满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假如你是北京某中学的高中生张华,Jack是你的美国笔友,他通过网上新闻了解到你的家乡有雾霾天气。因此, 他来信询问此事。请你按照以下提示给他回一封电子邮件,内容如下:

1. 因大气污染严重,自去年年底以来,发生数次雾霾天气;

2. 政府已意识到其危害,正在采取各种措施;

3. 谈谈你的想法。

要求:1. 参考词汇:雾霾 haze

2. 词数100-120词左右。 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jack,

I’m glad to receive your letter, and thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the haze.





Dear Jack, I’m glad to receive your letter, and thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the haze. Since the end of last year, the haze weather has occurred a lot of times in my hometown, which has done great harm to our daily life. Many traffic accidents happened because of the heavy smog. What is worse, many people have to see the doctor due to the serious diseases caused by the haze. People have to wear masks when they go outside for fear of the poisonous air. Having realized the harmful effects on people's life and health and the importance of protecting the environment, people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the haze. The government suggests people go to work or school by public transport, such as the bus and the subway. As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot. In addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment. Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Zhang Hua 【解析】 这篇书面表达属于应用文写作,要求写一封电子邮件。 第1步:根据提示可知,假如你是北京某中学的高中生张华,Jack是你的美国笔友,他通过网上新闻了解到你的家乡有雾霾天气。因此,他来信询问此事。请你按照以下提示给他回一封电子邮件,人称为第一人称。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:occur发生,hometown家乡,daily life日常生活,traffic accidents交通事故,smog烟雾,What is worse更糟的是,due to由于,go outside外出,for fear of为了避免,poisonous有害的,reduce减少,in addition此外。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Last Sunday was funny day for my father. After supper, my father went to see a film. But to our surprise, he returned back just about half an hour later. I asked him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about the funny thing what had happened in the cinema. He was sitting in his seat while a woman came to him and said the seat was her. Surprisingly, they looked at their ticket carefully, only to find the seats shown on their tickets were the same while the colors were different. So they looked at the tickets careful again. After a while, my father apologized to the woman, saying, “Sorry, I make a mistake. Take this seat, please.” The fact was that his ticket finding under the glass on his desk was for the film a month before.




Friendships are easy when you’re in high school. Most of the time, you make 1. (friend) with someone only because you like each other. But when you get to college, you’ll 2. (probable) find that maintaining (维持) friendships not only 3. (require) mutual (相互的) appreciation, 4. also money — you’ll have to spend money 5. (eat) out with your classmates, dorm mates and co-workers in school associations so you don’t feel 6. (leave) out.

But according 7. a survey, this financial pressure has become a burden on many young people, 8. have to stay away from certain social events because they’re short of money.

9. (solve) that problem, you may want to prioritize (划分优先顺序) your social life, only choosing 10. events that are the most important. Or, maybe you’ll just have to face the reality: you can’t have it all.




1.__________ (相对地) speaking, it’s a cold day today.

2.Although she was inexperienced, she could also c__________ with the difficulties wonderfully well.

3.The travelers are w__________ the forests and fields.

4.My garden e__________ as far as the river.

5.I was completely __________(征服) by his generosity.

6.All students should have free a__________ to the library.

7.I want to __________ (传达) to my students that reading is one of life’s greatest treats.

8.The ceremonial opening of the exhibition was very __________ (壮观的/引人注目的).

9.The problem is by no m__________ as simple as we first thought.

10.Now that my children are more __________(独立的), I have more time for myself.



Be a Traveler, not a Tourist

Last summer, I had just enough money saved to buy a golden ticket—a 3-month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe. Excited for my journey, I packed all the necessities —except the __________

While the convenience of the Internet was definitely a contributing factor to my ______ not to take with me the few expensive kilograms of out-of-date information, this was not the only reason why I decided to fly alone.

To be honest, my main __________ with the guidebook is that I find it __________  the pleasure of a journey—like bossy aunt who is always telling you what to do,  _______ she doesn’t always know what is the best.

Experience has taught me that there is an obvious __________  between a tourist and traveler.

While waiting in a queue, I met a man who had a checklist. He showed me his list of “Top 20 Things To Do in Italy” and ___________  off in a loud American accent that he’d seen everything Italy has to offer in just four days.

The problem I had with this man’s ____________  to travelling was that he was too _________   information  provided  by  his  guidebook.  He  was  lost  in  the   _________ attractiveness of the “must-sees” and __________  to all the wonders and adventures that might happen during the _________ trip.

So,   ______________ any  guidebook,  I  traveled  to  Estonia,  the  tiny  Baltic  country bordering Russia. In the ____________ of advance plans as guidebooks would suggest, I had no choice but to turn to some friendly faces for advice. I  __________ myself first and then asked them what was happening around the town. When this  ____________   an invitation to a beautiful Estonian home by a river where I   ___________  a 110-degree wood-stove sauna ,  __________  picked forest-mushrooms and the good  __________  of our five newfound Estonian friends, I was most glad that I had left my “bossy __________” at home.

1.A. guidebook    B. magazine    C. cash    D. map

2.A. goal    B. excuse    C. decision    D. mistake

3.A. suggestion    B. problem    C. dislike    D. connection

4.A. increases    B. annoys    C. removes    D. limits

5.A. even though    B. as if    C. as though    D. as long as

6.A. similarity    B. distinction    C. competition    D. misunderstanding

7.A. cut    B. showed    C. gave    D. put

8.A. way    B. determination    C. confidence    D. approach

9.A. cautious about    B. amused by    C. focused on    D. surprised at

10.A. likely    B. seemingly    C. orderly    D. lovely

11.A. blind    B. dumb    C. deaf    D. eager

12.A. guided    B. imagined    C. real    D. paid

13.A. without    B. beyond    C. except    D. unlike

14.A. loss    B. control    C. face    D. absence

15.A. introduced    B. warned    C. calme    D. enjoyed

16.A. resulted in    B. cut in    C. broke in    D. put in

17.A. found    B. enjoyed    C. ordered    D. bathed

18.A. locally    B. secretly    C. rarely    D. nervously

19.A. experience    B. company    C. opinion    D. time

20.A. mom    B. book    C. aunt    D. master



    The most successful people all have certain habits in their daily routines. These habits help contribute to their success. Forming a new good habit can be a struggle, but it is well worth the effort. 1.

Set your goal. Before you can begin to work on your new habit, figure out exactly what you hope to accomplish. 2. Make sure that your goal is specific, measurable and realistic to increase your chances of success.

3. Choosing the habits that are most likely to help you achieve your goal is important. After you have set your goal and worked out all the specifics of achieving that goal, identify a habit that is part of achieving that goal. Consider what good habit would help you accomplish that goal.

Consider your motivation. Once you have identified your goal and the new habit you need to accomplish this goal, take some time to consider your motivation. 4. Good motivation can be the difference between success and failure in terms of forming a new habit. So take your time to consider your motivation.

Give yourself time. Forming a new habit can take a long time. Some people can form a new habit in as little as a few weeks, while other people will take several months. As you work to form your new habit, just keep in mind that it may be a while before it comes true. 5.

A. Identify ways to achieve goals.

B. Find the habit you want to form.

C. Good habits are sure to make you a success.

D. Here are the four steps you can follow to form good habits.

E. It is worthwhile to consider your goal.

F. Try to be patient with yourself as you form your new habit.

G. Your motivation is the reason you want to form this new habit.



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