满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The staff were _______ when the company ...

The staff were _______ when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.

A. persons of interest    B. not all there

C. off the top of their heads    D. as green as grass


B 【解析】 考查习惯表达。句意:公司宣布给每个人发一笔丰厚的奖金时,员工们非常兴奋。A. persons of interest感兴趣的人,嫌疑人;B. not all there不太正常,神志不清,这里指非常兴奋;C. off the top of their heads不加思索,脱口而出;D. as green as grass无生活经验的,无知的。故选B。  

Heavy debts have left the firm faced with an economic _______ in the financial crisis.

A. switch    B. scratch    C. squeeze    D. status



It is compulsory that every motorcyclist ______ a helmet.

A. shall wear    B. should wear    C. must wear    D. need wear



While there are clear signs of a _______ recovery in the global economy, the country still faces a very difficult situation.

A. formal   B. raw    C. modest                D. thorough



---It is _____ he often failed in exams _____ makes his parents worried about him.

---- Actually, they needn’t worry so much.

A. what, that    B. that, what    C. that , that    D. /, that



For a moment nothing happened.Then ________ all shouting together.

A.voices had come  B.came voices

C.voices would come  D.did voices come



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