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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When yo...


When you connect your computer by clicking Internet Explorer, you are connecting to the World Wide Web. The Web is composed of different Web sites, which 1.(create) by people and organizations around the world. You can 2.(easy) jump from one website to another.

Thousands of computer enthusiasts find computer shows around the country so 3.(attract) that they buy parts, take them home and assemble(组装) their own computers.

Mike Williams, who works as a continuing education teacher 4. part-time support technician, finds it easy 5.(learn) enough to build your own PC. He learns 6. to do by reading books and computer magazines and checking out sites on the Internet about home-built PCs, and sites that answer 7.(question) for people doing it for the first time. This morning he went to a computer show looking for his latest project. He 8.(buy) the parts cheaper than the ones offered by Gateway on the Internet.

These days, as compared to ten to fifteen years ago, the job of assembly is made 9.(simple) by producers of parts that are largely standardized. Even so, assembly ends up taking more than an hour. Then comes 10. time for a final check.


1. are created 2. easily 3. attractive 4. and 5. to learn 6. what 7. questions 8. bought 9. simpler 10. the 【解析】 本文是篇说明文。主要介绍了电脑组装发展的一些情况。 1.考查动词语态。 which指代前面的 Web sites,主语是复数,谓语动词用复数,文章讲述使用了一般现在时,与谓语动词create是被动关系,用被动语态,故填are created。 2.考查副词。由该空前后的情态动词和实义动词可知,此处应该用副词形式作状语修饰,故填easily。 3.考查形容词。分析句子成分可知,find+n.+adj.是常用搭配,空格处是宾语补足语,说明解释shows用形容词,故填attractive。 4.考查连词。由句意“迈克·威廉姆斯,一名继续教育教师兼职技术人员, ”可知,此处应该用并列连词and表示并列关系。故填and。 5.考查非谓语动词。由前面的“ finds it easy”可知,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式形式。故填to learn。 6.考查特殊疑问词加不定式结构。句意:他通过阅读书籍和电脑杂志以及在互联网上查看有关家用个人电脑的网站来学习做什么。结合句意以及后面的动词不定式中的及物动词do可知,故填what。 7.考查名词单复数。question是可数名词,由句意可知,此处应该用复数形式。故填questions。 8.考查时态。由前句中的时间状语“This morning”及谓语动词“went”可知,此处也应该用一般过去时态。故填bought。 9.考查形容词比较级。句意:现在,与十到十五年前相比,装配的工作变得更简单了,因为大部分零件的生产都是标准化的。 从“ compared to”可明显得知,这里应该用比较级,故填simpler。 10.考查冠词。“ the time for...”为固定句式,意为“(做)……的时候”,所以此处应填定冠词the。故填the。

One day many years ago, a friend surprised me by using Spanish—“Como estas” — instead of the English “How are you?” She told me _______ that she was learning Spanish at University of Hawaii. It was the first time I had _______ the Senior Citizen Visitor Program(SCVP), which was free to those _______.

Immediately, I rushed back home and found out everything about the SCVP online. The next day, I _______ the SCVP office at UH. My _______ course was the Life-long Study for Hawaii Senior Residents. However, he _______ me: I had to be at least 60 years old to _______. At that moment, I really hated to be so _______! But no choice — so I started _______ to get older.

At the end of 2017, after my 60th birthday, I called the SCVP office again. In the spring ________ of 2018, I became the ________ student appearing in these two classes: Ballroom Dance and Introduction to Interpretation.

No matter how old I was, once both my body and spirit ________ in the classroom, sitting among young people, listening to and writing down what the________ taught made me forget my age.

Of course, I used them to ________ that the moving of the brain may get ________ but it’s still enough to learn ________. Second, for aged people, returning to school helps them to seemingly ________ their real age, especially when they get the same ________ as younger classmates do. And third, we aged people are useful ones who have rich ________, including knowing why, what and how to keep ________

