满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 表示欢迎;

2. 介绍文化节的目的及活动内容(传统中国乐器表演,民族舞,武术等);

3. 表达祝愿。

参考词汇:武术 martial arts     校园传统文化节 Campus Traditional Cultural Festival

民族舞  folk dances;         乐器 musical instruments

注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear visiting guests, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you!


Dear visiting guests, On behalf of all the students in our school, I’d like to express our warmest welcome to you. It’s really a great honor for us that you can come and join us in the Campus Traditional Cultural Festival. The purpose of the festival is to enrich our school life and carry forward Chinese traditional culture. We will organize a serious of activities, including performances on traditional Chinese musical instruments, folk dances and Chinese martial arts. Without doubt, it’ll be a good chance for you to get to understand Chinese culture better. Now, welcome again, our distinguished guests! I sincerely hope that you will have great fun here and get familiar with Chinese culture as well. Thank you! 【解析】 本文书面表达属于应用文,要求写一篇欢迎词。 第1步:根据提示可知,本文是一篇欢迎词:假定你是学生会主席李华,英国某中学的部分师生即将访问你校,并体验校园传统文化节活动。请你用英语写一篇欢迎词,主要内容包括: 1. 表示欢迎;2. 介绍文化节的目的及活动内容(传统中国乐器表演,民族舞,武术等); 3. 表达祝愿。 第2步:根据写作要求确定关键词,如:On behalf of all the students in our school(代表我们学校所有的学生);express our warmest welcome to you(向你表示最热烈的欢迎);including performances on traditional Chinese musical instruments, folk dances and Chinese martial arts(包括表演中国传统乐器、民间舞蹈和中国武术)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态语态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。


I used to delay things until deadlines, that caused me much trouble. Therefore, I thought of some ways to get rid the bad habit. First, I took a shower right after I got home from school. It refreshed me but made my thoughts more active. Furthermore, in order to avoid being constant disturbed by my cell phone, I left them with my parents. The final strategy I use was scheduling. I managed to planning my days ahead of time so that I could break up my tasks instead of having too many work to do on the last day. By using these simple technique, I’ve improved my efficiency and made a great progress.




It was a windy night. I had just turned 1. the TV, brushed my teeth and was reading my favorite book, Wuthering Heights (呼啸山庄)by Emily Bronte. I 2. (absorb) in the book when Cathy’s ghost(幽灵) appeared.

As I looked through my book, some strange noises were coming from the window. I walked towards the window 3. (see) what was going on there. All I observed were 4. (branch) of trees waving wildly. All of 5. sudden, I heard the noises again. They sounded like someone was knocking at the window. But I knew that was 6. (possible) because my room is on the second floor of the house.

My heart was beating 7. (violent) as I quickly opened the window. At that moment, a cold, white hand caught my arm 8. tried to pull me out of the window. I screamed and tried to free 9. (I) but in vain.

Suddenly, I heard a gentle voice saying, “Tommy, wake up.” Then, I opened my eyes and saw my mother was standing by my bed, 10. (hold) my book in her hand. I was so glad that Cathy’s ghost hadn’t been real!



Sanford Greenberg was once a lucky guy. A poor kid from Buffalo, New York, he was ____ into Columbia University on a full scholarship and had a great ____, Arthur Garfunkel. But in his third year of college, Greenberg’s ____changed—he was going blind. He was so ____ that he refused to see anyone from college. But Garfunkel went up to Buffalo, ____ Greenberg to go back to Columbia and offered to be his _____

Greenberg returned to campus. Garfunkel and two other roommates read textbooks to him, taking time out form their own studies, and Greenberg ____ scoring straight A’s. ____ , he was afraid of getting around alone and relied on his friends to help him.

Then, one afternoon, Greenberg and Garfunkel went to Midtown Manhattan. When it was time for Greenberg to ____, Garfunkel said he had an appointment and couldn’t ____ him. Greenberg panicked. They argued, and Garfunkel walked off, leaving Greenberg ____in Grand Central Terminal. Greenberg stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走)through the rush-hour crowd. He ____ a shuttle train west to Times Square, then changed to an uptown train. Four miles later, he ____at the Columbia University stop. At the university’s gate, someone ____him.

“Oops, excuse me, sir” Greenberg ____the voice. It was Garfunkel’s. Greenberg’s first ____was anger, but in the next second, he realized what he had just _____ -- and realized, too, who had made it possible. “It was one of the most brilliant ____ Greenberg says. “Arthur had been with me the whole way.”

After graduation, Greenberg got his doctor’s degree from Harvard and became a successful inventor and businessman. _______blind, Greenberg sees everything. “You are talking,” he always says, “to the_____ man in the world.”

