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Runners who encounter visual and auditor...

Runners who encounter visual and auditory(听觉的) distractions may be more likely to suffer leg injuries, according to a research by the Association of Academic Physiatrists in Las Vegas. Runners often seek distractions from the task at hand. Whether it is music, texting, daydreaming, taking in the sights, or propping a book up on the treadmill(跑步机), more often than not a distraction is welcome. But, researchers from the University of Florida have recently discovered that those distractions may lead to injury.

Daniel Herman, MD, PhD, assistant professor at University of Florida, and his team conducted a research on the effect of visual and auditory distractions on 14 runners to determine what effect, if any, these distractions would have on things such as heart rate, how much a runner breathes per minute, how much oxygen is consumed by the body, the speed in which runners apply force to their bodies, and the force the ground applies to the runners’ bodies when they come in contact with it.

The runners were all injury free at the time of the study and ran 31 miles each week. Dr. Herman’s team had each participant run on a treadmill three separate times. The first time was without any distractions. The second time added a visual distraction, during which the runners concentrated on a screen displaying different letters in different colors with the runners having to note when a specific letter-color combination appeared. The third time added an auditory distraction similar to the visual distraction, with the runners having to note when a particular word was spoken by a particular voice.

When compared to running without distractions, the participants had faster application of force to their left and right legs, called loading rate, with auditory and visual distractions. They also experienced an increased amount of force from the ground on both legs, called ground reaction force, with auditory distractions. Finally, the runners tended to breathe heavier and have higher heart rates with visual and auditory distractions than without any distractions at all.

“Running in environments with different distractions may unfavorably affect running performance and injury risk,” explains Dr. Herman. “Sometimes these things cannot be avoided, but you may be able to minimize potentially cumulative(累积的) effects. For example, when running a new route in a noisy environment such as during a destination marathon, you may want to skip listening to something which may require more attention—like a new song playlist.”

Dr. Herman’s team will continue to investigate the potential relationship between distracted running and leg injuries, and any effect this relationship has on different training techniques that use auditory or visual cues(暗示).

1.Paragraph 2 tells us the research ______.

A. process    B. results

C. questions    D. reflection

2.Based on the research, runners with auditory distractions tended to ______.

A. breathe heavier and have lower heart rates

B. get an increased amount of ground reaction force

C. apply more force with less oxygen consumption

D. gain a faster speed with slower loading rates

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Running with distractions becomes uncommon nowadays.

B. Listening to a new song while running guarantees performance.

C. Runners are more likely to get injured in an environment without distractions.

D. Runners are advised to minimize distractions in a destination marathon.

4.What is probably the next task for Dr. Herman’s team?

A. What determines training techniques.

B. How distractions should be used in training.

C. Why runners use auditory and visual cues.

D. What effective ways can cure leg injuries.


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了研究表明,跑步时受到视听干扰,可能导致受伤。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“what effect”“how many times”“how much oxygen”可知第二段告诉我们研究的问题,故选C。 2.细节理解题。答案定位在第四段They also experienced an increased amount of force from the ground on both legs, called ground reaction force, with auditory distractions.可知受到听力干扰后,双脚感受到更多的反作用力,故选B。 3.推理判断题。答案定位在倒数第二段Sometimes these things cannot be avoided, but you may be able to minimize potentially cumulative(累积的) effects.可知Dr. Herman的建议跑步者把干扰最小化,故选D。 4.推理判断题。答案定位在最后一段and any effect this relationship has on different training techniques that use auditory or visual cues(暗示).(这种关系对使用视听暗示的各种训练技术的应用),可知接下来,将进一步研究在训练中如何使用干扰,故选B。

It's rare that you see the words "shyness" and "leader" in the same sentence. After all, the common viewpoint is that those outgoing and sociable guys make great public speakers and excellent net-workers and that those shy people are not. A survey conducted by USA Today referred to 65 percent of executives who believed shyness to be a barrier to leadership. Interestingly, the same article stresses that roughly 40 percent of leaders actually are quite shy—they're just better at adapting themselves to situational demands. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charles Schwab are just a few "innies".

Unlike their outgoing counterparts who are more sensitive to rewards and risk-taking, shy people take a cautious approach to chance. Rather than the flashy chit-chat that defines social gathering, shy people listen attentively to what others say and absorb it before they speak. They're not thinking about what to say while the other person is still talking, but rather listening so they can learn what to say. Along the same lines, shy people share a common love of learning. They are intrinsically(内在地) motivated and therefore seek content regardless of achieving an outside standard.

Being shy can also bring other benefits. Remember being in school and hearing the same kids contribute, until shy little Johnny, who almost never said a word, cut in? Then what happened? Everyone turned around to look with great respect at little Johnny actually talking. This is how shy people made good use of their power of presence:they "own" the moment by speaking calmly and purposefully, which translate to a positive image.

Shyness is often related to modesty. Not to say that limelight-seekers aren't modest, but shy people tend to have an accurate sense of their abilities and achievements. As a result, they are able to acknowledge mistakes, imperfections, knowledge gaps and limitations.

Since shy people have a lower sensitivity to outside rewards than outgoing ones, they're more comfortable working with little information and sticking to their inner desires. Shy people are also more likely to insist on finding solutions that aren't primarily apparent. Don't believe me? Maybe you'll believe Albert Einstein, who once said, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's that I stay with problems longer." Obviously, finding certainty where uncertainty is typically popular is a huge plus for any successful person.

The myth that shy people are less effective leaders than their outgoing fellows is just a misunderstanding. Make wise use of your personality strengths to lead your business no matter what side of the range you fall on.

1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ___________.

A. shy people are sensitive to rewards

B. shy people care more about content

C. outgoing people are more careful about chances

D. outgoing people consider what to learn while listening

2.The example of Johnny shows ____________.

