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All across the nation,in Americans’backy...

All across the nation,in Americans’backyards and garages and living rooms,wild animals kept as pets live side by side with their human owners.It’s believed that more exotic animals live in American homes than are cared for in American zoos.The exotic-pet business has drawn criticism from animal welfare advocates and wildlife conservationists alike,who say it’s not only dangerous to bring wildlife into households but it’s cruel and criminal.Yet the issue is far from black or white

The term exotic pet has no firm definition.It can refer to any wildlife kept in human households or simply to a pet that’s more unusual than the common dog or cat.Privately owning exotic animals is currently permitted in a handful of states with no restrictions in America.Adam Roberts of Born Free USA keeps a running database of deaths and injuries caused by exotic-pet ownership:In Connecticut a 55-year-old woman’s face was permanently disfigured by her friend’s lifelong pet monkey;in Ohio an 80-year-old man was attacked by a 200-pound kangaroo;in Nebraska a 34-year-old man was strangled(勒)to death by his pet snake.And that list does not include the number of people who become sick from coming into contact with zoonotic(动物传染的) diseases.

Some people see wild animals as pets as a way to connect with the natural world.Other exotic-pet owners say they are motivated by a desire to preserve threatened species.They believe climate change and human population growth could wipe out a species in record time,so having a backup population is a good idea. 

But some groups like Born Free USA and the World Wildlife Fund gay that captive breeding(圈养)of endangered species by private owners—whether for commercial,conservation,or educational reasons—serves only to continue a booming market for exotic animals.That,in turn,results in a greater risk to animals still living in their natural habitat.

1.Which word can replace the phrase“far from black or white”in Paragraph 1?

A. contradictory    B. ridiculous

C. controversial    D. universal

2.Why does the writer list some deaths and injuries in the text?

A. To give us a clear and firm definition of exotic pets.

B. To show keeping exotic animals can be very dangerous.

C. To prove humans can not be infected by animal diseases.

D. To tell us it’s illegal to have exotic-pet ownership in USA.

3.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. The reasons for keeping exotic animals as pets.

B. Worries about the endangered wild animals.

C. The differences between people who keep exotic pets.

D. The disadvantages of privately owning exotic animals.

4.The last paragraph of the text is intended to_______.

A. introduce some animal protection groups

B. argue against keeping exotic animals in captivity

C. warn people of the danger of animals being caught

D. prove captive breeding can encourage exotic-pet business


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了一些美国人在家里饲养野生动物,他们把野生动物带入家庭很危险,各界对此事件充满争议。 1.词义猜测题。上句说The exotic-pet business has drawn criticism from animal welfare advocates and wildlife conservationists alike,who say it’s not only dangerous to bring wildlife into households but it’s cruel and criminal.说外来宠物业务引起了动物福利倡导者和野生动物物种保护者的批评,他们把野生动物带入家庭不仅很危险,而且是残酷和罪恶的。由此推知这个问题有争议,“far from black or white”意思是有争议的,A. contradictory矛盾的;B. ridiculous荒谬的;C. controversial有争议的;D. universal普遍的,故选C。 2.推理判断题。答案定位在第二段Adam Roberts of Born Free USA keeps a running database of deaths and injuries caused by exotic-pet ownership(Adam Roberts记录着因养宠物而导致的死亡和受伤情况)以及结合下面惨痛的事例,可知作者在文中列举了一些伤亡事件是为了表明饲养野生动物是非常危险的,故选B。 3.段落大意题。这一段的意思是一些人认为把野生动物当宠物是与自然世界联系的一种方式。其他外来宠物的主人说,他们的动机是希望保护濒危物种。他们认为气候变化和人口增长可能在很短的时间内消灭一个物种,所以有一个备份是一个好主意。由此推断出第三段主要讲了人们把野生动物当宠物饲养的原因,故选A。 4.写作意图题。答案定位在最后一段That,in turn,results in a greater risk to animals still living in their natural habitat.(反过来,结果在一个更大的风险中,动物仍然生活在它们的自然栖息地。)由此推断出最后一段目的在于反对圈养野生动物,故选B。

At schools across the United States,students often sit down to cafeteria lunches made from processed foods that are high in fat,sodium,and sugar.But kids at Public School(P.S.)216 in Brooklyn have a different dining experience.Principal Donna Neglia reports that her students love eating flesh fruits and vegetables.

P.S.216 participated in the Edible Schoolyard Project,a nonprofit program founded by Chef Alice Waters in 1995.The program that Waters created helps public schools across the country start on-site gardens and weave principles of healthy eating into the curriculum.Students grow and maintain crops,harvesting the fruits and vegetables for cafeteria meals.

Waters expressed her passion for the principles of the farm-to-table movement.She advised schools to connect with the farmers in their area and change their buying practices when planning meals for students.

Waters has long been inspiring people to care about where their food comes from.In 1993,she put forward the idea of a White House vegetable garden.It was not until 2009 that Michelle Obama started the garden in the backyard of the White House.She and members of the kitchen staff spent hours tending to the garden,often with help from local school children.

