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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Man...


Many kinds of dinosaurs’ bones 1.(find) recently by Chinese scientists in Nanyang county, Henan Province. 2. the scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised 3.(spot)) these dinosaurs could not only run 4.the others but also climb the trees.

Dinosaurs died 5. suddenly around 60 million years ago. Some scientists think 6.came after an 7.(expect) incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth 8. put too much dust into the air. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any 9.(much). Nobody knows 10.sure why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.


1. have been found 2. When 3. to spot 4. like 5. out 6. it 7. unexpected 8. and 9. more 10. for 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。介绍了人们对于恐龙灭绝的不同观点。 1.考查现在完成时。句意:最近,科学家在河南省南阳县发现了很多恐龙骨骼。由“recently”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语为Many kinds of dinosaurs’ bones和动词find是被动关系,所以用被动语态have been found 。故填have been found. 2.考查连词。句意:当科学家们检查这些骨头时,他们惊讶地发现这些恐龙不仅能像其他恐龙一样奔跑,而且还能爬树。分析句子可知,空处缺少从属连词,根据句意,应填从属连词when。故填 When. 3.考查动词不定式。句意:当科学家们检查这些骨头时,他们惊讶地发现这些恐龙不仅能像其他恐龙一样奔跑,而且还能爬树。be surprised to do sth“惊讶地做某事”。故填to spot. 4.考查介词。句意:当科学家们检查这些骨头时,他们惊讶地发现这些恐龙不仅能像其他恐龙一样奔跑,而且还能爬树。分析句子可知,空处应填介词,根据句意,应填like。故填like. 5.考查副词。句意:恐龙在6千万年前突然灭绝。die out“灭绝”符合句意。故填out . 6.考查代词。句意:一些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是在一个意外事件之后发生的,当时宇宙中的一块巨石从击中地球,在空气中扬起太多的灰尘。分析句子可知,宾语从句缺少主语,根据句意,主语指的是恐龙灭绝,所以用it来指代。故填it . 7.考查形容词。句意:一些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是在一个意外事件之后发生的,当时宇宙中的一块巨石击中地球,在空气中扬起太多的灰尘。unexpected为形容词修饰名词accident且符合句意。故填unexpected . 8.考查连词。句意:一些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是在一个意外事件之后发生的,当时一块巨大的岩石从太空撞击地球,在空气中扬起太多的灰尘。分析句子可知,本句缺少连词来连接hit和put。根据句意,hit与put为并列关系。故填and. 9.考查固定短语。句意:其他人则认为地球太热了,恐龙无法再生存下去。not any more“不在”为固定短语。本句的否定词隐含在前文的too...to...“太...而不能”中。故填more . 10.考查介词。句意:没人确切地知道恐龙是如何在这么短的时间内从地球上消失的。for sure“确定地”为固定短语。故填for.

I’m a big fan of pop music and I enjoy listening to music quite a lot. Although people can listen to_______music on their music players when they are travelling, working or studying, _______festivals and concerts are becoming more and more_______. This is because I believe they offer two main _______.

The first one is that the sound is much_______ at live concerts where the music and voices come _______from the musicians. This makes it a much more emotional(有感染力的) _______because you have direct contact with the_______ and you react(回应) to them and they react to you.

The second advantage is the atmosphere(气氛). _______ listening to a recording__________on your personal music player, at a concert you are __________ with a huge crowd of people and __________the music together. This means it is a __________as well as an artistic experience.

The main__________ is that you cannot listen to live music __________you want like you can on a personal music player. Besides, the __________ from the audience sometimes__________the quality of the sound.

In my opinion, __________, the best way to enjoy music is the wonderful atmosphere of a live concert. It is more exciting__________you are surrounded by other__________who are dancing with you happily.

