满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Time, ________ correctly, is money in th...

  1. Time, ________ correctly, is money in the bank.

A. to use    B. used  C. using   D. use


B 【解析】本题考察非谓语动词。根据句子结构,所填成分是对主句的补充说明,因此只能是作状语。再根据非谓作状主语应与主句一致原则,判断出use与主语time之间为被动,因此直接得出答案B。句意:时间,如果使用得当的话,就是存在银行里的钱。  

Take your time─it’s just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.

A. 不填;the    B. 不填;a

C. the; a    D. a; the




Science and technology have developed more rapidly in the past 100 years than in any period of human history.

One of its results is an excessive growth of information. The era of information has already come, and our life has changed in a subtle way. The development and popularization of the Internet, along with cell phones and all kinds of electronic devices have influenced our habits a lot.

Some people state that with the explosion of information, it is much easier and more convenient for us to find out anything we would like to know, which can help us to develop our creativity.

However, many people argue that information explosion is not the equivalent of knowledge explosion. Moreover, with the continuously growing number of information, the world becomes a confusion to us with both useful news and unwanted messages, which is far from helping stimulating our creativity.


2.用约 120 个单词,就“信息爆炸是否会破坏我们的创造力”发表你的观点,内容包括:















Asthma(哮喘) is a long-lasting breathing disease that affects millions of Americans, many of whom are children. People who get asthma will suffer from lack of breath, difficulty in breathing or coughing--which are caused by the tightening of the muscles in airways. Untreated asthma can lead to poor lung function and death, but asthma can also be effectively controlled with proper treatments.

Research is discovering  genes that contribute to the development of asthma. This development has pointed researchers to the role of indoor and outdoor pollution as environmental factors that contribute to the increased occurrence of asthma.

The Indoor Pollution

Indoor pollution has increased with the developments  in building materials and in heating and air conditioning systems. In addition to poisonous gases that come from paint, other materials like dust and perfumes used in household products such as washing powder are recycled continuously through the house, winter and summer.

Unlike the days before central heating or before whole-house air conditioning, these materials and chemicals cannot get out of modern homes. Most  often, they cause breathing  problems in the members of the family with the least-developed autoimmune(自身免疫的) systems. Proper venting (通风) and use of environmentally-friendly building materials and carpeting can help reduce the presence of these chemicals.

The Outdoor pollution

Researchers have also established outdoor pollution's role as a probable cause of asthma. Asthma has been proven

to result from some fuel products. Smog and the small matters carried by it have been recognized as a factor which leads to asthma since the 19th century when London saw more and more diseases in the industrial population. Industrial pollutants and other chemicals which are produced in water treatment and open treated water like that found in the swimming pools also contribute to increased cases of asthma as well as other illnesses.

Those most affected by the increase of industrial and environmental pollution are children. Although much has been done to control the levels of pollution in the US, there still remains much to do as it is a worldwide phenomenon. Until an international effort can be made to limit carbon emissions, the occurrence of environmental asthma will probably continue to increase.

The 1. between asthma and air pollution

The2. of asthma

● lack of breath

● difficulty in breathing

● coughing

The possible3. of untreated asthma

● poor lung function

● death

4. contributing to the increased asthma


Indoor pollution

●It is 5. by building materials and heating and air conditioning systems.

6. some poisonous gases, dust and  perfumes worsen pollution.

●Some material and chemicals 7. in  modern homes.

Outdoor pollution

●Smog and the small matters carried by it cause asthma, which is proven by a(n) 8. number of lung diseases in the industrial population.

●Industrial pollutants and other chemicals in water are 9.to people’s health.


Only when all countries join together to limit carbon emissions can people be 10. from suffering environmental asthma.





Two things changed my life:  my mother and a white plastic bike basket. I have thought long and hard about it and it’s true. I would be a different person if my mom hadn’t turned a silly bicycle accessory into a life lesson I carry with me today.

My mother and father were united in their way of raising children, but it mostly fell to my mother to actually carry it out. Looking back, I honestly don’t know how she did it. Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task., but she made it look effortless. If we complained about not having what another kid did, we’d hear something like, “I don’t care what so –and –so got for his birthday, you are not getting a TV in your room a car for your birthday a lsvish sweet 16 party.” We had to earn our allowance by doing chores around the house. I can still remember how long it took to polish the legs of our coffee table.My brothers can no doubt remember hours spent cleaning the house .Like the two little girls growing up at the White House,we made our own beds (no one left the house until that was done)and picked up after ourselves.We had to keep track of our belongings ,and if something was lost ,it was not replaced.

It was summer and ,one day ,my mother drove me to the bike shop to get a tire fixed---and there it was in the window, White, shiny, plastic and decorated with flowers ,the basket winked at me and I knew ----I knew---I had to have it.

“It’s beautiful,” my mother said when I pointed it out to her,”What a neat basket.”

I tried to hold off at first ,I played it cool for a short while. But then I guess I couldn’t at and it any longer:“Mom, please can I please ,please get it? I ‘ll do extra chores for as long as you say, I’ll do anything ,but I need that basket,I love that basket.Please ,Mom .Please?”

