满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was th...


It was the first time that my father had asked me to help him. By the time we finished, herring (鲱鱼) covered the bottom of the boat as deep as my knees. For the first time in days, my father seemed happy.

Then he looked at the western sky, and his smile disappeared.

They are called Northwesters. They're storms that sweep out of Canada hard and fast. No one can predict their arrival. All fishermen fear them.

“We're going back,” my father said.

He started the motor. We were only two miles out, but the shore looked to me to be as far away as the moon. Over the distant hills, black clouds ran toward us like wild horses. My father set a course directly for them.

We made it only halfway home before we met the storm.

The wind came first. It lifted the lake in whitecaps. The weight of the herring made us ride low in the water, and the waves broke over our bow(船头).

By the time the rain came, we'd put more distance behind us. Although we were now only half a mile from shore, the rain fell so hard that we couldn't see the land.

I was scared, but I saw my father sitting straight in the stern(船尾), holding the boat steady into the wind, and I felt hopeful.

I was starting to think we were going to make it. That's when the motor died. My father tried many times to restart it, but failed. I saw that the boat was coming about. I knew what that meant.

We would sink in no time.

"Grab an oar(), "he shouted above the wind.

We set the oars in the locks and began to pull hard. My father dug his oar into the water, bringing the boat around, bow into the wind again. With all my strength, I pulled on my own oar.

The wind pushed hard against us. We seemed to be fighting the anger of the whole lake.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I was tired.


Paragraph 2:

My mother rushed through the rain to greet us.



I was tired. My arms were really heavy and I felt as if they were on fire. We were made up and down by the waves. I didn't know how much longer I could pull that oar through the water. As if he heard my thinking, my father called to me, "I need you, Karl. Only a little longer. "So I kept pulling. Just when I thought I had no more strength, I heard it-the sound of waves breaking against the shore. It refreshed us greatly and we kept pulling. At last we moved into the shelter with all the herring. My mother rushed through the rain to greet us. "I've been so worried, "she said. She hugged me tightly and then my father. "Nothing to worry about, "he assured her. He put his hand on my shoulder."You did well, son. How do you feel?"Tired as I was, I managed a smile."Fine. And Daddy, you are a hero." 【解析】 本文是一篇读后续写作文,考查学生的读写能力。要求考生用150词写出接下来的两段,且必须使用5个以上文章中标出的关键词语,并标出这些关键词。 考生在动笔前,一定要认真阅读所给故事,充分理解文字内容,认真看清题目要求,把握文章的脉络和串起文本的关键词,判断关键词语与主题内容的关联程度,在此基础上,确定要选用的词语以及所在的段落位置,判断故事情节发展的方向,写作下文。重点阅读每一段的首句,写第一段的内容时,要兼顾两段的首句;第二段的首句决定第一段的走向。比如这篇文章中根据第二段的首句My mother rushed through the rain to greet us.可知,他们虽然经历了很多困难,但是还是安全地回到了家。注意故事要连贯,要完整。同时注意综合运用语法与句法结构,按照行文逻辑组织语言,写作时要准确运用正确的时态。尽量使用自己会的单词、词组和句型,不要刻意追求运用高级、新颖的词汇,强行运用复杂句型等语法结构,而忽略了与原文语言环境的符合度和连贯度。最后也要注意不要出现单词拼写错误。


One of my earliest 1. (memory) was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was interested that she could talk to someone2. wasn’t actually in the room with her. When she left the room, I would stare at it, 3. (wonder) how she managed to talk with someone she couldn’t see.

Later, we had mobile phones, computers and smart phones. These days I can send an e-mail around the world in a second. My daughter stores her information in a mysterious place4. (know) as "the cloud", where she can take5. out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.

However, what 6. (bother) me is that we rarely communicate 7. each other nowadays. Few people take the time 8. (talk) face to face. And instead of looking into the eyes of our loved ones, we stare at our screens. It seems as if the most connected generations are also the 9. (lonely). Remember that we are here to love each other and make this world 10. better place. So don’t let technology take our time and ruin our life. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on.



I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old. My mother told us that we would not be________Christmas gifts because there was not enough money. I felt sad and thought, "What would I say when the other kids asked what I'd________?" Just when I started to_______that there would not be a Christmas that year, three women_______at our house with gifts for all of us. For me they brought a doll. I felt such a sense of_______that I would no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school. I wasn't_________Somebody had thought_______of me to bring me a gift.

Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how I wanted to make my________Christmas there special and memorable, I______remembered the women's visit. I decided that I wanted to create that same feeling of________for as many children as I could possibly reach.

So I________a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help. We gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿) at the Christmas party. For every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys, clothes, and school supplies, _______with a child's name. We wanted all of them to know they were ______. Before I called out their names and handed them their gifts, I________them that they couldn't open their presents________every child had come forward. Finally the________they had been waiting for came as I called out, "One, two, three. Open your presents!" As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles________up the room. The________in the room was obvious, and________wasn't just about toys. It was a feeling — the feeling I knew________that Christmas so long ago when the women came to visit. I wasn't forgotten. Somebody thought of me. I matter.

