满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Father’s Example At the age of 16, my fa...

Father’s Example

At the age of 16, my father sat beneath the street light to study until exhaustion kicked in. Sometimes, if he was lucky, the school guard would let him slip into the empty corridors to  ______ the cold. Other nights, the guard shooed him away. The  __________ of electricity in the home he shared with six family members was one of the easier roadblocks to overcome on his path to becoming a _______.

Despite poor conditions, supporting the whole family after Grandpa’s death, and the 60% illiteracy(文盲)rate of his country, Pakistan, my father defeated the odds to establish his own clinic.

However,  he  decided  to  ____________  this  comfortable  lifestyle  and  move  to  America  to   ______ limitless opportunities for his family.

Because of his  __________ , I strive to take advantage of every opportunity. I transferred from my familiar suburban middle school, where I stood out, to the  _________ International Baccalaureate(IB)

Diploma Program. Although I also made sacrifices, like my father, by switching schools, I have no ______ . At my current high school, I have endless  __________  to excel and interact with students from many backgrounds. Leaving my friends and the  __________ of living five minutes from school was a small price to pay after I put my life into perspective. Changing schools gave me the  ______  to pursue rigorous (严格的) courses. My academic future challenges and pushes me.

For the rest of high school, I hope to keep my grades  ________ , excel on standardized tests, and participate in summer programs. I understand that grades do not define a person, but I am motivated to study, like my father,  _________  I reach success.

I firmly believe that to develop our society we must first assist the less  __________ . I hope to choose a career that lets me do this. My motivation to become a doctor results from my desire to ease the  _______ of others. Also, I realize that  ________  is the groundwork of my future and that I must ______  a solid foundation in it to achieve my goals.

______ my father’s sisters, who married young and never graduated from high school, I enjoy my  life in America with infinite possibilities, and I must work to  __________ from all of them. My father  worked  his  entire  life  to  secure  my future.  I  ________  it to  him,  and  to  myself,  to  make something of my education.

