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Kayaking is an activity enjoyed by many ...

Kayaking is an activity enjoyed by many people of all ages. It requires little or no experience and nearly anyone of any skill level can participate. It’s most popular as a summertime sport, but it is also a great activity during the winter. Kayaking also seems relatively friendly to the environment; more so than speed boating or water skiing. Because a kayak doesn’t create large or frequent waves, require fuel, or let off polluted air, it is indeed a fairly safe activity for humans and wildlife alike.

Kayaking on freshwater lakes and streams creates little turbulence and therefore does not disturb fish or other aquatic life. Actually, the gentle paddling and movement of the kayak helps to bring seaweed to the surface, making for convenient snacking to the fish. However, there is a drawback to the all-you-can-buffet for your fishy friends. In addition to bringing food to the surface, kayaking also stirs up litter that’s been hiding beneath the waters. Some aquatic animals will mistake it for food. This could cause the animals to choke on the indigestible litter, leading to death. As hazardous as this sounds, it isn’t very likely for such an event to take place. Most litter in lakes and streams is found along the shoreline and settles in the sand and dirt, and isn’t likely to drift away to the main body of water.          . And because kayaks do not have a motor, fish have no risk of getting caught underneath the boat.

One potential hazard that results from kayaking is human waste. This depends solely on where you plan to kayak, and if there are resources available (such as campsites) along the shoreline. When there are no facilities in sight, you’re paddling in the middle of a lake, and nature calls, then often you are given no choice but to expel your waste in the middle of the water. While human waste is considered biodegradable, it can be harmful when swallowed by fish. The only preventative measure is to avoid using the water as a restroom. Some public lakes and streams have taken steps to preserve the quality of the water by requiring permits for kayaking. This won’t ease a human waste problem, but does help regulate entry into the lake and prevent it from becoming overcrowded.

As an important factor to remember when kayaking is that you are a guest in someone else’s home. You may not be greeted by anyone or be able to kick up your feet and watch TV, but the water is home to many aquatic animals and wildlife. Just as you would not throw trash on the floor or destroy the home of another, you shouldn’t do it outdoors either. Keep all trash with you in your kayak and properly dispose of it after you return to shore. By doing your part, you will help doing your part, you will help keep kayaking a safe and enjoyable activity for yourself and the environment.

1.Which of the following statements is True about Kayaking according to the passage?

A. Young people’s enjoyment of kayaking exceeds that of other people.

B. Water skiing has more negative effects on the environment than Kayaking.

C. Usually, kayaking is only practiced in the summer.

D. Whether you can kayak depends on resources available along the shoreline.

2.What does “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Providing aquatic animals with an all-you-can-buffet.

B. Stirring up litter to the surface of the water.

C. That aquatic animals choke to death because of eating the litter.

D. That most litter in lakes and streams is found along the shoreline and settles.

3.Which sentence can be put in the blank in paragraph 3?

A. Because of their adaptability, kayaks can be useful for other outdoor activities such as diving, fishing, and search and rescue during floods.

B. Unlike boats operated by motor and fuel, kayaks pose little or no harm to the fish swimming beneath.

C. Contrary to what people may assume, there are a number of unique styles of kayaking based on the type and speed of water involved.

D. Sea kayaking is a potentially hazardous pursuit, partly because of the nature of the environment in which we operate.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The environmental impacts of kayaking—is it dangerous?

B. The most popular water sports—kayaking

C. Advantages and disadvantages of kayaking

D. How to keep kayaking a safe and enjoyable activity?

5.Which word or expression is closest in meaning to “biodegradable”?

