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请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词, ...

请认真阅读下列短文并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词并将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。 注意每个空格只填 1 个单词。

Fear of missing out

It’s Friday night. While many of your friends may celebrate by going to the movies or checking out a restaurant that’s just opened, you’ve decided to spend this highly cherished night of the week by yourself. The night is yours to enjoy. If you think this sounds relaxing, you’re not alone. At least for a little while until you start wondering if you’ve made the right choice. A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence. Suddenly, the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal, and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety.

Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common feeling. A recent study defined FOMO as “the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out — your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you.

Fear of missing out often develops as a result of deeper unhappiness. Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO. Further worsening the all- too-common feeling is the rise of social media use. Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others’. Rather than finding happiness through their own experiences, they begin worrying that theirs aren’t objectively better than anyone else’s.

The consequences of FOMO are significant and far-reaching. One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with fatigue( ), stress, and sleep problems.  Furthermore,  in  a  2018  study  of  1,045  Americans  aged  18-34,  nearly  40%  of  participants admitted going into debt just to keep up with their friends’ lifestyles, often through increased spending on food, travel, clothes, and electronics.

So how can you overcome the fear? Begin with gratitude. By reflecting on what you already have, you’re less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don’t. Another alternative?

Embrace(欣然接受) JOMO, or the joy of missing out. JOMO allows you to shift your focus to what you really want at any given moment, without feeling concerned about what those around you may be doing. So, turn off your phones and tablets, and engage in something you enjoy while resisting the urge to upload and share it. While this may take practice and perseverance(坚持不懈), the results are well worth the effort.

By embracing the joy of missing out, you make room for all the benefits that come from spending time with yourself and the inner wholeness you contain; you create space to keep up with the things you wish you had more time for — gardening, reading, resting, exercising, cooking, learning, or simply being; and you see yourself in new ways and unearth the talents, fears, joys and quirks that lie beneath the surface.

Fear of missing out




Introduction to FOMO

FOMO is a common fear that others might be having rewarding experiences

from which you are 1.. For example, initially, you enjoy spending a Friday night alone in your own way. However, thinking of your friends’ possible fun, you begin to have 2. about your original decision, which makes you3..


Causes of FOMO

*People are not really happy and even feel 4.with their life.

*The use of social media may result in FOMO, especially when people make negative 5.between themselves and others.

Consequences of


*It can contribute to people’s physical and mental 6..

*It can cause people to 7.money to keep up with others’ lifestyles.


Approaches to overcoming FOMO

*Be8.for what you have now.

*Embrace the  joy  of missing out, 9.on what you  want without trying to seek attention.

Benefits of embracing


*It allows you to have time alone to do whatever you enjoy doing.

*It gives you a chance to10.yourself better.