“That gave people a sense that she cared about children and cared about where our food comes from,”Waters said,praising the former First Lady’s concern for young people’s health.“We are just building this movement,and it is very exciting.”

“Through the Edible Schoolyard Project,students also learn about the benefits of healthy eating in the classroom.”Neglia said.“P.S.216 is teaching kids about careers in the food industry—such as farming and agriculture,nutrition,food safety,and the restaurant business.”

Similar classes are taking place around the country.So far,the Edible Schoolyard Project has reached more than 1 million students in more than 367 schools.“I'm thinking about the future of the planet,”Waters said.“I'm doing this for our generation.”

1.What’s the purpose of the Edible Schoolyard Project?

A. To reduce students’stress.

B. To let students eat healthy food.

C. To improve schools’environment.

D. To expect students to experience farming.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 5?

A. The project made Waters famous,

B. Running a garden was too difficult for students.

C. Waters thought highly of what Michelle Obama did.

D. The former First Lady should care about young people.

3.From the text we can infer that___________.

A. P.S.216 belongs to the pioneers in the Edible Schoolyard Project

B. P.S.216 mainly teaches kids about careers in food industry

C. Waters’ project is not well received by me us schools

D. Waters had no difficulty in starting vegetable garden

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Students should eat healthily    B. A famous school—P.S.216

C. Processed foods should be advised    D. A chef helps create green schoolyards



If you are the kind of tourist who likes to visit places with outstanding landscapes and multicultural cities,then Asia is the place to go.Take a cruise(巡游)to Asia and you will not be disappointed.

The Finest Asian Cruise Explorations

Tourists who want to visit several Asian countries understand that cruising there is the best alternative.You can decide to take a two-week cruise,starting from Sri Lanka to Thailand.There’s also a three-week cruise that starts off in China all the way to Japan.A most popular voyage is one that starts from Hong Kong to Singapore.

The Best Time to Travel

When touring Asia.it’s best to understand that different cruise lines have different travelling timelines.You can be caught in the rain during your tour(October to December in Malaysia and December to February in Indonesia).Most cruises take place from December to the end of March.

Booking Cruise-ship Tours

Given that you’ll probably be taking long flights to get to South Asia and the Far East,the budget will be large,especially if you are visiting as a family.In addition,many people tour this region,so it would be best if you book early when the prices are more appealing.


There are so many ports in Asia and this might bring a challenge if you want to get somewhere in time.Make sure you plan your day-trips in advance and follow the cruise line tours to avoid missing the boats.Apart from visiting the cities,you could also go to Borneo,Indonesia to see the orangutans(猩猩).You can also hop across several islands from Bali,appreciate the colorful floats as well as the cherry blossoms in Japan and visit the floating fish farms in Vietnam.

1.In the author’s opinion,which cruise is the most welcoming one?

A. From Hong Kong to Singapore.

B. From Sri Lanka to Thailand.

C. Flying to the Far East.

D. From China to Japan.

2.When is the best time available on tours in Indonesia?

A. January.    B. February.

C. December.    D. March.

3.Where can you appreciate the colorful floats?

A. Bali.    B. Vietnam.

C. Japan.    D. Indonesia.



假定你是李华,你校爱鸟社(Bird Club)将于下周末举行社团活动。作为爱鸟社社长,你想邀请外教 Mr. Smith来参加活动。请用英语给他写封邮件,内容包括:




注意:1.词数 100 左右;





假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I used to think cooperating waste of time, but one thing changes my mind.One day the scientific teacher asked us to do some researches and handed in the conclusion.That took me lots of time to do the research but I still couldn’t finished it.So I tried to cooperate with others.We shared our researches and then made the completely conclusion soon.

So I think cooperating not only saves our times, but also helps us to promote the communication with others. Although in the world today very few things can be successfully done by just one person, cooperating can benefit from both or all sides.



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Just like every technological advancement, the next is set to be a huge deal, and such is the case for 5G.The wireless technology 1. (expect) to power self-driving cars, virtual reality, smart 2. (city), and networked robots. 3. (research) from King’s College London who have joined with Ericsson (ERIC) to dream up futuristic applications for 5G have looked at everything from music 4. medicine.

The team is working towards using  5. technology to transfer physical skills across networks and creating what  they are calling the “Internet of Skills”. “With 5G and the new networking architecture we’re building, we’re hoping to  get this delay down to just the speed of light,” said Mischa Dohler, a professor of wireless communications at King’s College.

Furthermore, 5G will 6. (hopeful) allow a surgeon with virtual reality equipment 7. (work) on the other   side of the world via a robot.They will use haptic (触觉的) gloves, 8. will allow the surgeon to sense motion and pressure when 9. (operate) on a patient and can get instant feedback via the gloves.

Meanwhile, Dohler does not expect this to happen overnight  and 10. (believe) it could take  the  “Internet of  Skills” another decade before it is fully functional.



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