1.A. satisfiedly    B. excitedly    C. worriedly    D. astonishedly

2.A. read about    B. entered for    C. heard about    D. taken up

3.A. suitable    B. regular    C. available    D. ready

4.A. thanked    B. located    C. informed    D. telephoned

5.A. reasonable    B. ambitious    C. favorite    D. curious

6.A. persuaded    B. reminded    C. encouraged    D. requested

7.A. take part    B. go on    C. give up    D. break up

8.A. weak    B. lazy    C. sick    D. young

9.A. demanding    B. struggling    C. waiting    D. preparing

10.A. vacation    B. term    C. season    D. months

11.A. strangest    B. busiest    C. hardest    D. oldest

12.A. recovered    B. separated    C. settled    D. talked

13.A. reporters    B. professors    C. colleagues    D. translators

14.A. prove    B. decide    C. defend    D. repeat

15.A. practical    B. calm    C. slow    D. quick

16.A. specially    B. instantly    C. patiently    D. normally

17.A. reduce    B. approach    C. memorize    D. doubt

18.A. respect    B. grades    C. attention    D. supports

19.A. imagination    B. knowledge    C. fortunes    D. experiences

20.A. learning    B. fighting    C. thinking    D. suffering



The difference between substance abuse and addiction is very slight. Substance abuse means using an illegal substance or using a legal substance in the wrong way.1.

You can abuse a drug or alcohol without having an addiction. For example, Sara smoked a few times doesn’t mean that she has an addiction, but it does mean the she’s abusing a drug—and that could lead to an addiction.

2. When we think of addiction, we usually think of alcohol or illegal drugs. But people become addicted to medications, cigarettes and so on! And some substances are more addictive than others. Drugs like heroin are so addictive that they might only be used once or twice before the user loses control.

Addiction means a person has no control over whether he or she uses a drug or drinks. Someone who’s addicted to cocaine has grown so used to the drug that he or she has to have it. 3.

Being physically addicted means a person’s body actually becomes dependent on a particular substance. Someone who is physically addicted and stops using a substance may experience withdrawal symptoms. 4. Psychological addiction happens when the desire for a drug are psychological or emotional. People psychologically addicted feel overcome by the desire to have a drug. They may lie or steal to get it.

A person crosses the line between abuse and addiction when he or she is no longer trying the drug to have fun or get high, but has come to depend on it. 5. An addicted person—whether it’s a physical or psychological addiction or both — no longer feels like there is a choice in taking a substance.

A. It’s better to avoid using medicine or wine in life.

B. People can get addicted to all sorts of substances.

C. Addiction can be physical, psychological, or both.

D. Addiction begins by using a substance like cocaine.

E. His or her whole life centers on the need for the drug.

F. The addicted people often got into trouble by themselves.

G. Common symptoms of withdrawal are generally feeling awful.



Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has called for a return to the classics of English literature in schools, but are they still appropriate for today’s children?

A quick scan of any list of the most read children’s books will reveal(揭示) that today’s young people are growing up in a very different literary environment from their parents.

Gone from bedroom bookshelves are the Famous Five and the Chronicles of Narnia. And in their places are the likes of Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid. And as for the 19th Century classics of English literature, such as Emily Bronte and Charles Dickens, many children simply have not heard of them.

One south London mother, Geri Cox, explained how her daughter’s Year 5 class was to be named this year after the literary giant, Jane Austen. But the class teacher soon had second thoughts when the suggested name was met with blank stares. “My daughter came back and said they weren’t going to be called Austen class anymore, because not many people had heard of her. Instead, the class was to be named after Rowing, the Harry Potter author.”

Ms. Morgan argues that children will miss out if they do not have access to “our rich heritage(遗产) of world-famous children’s literature”. But perhaps these more modern books are able to do the job of lighting the literary touch paper just as well. A spokesman for Penguin Random House Children’s books said: “Millions of children are readers because of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Jeff Kinney’s work is perfect for turning unwilling readers on to books.”

According to Seni Glaister, children’s books expert, the mix of type-face and art is a big part of the attraction. “It means the text does not look frightening and that it will therefore appeal to unwilling readers.”

1.Who enjoys the greatest popularity among children?

A. Jeff Kinney.    B. Jane Austen.

C. Emily Bronte.    D. Charles Dickens

2.What does the story of Geri Cox’s daughter suggest?

A. Teachers learn less about their students.

B. Children often stare blankly at their teachers.

C. Year 5 class should select their own literary giant.

D. Children don’t like reading literary classics today.

3.What’s Ms. Morgan’s attitude towards literary classics?