A. Recycled.    B. Environmentally harmless.    C. Poisonous.    D. Sustainable.


1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了皮划艇是一项非常环保的运动,几乎不会对水里的鱼类造成任何伤害,同时指出玩皮划艇时要不要往水里扔垃圾。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Kayaking also seems relatively friendly to the environment; more so than speed boating or water skiing.”可知,皮划艇比滑水更环保,故B项正确。 2.代词指代题。根据画线词前的“This could cause the animals to choke on the indigestible litter, leading to death.”可知,这会导致那些水生动物被难以消化的垃圾噎住,导致死亡,由此可知画线词指的就是水生动物因吃了垃圾而窒息致死,故C项正确。 3.推理判断题。根据空格后的“And because kayaks do not have a motor, fish have no risk of getting caught underneath the boat.”可知,而且因为皮划艇没有马达,鱼类在船底被抓住的风险就很小,此处应该会提到皮划艇对鱼类的另一个好处,B项(与由发动机和燃料驱动的船不同,皮划艇对水里游动的鱼类几乎不会造成任何伤害)正好符合语境,故B项正确。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章内容,特别是第一段中的“Kayaking also seems relatively friendly to the environment”可知,本文主要介绍了皮划艇是一项非常环保的运动,标题应体现出皮划艇对环境的影响,故A项正确。 5.词义猜测题。根据本空后的“it can be harmful when swallowed by fish.”可知,虽然人类排泄物被认为是无害的,但被鱼类吞食却是有害的,由此可知画线词词义为“无害的”,故B项正确。

In Weapons of Math Destruction, data scientist Cathy O’Neil explains how big data exists everywhere in our lives, and that we hardly even notice it until it affects us directly. One application that has become particularly common is the use of algorithms (算法) to evaluate job performance.

She tells the story of Sarah Wysocki, a teacher who, despite being widely respected by her students, their parents and her colleagues, was fired because she performed poorly according to an algorithm. When an algorithm rates you poorly, you are immediately branded as an underperformer and there is rarely an opportunity to appeal against those judgments. In many cases, methods are considered secrets and no details are shared. And data often seems convincing.

As a matter of fact, the belief that school performance in America is declining is based on a data mistake. A Nation at Risk is the report that rang the initial alarm bells about declining SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) scores. Yet if they had taken a closer look, they would have noticed that the scores in each smaller group were increasing. The reason for the decline in the average score was that more disadvantaged kids were taking the test. However, due to the data mistake, teachers as a whole were judged to be failing.

Wall Street is famous for its mathematicians who build complex models to predict market movements and develop business plans. These are really smart people. Even so, it is not at all uncommon for their models to fail. The key difference between those models and many of the ones being used these days is that Wall Street traders lose money when their data models go wrong. However, as O’Neil points out in her book, the effects of widely-used machine-driven judgments are often not borne by those who design the algorithms, but by everyone else.

As we increasingly rely on machines to make decisions, we need to ask these questions: What assumptions are there in your model? What hasn’t been taken into account? How are we going to test the effectiveness of the conclusions? Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong. When machines replace humans to make a judgment, we should hold them to a high standard. We should know how the data was collected. And when numbers lie, we should stop listening to them.

1.What does the example of Sarah Wysocki mainly show?

A. The drawback of big data.    B. The popularity of big data.

C. The new challenge teachers face.    D. The misunderstanding about algorithms.

2.Widely-used machine-driven judgments ________.

A. never make any economic loss

B. can lead to many innocent victims

C. are more complicated than Wall Street’s data models

D. can go wrong more easily than Wall Street’s data models

3.What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Making decisions without machines.    B. Making sure that the data are reliable.

C. Making the algorithms more effective.    D. Making the data and algorithms public.



The New Old Age

October 4, 2017

New York City

Age discrimination (歧视) may be the last prejudice to still be tolerated in mainstream American culture. Older people are usually kept out of TV screens, advertising billboards and other popular-culture areas. Yet aging athletes, scientists, musicians and many more have proven time and time again that you can age and still do great things. What will it take for the rest of society to catch up with this reality? The Atlantic’s New Old Age Forum will invite top experts on aging for a full discussion of age discrimination and they will explore relevant issues ranging from aging in place to long life and work.