1.A. transported    B. admitted    C. introduced    D. forced

2.A. teacher    B. father    C. roommate    D. doctor

3.A. fortune    B. attitude    C. plan    D. career

4.A. busy    B. ashamed    C. shy    D. upset

5.A. promised    B. persuaded    C. allowed    D. reminded

6.A. guard    B. recorder    C. reader    D. cook

7.A. put off    B. ended up    C. thought of    D. felt like

8.A. Still    B. So    C. Instead    D. Besides

9.A. pay    B. start    C. perform    D. return

10.A. recommend    B. instruct    C. accompany    D. replace

11.A. crying    B. working    C. hungry    D. alone

12.A. took    B. left    C. heard    D. saw

13.A. caught up    B. gave up    C. set off    D. got off

14.A. noticed    B. ran into    C. waited for    D. welcomed

15.A. remembered    B. liked    C. knew    D. followed

16.A. impression    B. decision    C. suggestion    D. reaction

17.A. predicted    B. accomplished    C. demanded    D. witnessed

18.A. ideas    B. goals    C. inventions    D. stories

19.A. When    B. Until    C. Though    D. Unless

20.A. luckiest    B. cleverest    C. warmest    D. richest



In 2015, motorcyclist Robert Jan kicked off a three-month solo(独自的) ride from the Netherlands to India.

1. One day when he was watching a TV show about a man documenting his travels across countries, Robert decided he wanted to do something similar. About a decade later, he got his driver’s license.  2. Two years after that, Robert began a solo motorcycle trip from his home in the Netherlands to India. He traveled more than 10,000 miles in just under three months.

Robert, who is today a 30-year-old graphic designer (平面设计师), began planning the trip in September 2014, shortly after his graduation from Willem de Kooning Academy. 3. He secured the necessary paperwork, got cash, and supported the adventure through a graphic design job. He and his blue motorcycle—which he nicknamed Perry—took off in late August of 2015.

4. He met fellow travelers along the way and slept outside, all the while writing about his experience on his blog, Going Eastwards.

But the three-month adventure also came with its challenges. Sometimes, he would go miles without spotting a much-needed gas station, and money eventually grew scarce(不足的). 5. In the end of November, Robert finally reached Mumbai, India. There, he shipped his bike back to Houten in the Netherlands and put himself on a plane back home.

“Took 81 days to get there,” he posted on Instagram, “back within 18 hours.”

A. And in 2013, he bought his first motorcycle.

B. From a young age, Robert has been an adventurer.

C. By the time he arrived, all the beds were occupied.

D. They helped Robert get the motorcycle out of the freezing cold water.

E. Riding through 14 countries, Robert met a diverse set of people and landscapes.

F. Closer to the end of the trip, the motorcycle broke down—but a local helped him out.

G. He spent the next several months reading stories of motorcycle adventurers like Paul van Hoff and Gordon G. May.



I’ve recently published a book of letters from 32 amazing Australian women about their experiences of new motherhood. Perhaps the most common question I’ve been asked since publication is why more of the mothers didn’t ask for help. If those early months were so hard and so exhausting as they were described, then why didn’t more of these women simply ask for help?

Embedded (……牢牢地嵌入) deep in this enquiry is the assumption that if you ask, you shall receive—and that you shall receive without judgment. And if there is any experience of new motherhood in the 21st century it is the inescapability of judgment. By asking for help new mothers open themselves up to a wave of quiet---and not-so-quiet---disapproval of why on earth they need it.

The earliest moments of motherhood are synonymous with sacrifice(等同于牺牲). A mother sacrifices her body for not nine but almost ten long months, sharing her shell with a new being. A mother sacrifices her control, and often her mental and physical health, during the painful process of childbirth. A mother, in the weeks and months that follow, puts the needs of another before her own, sacrificing her sense of self, her ambition and all too often, her happiness.

We don’t normally use the word sacrifice to describe the newborn period. It’s supposed to be sweet and milky and warm but a sacrifice is exactly what it is. And when we sacrifice we should be entitled (使享有权利) to mourn—a privilege new mothers are expressly prevented from.

We have reached the point where being a mother who admits she needs help is like saying your child isn’t worth the sacrifice. The suffering has become a badge(徽章) of honor, worn in service to your family.

The role of mothering is not an easy one, nor will it ever be. But it could be made more manageable if we were all to offer help or support.

1.What is the author’s book probably about?

A. The troubles of working women.    B. The education of newborn babies.

C. The lifestyle of Australian women.    D. The suffering of some new mothers.

2.According to Paragraph 2, the public seems to believe that ____.

A. it’s wrong to judge new mothers

B. new mothers live a very hard life

C. new mothers shouldn’t ask for help

D. people are willing to help new mothers

3.Which of the following statements would the author agree with?

A. The newborn period is just sweet and milky.

B. New mothers should give up their sense of self.

C. The newborn period means privileges for mothers.

D. New mothers have to sacrifice a lot for their babies.

4.What does the author want to show in the text?

A. Women should manage to be a good mother.

B. New mother’s suffering is a badge of honor.

C. It should be made easier for new mothers to get help .

D. People should be encouraged to mourn their sacrifices.



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