I was desperate.

“You know,” she said ,gently rubbing my back while we both stared at what I believes was the coolest thing ever,” If you save up you could buy this yourself.”

“By the time I make enough it’ll be gone!”

“Maybe Roger here could hold it for you,” she smiled at Roger ,the bike guy.

“He can’t hold it for that long ,Mom .Someone else will buy it .Please, Mom,Please?”

“There might be another way,” she said.

And so our paying plan unfolded. My mother bought the beautiful basket and put it safely in some hiding place I couldn’t find. Each week I eagerly counted my growing saving increased by extra work here and there (washing the car ,helping my mother make dinner, delivering or collecting things on my bike that already looked naked without the basket in front).And then ,weeks later ,I counted ,re-counted and jumped for joy. Oh ,happy day ! I made it! I finally had the exact amount we’d agreed upon….

Days later the unthinkable happened. A neighborhood girl I’d played with millions of times appeared with the exact same basket fixed to her shiny ,new bike that already had all the bells and whistles. I rode hard and fast home to tell my mother about this disaster. This horrible turn of events.

And then came the lesson . I’ve taken with me through my life:” Honey, Your basket is extra-special,” Mom said, gently wiping away my hot tears.” Your basket is special because you paid for it yourself.”

1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A. The children enjoyed doing housework.

B. The author came from s well-off family

C. The mother raised her children in an unusual way

D. The children were fond of the US president’s daughters.

2.When the author saw the basket in the window, she         .

A. fell in love with it    B. stared at her mother

C. recognized it at once    D. went up to the bike guy

3.Why did the author say many “please” to her mother?

A. She longed to do extra work.    B. She was eager to have the basket.

C. She felt tired after standing too long.    D. She wanted to be polite to her mother.

4.By using“naked” (Paragraph 12),the author seems to stress that the basket was

A. something she could afford    B. something important to her

C. something impossible to get    D. something she could do without

5.To the author, it seemed to be a horrible turn of events that

A. something spoiled her paying plan

B. the basket cost more than she had saved

C. a neighborhood girl had bought a new bike

D. someone else had got a basket of the same kind

6.What is the life lesson the author learned from her mother?

A. Save money for a rainy day    B. Good advice is beyond all price.

C. Earn your bread with your sweat    D. God helps those who help themselves



If a diver surfaces too quickly, he may suffer the bends. Nitrogen() dissolved(溶解) in his blood is suddenly liberated by the reduction of pressure. The consequence, if the bubbles (气泡)accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name. If the bubbles form in his lungs or his brain, the consequence can be death.

Other air-breathing animals also suffer this decompression(减压) sickness if they surface too fast: whales, for example. And so, long ago, did ichthyosaurs. That these ancient sea animals got the bends can be seen from their bones. If bubbles of nitrogen form inside the bone they can cut off its blood supply. This kills the cells in the bone, and consequently weakens it, sometimes to the point of collapse. Fossil (化石)bones that have caved in on them selves are thus a sign that the animal once had the bends.

Bruce Rothschild of the University of Kansas knew all this when he began a study of ichthyosaur bones to find out how widespread the problem was in the past. What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs adapted to the problem of decompression over the 150 million years. To this end, he and his colleagues traveled the world’s natural-history museums, looking at hundreds of ichthyosaurs from the Triassic period and from the later Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

When he started, he assumed that signs of the bends would be rarer in younger fossils, reflecting their gradual evolution of measures to deal with decompression. Instead, he was astonished to discover the opposite. More than 15% of Jurassic and Cretaceous ichthyosaurs had suffered the bends before they died, but not a single Triassic specimen(标本) showed evidence of that sort of injury.

If ichthyosaurs did evolve an anti-decompression means, they clearly did so quickly—and, most strangely, they lost it afterwards. But that is not what Dr Rothschild thinks happened. He suspects it was evolution in other animals that caused the change.

Whales that suffer the bends often do so because they have surfaced to escape a predator (捕食动物) such as a large shark. One of the features of Jurassic oceans was an abundance of large sharks and crocodiles, both of which were fond of ichthyosaur lunches. Triassic oceans, by contrast, were mercifully shark- and crocodile-free. In the Triassic, then, ichthyosaurs were top of the food chain. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, they were prey(猎物) as well as predator—and often had to make a speedy exit as a result.

1.Which of the following is a typical symptom of the bends?

A. A twisted body.    B. A gradual decrease in blood supply.

C. A sudden release of nitrogen in blood.    D. A drop in blood pressure.

2.The purpose of Rothschild’s study is to see________ .

A. how often ichthyosaurs caught the bends    B. how ichthyosaurs adapted to decompression

C. why ichthyosaurs bent their bodies    D. when ichthyosaurs broke their bones

3.Rothschild’sfindingstatedinParagraph4 .

A. confirmed his assumption    B. speeded up his research process

C. disagreed with his assumption    D. changed his research objectives

4.Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs.

A. failed to evolve an anti decompression means

B. gradually developed measures against the bends

C. died out because of large sharks and crocodiles

D. evolved an anti decompression means but soon lost it



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