A. Unclear.    B. Positive.

C. Doubtful.    D. Confused.

4.What do we learn about Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

A. It belongs to one of literary classics

B. It was written by a writer in 19th century.

C. It turns out to be a great success among children.

D. It isn’t well-received by experts on children’s books.



Many people have heard bee populations are declining due to such threats as pesticides(杀虫剂). And many understand bees are important to plant pollination(授粉). Yet, according to a study led by Utah State University ecologist Joseph Wilson, few are aware of the wide diversity of bees and other pollinators beyond such species as honeybees.

“The U.S. Postal Service recently put out its Protect Pollinator series, which features only the European honeybee and the monarch butterfly,” says Wilson, assistant professor of biology at USU’s Tooele campus. “A social media commenter observed that using these two species on a campaign to protect pollinators is similar to focusing on chickens to save birds. It’s a pretty good comparison, actually.”

Wilson, with colleagues Matthew Forister of the University of Nevada-Reno, published findings in the Sept. 5, 2017, online edition of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

“In our recent survey, 99 percent of our respondents said bees are important, yet only 14 percent were able to guess within 1,000, the actual number of bee species in the United States,” he says. “Most people guessed around 50 species of bees, while the correct number is about 4,000 known species.” Further, when shown images of varied insects, many people were unable to distinguish bees from non-bees.

“A challenge with lack of knowledge about bees is you can’t protect what you’re now aware of,” Wilson says. “We could be losing species or causing decline and not even know it.”

Public education is key to encouraging conservation efforts, he says. “Because conservation efforts require substantial public support, it’s important that the public understand bees and what needs to be done to protect these species,” Wilson says. “Education is the key to understanding bee declines and protecting our pollinators.”

1.According to the text, bees function as __________.

A. honey-makers

B. pest-killers

C. producers

D. pollinators

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. Wilson is in support of the Protect Pollinator series.

B. The commenter observed honeybees and butterflies.

C. People neglect many other pollinators.

D. Protecting chicken can help save birds.

3.What does the underlined word “substantial” in the last paragraph mean?

A. legal.

B. large.

C. minimum.

D. slim.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Not Only Honeybees

B. Protection of Honeybees

C. Growing Threats to Bees

D. Newly Discovered Bee Species



The beloved and longtime host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Fred Rogers was born on march20, 1928, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

After graduating from Latrobe High school, Rogers was admitted to Dartmouth College, where he studied for a year before transferring(转学) to Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. Rogers, who’d begun playing the piano at a young age, graduated with high honour in 1951 with a degree in music composition.

During his senior year of college he visited his parents and was amazed by the family’s newest household addition: a television set. He could see a bright future for the medium and, as he’d later remembered, Rogers immediately decided he wanted to be a part of it.

Rogers’ first job in television came in 1953 when he was employed to work in programming by WQED in Pittsburgh, a recently launched community TV station that was the first of its kind in the country.

In the following year, he was co-producing a new program, The Children’s Corner. This allowed Rogers, who’d fallen in love with puppetry(木偶戏) as a child, to introduce some of his favourite puppets from his home to his young audience.

As his experience grew, so did his aspirations(抱负). He earned his divinity(神学) degree in 1962. After that Presbyterian Church asked him to serve children and families through television. Rogers made his first appearance the following year as Mister Rogers on a Canadian Broadcast System show called Misterogers. The program helped lay the foundation in its look and approach for Rogers’ later show.

Canada, however, was not where Rogers or his wife, Joanne, whom he’d met at Rollins, wanted to raise their two young sons. Soon, the Rogers family was back in Pittsburgh, where Rogers launched Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood in 1996.

1.What inspired Fred Rogers’ decision to enter a career in television?

A. His parents’ encouragement.    B. His major at college.

C. A television set in his home.    D. His deep love in music.

2.Which one mainly influenced Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood?

A. Misterogers in Canada.    B. The Children’s Corner

C. Rogers’ divinity degree.    D. Rogers’ first job.

3.Why did the couple move back to Pittsburgh?

A. Rogers planned to launch Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood there.

B. They thought Canada was unfit for bringing up their children.

C. They wanted to look after their parents back in America.

D. Presbyterian Church invited them back in America.

4.What does the whole text mainly talk about?

A. Rogers’ interests in music and puppets.

B. Early education Fred Rogers received.

C. Fred Rogers’ family and his experiences.

D. Fred Rogers’ early life and early career.



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