满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You have most likely heard of renewable ...

You have most likely heard of renewable energy or even used it in your home, or office to do your part for the environment. Renewable energy is energy from natural resources including the wind, sunlight, and water. This form of energy is always renewed and cannot be exhausted. The most popular modern day form of this energy can be seen in solar paneling(电池板). Renewable energy can produce electricity and plays a major role in reducing greenhouse emissions(排放) and fossil fuels (化石燃料).

A study by the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory predicts that renewable energy resources can soon provide up to 80 percent of the electricity in the United States. The study was conducted to decide how renewable energy can meet the needs of a rapidly increasing population. Using the current solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal(地热), and hydropower, this 80 percent increase is a promising possibility for our future.

Increasing this renewable energy will provide practical benefits for our economy, climate, and health. Not only will it greatly reduce global warming, but it will improve public health, and provide many economic benefits. In a future with 80 percent fewer renewables, our carbon emissions will also be reduced by 80 percent, and water use will be cut in half.

This future is both possible and affordable, and we already have the tools in place to begin. However, we need to make improvements to our current electricity grid(电网) first. Additionally, the United States needs to carry out a clean energy policy for renewables.

1.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. protecting the environment

B. the use of renewable energy

C. reducing global warming

D. the form of renewable energy

2.What is the closest meaning to the underlined word “exhausted” in the first paragraph?

A. Tired.    B. Removed.

C. Created.    D. Used up.

3.Which of the following is not renewable energy?

A. Solar.    B. Geothermal.

C. Hydropower.    D. Fossil fuels.

4.What will the renewables bring us?

A. Doing good to our economy, climate, and health.

B. Partly increasing global warming.

C. Increasing our cost.

D. Improving current electricity grid.


1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了可再生能源在发电、减少温室气体排放和减少使用化石燃料等方面起着重要作用。 1.主旨大意题。根据第一段首句You have most likely heard of renewable energy or even used it in your home, or office to do your part for the environment. Renewable energy is energy from natural resources including the wind, sunlight, and water.以及下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了包括风、阳光和水在内的可再生能源,它们在发电、减少温室气体排放和减少使用化石燃料等方面起着重要作用,故选B。 2.猜测词义题。根据上文Renewable energy is energy from natural resources including the wind, sunlight, and water. This form of energy is always renewed可知,包括风、阳光和水在内的可再生能源是来自自然的能源,这种形式的能量总是不断更新的,所以它们是不会被用尽的,故选D。 3.细节理解题,第二段讲述美国一项研究预测,可再生能源很快就能提供美国80%的电力。本段最后一句Using the current solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal(地热), and hydropower, this 80 percent increase is a promising possibility for our future.举例说明太阳能电池板、风力涡轮机、地热等都属于这种可再生能源,化石燃料不属于此类,故选D。 4.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句Increasing this renewable energy will provide practical benefits for our economy, climate, and health. 可知,可再生资源对我们的经济、气候和健康都有好处。选A。

Dreams are expressions of thoughts, feelings and events that pass through our minds while we are sleeping. People dream about one to two hours each night. We may have four to seven dreams in one night. Everybody dreams. But only some people can remember their dreams.

The word “dream” comes from an old word in English that means “joy” and “music”. We dream in color. Our dreams often include all the senses—smells, sounds, sights, tastes and things we touch. Sometimes we dream the same dream over and over again. These repeated dreams are often unpleasant. They are bad dreams that sometimes frighten us.

Artists, writers and scientists sometimes say they get ideas from dreams. For example, the singer Paul McCartney of the Beatles said he awakened one day with the music for the song Yesterday in his head. The writer Mary Shelley said she had a very strong dream about a scientist using a machine to make an animal come alive. When she woke up, she began to write her book about a scientist named Frankenstein who made a frightening monster(妖怪).

In China, people believed that dreams were a way to visit with family members who had died. Some native American tribes(部落) and Mexican civilizations believe dreams are a different world we visit when we sleep.

1.How do people feel when they dream the same dream?

A. Lucky.    B. Tired.

C. Relaxed.    D. Frightened.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Dreams are boring.    B. Dreams are scary.

C. Dreams are helpful.    D. Dreams are real.

3.What do Chinese people think of the dream?

