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在空白处填1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Currently,both wom...


Currently,both women and men 1.(surround) by magazines and websites full of tips about dieting,exercise and fashion. Gone are the days 2. all men had to think about wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome. Things have changed.

Now,a survey has suggested that 80% of men admit 3. (be) unhappy about their body. The biggest body issues for 4. (they) were beer bellies and lack of muscles. Some think it is because 5. the pressure of influence of role models we see on TV and in magazines. People end up with a perception of 6. the perfect body should look like. But not everybody wants to put in the effort to have perfect muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. An opportunistic designer has even invented a muscle­enhancing shirt 7.(make) the buyer look more of a strong man.

But Joe Warner,the former editor of Men’s Fitness magazine,thinks the muscle­enhancing shirt is just 8. trick. He thinks many people in the country are overweight and should accept they need to do more exercise 9.(regular).Exercise is always good. But we mustn’t forget beauty is only skin deep. Character is 10. (important) than appearance.


1. are surrounded 2. when 3. being 4. them 5. of 6. what 7. to make 8. a 9. regularly 10. more important 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章通过西英格兰大学所做的调查论证了男士越来越重视身体形象这一现象。 1.考查被动语态。句意:目前,男性和女性都被杂志和网站的关于减肥的建议、运动和时尚所包围。结合句意,可知句子主语both women and men 和谓语动词surround之间是一种被动关系,且主语是复数形式,所以句子用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为are surrounded。 2.考查定语从句。句意:所有的男人都必须考虑穿一套漂亮的西装来变得聪明和英俊的日子已经过去了。此处the days是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作时间状语,故答案为when。 3.考查固定搭配。句意:现在,一项调查表明,80%的男性承认对自己的身体不满意。此处admit“承认”,后面用动名词作宾语,故答案为being。 4.考查代词宾格。句意:对他们来说,最大的身体问题是啤酒肚和肌肉缺乏。结合句意可知此处用代词宾格,故答案为them。 5.考查because和because of的用法。句意:一些人认为这是因为我们在电视和杂志上看到的榜样的影响力的压力。结合句意可知此处不是原因状语从句,而是复合介词because of表示原因,故答案为of。 6.考查what引导的介词的宾语从句。句意:人们最终会觉得完美的身体应该是什么样的。此处是介词of后面的宾语从句,从句缺少引导词,且谓语动词缺少宾语,故答案为what。 7.考查动词不定式。句意:机会主义设计师甚至还发明了一种肌肉­提高衬衫让买方看起来更强壮的男人。此处是动词不定式作目的状语,故答案为to make。 8.考查不定冠词。句意:但乔·华纳前《男性健康》杂志的编辑,认为肌肉­提高衬衫只是一个把戏。结合句意可知此处用不定冠词,故答案为a。 9.句意:他认为在这个国家许多人超重,应该接受他们需要有规律地做更多锻炼。此处是副词修饰动词,故答案为regularly。 10.考查比较级。根据than可知此句用比较级,故答案为more important。

There are a great number of people in the world while few people are great. I think there is probably only one great person out of 10, 000 at best, and most probably much less than that. There’s no question that Walt Disney is one of the greatest people who changed the world. As the man behind Mickey Mouse and the entire Disney enterprise, his life’s work has __ children and adults for decades. And when he __ due to lung cancer in 1966, the world truly lost a great person.

__ , Disney made an impact in another way. Legend has it that he wrote one last __ before his death, said Disney historian Jim Korkis. Titled “TV Projects In Production: Ready for Production or Possible for Escalation and Story,” the note __ four names: Ron Miller, 2 Way Down Cellar, Kurt Russell, and CIA-Mobley.

Still, the note’s true __ remained a mystery for decades. What did Disney’s last message to the world intend to __ ?

According to former Disney archivist Dave Smith, who __ the note, Disney was listing possible __ projects for his company. And one name __ out: Kurt Russell.

Disney had expressed his __ of the then-15-year-old’s talent before, praising him on television and __ ensuring that the boy received a studio contract (合同). In October 1966, just months before his __ , Disney even predicted “a great __ future” for Russell. But in the end, it was Disney’s last __ that ended up launching Russell’s career as an actor.

Russell __ this during a 2013 episode of The View. “I assume, as [does] everybody else, that he was __ about some movie that he was thinking about having me in … I don’t know what to make of it __ that,” Russell said.

