满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was 5 years old, I started losing...

When I was 5 years old, I started losing weight. My parents noticed I was pale and always thirsty. They had me tested to see if my blood sugar was high because they thought that might be causing my symptoms.

My blood sugar was five times higher than normal. That can be deadly. My parents rushed me  to the hospital. That's when my whole life changed.

The doctors said I had Type 1 Diabetes (糖尿病).That means my body can't make insulin (胰岛素).There's no cure.

My parents had to give me insulin shots every day and I had to get over my fear of needles quickly. Sometimes I had 10 band-aids on my fingers at once.

Now that I'm older, I check my own blood sugar and give myself shots. About four years ago, my mom started traveling to rural Guatemala. She goes twice a year to help people in need.

I have been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. For a Girl Scout project, I put together a team to go to Guatemala to test people there for diabetes. We went for four days last July. We tested 378 children and 100 adults. We found three adults with a different kind of diabetes, called type 2. We also found one little girl with dangerously low blood sugar. She cried when we told her. She had been feeling dizzy and didn't know why. It was like replaying what happened to me when I was little. I talked through a translator, but everyone understood hugs. I gave more hugs than I've ever given.

Having type 1 diabetes is hard. But I have accepted it readily. It has helped me meet amazing  people. It has made me responsible and independent. It has also shown me the power of taking action. I'm going back to Guatemala this summer to test more kids. I want to help as many kids as I can. But my greatest wish is for a cure. Type 1 diabetes changes your life. If no other child ever has to have it, that would be amazing.

1.Why did the author's parents have her blood sugar tested?

A. They found that she was pale.

B. They noticed that she was thirsty.

C. They doubted if she was ill.

D. They wondered if she was tired.

2.What do we know about the author?

A. Her Type I Diabetes was cured.

B. She lost heart after the examination

C. She suffered a lot from the disease.

D. She refused insulin shots for fear of pain

3.Why did the author go to Guatemala?

A. Her mother requested her to.

B. She hoped to help people there.

C. Her Girl Scout leader made a medical team.

D. She wanted to start her round-the-world trip.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. She lives with Type I Diabetes.

B. She has wonderfiil experiences in Guatemala.

C. Unexpected trip makes her more confident.

D. She lives amazingly despite the diabetes.


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者从小患有糖尿病,在长大后开始致力于帮助和自己有一样病症的孩子的故事。 1.细节理解题。第一段最后一句“They had me tested to see if my blood sugar was high because they thought that might be causing my symptoms.”可知父母检查了作者的血糖是否过高,是因为他们怀疑作者生病了。故选C。 2.细节理解题。第三段第二句“That means my body can't make insulin (胰岛素).There's no cure.”可知测试后作者得知自己的病无法治愈,因此很灰心,故选B。 3.细节理解题。最后一段倒数第三句“I want to help as many kids as I can.”可知作者想要尽可能帮助更多的孩子。故选B。 4.主旨大意题。最后一段“It has helped me meet amazing people. It has made me responsible and independent. It has also shown me the power of taking action.”可知,虽然从小患病,但是病症也使得作者成为一个负责任、独立的人,使她更精彩地活着。故D选项符合题意。

Attractions in New York

Empire State Building

Towering over 444 meters into the sky, the building has an indoor and outdoor observation deck on the 86th and 102nd floor, where you can see the overall view of the New York City. The building houses more than 1000 businesses. You can buy your ticket online in advance to avoid waiting .Telephone : 212-736-3100 Location : 350 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10118.

Open Hours: 08:00-02:00

Central Park

For more than 150 years, visitors have come to Central Park's 843 green acres in the heart of Manhattan.Since 1980, the Park has been managed by the Central Park Conservancy, in partnership with the public. You can visit the official website of Central Park to learn more about Park happenings and activities and to learn how to help Central Park Telephone: 212-310-6600

Location: 59th to 110th Street, Manhattan Borough from Central Park West to 5th Avenue, New York

City NY 10022

Open Hours: 06:00-23:00

The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum

The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum is a place of remembrance honoring those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Memorial Museum displays Monumental artifacts linked to the events of 9/11, while presenting stories of loss, sympathy and recovery that are central to telling the story of the 2001 attacks and the consequence. It also explores the global impact of 9/11 and its continuing significance..

Telephone: 212-312-8800

Location: 180 Greenwich St. World Trade Center New York City, NY 10007

Open Hours: 09:00-20:00

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

At New York City’s most visited museum and attraction, you will experience over 5,000 years of art from around the world. The Met is for anyone as a source of inspiration, and understanding. You can learn, escape, play, dream, discover and connect.

Telephone: 212-535-7710

Location : 1000 5th Avenue, New York City, NY 10028-0198 Open Hours: 10:00-17:30

1.How can you get more information about the activities in Central Park?

A. By writing to the manager.    B. By consulting the staff.

C. By visiting its website.    D. By calling the park.

2.Which number should you call if you're interested in art?

A. 212-736-3100.    B. 212-310-6600.

C. 212-310-8800.    D. 212-535-7710.

3.Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A product handbook.    B. A popular magazine.

