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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Th...

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Three years ago, Brian Palmer, a 43-year-old native of Beaumont, California, was a homeless man struggling 1.(overcome) alcohol addiction. All he owned was a bag 2.(contain) some clothes, a blanket, and a pillow. He 3.(seek) assistance at a recovery center, the very large tent city in downtown LA. One activity that helped him through those days was singing. In 2015, he encountered the Urban Voices Project, a choir    4.(make) up of the local people. This led him    5.Street Symphony, a group of professional musicians mostly from the LA Philharmonic(交响乐团), 6.works with homeless, mentally ill and disabled populations. In February, Palmer began taking voice 7.(lesson) from Scott Graff, a member of the Street Symphony. Scott said, “I gave Palmer some tips on vocal technique,  8. he taught me life lessons. I got the   9.(good) end of the deal.”

“That was 10.(real) empowering,” Palmer told the audience afterward. Palmer explained what had been going through his mind as he sang. “An act of love,” he said, looking out at familiar faces in front of him. “One act of love, I know for sure, is listening.”


1. to overcome 2. containing 3. sought 4. made 5. to 6. which 7. lessons 8. while 9. better 10. really 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过Brian Palmer的故事,使我们知道,爱的一种表现就是倾听。 1.考查动词不定式。句意:三年前,43岁的加州博蒙特人布莱恩·帕尔默(Brian Palmer)是一个无家可归的人,正在努力戒掉酒瘾。struggle to do sth.“努力去做某事”,故答案为to overcome。 2.考查现在分词做后置定语。句意:他只有一个包,里面装着一些衣服,一条毯子和一个枕头。此处是现在分词作后置定语,故答案为containing。 3.考查时态。句意:他在洛杉矶市中心的一个很大的帐篷城——康复中心寻求帮助。根据前文提到的Three years ago,可知句子用一般过去时态,故答案为sought。 4.考查过去分词作后置定语。句意:2015年,他遇到了“城市之声”,一个由当地人组成的合唱团。此处a choir和make之间是一种被动关系,be made up of “由---组成”,结合句意可知答案为made。 5.考查固定搭配。句意:这让他加入了街头交响乐团(Street Symphony),这是一群主要来自洛杉矶爱乐乐团(LA Philharmonic)的专业音乐家,他们的工作对象是无家可归的人、精神病患者和残疾人。lead sb. to“引导某人去---”,故答案为to。 6.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:句意:这让他加入了街头交响乐团(Street Symphony),这是一群主要来自洛杉矶爱乐乐团(LA Philharmonic)的专业音乐家,他们的工作对象是无家可归的人、精神病患者和残疾人。此处the LA Philharmonic是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,故答案为which。 7.考查名词复数。句意:今年2月,Palmer开始向“街头交响曲”的成员Scott Graff学习声乐。结合句意可知此处用名词复数,故答案为lessons。 8.考查并列连词。句意:我给Palmer传授了一些声乐技巧,而他却教给了我人生的课程。此处while“然而”,是并列连词,前后形成鲜明对比,故答案为while。 9.考查比较级。句意:我得到了更好的结果。结合句意可知此处用比较级,故答案为better。 10.考查词形转化。句意:这真的很强大。此处是副词修饰动词,故答案为really。

Once a couple lived in a village and loved their baby son very much. “We must have a pet," the farmer said one day. “When our son grows up, he will need a      ______." His wife liked the idea.

One evening, the farmer brought back a tiny mongoose(猫鼬). In several     ________the mongoose had grown to its full size      ______the baby was still in the cradle,      _____and crying alternately(交替地).

One day, the wife fed the baby and  _____him to sleep in his little cradle. Picking up the basket, she said to her husband, “I‟m off to the  _____. The baby is sleeping. Keep an eye on him.   _____, I don‟t like to leave him alone with the mongoose."

“Don‟t worry”, said the farmer. “It is a     _____animal and as sweet as our baby.”

The wife went away, and the farmer    ______to take a look at his fields. He     ______some friends on the way back and chatted for a while.

When the wife came back home with a ___of groceries, she saw the mongoose sitting outside. On seeing her it ran to   _____her. She took one look at the mongoose and    ______. “Blood!" she cried. The face and paws of the mongoose were with blood.

“You wicked animal have killed my baby!" she screamed hysterically(歇斯底里). She was blind with _____and with all her strength     _____the heavy basket on the animal and ran inside to the baby‟s cradle.

The baby was fast  ___. But on the floor lay a black snake  _____. In a flash she   _____what had happened. She ran out looking for the mongoose. “What have I done?" she cried touching the mongoose, who lay      ______, unaware of her sobbing,and      ______long at the dead mongoose.