1.A. keep    B. escape    C. defend    D. fight

2.A. lack    B. danger    C. delivery    D. power

3.A. lawyer    B. writer    C. doctor    D. professor

4.A. lead    B. adopt    C. leave    D. continue

5.A. check    B. appreciate    C. predict    D. seek

6.A. sacrifice    B. talent    C. instruction    D. preparation

7.A. enjoyable    B. admirable    C. developing    D. challenging

8.A. ideas    B. regrets    C. concerns    D. excuses

9.A. gifts    B. wishes    C. opportunities    D. decisions

10.A. relief    B. honor    C. result    D. comfort

11.A. drive    B. award    C. duty    D. turn

12.A. consistent    B. average    C. typical    D. common

13.A. though    B. if    C. until    D. since

14.A. energetic    B. friendly    C. ambitious    D. fortunate

15.A. burden    B. pain    C. worry    D. stress

16.A. freedom    B. interest    C. health    D. education

17.A. build    B. follow    C. shake    D. give

18.A. Against    B. With    C. Unlike    D. Beyond

19.A. withdraw    B. benefit    C. struggle    D. recover

20.A. offer    B. owe    C. give    D. send


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述的是“父亲的榜样”。作者希望无论对父亲,还是对自己,都有责任使自己的教育有所作为。 1.考查动词。A. keep保持; B. escape逃脱; C. defend保卫,辩护; D. fight打架,战斗。根据Sometimes, if he was lucky, the school guard would let him slip into the empty corridors to ___1___ the cold.可知,有时,如果他幸运的话,学校的警卫会让他溜进空荡荡的走廊里避寒。结合句意可知答案为B。 2.考查名词。A. lack缺乏; B. danger危险; C. delivery递送; D. power力量,能力。根据The _____2_____ of electricity in the home he shared with six family members was one of the easier roadblocks to overcome on his path to becoming a ___3___.可知,在他成为一名医生的道路上,他与六名家庭成员共用的房子停电是比较容易克服的障碍之一。结合句意可知答案为A。 3.考查名词。A. lawyer律师; B. writer作家; C. doctor医生; D. professor教授。根据The _____2_____ of electricity in the home he shared with six family members was one of the easier roadblocks to overcome on his path to becoming a ___3___.可知,在他成为一名医生的道路上,他与六名家庭成员共用的房子停电是比较容易克服的障碍之一。结合句意可知答案为C。 4.考查动词。A. lead引导; B. adopt采取,收养; C. leave离开; D. continue继续。根据However, he decided to ______4______ this comfortable lifestyle and move to America to ___5___ limitless opportunities for his family.可知,然而,他决定离开这种舒适的生活方式,搬到美国,为他的家人寻找无限的机会。故选C。 5.考查动词。A. check核对; B. appreciate欣赏,感激; C. predict 预测; D. seek寻找。根据However, he decided to ______4______ this comfortable lifestyle and move to America to ___5___ limitless opportunities for his family.可知,然而,他决定离开这种舒适的生活方式,搬到美国,为他的家人寻找无限的机会。故选D。 6.考查名词。A. sacrifice牺牲; B. talent天才; C. instruction指令; D. preparation准备。根据Because of his _____6_____ , I strive to take advantage of every opportunity.可知,因为他的牺牲,我努力利用每一个机会。故选A。 7.考查形容词。A. enjoyable快乐的; B. admirable令人钦佩的; C. developing发展中的; D. challenging具有挑战性的。根据I transferred from my familiar suburban middle school, where I stood out, to the ____7____ International Baccalaureate(IB)可知,我从熟悉的郊区中学,我所在的地方,挑战国际学士学位(IB)。故选D。 8.考查名词。A. ideas主意; B. regrets后悔; C. concerns关心; D. excuses借口。根据Although I also made sacrifices, like my father, by switching schools, I have no ___8___ .可知,虽然我也像我父亲一样做出了牺牲,换了学校,但我并不后悔。故选B。 9.考查名词。A. gifts礼物; B. wishes愿望; C. opportunities机会; D. decisions决定。根据At my current high school, I have endless _____9_____ to excel and interact with students from many backgrounds.可知,在我现在的高中,我有无数的机会去超越和与来自不同背景的学生交流。结合句意可知答案为C。 10.考查名词。A. relief安慰; B. honor荣誉; C. result 结果; D. comfort舒适。根据Leaving my friends and the _____10_____ of living five minutes from school was a small price to pay after I put my life into perspective.可知,离开我的朋友,离开学校五分钟的舒适生活,是我审视自己的生活后要付出的小小代价。故选D。 11.考查名词。A. drive驾车; B. award奖品; C. duty职责; D. turn转弯。根据Changing schools gave me the ___11___ to pursue rigorous (严格的) courses.可知,换学校给了我追求严格课程的动力。故选A。 12.考查形容词。A. consistent 一致的; B. average平均的,普通的; C. typical典型的; D. common共同的,一般的。根据For the rest of high school, I hope to keep my grades ____12____ , excel on standardized tests, and participate in summer programs.可知,在高中剩下的时间里,我希望我的成绩保持一致,在标准化考试中取得优异成绩,参加暑期项目。故选A。 13.考查连词。A. though 尽管; B. if 如果; C. until直到------为止; D. since自从------以来,既然。根据I understand that grades do not define a person, but I am motivated to study, like my father, ____13____ I reach success.可知,我明白成绩不能定义一个人,但我有动力像我父亲一样学习,直到我取得成功。故选C。 14.考查形容词。A. energetic精力充沛的; B. friendly友好的; C. ambitious有雄心的; D. fortunate幸运的。根据I firmly believe that to develop our society we must first assist the less _____14_____ .可知,我坚信,要发展我们的社会,我们必须首先帮助那些不幸的人。故选D。 15.考查名词。A. burden负担; B. pain疼痛; C. worry担忧; D. stress压力。根据My motivation to become a doctor results from my desire to ease the ___15___ of others.可知,我想成为一名医生的动机是我想减轻别人的痛苦。故选B。 16.考查名词。A. freedom自由; B. interest兴趣; C. health健康; D. education教育。根据Also, I realize that ____16____ is the groundwork of my future and that I must ___17___ a solid foundation in it to achieve my goals.可知,同时,我意识到教育是我未来的基础,我必须在其中建立一个坚实的基础来实现我的目标。故选D。 17.靠炒档次。A. build建立,建造; B. follow跟随; C. shake摇动; D. give给。根据Also, I realize that ____16____ is the groundwork of my future and that I must ___17___ a solid foundation in it to achieve my goals.可知,同时,我意识到教育是我未来的基础,我必须在其中建立一个坚实的基础来实现我的目标。故选A。 18.考查介词。A. Against 反对; B. With和---在一起; C. Unlike不像---一样; D. Beyond超过。根据___18___ my father’s sisters, who married young and never graduated from high school, I enjoy my life in America with infinite possibilities, and I must work to _____19_____ from all of them.可知,不像我父亲的姐妹们,她们结婚很早,高中都没毕业,我享受着在美国生活的无限可能,我必须努力从中受益。故选C。 19.考查动词。A. withdraw撤退; B. benefit 有利于; C. struggle挣扎,奋斗; D. recover恢复。根据___18___ my father’s sisters, who married young and never graduated from high school, I enjoy my life in America with infinite possibilities, and I must work to _____19_____ from all of them.可知,不像我父亲的姐妹们,她们结婚很早,高中都没毕业,我享受着在美国生活的无限可能,我必须努力从中受益。故选B。 20.考查动词。A. offer提供; B. owe欠,感激; C. give给; D. send发送。根据I ____20____ it to him, and to myself, to make something of my education.可知,我对他,对我自己,都有责任使我的教育有所作为。故选B。

