满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We don’t meet people by accident. Every ...

We don’t meet people by accident.

Every person you meet will have a(n) ____ in your life, big or small. Some will help you grow and inspire you to do better, ____ some will let you down or even hurt you. At the same time, you are ____ some role in their lives as well. After all, paths ____ for a reason and we are supposed to treat people with significance.

The best teachers are those who don’t tell you how to get there but ____ the way.

There is no better joy than ____ people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels ____ than they ever would have imagined on their own. But that doesn’t ____ you have to fix them or enable them; instead, ____ them to the source of their own power. Offer them support and ____ to fight as they find their own way and show you ____ they’re capable of. All you have to do is believe in them.

Never ____ someone even if he fails unless you are helping them up.

We like to think of life as a meritocracy(精英), so it’s easy to look down on someone who isn’t as ____ or accomplished or well educated as you are. But you have no idea how ____ that person has already climbed or where they will ____. Time could easily reverse(翻转)your ____, so be sure you treat everyone with ____.

____ those who have supported you, forgive those who have ____ you, help those who need you.

Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadership is difficult. Treat all people including yourself with love and compassion(同情), and you can’t ____.

Treat people the way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better.

1.A. chance    B. role    C. relation    D. place

2.A. while    B. if    C. when    D. though

3.A. changing    B. creating    C. finding    D. playing

4.A. cross    B. end    C. wind    D. begin

5.A. push    B. find    C. show    D. feel

6.A. helping    B. making    C. having    D. letting

7.A. better    B. higher    C. richer    D. farther

8.A. say    B. mean    C. explain    D. describe

9.A. attach    B. relate    C. adapt    D. guide

10.A. motivation    B. shelter    C. prediction    D. evidence

11.A. that    B. which    C. what    D. how

12.A. look down on    B. take care of    C. put up with    D. show respect for

13.A. lucky    B. wise    C. enthusiastic    D. successful

14.A. far    B. long    C. many    D. much

15.A. work out    B. fade away    C. end up    D. get along

16.A. instructions    B. positions    C. directions    D. situations

17.A. equality    B. respect    C. quality    D. identity

18.A. Praise    B. Appreciate    C. Tolerate    D. Expect

19.A. hurt    B. hated    C. interrupted    D. annoyed

20.A. go back    B. go wrong    C. go blind    D. go out


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。我们遇见人不是偶然的。你遇到的每一个人都会在你的生命中扮演重要的角色,或大或小。有些会帮助你成长,激励你做得更好,而有些会让你失望,甚至伤害你。感激那些支持过你的人,原谅那些伤害过你的人,帮助那些需要你的人。用爱和同情对待所有人,包括你自己,你就不会犯错。 1.B考查名词。 A. chance机会; B. role角色; C. relation关系; D. place地方。根据Every person you meet will have a(n) ___1___ in your life, big or small.“你遇到的每一个人都会在你的生命中扮演重要的角色,或大或小。”故选B。 2.A考查连词。A. while然而; B. if 如果; C. when当------时候; D. though尽管。根据Some will help you grow and inspire you to do better, ___2___ some will let you down or even hurt you.“有些会帮助你成长,激励你做得更好,而有些会让你失望,甚至伤害你。”此处while“然而”,是并列连词,前后形成鲜明对比,故选A。 3.D考查动词。A. changing改变; B. creating创造; C. finding发现; D. playing玩。根据At the same time, you are ___3___ some role in their lives as well.“同时,你也在他们的生活中扮演着某种角色。”固定词组:play a role in“在------中扮演角色”。故选D。 4.A考查动词。A. cross横穿; B. end结束; C. wind缠绕; D. begin开始。根据After all, paths ___4___ for a reason and we are supposed to treat people with significance.“毕竟,途径的交叉是有原因的,我们应该以意义待人。”故选A。 5.C考查动词。A. push推动; B. find发现; C. show展示; D. feel感觉。根据The best teachers are those who don’t tell you how to get there but ___5___ the way.