C. A tourist brochure.    D. An official report.




As bike-sharing booms in China, a guideline was released by the government to promote a new form of the sharing economy - this time involving vehicles.

Car-sharing, which provides an alternative for people to travel in cities, will be the new innovation in a service model. The released guideline focuses on legal status, insurance and regular maintenance of cars before they join sharing services. It encourages the development of car-sharing, which is expected to reduce the liking to individually buy vehicles and ease traffic congestion amid a surge in recent years of private-car ownership.

“However, there is a long way to before the purpose of the guideline comes true,” said Xia Xueluan, a professor of sociology. “First, a car costs at least 100.000 yuan, almost 500 times that for a shared bicycle. Besides, shared cars also take the same spaces as other private cars, so parking will be another problem.”

“Meanwhile, traditional car rental companies are competing with the emerging car-sharing business. It’s estimated the charges will be almost the same for both forms of cars rentals,” Xia said. “How to survive fierce competition will remain a challenge for car-sharing providers,” he added.


1. 用约30个词概括上述文章的主要内容;

2. 请你就共享汽车的话题发表观点。

(1) 为什么要发展共享汽车

(2) 如何才能更好地发展共享汽车


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句:

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称:

3. 不必写标题。







What is style? Style is the special visual paradigm centering on the visual symbol system. It is contained in the materialized products of daily life such as fashion, borne, architecture. horticulture; and environment. It is reflected in the creation of cultural products including literature, films and music. It is still a way of behavior and life that expresses specific customs. To sum up. style is not only the core of cultural products with visual, melodic, literal and abstract symbols, but also a way of life.

The style of China means the expression of Chinese elements. Chinese elements are the inheritance(传承)of cultural genes. The style of China relies on thousands of years of cultural accumulation(积累). It should not be limited to objects. It is supposed to express the Chinese cultural concept of Confucianism and Taoism. It must reflect the specific views of man and nature, man and objects as well as man and social relations.

The style of China ought to be oriented towards the world. It did influence the world. Silk and ceramics were the main products traded along the Silk Road. They contained rich Chinese culture. The thousand-year-old Silk Road spread the style of China to the West. And the craze for Chinoiserie(中国艺术品)was a popular fashion in European society at that time.

The style of China is the reproduction and variation of cultural genes. It is the inheritance along with innovation.

The style of China is duty-bound to select as always silk, bamboo, wood, stone clay, glass and porcelain. Meanwhile, the materials in modern industrial era like meats, glass and cement should be fully used. Besides, it is necessary to continue the concept of interactive space planning between man and nature and between man and man. It also needs to explore such new spaces as digitization, the Internet, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

The style of China must show the transformation and promotion from Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation. It relies on the manufacturing power and the industrial strength. The style of China presents to the world the image of a large industrial producer and a birthplace of global creativity.

The style of China represents not only the reconstruction of objects, but also the renewal of Chinese value system.

The style of China ought to rely on rich historical heritage(遗产), draw on strengths of others and keep up with the times. It should focus on the life of the general public, the world and the future.



Main idea

Key information

1 (style)


what style is

● a special visual paradigm

1. in both materialized and cultural products

● a way of behavior and life

2 (Chinese style)


the 2. of Chinese style

● the expression of Chinese culture elements 3. over thousands of years.

● not only objects, but also cultural concept


4. oriented

● once influenced the world with silk and ceramics along the Silk Road


not only inheritance but also innovation

5. products like silk and porcelain should be selected

● Modern 6. and concept should also be used.

● from “made in China” to “7. in China”

● reconstruction of objects 8. renewal of value system



● traditional, open and 10.

● life-focused on the public, world and future





    "It can't be done" Boyan Slat heard this over and over when he first proposed a way to clean  up millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans Almost anyone else would have given up in frustration and despair But 20yearold Slat hasn't been discouraged but committed to his dream "Human history is basically a list of things that couldn't be done and then were done" he saysToday slat and his team at The Ocean Cleanup are well on their way to proving the critics wrong Good news for the planet


Slat who grew up in the city of Delft in the Netherlands was on a diving trip in Greece three years ago when he was deeply impressed by plastic "There were more plastic bags than fish" he says "That moment I realized it was a huge issue and that environmental issues are really the biggest problems my generation will face"

That fall Slat then 17 decided to study plastic pollution as part of a high school project Soon Slat learned that no one had yet come up with practical way to clean up this massive garbage patches Most proposed solutions involved "fishing" up the plastic using ships equipped with netswhich as Slat discovered would likely take more than 1000 years cost too much let off too much sea life along with the trash

Slat proposed an alternative that mostly avoided these problemsa solarpowered system using a floating plastic tube which will go around the garbage and trap it is 600 meters long A big screen hangs down from it about three metres into the water Wind waves and ocean currents will push the trash toward the tube Fish can swim under the screen A ship will pick up the trash and take it back to the shore to sort and recycle it into oil and other products Best of all Slat predicted his system could clean up the North Pacific Garbage Patch between California and Hawaii where a lot of floating garbage exists within five to 10 years


The following Slat entered the aerospace engineering program at the Delft University of Technology and officially announced his ocean cleanup concept at TEDx Delft But nothing much moved forward