It was almost midnight, but Mary couldn’t fall asleep. “One sheep, two sheep…” She  1. (start) to count sheep. But did it really work? Actually, some  2.  (scientist) believe this may not be a very good way to fall asleep. Some people try so hard to count that they can be more clear-headed. Instead, they can try taking a bath to fall asleep. They can also think about a quiet beach or a walk in the woods,  3. can make them relaxed and fall asleep more  4. (quick).



Today, dogs are found  1.  (help) to all who fly in airplanes. They are trained to smell, track, and find bombs on planes and in luggage. Dogs are easy to train because they already have deep connection to humans. Many of these dogs are donated to the safety program, where they2. (give) a good home. The partnership between dogs and humans allows each to profit from the special talents of the other as they work together  3.(save)lives.



Hangzhou is one of China’s most popular cities. It is full of cultural heritage(遗产) and famous 1.  its natural scenery. Italian traveller Marco Polo described Hangzhou as the  2.  (fine) and most splendid city in the world. The beauty of West Lake has inspired countless poets and painters, and you can’t leave without  3. (try) the Longjing Shrimp, one of Hangzhou’s signature dishes. The dynamic city is home to many of China’s tech companies including e-commerce giant Alibaba.













Long ago the Emperor decided to hold a swimming race between 13 different animals. The order in which they finished would decide the order of their 1. (appear) on the Chinese calendar.

All the animals lined up on the river bank and were given 2. task of getting to the opposite shore. The cat wondered how he would get there 3. he was afraid of water. The ox worried he couldn’t cross the river 4. his poor eyesight. The calculating rat suggested that he and the cat 5. (jump) onto the ox’s back and guide him across. The ox, steady and hard­working, did not notice the two animals on his back. In the meanwhile, the rat ran behind the unsuspecting cat and pushed 6. into the water. As the ox came ashore, the rat jumped off and finished the race first, 7. the rat got the first year 8. (name) after him and the ox got the second year. 9. the lazy pig reached the finishing line in the 12th place, the race was over and the pig was awarded the final place on the calendar.

From that day on, the cat, 10. never finished the race and lost his place on the calendar, became the enemy of the rat.



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