满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The phone ID flashed,“Emergency Vet”.“Oh...

The phone ID flashed,“Emergency Vet.Oh noI whispered. I could not lose Merlin now.

Ron and I had tried to have children for a long time with depressing results. I threw myself into my work. Any maternal feelings I had were spent on Merlin.

I couldn’t wait to get home from work each night. I wanted to pick up that warm bundle of loving fur and nestle him. I wanted to sing Rock-a-bye Merlin”,as I did every night as he would put his paws around my neck.

Merlin was my comfort especially at times when I wondered if God was listening. But last night something had changed. Not only did I sing Rock-a-Bye M1erlin”,but I asked, you 're gone?”

Although Merlin was 19 years old, a senior in the· age of a cat, he didn’t look or act that way. I didn’t want to accept the fact that he was nearing the end of his lifetime. My job at the law firm was so demanding and stressful that I couldn’t imagine getting through the day without Merlin waiting to greet me at home.

I dialed the vet’s number. I asked for my husband but he already left. Then I took a breath and asked the question that no one wants to ask,“Is my Merlin still alive?”The nurse saidyes.

Ron came home and said that Merlin had almost no red blood cells left. White blood cells were replacing them. Merlin would need expensive transfusions most likely on a monthly basis. We both knew Merlin was running out of time. I asked Ron to drive me to the vet so I could say goodbye to my little boy cat but he was beat tired and it was late. Ron said if Merlin was still alive he next morning then he would take me to the vet.

The next morning I called the vet. Merlin had survived the night. After driving to the vet, I went into the examining room. The nurse brought Merlin and placed him on an examining table on his side. His eyes were tightly shut. I thought he died already. I carefully edged my hand to reach his body. His body felt warm, but when I spoke his name there was no response. No response to his name or that I was there and that I loved him. I was extremely sad. In that examining room I felt helpless. I wondered how many people in an examining room felt as helpless as I did. Feeling driven to prayer I yelled, God this isn’t good enough. I need to see my Merlin the way I remember him, I need a miracle and I need it now!”

At that moment, God granted a miracle. Merlin's favorite compliment entered my mind. I said, Merlin, you are beautiful and you are gorgeous, do you hear me?”

One eye opened.

I said “Gotcha”. I kept repeating those words.

Merlin opened the other eye and, one limb at a time, got up. He was waiting for that phrase. He wanted to hear that he was beautiful and gorgeous again.

Then I experienced another miracle.

There was no sound in that examining room until Merlin started walking to me. From out of nowhere, or maybe from heaven, I clearly heard a song we sung in church often: It Is Well With My Soul.” I rememberthinking,“Yes, it is well with my soul. I got to see my little boy cat one more time.”

Merlin walked to me. He put his face in mine, which he had never done before. He rubbed a circle around my face twice. Merlin said goodbye with his face and marked me for life.

Ron appeared shocked that Merlin was up and had walked to me. I said to Merlin,“Tell God you are a good boy and how much we love you”and then handed him back to the nurse.

Tears of gratitude poured forth in memory of a miracle. You see for nineteen years God spoke to me through a special cat named granted a miracle. That miracle gave me time to say goodbye.

1.Ron’s wife couldn’t lose Merlin because        .

A. Merlin was her adopted child for nineteen years

B. she failed to give birth to her own biological child

C. Merlin could supply her with comfort and warmth

D. she would sing her usual song to no one later in life

2.What did writer think of Merlin?

comfortable  demanding  long life full of devotion lovely  religious

A. ①②⑥    B. ①②③    C. ④⑤⑥    D. ③④⑤

3.What does The next morning I called the vet.” in Paragraph 8 imply?

A. The writer was so hopeless as to ask a favor of the vet.

B. Ron did not care about Merlin so that the writer called the vet.

C. Ron would accompany her wife to the vet lo live up to his promise

D. The writer turned to the vet because Merlin was in desperate condition.

4.When Merlin reached the examining room,         .

A. he shut his eyes lightly and was obviously dead

B. his body felt warm because the writer rubbed him hard

C. the writer felt helpless to have no timely surgical operation

D. the writer chanted prayers to him trying to waking him up

5.We can infer from the passage that         .

A. God will not disappoint us if we are devoted to our loved ones

B. we have to have faith in the church to get miracles in future life

C. couples should have a child or something to fill in their free time

D. doctors may not always be reliable when our loved ones need their help

6.Which of the following can be the proper title?