A. Dreaming is bad for life.

B. They can visit their dead family member.

C. Dream is another world for them

D. Dream means good luck.

4.What may be the best title of the passage?

A. Useful dreams.    B. Dreams.

C. Bad dreams.    D. New ideas from dre



A listener has written from China for advice about how to lose weight. Michael in Shanghai says he is 26 and has battled with fatness for most of his life.

Weight problem is a complex condition. A doctor may advise taking medicine along with changing one's behaviors. Experts say that the most successful weight-loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise. People who want to avoid weight gain have to balance the number of calories they eat with the number of calories they use. To lose weight,you can reduce the number of calories you take in,increase the number you use, or both.

A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the US. Researchers at Stanford University in California studied over 300 overweight women,mostly in their thirties and forties. Each woman went on one of the four plans:Atkins,The Zone, Ornish or LEARN. The women attended diet classes and received written information about the food plans.

At the end of the year,the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most,more than four and one-half kilograms on average. They also did better on tests for cholesterol(胆固醇)levels and blood pressure.

Christopher Gardner,who led the study,says the Atkins diet may be more successful because of its simple message to eat less sugar. He says that there was not enough money to study men,but that men would probably have similar results.

Last week,another report based on thirty-one studies suggested that only a few people have long-term success with dieting. It says those who kept the weight off generally were the ones who exercised.

1.Which is a doctor’s advice for weight loss?

A. Taking medicine.    B. A well-balanced diet.

C. Exercise.    D. Balancing the number of calories.

2.Which diet plan is most helpful according to the study?

A. Atkins.    B. The Zone.

C. Ornish.    D. LEARN.

3.What is the best way to lose weight from the last paragraph?

A. To eat less.    B. To eat healthy food.

C. To exercise.    D. To be on diet.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Men will become overweight in their thirties and forties.

B. Women gain less weight than men.

C. Dieters will have low blood pressure.

D. Dieters may regain weight if they stop dieting.



Have you ever been to Taiwan, China’s biggest island? Do you want to pay a visit there? We’ll show you the best of Taiwan island.

A four-day tour

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▲ Sun Moon Lake

A beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.

▲Ali Mountain

The nearest mountain around the Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.

▲Peng Lake

A great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.

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A great place to spend a full day shopping.

Office hours: Monday — Friday: 9:00 am — 7:00 pm

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1.This passage is written to_____.

A. show you the best of Taiwan

B. tell you something about Taiwan

C. attract more people to visit Taiwan

D. describe how beautiful Taiwan is

2.Which is not included in the price for the tour?

A. Plane tickets.    B. Bus service.

C. Guide service.    D. Hotel.

3.Where can you have a good time with the local people?

A. Sun Moon Lake    B. Ali Mountain

C. Peng Lake    D. Gao Xiong




Jenny was the only child in her family. She had a quarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily. She couldn't help weeping(哭泣) sorrowfully(悲伤地) when she thought of the scolding(责骂) from her mother. Having wandered(游荡) aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat. She stood beside a stand(货摊) for a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business. However, with no money in hand, she gave a sigh(叹气) and had to leave. The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked, “Hey, girl, you want to have the noodles?” “Oh, yes, but I don't have money on me,” she replied.

“That's nothing. I'll treat you today,” said the man “Come in.” The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, the smell so attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently. “What is it?” asked the man kindly. “Nothing. Actually I was just touched by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped(擦拭) her tears. “Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother drove me out of the house. She showed no care for me. She is so merciless(无情的) compared to a stranger!” Hearing the words, the seller smiled, “Girl, do you really think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot. But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby. Can you number the times she cooked for you? Have you expressed your gratitude(感激) to her?” Jenny sat there, speechless and numb(麻木的) with shock; she remembered her mother's familiar face and weathered (变形)hands. “Why didn't I think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel indebted(感激的). Why haven't I thanked my mum for what she has done for me?” On the way home, Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home.





Paragraph 1:

Approaching the doorway,.


Paragraph 2:

A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.




请以 The newspaper which helps me a lot 为题,写一篇英语短文,向同学们推荐这份报纸(China Daily)。理由:扩大词汇量;提高阅读能力,开拓视野等。




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