Slat found himself continually absentminded in classes looking for ways to improve his concept "It wouldn't let go I finally decided to put both university and my social life on hold to focus all my time on developing this idea I wasn't sure if it would succeed but considering the scale of problem I thought it was important to at least try" He says

With this family's blessing Slat began in earnest organizing a team of volunteers and employees for The Ocean Cleanup which now numbers about 100


In answer to opposition Slat and his team raised 100000 from a crowdfunding campaign and began testing a 40meter collecting barrier near the Azores Islands last March In June they released a 500+ page possibility study

Over the next three to four years Slat will push toward a fully operational largescale project by testing a series of longer and longer barriers He's currently seeking to crowd fund 2 million to finance it Incidentally The Ocean Cleanup is also working on a plan to stop plastic from washing into the oceans in the first place "It's just the other problem that is equally important" Slat says "It's something everyone is able to help with and we also have some technologies in the pipeline"

As for school Slat doesn't miss it except maybe for the socialpart which he hopes to (恢复) a bit once his team takes on more of the workload " I don't have time for things like that right now but I really can't complain I can imagine doing something more fun than being able to have an idea and then actually making it into a reality" he says

1.What is the function of the first paragraph

A. An introduction to the main topic

B. An overview of the whole article

C. The background information of the story

D. Raising a problem for later solution

2.Which of the following shows the correct order of the three missing subtitles

a But is it possible

b Drowning in plastic

c An idea wouldn't die

A. abc

B. cba

C. bac

D. bca

3.What inspired the boy to study plastic pollution

A. One of his high school projects

B. Others' opposition to his proposal

C. Humans' failure in cleaning up the ocean

D. The shockingly heavy plastic pollution in ocean

4.What can we say about Slat's design

A. It is powerful but only used in California and Hawaii

B. It is huge but causes great damage to sea lives

C. It makes full use of natural forces and is friendly to nature

D. It was welcomed by all the public and worked very well

5.Which of the following quotes best displays Slat's strong will and confidence

A. "Human history is basically a list of things that couldn't be done and then were done"

B. "That was the moment I realized it was a huge issue and that environmental issues are really the biggest problems my generation will face"

C. "I finally decided to put both university and my social life on hold to focus all my time on developing this idea"

D. "It's something everyone is able to help with and we also have some technologies in the pipeline"

6.What does the author mainly do in this article

A. Explain a creative idea

B. Introduce a fascinating person

C. Describe a social phenomenon

D. Praise a point of view



    Sam I say to myself as I start across the bridge you must stop these thoughts and start thinking about what to do now that you have lost your falcon(猎鹰), Frightful

Life my friend Bando once said is meeting problems and solving them whether you are an amoeba or a space traveler I have a problem I have to provide my younger sister Alice and myself with meat Fish nuts and vegetables are good and necessary but they don't provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do Although we have venison(鹿肉) now I can't always count on getting it So far this year our venison has been only road kill from in front of Mrs Strawberry's farm

I decide to take the longest way home down the flood plain of the West Branch of Delaware to Spilkill my own name for a fast stream that cascades down the south face of the mountain range I'm on I need time to think Perhaps Alice and I should be like the early Eskimos We should walk camp and hunt and when the seasons change walk on to new food sources But I love my tree and my mountaintop

Another solution would be to become farmers like the people of the Iroquois Confederacy who once lived here They settled in villages and planted corn and squash(南瓜), bush beans and berries We already grow groundnuts in the damp soil and squash in the poor land But the Iroquois also hunted game I can't do that anymore

I'm back where I started from

Slowly climb the Spillkill As I hop from rock to rock beneath shady basswoods and hemlocks I hear the cry of the redtailed hawk who nests on the mountain crest I am reminded of Frightful and my heart aches I can almost hear her call my name Cree cree carree

Maybe l can get her back if l beg the man who is in charge of the peregrines(游隼) university "But it's the law" he would say L could write to the president of the United states and ask him to make an exception of Alice and me That won't work The president swore to upload the constitution(宪法) and laws of the United States when he took office

I climbed on I must stop thinking about the impossible and solve the problem of what to do now I must find a new way to provide for us Frightful is going to be in good hands at the university and she will have young

I smile at the thought of little Frightfuls and lift my reluctant feet

When I am fat above the river1take of my clothes and moccasins(鹿皮鞋) and bathe in a deep clear pool until I am refreshed and thinking more clearly Climbing up the bank I dress and sit down I breath deeply of the mountain air and try to solve my problem more realistically

1.What does this excerpt(节选) main describe

A. Delicate mental activity

B. Unique story environment

C. Complicated character relationship

D. Everchanging story events

2.What is Sam's first worry

A. The shortest way to go back

B. Survival for Alice and himself

C. The safety of Frightful

D. How to get enough venison

3.What do we know about Frightful

A. He left Sam and Alice due to lack of food

B. He helped Sam hunt before being taken away

C. He is living with the redtailed hawk happily

D. He is giving birth to babies in the university

4.Which of the following can best describe Sam

A. Humorous

B. Aggressive

C. Responsible

D. Unrealistic



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