A. A Dying Cat    B. The Miracle Granted

C. God Accompanying Us    D. Gratitude Out Of Miracle


1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是,一位职业女性将自己的宠物猫视为知己。在猫垂死之时,为自己内心对宠物的真爱所驱使,虔诚地的祈祷猫能够复活,与她共温往昔共同相处的时光,结果猫真的睁开了眼。这是作者的真爱感动了上帝,上帝为她创造了奇迹。 1.判断推理题。题意为“罗恩的妻子养的宠物狗莫琳就要死了,她无法接受这一事实,原因是什么?”A答案意为“莫琳是她已经养了19年的养子”; B 答案意为“她生不出自己的孩子来”;C答案意为“莫琳能给她带来温暖和安慰”; D 答案意为“莫琳死后,就再也没有人像往常一样听她唱歌了”。根据文意,作者工作压力太大,唯一的心理安慰就是回家后有自己的宠物狗陪伴,听她倾诉。莫琳已成为她生活中必不可少的一个组成部分。故答案为C。 2.判断推理题。罗恩的妻子是怎样看待莫琳的?①为舒适、舒服;②为要求高、苛 刻;③为长寿、生命期长;④为充满奉献精神、忠诚;⑤为可爱;⑥为严谨、虔诚。根据文意,罗恩的妻子希望莫琳能永远陪伴着她,希望它长寿;因为莫琳对主人的忠诚,才使得作者对它有着难以割舍的感情;在作者眼里,莫琳是一个忠诚可爱的生活伴侣。综上所述,故答案为D。 3.判断推理题。题意为第八自然段中“The next morning I called the vet.”暗示着什么?A意为“莫琳的病情已非常紧急,作者转向宠物医生求救。”;B意为“作者内心感到绝望,向宠物医生寻求帮助”;C 意为“罗恩将践行他的诺言,陪着妻子前往宠物医生那里去,”;D意为“罗恩并不关心莫琳,以便于他妻子自己给宠物医生打电话”。据第七段所述,罗恩承诺如果莫琳能够活到第二天早上,他就开车和作者一块去宠物医生那里。第二天早上,作者打电话给宠物医生,获知截至打电话的时刻,莫林还活着。因此罗恩就得实现自己的诺言,开车带妻子去医生那里。故答案为C。 4.事实细节题。题意为“当莫琳到达检查室的时候,以下四个选项中哪一项符合当时的情形?”A意为“莫琳紧闭双眼,显然早就死了”根据文意,当时莫琳还有体温,并没有彻底死掉;B 意为“因为作者在用力摩擦它的皮毛,因此它的体温尚在”这一点不符合文意,也不符合最基本的生物学道理;C意为“因为得不到及时的外科手术,作者感到无助。”本文并没有提到外科手术的问题;D意为“作者吟唱悼文,祈求它能够醒过来。”根据原文可知,作者内心有一种强烈的驱动力,在促使她不停的祈祷,希望莫琳能够像原来一样的醒过来。本选项符合文意;故答案为D。 5.判断推理题。题意为“根据文意,我们可以得出以下四个结论中的哪一个?” A 意为“如果我们真正倾心于自己的所爱,上帝是不会令我们失望的”这正是本文所要表达的主旨所在;B意为“为了在未来的生活中出现奇迹,我们得对教堂充满信仰”根据本文的主旨可知,生活中奇迹的发生,来源于我们自身对周围人或物的真爱; C 意为“为了填补夫妻俩的闲暇时间,他们应该有个孩子或者其他的人、动物或者东西”本文中并没有提到这样的观点;D意为“当我们的所爱真的需要医疗救助时,医生们不一定总会值得依赖”本文中也没有关于这样的论述。故答案为A。 6.主旨大意题。题意为“本文的最佳标题是什么?”B意为“上帝赐予的奇迹”; C 意为“上帝一直在我们身边”;D意为“对奇迹的感激之情”。本文讲述的是,一位职业女性将自己的宠物猫视为知己。在猫垂死之时,为自己内心对宠物的真爱所驱使,虔诚地的祈祷猫能够复活,与她共温往昔共同相处的时光,结果猫真的睁开了眼。这是作者的真爱感动了上帝,上帝为她创造了奇迹。故答案为B。

Behind most of the bad things we do to our bodies as adults, eating more than we should is the idea we carry with us from childhood. On one hand, we assume that we are indestructible. On the other hand, we think that any damage we impose on ourselves can be undone when wβfinally clean up our act.