1.A. recorded    B. live    C. soft    D. loud

2.A. culture    B. tradition    C. music    D. arts

3.A. special    B. difficult    C. successful    D. popular

4.A. questions    B. advantages    C. challenges    D. results

5.A. higher    B. lower    C. worse    D. better

6.A. quickly    B. directly    C. frequently    D. suddenly

7.A. example    B. lesson    C. experience    D. talk

8.A. performers    B. audience    C. producers    D. strangers

9.A. According to    B. Instead of    C. Except for    D. Along with

10.A. patiently    B. quietly    C. together    D. alone

11.A. listening    B. playing    C. working    D. singing

12.A. writing    B. providing    C. studying    D. enjoying

13.A. personal    B. practical    C. social    D. physical

14.A. reason    B. problem    C. purpose    D. worry

15.A. whenever    B. whatever    C. whoever    D. whichever

16.A. danger    B. pain    C. alarm    D. noise

17.A. improves    B. damages    C. values    D. forms

18.A. besides    B. also    C. however    D. already

19.A. because    B. so    C. but    D. although

20.A. teams    B. classes    C. volunteers    D. fans



Want to know how to be a confident friend-finder? We can help, with four easy steps.

Step 1. Change your mental state.

It’s easy to get so freaked out(不安的)about being in a new situation that you start throwing off don't-come-near-me signals. And guess what? It worked.1.Instead, change your attitude with some positive thinking. Tell yourself: “It’ll be great to get to know someone new”, or “I can’t wait to hear what these girls have to say.”

Step 2. Remember, the eyes have it.

The first place we look at when we’re uncomfortable is the floor. No one can tell if we’re embarrassed. We can’t tell if anyone is looking at us. Whoa!2.Holding your head up and making eye contact is a bold(大胆的)move.It’s confident and friendly.

Step 3.3.

Does starting a communication bring on an attack of shyness? Try adding a good question to your friend-finding tools. Strong opening questions usually begin with “what” or “how” words that get people talking. Typically, our first instinct (本能) is to ask a “can” or a “do” question, like “Can I borrow a pencil?” or “ Do you know where the bathroom is?4.Asking “what” or “how” questions gets you more information to respond to. Try something like “Hi. I really like that flower. How did you draw it?” or “Hi. I’m new. What’s the least scary lunch option in the cafeteria?”

Step 4. Practice, practice, practice.

Making new friends is a skill. 5.But the more you practice, the more relaxed and natural. You’ll feel, and the easier it will get. So flash that smile, offer some welcoming words, and soon you’ll be hanging out with your newest friends!

A. People don’t come near you.

B. All you need is one question.

C. Listen closely to their answers.

D. Not a good way to meet people.

E. The thought of meeting people makes you excited.

F. But that only gets you short answers. Like “Yeah”or “Down the hall”.

G. Like art, music, or sports, it takes practice to feel truly confident of it.



There lived in South Carolina a young woman named Eliza Lucas. Her father was governor of one of the islands of the West Indies. Miss Lucas often got seeds from her father, and then she planted them in South Carolina.

Once, her father sent her some seeds of the indigo (靛蓝) plant. She planted some of them in March, but a frost (霜冻) came and killed all her plants. However, she decided to plant some more seeds in April. These grew very well until a cutworm found them and ate her plants. Once more Miss Lucas planted some of the seeds. This time the plants grew very well. She wrote to her father about it. He sent her a man who knew how to get the indigo out of the plant.

However, the man tried not to show Miss Lucas how to make the indigo. He did not want the people in South Carolina to learn how to make it. He was afraid his own people would not get so much money for their indigo if other people made it as well. So he destroyed the indigo on purpose. But Miss Lucas watched him closely. She worked out how the indigo could be made. Some of her father’s land in South Carolina was now planted with the indigo plant.

Then Miss Lucas got married, and became Mrs. Pinckney. Her father gave her all the indigo growing on his land in South Carolina. It was all saved for seeds. Mrs Pinckney gave some of the seeds to her friends while her husband sowed others. They all grew and were made into the blue dye(染料) that we call indigo. In a few years, South Carolina was producing more than a million pounds of indigo every year. All the people were grateful to her.

1.The indigo plant died at first because of ______.

A. a cutworm    B. a frost

C. strong sunlight    D. heavy rain

2.What might be people’s attitude toward Eliza Lucas in South Carolina?

A. They were afraid of her.    B. They were doubtful of her.

C. They were thankful to her.    D. They were worried about her.

3.The man Miss Lucas’s father sent her ______.

A. was not as helpful as she expected    B. knew little about planting seeds

C. helped her a lot in making the indigo    D. made a lot of money in South Carolina

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Eliza Lucas learned to plant seeds.

