is yours! We have been ___16___ food since 5:00 pm and have ___17___ our list of contacts. Thanks a lot for helping us out.”可知,莱斯利回答说:“这是你的!我们从下午5点就开始送餐,联系人名单已经用完了。非常感谢你帮助我们。”故选B。 18.考查动词。A. struggled挣扎,努力; B. managed管理,控制; C. decided 决定; D. tended倾向。根据Leslie had no idea that we ___18___ to buy groceries.可知,莱斯利不知道我们买杂货很费劲。故选A。 19.考查动词词组。A. ran out耗尽; B. went off爆炸,离去; C. broke down毁掉,精神拖垮; D. caught on理解,明白。根据By the time the freezer food finally ___19___, buying groceries was no longer a problem.可知,当冷冻食品最终用完的时候,购买食品杂货不再是一个问题。故选A。 20.考查并列连词。A. for因为; B. or否则; C. and和; D. but但是。根据I admit that I’m still afraid of late night calls, assuming the worst, ___20___ then I remember that summer night when an acquaintance called me to send me turkeys.可知,我承认,即使往最坏的打算想,我还是害怕深夜的电话,但我记得那年夏天的晚上,一个熟人打电话给我,让我把火鸡送去。结合句意可知此处前后是一种转折关系,故选D。

—Will it cost a lot to be an exchange student?

—________, but you can apply for scholarship and student loan.

A. I would imagine so    B. You’ve got me there

C. By all means    D. I’m with you on that



It is through years of research ________ scientists have discovered the relationship between social media addiction and depression.

A. that    B. before

C. since    D. when



—Are you free now? I have something important to tell you.

—OK, ________ you make it short. I will have to finish this report before noon.

A. now that    B. as soon as

C. every time    D. as long as



I owe my current success to David, my best friend since childhood, without whom I have no idea where I ________ today.

A. am    B. was

C. would have been    D. would be



________ and open to various interpretations, the terms of the new proposal need improving based on the interests of both sides.

A. Accessible    B. Apparent

C. Ambiguous    D. Aggressive



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