If the evidence for how wrong the first idea is isn’t apparent when you stand naked in front of the mirror, just wait. But what if you eat right and drop all your bad habits? Is there still time to repair the damage?

To a surprising degree, the answer is yes. Over the past five years, scientists have collected a wealth of data about what happens when aging people with bad habits decide to turn their lives around.

The heartening conclusion: the body has an amazing ability to heal itself, provided the damage is not too great.

The effects of some bad habits-smoking, in particular-can haunt you for decades. But the damage from other habits can be largely healed.

Any time you improve your behavior and make lifestyle changes, they make a difference from that point on.says Dr. Jeffey Koplan.Maybe not right away. Its like slamming on the brakes. You do need a certain distance.”

But the distance can be remarkably short. Consider the recent announcements from the front lines of medical research: ---A study concluded that women who consume as little as two servings of fish a week cut their risk of suffering a stroke to half that of women who eat less than one serving of fish a month. ---The day you quit smoking, the carbon monoxide levels in your body drop dramatically. Within weeks, your blood becomes less sticky and your risk of dying from a heart attack starts to decline ... Adopting healthy habits won’t cure all that bothers you, of course. But doctors believe that many chronic diseases-from high blood pressure to heart disease and even some cancers-can be warded off with a few sensible changes in lifestyle.

Not sure where to start? Surprisingly, it doesn’t matter, since one positive change usually leads to another. Make enough changes, and you'll discover you’ve adopted a new way of life.

1.Most people with bad habits of eating more than they should believe that        .

A. their bodies cannot be damaged by the bad habits

B. they can force themselves to clean up the had habits later

C. their bodies can heal all the damage without the help from outside

D. they can never change the habits that have developed for decades

2.The evidence against the assumption that we are indestructible        .

A. is seldom apparent    B. is clearly shown in the mirror

C. is still a question    D. will appear obvious sooner or later

3.According to the recent announcements        .

A. women should eat as much fish as possible

B. men don’t have to eat as much fish as women

C. eating a little more fish can improve women’s health

D. women are at a higher risk of suffering a stroke than men

4.It is implied in the passage that        .

A. the blood of smokers is more sticky than that of non-smokers

B. chronic diseases can be cured ifwe drop our habit of smoking

C. smokers have lower levels of carbon monoxide than non-smokers

D. smokers will be unlikely to die from heart attack if they quit smoking



When David Edwards founded the oPhone, he hoped scent (嗅觉的) messages would become the next big thing in the digitization of our online lives.

The device looked like a high-tech cruet set (调味瓶) and allowed a friend with an iPhone app to send you scent messages alongside photos. Send a picture of your dinner, tag it with four different tones, and whoever is on the receiving end can sniff it from the vase-like tubes of the oPhone.

The oPhone didn’t take off, and the company has now shifted focus to a “scent speaker” called the Cyrano, which similarly uses a range of scent capsules to emit “play lists” of smells.

Compared to our real world interactions, our online lives are lacking in scent. Our digital culture, so soaked in visual and aural stimuli, is odorless (没有气味的). So why didn’t his marriage of smell and picture messaging excite more interest?

From a technical point of view, smell is simply harder to mass communicate than sounds and pictures. “There are two main technological obstacles to making smell transmissible by digital means,” explains biophysicist and author of Perfumes: The A -Z guide, Dr Luca Turin.

First, there are no odor ‘primaries’like RGB or CMYK. Second, it has proved impossible to stimulate the olfactory epithelium (上皮组织) directly by any means tried so far. This means that it is currently impossible to induce a sensation of smell without there being an actual chemical in the inhaled air (吸入的空气).

The more we’re plugged into the virtual world, the more we deeply appreciate thecontrast-moments in our human, experience,” says designer and olfactory artist Mindy Yang.

Intuitively, we realize that we are starved of certain sensations. With the rise of digital culture, society has become more interested in the missing sense-c-what we smell.”

This interest in scent isn’t only happening within the worlds of perfume and fashion. Over the past few years a number of cultural projects have set out to focus on the power of sensory experiences, from the use of a smell map, to the Tate Sensorium, which in 2015 let users experience visual art alongside smells, tastes and sounds.