The young actor would go on to star in dozens of Disney __ , including The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band. So in the end, we have Disney to __ for one of the most memorable talents on our screens.

1.A. guided    B. inspired    C. challenged    D. taught

2.A. fell down    B. passed down    C. passed away    D. carried away

3.A. However    B. Besides    C. Therefore    D. Meanwhile

4.A. book    B. invitation    C. report    D. message

5.A. listed    B. counted    C. matched    D. checked

6.A. rule    B. function    C. benefit    D. meaning

7.A. speak    B. convey    C. mention    D. prove

8.A. read    B. wrote    C. found    D. accepted

9.A. future    B. stable    C. normal    D. difficult

10.A. broke    B. worked    C. made    D. stood

11.A. love    B. concern    C. need    D. requirement

12.A. personally    B. naturally    C. certainly    D. practically

13.A. loss    B. death    C. retirement    D. disease

14.A. acting    B. singing    C. dancing    D. showing

15.A. contract    B. project    C. ideas    D. words

16.A. arranged    B. confirmed    C. promoted    D. questioned

17.A. inquiring    B. talking    C. arguing    D. worrying

18.A. regardless of    B. better than    C. other than    D. along with

19.A. magazines    B. broadcasts    C. programs    D. films

20.A. answer    B. apply    C. ask    D. thank



Accidents happen more often than you think. Every year in China, 3.2 million people die in accidents – that’s an average of six people per minute. Experts say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death. 1..

The second Saturday of September is World First Aid Day. It fell on Sept 8 this year. First aid refers to the first steps taken to help someone who’s injured. 2.. It also includes getting help, either by telling other people or calling 120.

3., do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR, 心肺复苏), and treat things like burns, bleeding and broken bones. It takes as little as two hours to learn these skills.

4.. You can also read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps like First Aid(急救指南). 5.. The Peking Union Medical College Hospital offers these options.

“Learning first aid is good for everyone and it is better to start young,” Wang Jiangshan, a doctor in the hospital’s emergency room, told the China Youth Daily. “It can benefit oneself and others for the rest of one’s life.”

A. It includes keeping the person safe and staying calm

B. You can learn first aid by visiting the official website of China First Aid Training

C. This is why learning first aid is so important

D. Right now is a good time for us to learn more about first aid

E. Some hospitals also give courses or even hold first aid camps for kids

F. In the US, first aid is a basic skill that every student has to learn

G. Basic first aid training teaches you how to deal with emergencies



Giving generously and receiving gratefully make it easier to live happily with others. Yet, why do we have such difficulty accomplishing these things in our relationships? I think people refuse to be generous with others because they fear being used.

For example, my husband and I have family members who only contact us when they need money. We usually accept their requests, but we rarely receive a “thank you”. Most people would say that my husband and I are being used. But when we give, we shouldn’t be giving for the purpose of getting gratitude. Rather, we should be giving because it’s a good thing to do.

Everything that we have, from our ability to wake up each morning to the money in our bank account, is a gift from the world. In return, the world asks us to use these gifts to help others, either by giving them our time or our resources. The good news is that when we live our lives being nice to others, our lives run more smoothly.

If you’re generous, yes, some people will use you. But if you practice being generous, most of your relationships will improve. And at the same time, we should remember to receive gratefully. I truly believe that you cannot say “thank you” enough.

So often we get lazy about expressing gratitude. Parents can feel unappreciated by their children, and teachers can feel unappreciated by their students. Just because a task is part of someone’s job description doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t thank them for it.

Words of appreciation make others feel good about themselves like nothing else. It’s good for us to say “thank you” because we often need to tell ourselves how lucky we are.

If you are looking for a way to improve your life, I can give you one: Give generously and receive gratefully.

1.The author mentions her family members in the article mainly to explain ______.

A. why we should give even if we feel we are being used

B. why people have trouble expressing gratitude

C. what makes people refuse to offer help

D. why it’s necessary to express gratitude

2.According to the author, why should we be grateful to those who help us?

A. It can bring us good luck.

B. Words of gratitude make people happy.

C. It’s not other people’s duty to help us.

D. All we normally get are gifts from the world.

3.The author wrote this article mainly to ______.

