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假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍上周末你和同学们参加“非物质文化遗产进校园”活动的完整过程,并以“Intangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。

词数不少于 60

提示词:书法 calligraphy

Intangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus



Intangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus Last weekend, my classmates and I took part in an activity featuring Chinese intangible cultural heritage, which gave me a deep impression. Early on Saturday morning, we arrived at school excitedly, Reading the notice giving the detailed information about the activity, we couldn’t wait to explore more about the intangible cultural heritage. I went to the performance of Beijing Opera first. It was so amazing that I couldn't take my eyes off the delicate facial makeups and costumes. At the Chinese calligraphy show, I really appreciated the charm of our traditional handwriting. Then I came to the art room to experience paper-cutting. Under the instruction of the artist, I successfully finished my works and was fascinated by the elegant patterns. We completed the activity with full harvest. On the way home we couldn’t stop sharing what we had seen and learned. Everyone was excited. This activity helps us have a better understanding of Chinese intangible cultural heritage. It entered our campus and stays in our hearts. 【解析】 这是一篇图表类作文写作。 第一步:审题。审题的目的是获取重要信息。通过审题我们可以确定几个方面的信息。第一,1.上周末,我和同学一起参加了一个以中国非物质文化遗产为主题的活动,给我留下了深刻的印象。2.欣赏了京剧,参观了书法展;来到美术室体验剪纸。3.此次互动对我们的意义。第二,人称为第一人称,兼用第三人称。第三,时态以一般过去时为主。 第二步:布局段落,确定主要段落,次要段落,段落数量。这篇写作段落数量为三段。第一段,上周末,我和同学一起参加了一个以中国非物质文化遗产为主题的活动,给我留下了深刻的印象。第二段,欣赏了京剧,参观了书法展;来到美术室体验剪纸。第三段,此次互动对作者和同学们的意义。 第三步:确定关键词汇和短语: Intangible Cultural Heritage Entering Campus,share, elegantpatterns,calligraphy,excitedly,explore,paper-cutting,Beijing Opera, take part in, impression, detailed information, delicate facial makeups and costumes, traditional handwriting, be fascinated by, have a better understanding of,give me a deep impression. 第四步:确定较为高级的句子:which引导的非限制性定语从句I took part in an activity featuring Chinese intangible cultural heritage, which gave me a deep impression. 现在分词作时间状语Reading the notice giving the detailed information about the activity, we couldn’t wait to explore more about the intangible cultural heritage. so...that引导的结果状语从句It was so amazing that I couldn't take my eyes off the delicate facial makeups and costumes. what引导的宾语从句On the way home we couldn’t stop sharing what we had seen and learned. 第五步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连接词进行过渡衔接:Early on Saturday morning,At the Chinese calligraphy show,Then,Under the instruction of the artist,On the way home. 第六步:注意书写,保持卷面整洁,避免划线,乱擦。

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你班交换生 Jim 假期要回国,打算为父母带件礼物, 写信向你征求建议。请你给他回封电子邮件,内容包括:

1.  推荐一份礼物;

2.  说明推荐理由;

3.  建议如何购买。

注意:1. 词数不少于 50

2.  邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



Sports Fans and Identity

Many people are crazy about a particular sports team. They are big fans and seem to connect their own identity to their chosen team.

Identity consists of things like gender (性别), personality, abilities, and social groups. The groups we belong to shape our identity. Related to this is the theory developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner. 1. In knowing who we are, we may more closely identify with our social group than with our gender group. We also decide which group we belong to, based on different aspects of our identity. According to the theory, our self-esteem—how we feel about ourselvesis reflected in the group we belong to. 2. For example, we naturally protect the group we belong to, while making other groups less important. We think highly of the team we support, while we may add negative comments about an opposing team.

Researchers have studied language used by sports fans. 3. By using pronouns like “we”, fans show that they feel connected with the team when it is winning. We really killed that team. They couldnt get the ball past us.” However, when their team didnt do well, the fans would distance themselves from the team, using different pronouns. “They didnt know what they were doing. They had no planning.”