10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

New York Academy of Sciences

7 World Trade Center

250 Greenwich Street, 40th floor

New York, NY 10007

For more information, please contact Grace Harvey at gharvey@theatlantic.com.

Presented by

Atlantic LIVE


James Hamblin, senior editor, The Atlantic

Ellen Cole, professor of psychology, The Sage Colleges; co-author, Women Thriving in their 8th Decade

Susan Donley, publisher and managing director, Next Avenue

Joyce Jed, founder and president, Good Neighbors of Park Slope

Kathryn Lawler, executive director, Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement

Elizabeth White, author, Fifty-Five, Unemployed, and Faking Normal

Alison Stewart, contributing editor, The Atlantic

1.Age discrimination in mainstream American culture mainly refers to ________.

A. old people’s being abused    B. old people’s negative image

C. old people’s being overlooked    D. old people’s unemployment

2.What do we know about the New Old Age Forum?

A. The discussion is between old people.    B. There are many lectures by scientists.

C. The speakers work for The Atlantic.    D. It is held indoors in New York.



“Mom, I don’t want to go!” In Inchon Airport, people were ______ moving as always. But when the girl cried out, people stopped and turned towards the ______. Her mother ______ the girl’s hands that tightly held her sleeve, but everyone could see the mother’s eyes holding tears. That girl ______ to leave was me. As I ______ let go of my mother’s sleeve, I also let go of my 15 years’ being a little girl, _________ under my mother’s skirt in Korea.

After a 13-hour flight, I arrived at the Culver Academies, where I spent the last four of my _______ years. After unpacking my luggage, I sat on my bed and had a good ______ until sunset. I felt myself fading in the ______ In America, there was nobody doing my laundry, ______ me when I returned from school. I didn’t understand the Greek mythology Mr. Davies spoke about. There was only me in America.

One day after school, on my way back to my ______, I saw a lonely duck stuck between rocks, fluttering his wings. I stopped and ______ that duck, sure he wouldn’t make any ______, and would stay between the rocks forever. Surprisingly, that duck got himself out of that _______, despite the chance of getting hurt, and flew away to the sky. I sat on the ground and smiled widely ______ I saw myself flapping my wings and struggling to get out of the broken rocks. It was me bravely _______, energetically going forward to my dream, not ______ to be hurt.

I went back to my dorm as always. Girls were ______ and chatting as always. But that day, I didn’t drop my ______; I didn’t miss the chance to say hello to strangers.

“Hi, I’m Min-Kyung, a ________ girl from Korea.”

The sky was high, the wind was warm, trees were green, and I flew.

1.A. carefully    B. happily    C. steadily    D. busily

2.A. argument    B. stage    C. scene    D. plane

3.A. left off    B. shook off    C. held out    D. threw up

4.A. brave    B. unwilling    C. free    D. able

5.A. eventually    B. frequently    C. similarly    D. occasionally

6.A. ordering    B. waiting    C. struggling    D. hiding

7.A. hard    B. common    C. teenage    D. old

8.A. memory    B. cry    C. meal    D. game

9.A. noise    B. world    C. darkness    D. picture

10.A. greeting    B. introducing    C. visiting    D. protecting

11.A. bedroom    B. dorm    C. workplace    D. home

12.A. encouraged    B. saved    C. treated    D. observed

13.A. trouble    B. decision    C. difference    D. attempt

14.A. ground    B. box    C. base    D. break

15.A. because    B. so    C. or    D. though

16.A. escaping    B. digging    C. guiding    D. helping

17.A. preparing    B. fearing    C. pretending    D. admitting

18.A. taught    B. served    C. requested    D. gathered

19.A. food    B. note    C. head    D. book

20.A. new    B. wise    C. kind    D. skillful



—You’re rather energetic today. What’s going on?

—Oh, ________. I think I’ve had a few too many coffees.

A. nothing really    B. no end    C. no problem    D. nothing serious



The school children are walking along the country road, ________ a small red cap.

A. each of whom wearing    B. wearing    C. each wears    D. each wearing



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