A. shy people are likely to be modest

B. hardworking students speak little in public

C. some students keep silent on purpose at school

D. shy people may have an advantage in discussion

3.We can learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 that ____________.

A. success results from devotion    B. shyness contributes to popularity

C. outside reward leads to insistence    D. uncertainty counts more than certainty

4.The author supports his ideas mainly by ____________.

A. giving definitions and presenting research results

B. explaining problems and providing solutions

C. quoting authorities and making evaluations

D. making contrasts and giving examples



I have a younger brother. To me, he is a fourteen-year-old kid named Joe, with blond hair and blue eyes. To others, he is different. Where I see a kid who just needs a lot more attention, others see a mentally disabled boy, a kid who cannot walk or talk or think for himself. I see someone who just makes daily routine a bit less routine. Others see an annoyance, I a bother.

This is not to say that I have never felt resentful(怨恨的) toward Joe. He is my brother, and with that comes responsibility. “Gina, could you stay in tonight and watch your brother?” “Gina, do me a favor and feed him dinner and change his diaper(尿布) later, please?” “Could you come home right after school today and get Joe off the bus?”

These are phrases that I have heard since I was twelve. And sure, they have made me resent my brother to a certain extent. I would think: that’s not fair! Everyone else can stay after and be a member of this club, or get extra help from that teacher. Or, all my friends are going out tonight, why can’t I? And, how come I have to feed him? He is not my son!

However, the small amount of resentment I feel toward my brother is erased a thousand times over by what I have learned from him. Besides making me responsible from a young age, and helping me be more accepting of all kinds of people, he has taught me to be thankful for what I have.

I know that there are moments in my life that I should cherish and that Joe will never experience. He will never laugh so hard that he cries. He will never feel the glory of a straight-A report card. He will never comfort a best friend crying on his shoulder. And he will never know how much his family love him.

Because he will never know, it is up to me to know, every second, how lucky I am. It is up to me to realize that life should be lived to its fullest, and that you should always, always be grateful that God, or whoever are the powers that be, gave you the ability to live your life the way you were meant to live it.

1.We know from the first paragraph that Gina's brother __________.

A. causes trouble to neighbours    B. pays more attention to others

C. lives with mental disability    D. considers daily routine a bother

2.If Mother asks Gina to look after her brother now, what will she probably answer?

A. I'm afraid not.    B. No problem!

C. It depends.    D. It's not fair!

3.The passage intends to tell us that we should _____________.

A. value the glory of success    B. appreciate what life gives us

C. comfort unfortunate people    D. treasure meaningful moments



Passport Control(护照验证处)

If you are arriving at London Heathrow Airport and are not transferring to another flight outside Britain or Northern Ireland, you must pass through Passport Control and Customs immediately after leaving your plane. If you are not Britain or a citizen of the European Community(欧共体),you must fill out a special form before your passport is examined. This form is called a landing card and should be given to you during the flight to London.

After landing, follow the ARRIVALS signs. Make sure you are in the right channel when you reach Passport Control. There is one channel for holders of European Community Passports, and a second channel marked “Other Passports”.

Baggage Reclaim Area(取行李处)

After passing through the Passport Control, follow the signs to the Baggage Reclaim Area. If you have luggage which is carried in the aircraft hold, it will be delivered to you in the Baggage Reclaim Area. Look for the sign with your flight number. If you have only hand luggage, go directly through the Baggage Reclaim Area to the Customs.


All passengers must pass Customs after Passport Control. There is a choice of two channels: Green and Red. If you have nothing to declare, go through the Green Channel. If you are not sure about your Duty Free allowance(免税限额)or if you have something to declare, go through the Red Channel. Information about Duty Free allowance can be found on special notice boards in the Baggage Reclaim Area. You should study this information carefully whether you are going through the Red Channel or not. Please note that if you go through the Green Channel, you may be stopped and asked to open your luggage for inspection.

1.All passengers arriving at Heathrow from outside Britain ______.

A. must go through either Passport Control or Custom

B. must go through Customs, but not Passport Control

C. must go through Passport Control and Customs

D. don’t have to be examined

2.At Heathrow when reaching Passport Control           .

A. all passengers go through the same channel

B. passengers of the European Community and those from other countries go through different channels

C. British people and passengers from other countries go through different channels

D. All European passengers go through the channel

3.If you have only hand luggage, __________.

A. you may go through the Baggage Reclaim Area to customs

B. you should go to the Baggage Reclaim Areas

C. it isn’t necessary for you to go through the Baggage Reclaim Area

D. it isn’t necessary for you to do anything

4.If you have duty free goods, __________.

A. you don’t have to go through the Green Channel

B. you may go through the Green Channel

C. you must go through the Red Channel

D. you should go through both Green and Red Channel



假定你是学生李华,准备参加黄山国际登山节”( Huangshan International Mount Climb Day)志愿者招聘活动,活动主办方要求能够熟练运用英语,爱好运动,有一定的志愿者工作经验。请你用英语写一封自荐信。

内容包括:1.你的自荐理由。 2.你对活动的理解。




Dear sir,

Thank you for reading my letter.


Yours sincerely








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第l1处起)不计分。

We live in the countryside. Most of which we see is beauty and nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter some people throw out their windows as they are driving on the roads. One of the few drawbacks to living in the countryside is that public service, such as litter collection, are little available than they are closer to the city.

A helping habit that my family practise regularly are picking up litter in our surrounding area. We have become so accustomed to do this that my little brother will often say, “There's some litter, Daddy, stop the car!” And we would often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, and we actually enjoy it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live in. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing it, and it seemed like the good idea.”



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