满分5 > 高中英语试题 >





2. 建议他接受或者拒绝,并说明理由。



Dear Xiaoming,

Are you feeling better now ?


Hoping you’ll be cheerful soon !


Zou Kai


Dear Xiaoming, Are you feeling better now? Recently, you have been wearing a long face. Being your friend, I know what’s on your mind. Actually,it is your parents’ devotion and responsibility that bring them to such a decision. In their view, parental love is an inspiration for you. However, it’s understandable for you to feel upset. Considerate, independent, intelligent and strong-willed, you are capable of dealing with your own work. More importantly, you love your parents too, wishing them to share happiness and sorrow when working far away from home. Therefore, if I were you, I would have a talk, asking them to have confidence in me and telling them I can still be motivated without their company. Hoping you’ll be cheerful soon! Yours, Zou Kai 【解析】 这篇书面表达属于应用类作文,要求写封邮件。 第1步:根据提示可知,你发现你的好友小明最近很苦恼,并得知:为了让他专注学习考上理想大学,家人打算让他母亲不再跟随父亲外出打工,而在学校旁租房专门陪读。对于是否接受这个决定,他左右为难,拿不定主意。请给小明写封邮件劝慰他。人称为第一人称,时态应为一般现在时。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:wear a long face愁眉苦脸,on your mind在你的脑海,devotion奉献,responsibility责任,parental love父母的爱,inspiration鼓舞,understandable可以理解的,be capable of能够,deal with处理,More importantly更重要的是,far away from远离。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







Two years ago my husband buy me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often fast than a car and you don’t have to worry parking. You can leave them in any place you like. As it has a seat at the back or a basket at the front, it’s convenient for me to take my little daughter to school, and go shopping. I use it most in summer while the weather is warm and dry. It can be unpleasant in winter, though, when the weather is cold and rain. It can also be dangerous. You should be careful of on a bicycle. Accidents are not the only problem. One day I went shop and came back to find my front wheel gone. Now I have three strong lock.




Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult1.was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. She wished that this year she could2.( easy ) buy a special one 3.( please ) him, just like her mother, who was always delighted to receive her gift.

Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not 4.pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or 5.( push ) you with their elbows ( 肘部 ),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.

Jane paused in front of a counter 6.some attractive ties were on display. “ They are real silk, ” the assistant tried to attract her.“ Worth double the price. ” But Jane knew from past experience that her 7.( choose ) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.

Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered. She found some good quality pipes on sale. She did not hesitate for long: although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please 8..

When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already 9.table having supper. Her mother was excited. “ Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane 10.( inform ).



When I was younger I developed an interest in stories of magic. I ______ books where wizards (巫师) and fighters ______ the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I was very happy when they ______ to bring peace and happiness to their lands in the end. Like most of the readers of these stories I secretly ______ for magical powers for myself. I wanted to be able to magically make my pain disappear, to make my problems ______, and to have power over this world that so ______ has power over us.

As I got older, however, I ______ that there was no such thing as magic and how ______ the reality of life was. I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed (治愈)  right. I went through a ______ period of poverty for many years. I felt ______ when both of my sons were diagnosed with Autism (自闭症). I still sometimes daydreamed of magic ______ even that faded away.

Then one day it struck me that there was a ______ kind of magic, which grew ______ in my heart, soul, and mind day by day and year by year. This magic was called LOVE. It ______ me to my own highest self and to all of the other ______ in this world. It didn’t get rid of my ______ but it made every day of my life feel richer. It didn’t cure my sons, Autism, but it helped me see them as the beautiful, loving, and joyful souls that they ______ are. It didn’t make me a wizard or a fighter.______, it helped me to drive the darkness of this world with my own ______.

May you choose it, share it, and live in it every single day of your life. May you use it to ______ others, and to heal this world.