B. Eliza Lucas became Mrs. Pinckney.

C. Eliza Lucas got her father’s land in South Carolina

D. Eliza Lucas introduced indigo to South Carolina.



You often can choose a private setting when you browse(浏览) the internet. But be forewarned: It may not afford nearly as much privacy as you expect. That’s the finding of a new study.

Major web browsers, such as Google’s Chrome and Apple’s Safari, often a private-browsing option. It’s sometimes referred to as “incognito.” This option lets you surf the Internet browser and saves a record into its history of each page that you visited. And what sites you visit won’t affect the suggestions your browser makes the next time you’re filling out an online form.

Many people believe----incorrectly--- that the incognito setting protects them more broadly. Most believe it even after reading a web browser’s explanation of the incognito mode.

For instance, a new study had 460 people read web browsers’ descriptions of private browsing. Each person read one of 13 descriptions. Then the participants answered questions about how private they thought their browsing would be while using this tool. The volunteers didn’t understand the incognito mode.This was true no matter which browser explanation they had read. The researchers reported their findings on April 26 at the 2018 World Wide Web Conference in Lyon, France.

More than half of the volunteers thought that if they logged into a Google account through a private window, Google wouldn’t keep a record of their search history. Not true. And about one in every four participants thought private browsing hid their device’s IP address. That’s wrong, too.

Blase Ur was one of the study’s authors. He’s an expert in computer security and privacy in Illinois at the University of Chicago. Companies could clear up this confusion by giving better explanations of the incognito mode, his team says. For example, the browsers should avoid vague(模糊).The web browser Opera, for instance, promises users that “your secrets are safe.” Nope Firefox encourages users to “browse like no one’s watching.” In fact, someone might be. (If you’d like to know more about the research information, please click here .)

1.The researchers did the study with the aim of ______.

A. checking the safety of browsers of leading companies

B. finding users’ knowledge about private browsing policy

C. tracking young web users’ browsing habits

D. testing a new tool to judge the Internet

2.The “incognito” mode is believed to be able to ______.

A. record one’s passwords

B. give a warning of insecure links

C. help hide one’s past browsing history

D. access one’s favorite websites quickly

3.Where is the article probably from ______.

A. a text book    B. a newspaper

C. a magazine    D. the Internet

4.The last paragraph is written to ______.

A. report a new finding    B. put forward a suggestion

C. introduce a web browser    D. correct a misunderstanding



A mother goat is able to pick out her own baby from its voice alone by the time the kid is just five days old.

Researchers from University of London played kids’ bleats to female goats and studied their responses. They were surprised to find that the animals were able to pick out their own kids’ voices.

“A mother and the kid rely a lot on smell to recognize one another and, in the wild, during the first week of their lives, the animals hide in grass and don’t call much. It’s a strategy they use to avoid enemies,” Dr Elodie Briefer, who led the research, explained to BBC News. “The mother call to the kids when she want them to come and feed, so we expected that kids would recognize the mothers’ voices.” In fact, this was the case for deer, which also use this hiding strategy, although they do not belong to the same family of species as goats.

She and her team recorded and played back young kids’ calls to the female goats and recorded their responses.She explained, “Even when the calls came from kids that are five to six days old, we could see the mothers responding more to the voices of their own babies.” Hearing the voice of their own kids, the females would look towards the speaker that the sound was coming from, moving around and calling in response.

The scientists say that understanding how goats behave and communicate is very important. “This helps us understand just how smart these animals are,” said Dr. Briefer. “Farmers might be able to change their way to raise goats considering this natural behaviour.”

1.What does the underlined word “bleats” means?

A. habits    B. voices

C. responses    D. videos

2.During the first few days of the baby deer, the mother and the kid mainly depend on ______to recognize each other when they are hiding in grass.

A. voice    B. touch

C. videos    D. smell

3.In the experiment, what does a mother goat do when hearing her kids’ voice?

A. Making voice in response.    B. Jumping over and over.

C. Hiding herself somewhere.    D. Behaving just as usual.

4.The passage is mainly written for ______ to read.

A. teachers    B. writers

C. farmers    D. lawyers



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