1. absent 2. doubts 3. anxious 4. unsatisfied 5. comparisons 6. discomforts/problems 7. borrow 8. grateful/thankful 9. focusing 10. know/understand 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。介绍了FOMO“害怕错过”以及产生的原因,结果,克服它的方法。并介绍了JOMO“错失的快乐”的益处。 1.考查提取信息的能力。由第二段“A recent study defined FOMO as “the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out — your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you.”可知,最近的一项研究将“FOMO ”定义为“一种不安的、有时是全神贯注的感觉。你正在错过你的同龄人正在做或拥有比你更多或更好的东西。”所以空处填absent. 填absent. 2.考查提取信息的能力。由第一段“A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence”可知,当你想象你的朋友们在你不在的时候玩得多么开心时,你开始产生怀疑。所以空处填doubts. 故填doubts. 3.考查提取信息的能力。由第一段“ Suddenly, the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal, and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety.”可知,突然间,你为自己计划的安静的夜晚开始失去它最初的吸引力,你发现你的兴奋很快变成了焦虑。所以空处填anxious. 故填anxious. 4.考查提取信息的能力。由第三段“ Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO”研究发现,总体生活满意度较低的人更容易出现“害怕错过”。所以空处填 unsatisfied。故填unsatisfied. 5.考查提取信息的能力。由第三段“Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others”积极使用社交媒体的用户更有可能将自己的成就与其他人进行比较。所以空处填comparisons。故填 comparisons. 6.考查提取信息的能力。由第四段“One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with fatigue( 疲 劳 ), stress, and sleep problems”一项针对大学一年级学生的研究发现,“害怕错过”与疲劳、压力和睡眠等问题有关。所以空处填discomforts/problems. 故填discomforts/problems. 7.考查提取信息的能力。由第四段“ Furthermore, in a 2018 study of 1,045 Americans aged 18-34, nearly 40% of participants admitted going into debt just to keep up with their friends’ lifestyles, often through increased spending on food, travel, clothes, and electronics.”可知,此外,在2018年对1045名年龄在18岁至34岁之间的美国人进行的一项研究中,近40%的参与者承认,负债只是为了跟上朋友的生活方式,通常是通过增加在食品、旅游、服装和电子产品上的支出。所以空处填borrow。故填borrow. 8.考查提取信息的能力。由第五段“So how can you overcome the fear? Begin with gratitude”可知你怎么能克服恐惧呢?从感恩开始。所以空处填grateful/thankful。故填grateful/thankful. 9.考查提取信息的能力。由第五段“JOMO allows you to shift your focus to what you really want at any given moment, without feeling concerned about what those around you may be doing.”JOMO让你在任何时候都可以将注意力转移到你真正想要的东西上,而不用担心周围的人在做什么。所以空处填 focusing。故填focusing. 10.考查提取信息的能力。由最后段“you see yourself in new ways and unearth the talents, fears, joys and quirks that lie beneath the surface.”可知,你用新的方式看待自己,挖掘出隐藏在表面下的天赋,恐惧,快乐和怪癖。所以空处填 know/understand。故填now/understand.

Four years ago your friends congratulated you and your father talked big continuously. Four years ago you walked among the gothic towers and weathered traditions that sew our community together. But what’s next, will I make friends, or I will measure up? And maybe you quietly wondered why a place like Yale, a place that sparked the drive of presidents, a place that raised the world-famous scholars, a place that trained Pulitzer Prize winners, would ever want you? I hope you had these questions because otherwise I might have embarrassed myself. I admit I asked all of these and more.

I took an unconventional path to Yale. Five years ago I was working the evening shift at a clothing store in the suburbs of Virginia. My family had moved every year for the past five years and our finances were so consumed that retirement was not a possibility. Worse yet, my son was a junior at an Ivy League college in New Jersey and hearing about his privileged friends often reminded me of all the things I wanted to give him but couldn’t.

When I told him this he relied,“If you really want to spoil me, spoil yourself. ”Then he took my hands and told me I had a brilliant mind and deserved better than everything I had ever known.

That summer I started community college while working full-time. Education was my second chance. I awoke my curiosity, vitality( 活力) and dignity that I never knew I could feel. When I read Eliot, Miller and Morrison, it was as if I were the first person to have ever read them, as if they were secret insights into the human soul and situations and I knew I couldn’t stop.

Walking among these gothic towers, among these traditions, and among this brilliant, vibrant and unapologetically eclectic Class of 2014 has been inspiring. Whether debating issues in class, or chatting over coffee, I have enjoyed, learned and loved every moment I have shared with you. You have made me a better person and I only hoped I have helped in some way to do the same for you.

And yet even now this is dreamlike. Four years ago I was convinced no one would want me, I wouldn’t measure up and as far as knowing what was next, I supposed I had resigned myself to more of the same. But I’ve come to learn that nothing great can really be accomplished without a healthy dose of terror. No one ever wrote epic(史诗般的) poems, built monuments or told bedtime stories about people who played it safe.

I was terrified when I came to Yale. A big part of me thought I wasn’t good enough. But a big part of life is ignoring the naysayers(反对者) especially the one inside you. Most people are stopped from doing great things by no one but themselves. I learned to tell myself to shut up. Sometimes in the mirror in the morning and others times in the dark before I went to bed. I came to realize once I could overcome my own fear I could overcome just about anything. If you haven’t felt this yet I recommended it: it’s the greatest joy you’ll ever know.

You’ve likely all met your own fear and misgivings(担忧、害怕). I charge you to tell that voice to shut up when necessary because in the end your greatness will not be about IQ but about the sincerity of your ambitions, the toughness of your character and your unwillingness to compromise in the face of difficulty, fear and uncertainty.