1.A. sending    B. receiving    C. making    D. exchanging

2.A. found    B. prepared    C. got    D. expected

3.A. doubt    B. hope    C. suggest    D. accept

4.A. broke in    B. settled down    C. turned up    D. showed off

5.A. relief    B. loss    C. achievement    D. justice

6.A. blamed    B. loved    C. forgotten    D. affected

7.A. highly    B. little    C. poorly    D. enough

8.A. present    B. first    C. . recent    D. previous

9.A. hardly    B. instantly    C. regularly    D. occasionally

10.A. strength    B. independence    C. importance    D. safety

11.A. kept up with    B. caught up with    C. came up with    D. put up with

12.A. none    B. few    C. some    D. each

13.A. fine    B. special    C. helpful    D. normal

14.A. reminded    B. guaranteed    C. convinced    D. promised

15.A. after    B. until    C. when    D. since

16.A. chance    B. gift    C. moment    D. reward

17.A. lit    B. took    C. burned    D. cheered

18.A. atmosphere    B. sympathy    C. calmness    D. joy

19.A. it    B. such    C. something    D. everybody

20.A. by    B. till    C. for    D. from



A great life doesn’t happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating (分配) your time, energy and hard work towards what you want your life to be. Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure. 1. Make the following secrets fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today!

A great life is the result of simplifying your life. People often misunderstand what simplify means. 2. Instead, it’s a way to free up your energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. In order to create a great life, you will have to make room for it first.

A great life is the result of removing distractions(分心之事). Up to 75% of your mental energy can be used in things that are not important but distracting you. Look around at someone’s life you admire. What do they do that you would like to adopt in your own life? Ask them how they did it. 3.

A great life is the result of your adjustments. 4.It may mean thinking about again how you spend your time, or choosing to spend your money in a different way. It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that agree with your particular definition of a great life.

5.There’s the old saying everyone’s familiar with “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start. There’s no better time to start than today. It’s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your life tomorrow.

A.A great life is the result of starting.

B.Start setting up your life to support success and ease.

C.A great life is the result of having intention.

D.So it requires that you should make some changes.

E.It’s not a way to remove work from your life.

F.It’s easy to spend your days on whatever gets your attention.

G.Then you will find ways to free up your mental energy for more important things.



Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped wilderness(荒野). But gold was discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it was one of the largest cities in the West, with a population of 30,000.

Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris. People went there for gold. They travelled over snow-covered mountains and sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers. The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warming. An avalanche(雪崩) once closed the path, killing 63 people. For many who made it to Dawson, however, the rewards were worth the difficult trip. Of the first 20, 000 people who dug for gold, 4, 000 got rich. About 100 of these stayed rich men for the rest of their lives.

But no matter how rich they were, Dawson was never comfortable. Necessities like food and wood were very expensive. But soon, the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found. The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come. Today, people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened. Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City — its present population is 762.

1.What attracted the early settlers to New York City?

A. Its business culture.    B. Its small population.

C. Its geographical position.    D. Its favourable climate.

2.What do we know about those who first dug for gold in Dawson?

A. Two-thirds of them stayed there.    B. One out of five people got rich.

C. Almost everyone gave up.    D. Half of them died.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A. The rise and fall of a city.    B. The gold rush in Canada.

C. Journeys into the wilderness.    D. Tourism in Dawson.



On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, “You're nervous and that's okay. Everyone is afraid of high school.” I denied it. I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends.

On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. The school seemed like a puzzle that I couldn't figure out. Was this how the whole year was going to be? I didn't think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock someone out with it! The schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right.

Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured out. With the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high school was turning out to be not so bad. It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging.

Since then, I've been elected vice monitor of my class, which wasn't much of a victory since only three people ran for the four positions.

It is normal to be scared about a new school. Take a deep breath and relax. High school is something that any student can overcome. Make sure you participate in some out-of-class activities because you'll find it easier to make friends. Try to do your best, even if it isn't straight A's.

Most important of all, be who you are, whether you're a “fool”, an athlete, or a lower grader. Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not. Now you know the true secrets of high school.

1.The main reason for the author's fear on his first day is that ________.

A. he was unable to work out the puzzle

B. his schoolmates were unfriendly to him

C. he was not familiar with the new surroundings

D. his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry

2.From the author's first day experience we can infer that ________.

A. his home was far from the school

B. he got to school before classes began

C. he was fond of the school immediately.

D. he didn't know the right way to class

3.After his first week at school, the author ________.

A. was still not accustomed to the schedule

B. gradually adjusted himself to the new school

C. found high school not so challenging as he had imagined

D. ran for monitor of his class against three other students

4.According to the passage, the secret of the author's success lies mainly in ________.

A. making more friends

B. getting more A's at school

C. being who he really is

D. joining in out-of-class activities



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