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In 2012 my wife and I decided to open ou...

In 2012 my wife and I decided to open our bookstore in spite of unfavorable situations. The challenges facing small bookstores were-and remain-significant. Apart from the obvious rise in online selling, the increase in the popularity of e-books has negatively affected independent providers.

The question is why a new, small-scale(小规模的)provide would voluntarily enter such a challenging market? From a personal view, our reasoning was sound: we wanted to share our love of great books and reading for pleasure with as many like-minded people as possible.

Having done our homework, one thing became clear. In order for us to succeed, we would have to offer something that none of our larger competitors already provided. And so we started the Willoughby Book Club. We set up our website in the summer of 2012, and we haven’t looked back.

The idea of service is simple. We offer a range of book subscription gift packages, available in three-month, six-month and 12-month options. Our customers choose a package, tell us a little about the person they’re buying it for, and we use this information to send the receiver a hand-picked, gift-wrapped book once a month. We also recently decided to give one new book to Book Aid International for every gift subscription sold. These books are sent out to sub-Saharan Africa, supporting the educational work there. Within four months of starting out, we won the Young Bookseller of the Year Award at the 2013 Bookseller awards.

Our brief journey from new booksellers to award receivers has been challenging and rewarding. The biggest thing we’ve learned is that, despite the pressures facing independent providers, there is a place for them in the UK market. It’s just a question of finding it.

1.What challenges do the couple have to face when opening their bookstore?

A. Their bookstore is in an unfavourable place.

B. They are short of money and manpower.

C. Their books tore has limited great books.

D. Online selling and e-books are gaining popularity.

2.What does the underlined word “sound” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. accurate    B. controversial

C. reliable    D. safe

3.In order to succeed, the couple have taken practical measures except ________ .

A. setting up a book club

B. building their website

C. sending the customers gifts every month

D. aiding some Africans by giving them new boos

4.What’s the author’s opinion on being an independent provider?

A. It is anything but challenging.

B. It is difficult but worth it.

C. It is too difficult to succeed.

D. It is just a question.


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了尽管在线销售的明显增长,电子书的普及也对供应商产生负面影响,作者夫妇二人仍然开了一家书店,目的是与更多志同道合的人分享对好书的热爱,分享阅读的乐趣,作者认为尽管独立供应商面临很大的压力,但在英国市场仍有一席之地。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Apart from the obvious rise in online selling, the increase in the popularity of e-books has negatively affected independent providers.”可知,除了在线销售的明显增长,电子书的普及也对供应商产生了负面影响,故D项正确。 2.词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“we wanted to share our love of great books and reading for pleasure with as many like-minded people as possible.”可知,我们的理由是合理的:我们想要与更多志同道合的人分享对好书的热爱,分享阅读的乐趣,由此可知画线词词义为“合理的、可靠的”,故C项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And so we started the Willoughby Book Club. We set up our website in the summer of 2012,”及“These books are sent out to sub-Saharan Africa, supporting the educational work there.”,这对夫妇成立了图书俱乐部、建立了自己的网站,并向撒哈拉以南的非洲提供图书援助,而没有提到每个月都给顾客送礼物,故C项正确。 4.观点态度题。根据最后一段中的“The biggest thing we’ve learned is that, despite the pressures facing independent providers, there is a place for them in the UK market. It’s just a question of finding it.”可知,尽管独立供应商面临很大的压力,但在英国市场仍有一席之地,只是找到它的问题,由此可知,作者对成为独立供应商持积极的态度,虽然艰难但很值得,故B项正确。

Pizza is a pretty universal treat, but where did it start? Here are three things you probably didn’t know about pizza.

1: Pizza’s Origins Are Half-Baked.

The Neapolitans(那不勒斯人)in Italy are proud of saying they invented pizza, but it’s probably more accurate to say, they perfected it. The idea of putting toppings on a flatbread and baking it started in the 6th century B. C. But the people of Naples were the first to put tomato on a flatbread in the 16th century. From its start, pizza was a food of the poor, as it was cheap, filling and easy to eat on the run. In Italian, the word “pizza” refers to anything that is made and then pressed flat.

2: Pizza Margherita Is Not Exactly a Symbol of Italy.

It was said some day in 1889, a local baker named Raffaele Esposito created three pizzas for Queen Margherita when she was on a tour of Italy. The queen loved the version that had tomato, basil and mozzarella cheese--- and just happened to match the colors of the Italian flag. So Esposito named the pizza after her.

But Pizza historian Scott Wiener points out that Italy was unified in name only in 1889 so it was unlikely any Neapolitan baker would want to celebrate “the Northern conquerors.” Further, the letter of gratitude for the pizza from the royal household that Pizzeria Brandi displays appears to be a fake(赝品)and may just have been a marketing plan.

3: Hawaliian Pizza Invented by a Canadian.

Sam Panopoulos, from Greece originally moved to Canada at the age of 20. In 1962, he decided to put some ham and pineapple on a pizza at one of his restaurants in Ontario.

“We just put it on for fun to see how it was going to taste,” he told the BBC in 2017. Panopoulos named it the Hawaiian pizza after the brand of canned pineapple he used. The mix of sweet and savory toppings caught on with a certain part of the pizza-loving public. The inventor died in 2017.

1.Who was pizza first made for?

A. The people of Naples.

B. The poor Neapolitan people.

C. The rich Italian people.

D. Queen Margherita specially.

2.What can we learn about Pizza Margherita?

A. It was intended to match the colors of the Italian flag.

B. It was made to celebrate "the Northern conquerors."

C. It was made to cater for Queen Margherta.

D. It was displayed in the royal house.

3.How did the name of Hawaiian Pizza come?

A. It was named after a brand of canned pineapple.

B. It was named after a restaurant in Ontario.

C. It came from a local Hawaiian cook.

D. It came from the pizza-loving public.












1.The problem[A]being discussed[B]at the meeting[C]is of great[D]important.


2.They think[A]this their study[B]to meet the[C]needs of[D]customers,__________应为______________

3.[A]Only when his hometown[B]was liberated in 1949,[C]he was able to go to[D]school.


4.The Englishman[A]speaks Chinese[B]as though he[C]is a[D]Chinese__________应为______________

5.[A]Seeing from the top of the hill, the city[B]looks[C]much more[D]beautiful.





1.The manager received an ________ (申请) for the position.

2.He gives everyone a very good ________  (印象).

3.Tad has changed so much that I could hardly ______  (认出)him.

4.The smiths live on the ________ (二十) floor.

5.Mary is much________ (友好) than Mike ? .




Linda: 1. Come in, please. Do you want an orange?

Alice: 2. I ate early this morning, I got up at 6 o’clock.

Linda: 3.

Alice: Yes, I did, I read my history book, and I wrote my English lesson. What about you?

Linda: 4. I didn’t finish it.

Alice: Look at my new coat. My mother bought it for me yesterday.

Linda: 5. I like blue coats

A. Yes, please

B. What a surprise, Alice.

C. Our English lesson is hard to do,

D. That’s quite right.

E. Oh, it’s pretty.

F. Did you do your homework last night?

G. No, thank you.



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