“最好的老师不是告诉你如何到达那里,而是为你指路。”故选C。 6.A考查动词。A. helping帮助; B. making制造; C. having有; D. letting让。根据There is no better joy than ___6___ people see a vision for themselves“没有什么比帮助别人看到自己的梦想更快乐的了”。故选A。 7.B考查形容词。A. better更好; B. higher更高; C. richer 更富有; D. farther更远。根据seeing them go to levels ___7___ than they ever would have imagined on their own.“看着他们达到比他们自己想象的更高的水平。”故选B。 8.B考查动词。A. say说; B. mean意味着; C. explain解释; D. describe描述。根据But that doesn’t ___8___ you have to fix them or enable them“但这并不意味着你必须修复或启用它们”。故选B。 9.D考查动词。A. attach系上; B. relate涉及; C. adapt使适应; D. guide指导。根据instead, ___9___ them to the source of their own power.“相反,引导他们找到自己力量的源泉。”故选D。 10.A考查名词。A. motivation动机; B. shelter避难所; C. prediction预测; D. evidence证据。根据Offer them support and ___10___ to fight as they find their own way and show you ___11___ they’re capable of.“当他们找到自己的方式并向你展示他们的能力时,给他们支持和动力去战斗。”故选A。 11.C考查宾语从句。根据Offer them support and ___10___ to fight as they find their own way and show you ___11___ they’re capable of.“当他们找到自己的方式并向你展示他们的能力时,给他们支持和动力去战斗。”此处是what引导的宾语从句,故选C。 12.A 考查动词词组。A. look down on轻视; B. take care of 照顾; C. put up with忍受; D. show respect for对-----表示尊重。根据Never ___12___ someone even if he fails unless you are helping them up.“除非你在帮助他,永远不要轻视别人,即使他失败了。”故选A。 13.D考查形容词。A. lucky幸运的; B. wise明智的; C. enthusiastic热情的; D. successful成功的。根据We like to think of life as a meritocracy(精英), so it’s easy to look down on someone who isn’t as ___13___ or accomplished or well educated as you are.“我们喜欢把生活看作是一个任人唯贤的社会,所以我们很容易看不起那些没有你那么成功、没有你那么有成就、没有你受过良好教育的人。”故选D。 14.A考查形容词。A. far远的; B. long长的; C. many很多; D. much大量的。根据But you have no idea how ___14___ that person has already climbed or where they will ___15___.“但你不知道那个人已经爬了多远,也不知道他们最终会爬到哪里。”故选A。 15.C考查动词词组。A. work out工作出,制定出; B. fade away逐渐消失; C. end up以------而结束; D. get along进展。根据But you have no idea how ___14___ that person has already climbed or where they will ___15___.“但你不知道那个人已经爬了多远,也不知道他们最终会爬到哪里。”故选C。 16.B考查名词。A. instructions指令,说明; B. positions位置; C. directions方向; D. situations状况。根据Time could easily reverse(翻转)your ___16___,“时间可以轻易地改变你的立场,”故选B。 17.B考查名词。A. equality平等; B. respect尊重; C. quality质量; D. identity身份。根据so be sure you treat everyone with ___17___.“所以一定要尊重每一个人。”故选B。 18.B考查动词。A. Praise称赞; B. Appreciate感激; C. Tolerate忍受; D. Expect期盼。根据___18___ those who have supported you, forgive those who have ___19___ you, help those who need you.“感激那些支持过你的人,原谅那些伤害过你的人,帮助那些需要你的人。”故选B。 19.A考查动词。A. hurt使受伤; B. hated 厌恶; C. interrupted打断; D. annoyed使烦恼。根据___18___ those who have supported you, forgive those who have ___19___ you, help those who need you.“感激那些支持过你的人,原谅那些伤害过你的人,帮助那些需要你的人。”故选A。 20.B考查动词词组。A. go back回去; B. go wrong出毛病,弄错; C. go blind变瞎; D. go out出去。根据Treat all people including yourself with love and compassion(同情), and you can’t ___20___.“用爱和同情对待所有人,包括你自己,你就不会犯错。”故选B。

I’m going to Syria. Would you please tell me your experiences there?

________. Let’s discuss it over dinner.

A. Never mind    B. Go ahead    C. By all means    D. It just depends



I can’t understand why he ________ so angry. I meant no offence.

It’s typical of him to be so sensitive.

A. must have been    B. should have been    C. might have been    D. can have been



________ offensive nicknames are seen as a form of bullying at school, next time you want to call someone by its nickname, weigh it before you do.

A. Since    B. Unless    C. Although    D. Before



The lecture ________, a lively question-and answer session followed.

A. being given    B. had been given    C. to be given    D. having been given



Many optimistic teenagers owe their personalities to their outgoing parents.

It makes sense. As we all know, a happy parent ________ a happy child.

A. makes out    B. makes into    C. makes up    D. makes for



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