And should someone tell you that it can’t be done, or you’re not good enough or it’s not worth the trouble? Should others ask you to take the safe route, or stick to the path of least resistance? Should people say it’s too late or your dreams are impractical? Look them in the eye, laugh a little and let them know “Nothing is impossible”.

1.By saying “spoil yourself” in Paragraph 3, the author’s son meant that       .

A. the author sacrificed a lot for the family

B. the author loved her son and spoiled him

C. the author didn’t deserve any help

D. the author had an excellent mind

2.What did the author realize after entering the college?

A. She was familiar with Eliot and Miller.

B. Social practice was better than knowledge .

C. She had few moments to share with others.

D. Certain terror helped with achievements.

3.What does the phrase “the greatest joy” in Paragraph 7 refer to?

A. The joy of realizing your own aims

B. The joy of knowing your own IQ.

C. The joy of overcoming your own fear.

D. The joy of finding your own advantages.

4.After reading the passage, you are most probably       .

A. worried    B. encouraged

C. relaxed    D. astonished



A T-shirt that constantly monitors the heart’s activity and detects abnormalities could help protect people against stroke. The T-shirt, which can be washed up to 35 times before it needs replacing, has been developed to improve the detection of dangerous heart conditions like atrial fibrillation( 心房颤动), which causes an irregular heart rhythm and raises the risk of stroke.

At least one million people in Britain are known to have this condition; however, it’s estimated that at least another 500,000 have it but haven’t yet been diagnosed because they have no obvious symptoms. Some will have symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness and fatigue; but a large number of people have no idea they’re ill until they suffer a stroke.

Detecting atrial fibrillation involves carrying out an ECG( ). Conventional ECGs are done in a hospital and involve highly trained teams of staff attaching up to 24 separate electrodes(电极) to different parts  of  the  body to  measure electrical signals. But  most  patients experience abnormal rhythms only intermittently(间歇地). This means the chance of picking them up during a short hospital check is slim.

Doctors sometimes issue patients with a device called a Holter monitor to wear under their clothes to try to pick up cardiac( 心脏的) problems. This is an electronic box which clips onto your waistband and is connected to a series of electrodes worn on the upper part of your body. But the box itself is quite bulky, hard to hide beneath clothing and involves a dozen or more wires being attached to the patient’s chest.

The Cardioskin T-shirt, which is made from cotton, could be a much more convenient alternative and can be worn 24 hours a day — meaning it is more likely to pick up any abnormal rhythms in the patient’s heart. It has 15 tiny electrodes woven into the material which are strategically placed around the chest area to track the electrical signals from the heart as they travel across the main part of your body.

The electrodes are powered by a battery which can be removed easily when you need to wash the T- shirt and feed results to a microchip which then sends them out wirelessly to an app. This converts( 转换) the data into an easy-to-read chart showing if the heart rate is abnormal. The results are shared with the patient’s doctor so they can check the patient’s heart without having to call them into the hospital.

Martin Cowie, a professor of cardiology at Imperial College London, said, “Cardioskin could be an important development for cardiologists.”

1.How many British people are having dangerous heart conditions according to the text?

A. Less than 0.5 million.    B. Less than 1 million.

C. At least 1.5 million.    D. At least 2 million.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. The difficulty in detecting atrial fibrillation.

B. The benefit of detecting atrial fibrillation.

C. The process of detecting atrial fibrillation.

D. The future of detecting atrial fibrillation.

3.Why did the author mention a Holter monitor in the text?

A. To show how convenient the Cardioskin T-shirt is.

B. To introduce a way to check the patient’s heart.

C. To encourage people to care about their health.

D. To explain why doctors like using the device.

4.What can we learn about the Cardioskin T-shirt?

A. It has a battery that can be charged easily and quickly.

B. It can be worn a month without being washed.

C. It has electrodes placed all over the T-shirt.

D. It can speed up the process of diagnosis.



Courses Available at North Coast College Campuses


Specialist agriculture centres of the North Coast College offer courses ranging from agricultural skills to beef production, horse studies and rural management. The Wollongbar Campus is famous for its Tropical( 带的) Fruit Growing program and has introduced courses on bush foods and coffee production. Taree offers the Veterinary(兽医的) Assistant program and has introduced “Agristudy”, which enables students to learn flexibly and by correspondence( ), using a mixture of student learning guides, telephone tutorials, information sessions and workshops. Mullumbimby has the popular Rural Business Management program, which can also be studied by correspondence. Grafton, meanwhile, offers traineeships in agriculture including beef and dairy.