1.A. borrowed    B. wrote    C. read    D. bought

2.A. controlled    B. battled    C. owned    D. lost

3.A. started    B. managed    C. failed    D. refused

4.A. learned    B. looked    C. fought    D. wished

5.A. go away    B. noticed    C. pass by    D. change

6.A. seldom    B. much    C. often    D. little

7.A. guessed    B. realized    C. imagined    D. hoped

8.A. unusual    B. exciting    C. cruel    D. normal

9.A. boring    B. meaningful    C. short    D. long

10.A. tired    B. nervous    C. serious    D. hopeless

11.A. because    B. but    C. and    D. so

12.A. common    B. pure    C. different    D. similar

13.A. deeper    B. bigger    C. stronger    D. thicker

14.A. connected    B. introduced    C. compared    D. limited

15.A. patients    B. souls    C. friends    D. neighbors

16.A. poverty    B. fear    C. trouble    D. puzzle

17.A. hardly    B. possibly    C. totally    D. truly

18.A. Otherwise    B. Moreover    C. Still    D. Therefore

19.A. light    B. life    C. calmness    D. silence

20.A. attract    B. persuade    C. make    D. help



Daily to-do lists can help you get focused and organized. Follow these tips to create a good to-do list.

Notice the order.

It may help you to develop some sort of system for your to-do list. 1.you can even use a number system and mark them from 1 to 5. Items that are marked 1 might be done later, while the 5s are tasks you should deal with first.

Reduce the list.

2.. If you have 15 minutes to spare, find something on the list that you can complete in that time period. You may think that 15 minutes is not enough to do something, but several 15 minutes add up to something huge.

Add in something fun.

Yourto-do list is no doubt full of things you may not like. That’s why adding in fun activities and tasks should also be important. A fun item doesn’t feel like work. It may even feel like a break. 3. .

Don’t list too much.

It’s important not to overwhelm yourself. 4. . If there’s too much on your plate or you have to work too fast, you can’t possibly enjoy yourself and you’ll only end up being frustrated and overwhelmed.

5. .

Your list needs to be organized in a way that makes you feel comfortable. There are many choices nowadays. However, the old-fashioned pen and paper method may work best for you. You can also use the Internet or even your cell phone to keep your list organized.

A.Keep it organized.

B.Avoid too much stress.

C.Write it the night before.

D.Certainly every item on the list can’t be equally important.

E.You need to complete talks or part of tasks one step at a time.

F.When you return to the less interesting items, you’ll be more active to get them done.

G.Everything that goes on your to-do list should be something important that you need to do.



To travel abroad, we often meet the problem of what to take and how to take it. Take as little as possible. Choose clothes for your use in different kinds of situations and when you have made your final choice, take half of it! It’s always a big problem to take too many things, and anyway if necessary, you can buy what you need in America. Things like jeans, T-shirts and other clothes are good buys in the US. If you hunt around you can usually find something on sale.

Whatever baggage you take, make sure it is easy to take. Getting on and off buses and trains, even just changing planes, can be a test if your bags are too heavy or too many. The best way is to take one holdall, like a suitcase or a backpack, and then a smaller bag. Even when you have to check in your holdall, at the airport or bus station, you can keep all your money and documents by your side. It is also a good idea to keep a change of clothing in your shoulder bag in case your suitcase or backpack gets lost by an airline or a bus company.

The means you choose to travel around the US will depend on your money, you time and something else. Since there are certain discounts available to travelers who buy their tickets outside the US, it is a good idea to make travel plans before you go. Also, when you buy your tickets outside the US, you save the eight percent sales tax.  Travel is like everything else in America---you have to shop around for the best busy. Never be afraid to ask for the cheapest fare. The clerk seldom offers you the cheapest one.

1.What is the writer’s idea about what to take while travelling abroad?

A. Take as many clothes as possible

B. Take as few things as you can

C. Take only your tickets and money

D. Take whatever you can use in different situations.

2.The writer thinks travelers had better put their money and documents in ____________.

A. a suitcase    B. a backpack

C. a shoulder bag    D. a coat pocket

3.From the last paragraph we can learn that ______________.

A. travelling around the US will cost you little money

B. clerks always show you the cheapest things

C. asking prices is not good manners in the US

D. buying tickets outside the US is cheaper

4.The passage is mainly about some advice about_____________.

A. travelling in America

B. shopping in America

C. the means to travel around the US

D. the ways to save money in the US



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