4. They have found those fans have more self-confidence and feel more competent. They are quite sure they have the ability to deal with situations successfully or do things to a satisfactory standard. 5. These people will perform better at work and earn and spend more  money,  so experts suggest that a winning team may have a positive  influence on the economy of a city.

A. They suggested that we naturally classify people into groups.

B. That causes increased competitions between different groups of sports fans.

C. It is probably because the victory reflects well on their personal sense of identity.

D. Comments from group members certainly have a strong influence on our behavior.

E. When their team did well, the fans would closely identify themselves with the team.

F. That leads to the fact that we want our group to be seen more positively than other groups.

G. Social scientists have also studied the effect of winning a championship on the fans of the winning team.



Why Mars (火星) is New Settlement

Is it possible to live on other planets? The United States government is taking a serious look at the moon and Mars as potential places for future human settlement. The moon could serve as a training ground for later journeys to Mars. Currently, with Mars becoming the eventual long-term goal, serious questions exist as to whether the dangers of the settlement on the moon are too extreme and unnecessary.

One major reason the settlement on the moon is too dangerous is the difference between the atmosphere environment of the moon and Mars. Atmosphere is important because it protects humans and all other life from a continuous attack of radiation (辐射) caused by sources such as the sun. This radiation is especially dangerous to humans because it increases the risk of cancer and can negatively change DNA. The fact that the moon has no atmosphere can cause great harm to human beings. Although Mars atmosphere is significantly thinner than Earth’s, at least it has one and would create some sort of protective barrier for humans.

Another important characteristic necessary for human settlement is natural resources like water, of which the moon is believed to have none. Mars, however, contains vast quantities of water ice, dry ice, and also snow. There is also sufficient evidence that water once existed at the surface of Mars and might return in the future if the planet warms. With increased technologies, the potential for settlers to remain on Mars by being increasingly self-sufficient makes Mars a much more attractive goal as the space settlement than the moon.

Future settlers will not only benefit from potential water on Mars; the planet is also rich in other natural resources such as oxygen, hydrogen, and minerals, which can be well used in productive ways.  For example, hydrogen can be used as fuel, and it can be combined with nitrogen (氮气) to form new materials necessary for human settlement. Due to these advantages,

Mars would be a more successful planet for exploration and settlement because it contains the basic resources necessary for humans to survive.

Since the environment of Mars is more similar to that of Earth and it contains resources necessary to  help  life  exist,  it should  be  the  only option  for  any kind  of  long-term human settlement. The settlement on Mars would not only be a milestone in space but also an excellent chance for mankind to improve itself from past adventures on Earth and preserve and make the best use of the natural resources Mars has to offer.

1.According to Paragraph 2, the atmosphere on Mars would             .

A. change the DNA structure of humans

B. measure the harmful radiation from space

C. provide protection against dangerous effects

D. cause humans to be exposed to serious illnesses

2.What can be inferred about water on Mars?

A. It is not present in a liquid state.

B. It doesnt exist in large quantities.

C. It will bring potential dangers to settlers.

D. It can be easily changed into liquid forms.

3.The author believes that     .

A. exploration of Mars takes great risk

B. natural resources on Mars last forever

C. settlement on Mars is perfectly acceptable

D. Mars is more suitable for settlement than Earth

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

CP: Central Point  P: Point  Sp: Sub-point (次要点)  C: Conclusion

A.     B.

C.     D.



Learning to Run

An article published in the scientific journal Nature discusses an important aspect of human evolution. According to Bramble and Lieberman, Professors at the University of Utah, humans possess a number of features that make them surprisingly good runners. We are confident that the selection for running was important in the origin of the human body form,” says Bramble.

Traditional thinking has been that humans are poor runners compared to such animals as horses. However, this is only true if we consider running at high speed, especially over short distances. Even an athlete can hardly run as quickly as a horse does, and can only keep up a top speed for 15 seconds or so. But when it comes to long-distance running, humans will do astonishingly well. They can keep a steady pace for many kilometres, and their speed is at least at the same level with that of horses.