Whether it’s devices like the oPhone thaty to introduce scent into digital messaging, organizations are growingly aware of our culture’s desire for sensory experiences. In a time of virtual reality and scentless social networks, it’s perhaps no wonder that we as a culture have such a desire for something that instinctively feels real and authentic-even if it was made in a lab.

1.What can we learn about the oPhone?

A. The oPhone has defended our interest in what we smell.

B. The oPhone hasn’t caught on yet since it was founded.

C. The oPhone has swapped visual and aural stimuli for scent.

D. The oPhone is a vase tube to sniff specific messages from.

2.What makes it challenging to introduce scent into digital messaging?

A. The relevant tissue is impossible to stimulate directly.

B. Scent capsules should be applied to send out smells.

C. There exists no actual chemical in the inhaled air.

D. Sounds and pictures are easier to mass communicate.

3.What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?

A. To promote the oPhone which can send scent messages.

B. To reveal the problems of the invention of the oPhone.

C. To predict the trend of the digitization of our online lives.

D. To introduce the oPhone based on smell-digital-technology.



Guide to Stockholm University Library

Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment.


The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer.  The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.


You can use your own computer to connect to the Wi-Fi specially prepared for notebook computers; you can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft  Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

Group-study Places

If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps. There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Storage of Study Material

The library has lockers for students to store course literature. When you have obtained at least 40 credits (学分) you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a years rental period.

Rules to be Followed

Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fuit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

1.The library ’s upper floor is mainly for students to       .

A. have group discussions    B. take comfortable seats

C. read in a quiet place    D. get their computers fixed

2.What condition should be met to book a group-study room?

A. A group must consist of 8 people.

B. One should first register at the university.

C. Three-hour use per day is the minimum.

D. Applicants must mark the room on the map.



Bill Gates doesn’t pretend he lives in an equal household. When it _________parenting his three children, the billionaire admits his wife Melinda has done more than her________of the work raising the kids.

Gates spent two years taking math and computer science courses, but never ________his degree.My eldest daughter graduates from Stanford in June, so Im________she won't fall into my footsteps.”Gates joked.

Gates said he and his wife have been quite cautious about the________they've used to' raise their three children. He says the couple ________ a 1970s “Love and Logic” parenting model. The core idea of the philosophy is centered on the idea that taking emotional control, essentially reducing emotional________ like shouting or blaming kids, is________for parents.

One of the greatest benefits of________“Love and Logic” is that it helps us learn how to keep a tighter control on our emotions and on our________.Gates said.

Gates admits he and his wife haven’ at ________the approach. Can you get rid of the emotion? You cant________ do it.he said.

Besides, the “Love and Logic” model also________the importance of not relying on rewards for kids, but instead showing unconditional love and praising kids for who they are, not what they do (or don’t)________like a poor test score or a(n)________grade.

Many highly successful people________Lwith grades as children.” Gates said,“Whats most important is that our________develop good character, curiosity and problem-solving skills.”

The model is a bit like the Socratic method________it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to ________their own problems,________ feeding them answers.

1.A. leads to    B. devotes to    C. refers to    D. comes to

2.A. power    B. share    C. sight    D. reach

3.A. purchased    B. finished    C. missed    D. lost

4.A. optimistic    B. sorry    C. pessimistic    D. normal

5.A. idea    B. theory    C. model    D. practice

6.A. adapted    B. evaluated    C. disliked    D. followed

7.A. reactions    B. displays    C. apartments    D. mistakes

8.A. familiar    B. expensive    C. useful    D. meaningless

9.A. repairing    B. facing    C. lacking    D. applying

10.A. tongues    B. minds    C. hands    D. gesture

11.A. holding out    B. carrying out    C. tying out    D. letting out

12.A. gradually    B. roughly    C. commonly    D. totally

13.A. covers    B. hides    C. stresses    D. costs

14.A. show    B. earn    C. achieve    D. love

15.A. harmful    B. bad    C. various    D. impressive

16.A. struggled    B. grew    C. smiled    D. cried

17.A. children    B. staff    C. teachers    D. parents

18.A. what    B. when    C. why    D. where

19.A. guide    B. solve    C. raise    D. overcome

20.A. thanks to    B. but for    C. instead of    D. or rather



The villagers are extremely grateful to the workers, without whose help the road to the village______.

A. can’t be built    B. mustn’t be built

C. couldn’t have been built    D. mustn’t have been built



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