1.A. instructor    B. companion    C. adviser    D. conductor

2.A. months    B. days    C. years    D. weeks

3.A. as    B. however    C. while    D. although

4.A. playing    B. singing    C. drinking    D. sleeping

5.A. rolled    B. pulled    C. rocked    D. dragged

6.A. factory    B. field    C. market    D. street

7.A. Consequently    B. Frankly    C. Generally    D. Basically

8.A. friendly    B. flexible    C. responsible    D. relaxing

9.A. decided    B. forced    C. managed    D. encouraged

10.A. broke into    B. hanged out with    C. got away with    D. ran into

11.A. bagful    B. basketful    C. boxful    D. bottleful

12.A. cheer    B. welcome    C. hug    D. kiss

13.A. explained    B. checked    C. implied    D. screamed

14.A. fear    B. worry    C. pain    D. anger

15.A. picked up    B. put aside    C. brought down    D. pulled down

16.A. dead    B. asleep    C. awake    D. alive

17.A. bleeding    B. dancing    C. shaking    D. crawling

18.A. wondered    B. admitted    C. realized    D. denied

19.A. quiet    B. peaceful    C. silently    D. motionless

20.A. reflected    B. stared    C. recalled    D. observed



The only thing better than a vacation is a well-planned vacation with friends. With careful preparation and good communication, you can ensure that your group will stay enthusiastic through the whole trip. 1.

Choose friends you get along well with. You‟ll be spending a lot of time with your travel companions, so think of people who have similar general travel habits and are flexible and  relaxed. 2. Also consider whether a friend is an early riser or prefers to go to sleep late, and how high-maintenance they tend to be.

3.Ask your friends to be open about how much you‟re each willing to pay for the trip, between travel, accommodation, food and entertainment costs. You‟ll plan your travel schedule around these loose budget constraints(限制条件).

Plan transportation

Buy plane tickets early to avoid higher prices. Use public transportation if your group is small enough to keep together. Consider renting a car if you‟re traveling with small children or a larger group.

Choose a destination

4. Since you‟re traveling farther, it‟s best to go with a group that‟s small and easy to keep together, no more than three or four people. If you know your friends would rather lounge by the beach than go walking all over a city, a trip to a tropical destination might be the best choice.

Decide on daytime and nighttime activities

Research popular attractions in your destination and share them with your group. 5. This will allow everyone‟s voice to be heard and ensures that the planners don‟t have to make all the hard decisions.

Now, it‟s time to start getting ready to plan the trip.

A. Ask everyone to tell the planners one or two things they definitely want to do.

B. If you enjoy trips with lots of walking or hiking, consider whether your friends have the similar hobbies.

C. Choose a road trip for a small group that gets along well.

D. Discuss a budget early on.

E. It‟s fine to bring bigger luggage, but they‟ll have to carry all their own bags.

F. Choose your friends, destination and activities wisely and your group will enjoy a fun and memorable holiday.

G. If you want to experience a new culture, try booking a trip to a foreign country.



The Haleakalā Movement, which has affected the Hawaiian people, involved many Hawaiian activists peacefully protesting(抗议) against the construction of the Daniel K. Solar Telescope atop Haleakalā. The top of Haleakalā is a very sacred piece of land to Hawaiians. The problem is the leveling out of Haleakalā to structurally support the base of the telescope. Hawaiians could not watch their sacred land atop their mountain destroyed.

The goal of the protesters was to stop the movement of the trucks hauling(拖拽)telescope parts to the top of Haleakalā. At each event, protesters would march on the crosswalk in front of the base yard entrance holding signs that read “Aloha „Āina” and “Kūʻē,” meaning Love the Land and Resist respectively. When the trucks started their engines, several protesters lay down in the driveway, with their arms linked together with PVC pipes. Twenty of them were arrested.

I, as a youth of this generation, am a part of those Hawaiians who stood against the construction of the telescope and the destruction of our sacred mountain. I experienced first-hand and through social media what happened at each protest. Each of the protests that I attended took place at the Maui Base yard, however, there were others that took place atop Haleakalā. Most of the protesters marching were of Maui roots, but there were other protesters that came from different islands to show their support for the natives‟ stand against the destruction of our sacred mountain.

Following all that I had experienced these days, I left with the understanding that the youth of our generation have a very important role. Our role is to learn from the mistakes of the present and guide the world down the right path allowing it to grow and prosper. We, as the seeds of the present, must grow to protect the history of the human race, but at the same time prevent ourselves from repeating the actions and decisions that may have once destroyed us in the past. We, the youth, are the key to the prosperity of the future.

1.What caused the Haleakalā Movement?