Bramble and Lieberman examined 26 parts of human bodies. One of the most interesting of these is the nuchal ligament (韧带). When we run, it is this ligament that prevents our head from moving back and forth or from side to side. Therefore, we are able to run with steady heads, held high. Then there are Achilles tendons at the backs of our legs, forming the mechanical links between the muscles to the bones. They act like strong strings and help to push us forward when we run. Besides, we have low, wide shoulders, a development which allows us to run more effectively. Add to this our light forearms, which swing in co-operation with the movement of our legs to assist balance, and one begins to appreciate the point that Bramble and Lieberman are trying to make.

But what advantage is gained from being good long-distance runners? One theory is that this ability may have permitted early humans to obtain food more effectively. Some scientists guess that early humans may have run after animals for great distances to make them tired before killing them. Running would also have shown another advantage: early humans might have eaten the meat left over from a kill by other large animals. They may have been warned of the existence of a freshly killed animal by vultures (秃鹰), and the faster they got to the scene of the kill, the better.

 Research on the history of human ability of running has traditionally been controversial,” says Lieberman. At the very least, I hope this theory will make many people have second thoughts about how humans learned to run and why we are built the way we are.

1.In Paragraph 2, the author mainly tells us that             .

A. humans are poor runners compared to horses

B. humans are good runners over long distances

C. humans may run at high speed for a short time

D. humans can keep a constant pace when running

2.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that             .

A. tendons are a successful adaptation for running

B. strong muscles and bones keep running effective

C. the shape of shoulders affects the position of heads

D. humans can run faster if they have longer forearms

3.What conclusion is drawn about early humans?

A. They followed birds to avoid danger.

B. They were unable to kill large animals.

C. They developed their big brains for running.

D. They evolved running due to the need for hunting.

4.What does Lieberman mean by saying the underlined sentence?

A. Proving that humans run in a comfortable position.

B. Informing people of the reasons why humans may run.

C. Expressing appreciation of the theory of human evolution.

D. Making people reconsider the idea about our body structure.



A unique experience awaits you at the Centre for Alternative Technology on the edge of the beautiful Snowdonia National Park.

Over thirty years ago a group of people decided to try out alternative technologies. They chose a remote empty place, where rock used to be dug from the ground, as their base. Here experiments offering solutions to the worlds energy problems were carried out, and nowadays many of these ideas have become common practice. You can experience all these for yourself in just one day with us, and then take away what you have learned and put it into practice at home. Be assured it will help you save on your household energy costs!

Your visit to us begins with a ride up a steep 60-metre hillside on a railway which is worked by using the weight of water. At the top of the mountain you will enjoy beautiful views to the distant coastline. Then interactive displays show the power of wind, water and sun, while showing you what can be done in an ordinary household to reduce your influence on the planet.

There was no soil when the project was started, so we created our organic gardens using our own home-made soil. You can enjoy woodland walks or even notice spring flowers growing on the roofs of environmentally-friendly buildings.

In 2006 we opened our new eco-adventure playground for children, and we also run workshops where they can make models and become inventors of the future by putting wind, water or solar power into their own designs.

The Centre for Alternative Technology is open all year round and has good rail, road and cycle links. In fact we offer a 50% reduction on the admission price if you arrive by bicycle. There is wheelchair access for disabled visitorstelephone us in advance if you would like assistance.

1.Whats the main purpose of setting up the Centre for Alternative Technology?

A. To provide people with relevant experience.

B. To teach people how to reduce energy costs.

C. To show the hard condition for early experiments.

D. To encourage people to develop alternative technologies.

2.According to the passage, visitors can     .

A. learn to create their own organic gardens

B. appreciate the views of distant mountains

C. visit exhibitions of alternative technologies

D. enjoy woodland walks on the top of buildings

3.Where is the passage most probably from?

A. A literary essay.

B. A research report.

C. A historical novel.

D. A science website.



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