A. tell the importance of generosity

B. persuade people to give generously and receive thankfully

C. show how to express our gratitude to others

D. give tips on how to improve other people’s lives



Perhaps no one knows the power of imagination better than Chinese writer Liu Cixin. Until four years ago, Liu worked full-time as a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi province. He only wrote science fiction in his spare time. But it was during this time that Liu’s imagination took flight. He did what he might never have the chance to do in real life – wander in space, fight with aliens, and visit planets light-years away.

But even with such a powerful imagination, Liu, 55, probably hadn’t expected that he would become the first Asian to win the Hugo Award, science fiction’s highest prize, in 2015. Perhaps neither did he think that former US president Barack Obama would read his novel The Three-Body Problem, nor that on Nov 9 in Washington DC, he would win the 2018 Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society. It’s the first time a Chinese writer has ever won the award.

In his acceptance speech, Liu said that he owed his imagination to Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008), a famous UK sci-fi author. He said that reading Clarke’s 1968 classic novel 2001: A Space Odyssey in the early 1980s had a great effect on him.

“My mind opened up like never before. I felt like a narrow river finally seeing the sea,” Liu said. “That night, in my eyes, the starry sky was completely different from the past. For the first time in my life, I was awed (使……敬畏) by the mystery of the universe.”

But no matter how far away Liu’s imagination takes him, somehow his novels always stay rational.

In The Three-Body Problem, for example, Liu tells a tale of aliens invading Earth. But unlike other alien stories, Liu talks more about relationships between civilizations, rules of survival, and the meanings of life. And in The Wandering Earth, Liu looks ahead to the day when our solar system comes to an end and humans have to look for a new place to live. However, all his visions and solutions are based on “hard science”. Liu’s works aren’t simply daydreams.

1.What do we know about Liu Cixin?

A. He became a full-time writer when he was young.

B. He dreamed about wandering in space from childhood.

C. He is the first Asian to win the Arthur C. Clarke Award.

D. He is the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award.

2.Liu Cixin’s words are used mainly to show ______.

A. his interest in mysteries of the universe

B. his love of reading science fiction

C. his confusion when he started writing

D. his feeling after reading Clarke’s work

3.Why did the author mention The Three-Body Problem and The Wandering Earth?

A. To compare the different writing styles in the two books.

B. To explain how Liu Cixin came up with his ideas.

C. To show that Liu Cixin has a powerful imagination.

D. To prove that Liu Cixin’s works relate science to reality.

4.What’s the text mainly about?

A. Liu Cixin’s achievements and writing style.

B. Liu Cixin’s contributions to science fiction.

C. How Liu Cixin became a sci-fi writer.

D. How Liu Cixin started a new sci-fi style.



A bright yellow “M” tells you that it’s a McDonald’s restaurant; we also associate the cheerful theme tune “I’m Lovin’ It” with the famous US fast food.

A brand’s music has a similar effect on its customers as its logo. “It appeals directly to the heart, where consumers’ decisions are really made,” wrote Marketing Week.

This is probably why companies from around the world have recently focused more on building a “sonic (声音的) identity”.

An example is the software company Tencent QQ. Since 2014, this Chinese company has been trying to trademark (申请商标权) its “Di-Di-Di-Di-Di-Di” notification sound. The trademark was finally approved on Nov 15, which means that Tencent’s “Di-Di-Di-Di-Di-Di” notification sound is now protected by law and can only be used by QQ.

Sound and music can also help tell stories. In Game of Thrones (《权力的游戏》) there are so many characters that it is difficult to memorize them all. So, they wrote melodies (旋律) specific to each family. The result is that characters do not only look familiar, but sound familiar too.

“I think a huge reason why sound inspires action is that, on an unconscious level, we are always listening,” Lauren Nagel, executive creative director at Pandora Media, told GeoMarketing. “You can close your eyes, but you can’t shut your ears.”

1.What is the influence of a brand’s music, according to Marketing Week?

A. It creates a relaxing environment.

B. It helps to get customers’ attention.

C. It makes the brand better known.

D. It encourages consumers to make quick decisions.

2.The example of Tencent QQ is mainly used to show ______.

A. how companies value their sounds and music

B. the importance of trademark protection

C. the lasting impact of a brand’s music

D. what makes a good notification sound

3.How does music help Game of Thrones?

A. It helps to create more impressive scenes.

B. It tells about the characters’ personalities.

C. It suggests that important things are coming.

D. It makes the characters easier to remember.



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