A. That the sacred top of the mountain would be leveled out.

B. That local Hawaiians stopped the trucks from going uphill.

C. That twenty local Hawaiians protesters were arrested by the police.

D. That the rainforests on Mt. Haleakalā were seriously destroyed.

2.From the passage, the writer learned .

A. all Hawaiian young people should participate in the movement

B. it is important to protect the environment in Hawaii rainforest

C. local Hawaiian culture is more important than the advanced technology

D. young people are an important factor for tomorrow‟s prosperity

3.The writer is probably .

A. a teenage student    B. a school teacher

C. a government official    D. a policeman



After the surgery, Sun suffered intense pain, but insisted that he didn‟t need any medication. One evening, he found Law, his wife, crying on the balcony of their apartment in a rare outburst of frustration. “If you won‟t help yourself, no one else can,” she said.

Sun started a list “How to Help Myself”, and on it he wrote, “Keep communicating with the doctors, even if they are darker thoughts.” On Oct. 20th, a few days before his 33 birthday, Sun wrote in a Facebook post, “It‟s been hard to get along with having aggressive and incurable Grade 4 brain cancer; it‟s been hard not to get angry and sad about it; it‟s been frustrating that every pathology(病理)test after my surgery came back with the worst possible result; and it‟s been hard to accept that modern medicine isn‟t able to fix me.” At the same time, he wrote, “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”

Sun and Law had other lists, detailing the things that they hoped to accomplish in life, which included a trip to Wimbledon; climbing Mt. Snowdon in Wales; and a range of musical aspirations(愿望)----from learning the Bach sonatas(奏鸣曲)and partitas(变奏曲)to performing the first violin part in a concert. Sun started working on Bach‟s six sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin, the most difficult parts, which George Enescu, a world-famous violinist, once described as the Himalayas for violinists. Sun practiced every day, even if he could manage only fifteen minutes between medical treatments. As he mastered each piece, he posted his performances on Facebook. He finished on November 12th, then turned to the even more difficult Paganini caprices(随想曲), which he had often listened to in a recording by Itzhak Perlman. “It‟s something I always wanted to play when I grew up, like wanting to be great baseball player,” he said.

1.Law cried on the balcony because .

A. she suffered great pain from the Grade 4 brain cancer

B. Sun refused to get medical treatment after the surgery

C. nobody else wanted to help them out of the situation

D. no money was left to pay for Sun‟s the medical treatment

2.Which of the following can best describe Sun‟s feeling when he wrote “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”?

A. grateful    B. sad    C. frustrated    D. determined

3.The couple‟s list of things they hoped to accomplish in life included .

A. playing tennis in Wimbledon    B. cycling in Mt. Snowdon in Wales

C. learning Mozart‟s sonatas and partitas    D. playing the first violin part in a concert

4.In the last paragraph, Bach‟s six sonatas and partitas is compared to the Himalayas for violinist to stress.

A. its popularity among people    B. its value for learners

C. its difficulty when being learned    D. its importance in violists‟ eyes



Researchers at Oxford University say they have developed a new method that could predict heart attacks years before they happen. They use mathematical algorithms(演算法)to examine CT images of a patient's heart. One report on their study has been published in the medical journal The Lancet.

Most heart attacks result from a build-up of fatty tissue inside arteries(动脉)that carry blood from the heart to other areas of the body. Too much buildup can block this flow of blood and cause a heart attack. Currently, doctors use CT scans to learn when a sticky substance called plaque has already built up inside an artery. The new technology is designed to predict which arteries are at risk for future buildup. How much fat is present around heart arteries also can be measured. That fat changes when an artery becomes inflamed(发炎), serving as an early warning system for heart attacks.

Charalambos Antoniades, a professor of cardiovascula(心血管)medicine at Oxford University, believes the research shows this method could be very effective in getting patients to take early steps to prevent future problems.

“Say your arteries are inflamed and a narrowing will be developed five years down the line. So maybe you can start preventive measures to avoid this formation of plaques,” he said. “If you are able to identify inflammation in the arteries of the heart, then you can say which arteries will cause heart attacks.”

Antoniades added that researchers had yet to estimate exactly how many heart attacks could be prevented. But he said he believes the technique could help identify between 20 to 30 percent of people at risk of having one.

He added that the new technology will make such predictions easier because it works together with existing CT technology.

1.You can identify which arteries will cause heart attacks by .

A. locating where the inflamed arteries are

B. seeing a cardiovascular doctor

C. developing a new method to predict it

D. measuring how much fat is built up

2.This passage is probably from a .

A. medical textbook    B. travel brochure

C. graduation paper    D. science journal

3.What‟s Artoniades‟ attitude towards the new method?

A. Tolerant.    B. Defensive.    C. Critical.    D. Favorable.



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