Health Programs

The continued improvement of healthier living within the community has seen an increase in fitness awareness and a need for trained staff in the Fitness and Sport industries. Fitness Instruction courses are offered at Tweed Heads and teach students how to keep healthy and lead a safe fitness program.

Lismore offers the Aged Support program and Port Macquarie offers the Early Childhood Nursing program. These courses give you the theoretical skills, knowledge and practical experience needed to work in a variety of residential and community-based health care institutions. For students interested in working in the Medical Health Care industry, Kingscliff is a specialist centre for the Natural Therapy Diploma and has a health clinic on campus.

Environmental Studies

The Environmental Studies courses offered by the North Coast College have been developed to help students increase their awareness and understanding of environmental issues and to enable them to determine their environmental impact. The Environmental Practice course, which includes Coastal Management, is offered through the Ballina Campus.

For people interested in working to protect natural forests, the North Coast College offers the Forest Protection course at Casino. This course can provide a pathway for students into the Natural Resource Management Diploma at university.

1.Which of the following can students probably learn at Wollongbar?

A. Cow farming.    B. Banana growing.

C. Business management.    D. Electronic information technology.

2.What can we learn about the course offered by Kingscliff?

A. It is held in a local hospital.    B. It includes a safe fitness program.

C. It is designed for medical students.    D. It can be studied by correspondence.



I’d never been crazy about Christmas. My husband John and the kids had always done their best to infuse(使充满) me with the holiday ___ , but this Christmas their efforts would be especially ___ .

My salary had reduced and John’s government salary was _______, too. There wasn’t much money to go around, and _______ were just impossible. John was _______ a brave face as usual. But for me our financial hardship brought back ___  memories of my childhood.

“I got a Make and Bake set for Christmas!” one girl shouted. “I got clothes!” another girl said. “What did you get, Lori?” someone asked. “So many presents.” I lied. My parents gave me plenty of love, but love was the ____   thing I had. Mom and Dad always had trouble making ends meet. I’d long since ____  Christmas just wasn’t for me.

John was ______ the tree for just the right branch to ______ the red glass bulb with the “Merry Christmas” writing. It was a precious _______ of his childhood, and he took great pleasure in hanging it on our tree every year. A few days earlier, the tree _______ and several ornaments( ) broke, but this one was unique because of the memories it held for him. It was fine if I didn’t have any Christmas spirit, but it was a different ____ for John. He took a step back to admire the replacement I’d finally found after endless searching on foot and surfing the Internet.

I worked hard to make things right for John because I loved to see my Christmas-loving husband full of holiday joy. I _______ one of the tree lights so it shone directly on John’s beloved ornament. The words on it sparkled(闪烁). After all this time, I finally understood its ______ . Christmas was the season to show my love for my family. How could anyone not like Christmas?

1.A. practice    B. desire    C. spirit    D. pressure

2.A. aimless    B. priceless    C. endless    D. hopeless

3.A. decreased    B. received    C. measured    D. doubled

4.A. performances    B. presents    C. rewards    D. donations

5.A. putting up    B. putting down    C. putting off    D. putting on

6.A. embarrassing    B. horrible    C. precious    D. exciting

7.A. first    B. same    C. real    D. only

8.A. predicted    B. decided    C. imagined    D. promised

9.A. searching    B. preparing    C. approaching    D. planting

10.A. change    B. remove    C. hold    D. handle

11.A. dream    B. reminder    C. comfort    D. resource

12.A. got down    B. broke away    C. turned off    D. fell over

13.A. idea    B. story    C. business    D. account

14.A. flashed    B. repaired    C. adjusted    D. adapted

15.A. message    B. procedure    C. commitment    D. attitude



Had he taken his parent’s advice, he       having made such a silly mistake now.

A. would not regret    B. would not have regretted

C. may not regret    D. may not have regretted



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