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Last Monday, I learned a lesson about tell lies. Early in the morning, I didn’t want to go to the school, but I pretended to feel ill. My mother was very worrying when I told her. She left quickly and I thought she has gone to work. But soon, she came back with a bottle of pill. She said that she had asked for a day off from work to look me. I felt a little guilty but I dared not tell the truth. That afternoon, my teacher came to visit me. I felt so regretfully for telling lies. Finally, I admitted I had lain and promised never to do them again.


1.tell改为telling 2.去掉the 3.but改为so或and 4.worrying改为worried 5.has改为had 6.pill改为pills 7.me前添加after 8.regretfully改为regretful 9.lain改为lied 10.them改为it或that 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者在本文讲述了自己一次撒谎的经历。由于不想去上学,作者假装生病,妈妈很担心并请假在家照顾作者,这使得作者有一种负罪感。下午老师来看望他时,作者最终承认犯了错误,并保证以后不会再撒谎了。 1.考查非谓语动词。About为介词,后跟现在分词做宾语,需用现在分词telling。 2.考查冠词。固定短语go to school“去上学”,中间不添加冠词,故去掉the。 3.考查连词。分析句意为"我不想去上学,于是假装生病",故用so引导结果状语从句。 4.考查形容词。主语是My mother,指人,故用过去分词worried作形容词。 5.考查时态。主句用了过去时态I thought,故从句的动作发生在thought之前,即过去的过去,故用过去完成时态,has改为had。 6.考查名词的数。句意"一瓶药丸",pill是可数名词,要用复数形式pills。 7.考查介词。句意:她请了两天假照顾我,look after意为"照顾",故添加after。 8.考查形容词。Feel为系动词,后跟形容词作表语,故改为regretful。 9.考查动词。lie在此处是“撒谎”的意思,做“撒谎”时,lie为规则动词,以不发音的e结尾末尾添加-d,故改为lied。 10.考查人称代词。句意:我发誓再也不这么做了。此处指上文中作者撒谎的这件事,为第三人称单数形式,故改为it或改为指示代词that。


On October 23rd, 2018President Xi Jinping announced the opening of the Hong Kong– Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) at an opening ceremony in Zhuhai, Guangdong province.

The HZMB, 1. (locate) at the waters of the Lingdingyang of Pearl River Estuary, is a huge sea crossing, linking Hong Kong and Macao to the Chinese mainland city of Zhuhai. As the world’s 2. (long) sea-based project, the 55-kilometre bridge is the result of five years of research and another nine years of building. It has been described as one of the “seven 3. (wonder) of the modern world” by the Guardian.

The project 4. (make) up of a 22.9-kilometer-long main bridge, a 6.7-kilometer-long tunnel and an artificial island off the bridge. It is designed with 5. service life of 120 years. It can withstand a strong wind equal 6. a maximum Beaufort scale 16. The bridge’s engineers had to consider many environmental factors to protect the 7. (surround) environment while building the bridge. Chinese white dolphins, an endangered species that lives in the area, 8. (be) a particular concern.

The HZMB will make 9. much more convenient to travel between the three areas it connects. It will bring people in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong within a “one-hour living circle”, 10. is expected to attract more visitors to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It will be a transport link as well as a social, economic, cultural, and tourism connection among the three areas.



    I used to hate running. It seemed too hard, and pushing outside my comfort zone was not what I was ________ to do. My husband Charles had been a serious competitive ________ for many years. After our marriage, he wouldn’t ________talk- ing about how much he missed it. So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to ________ him at the track. Just a few weeks later, Charles________ us both up for a five-kilometer race. I ________ about doing it. It was too soon.

But on race day, there I was. The gun ________. Thousands of runners pushed forward. The first kilometer was tough. “I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” I was already breathing ________ and painfully aware of the group of runners pounding past me. “No, you’re doing great,” said Charles. He was trying to encourage me, to get me focused on something else _______ my discomfort. “I can’t,” I said, barely audibly (听得见地). He tried a ________ way to persuade me. “Just make it to that house and let’s see how you __________.”

After another minute I saw the three-kilometer mark. All I could think of was that I was dying and that my husband made me _______. Miserable doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. “You’ll be fine. You’ve got less than a kilometer to go.” I rounded a corner, and saw both sides of the street ________ with people watching the race, all cheering the runners on. I willed my ________ to keep going. Then I looked up and saw the clock. The seconds ticking away gave me ______. I knew that if I ____

finished this race I would achieve something. ________, I straightened up and kicked it. I had my arms held higher when I passed through the finish line. A volunteer ________ a medal around my neck.

“You did great! I’m so proud of you!” Charles was ________ that I’d made it. “That was AMAZING! I want to do another race. This running stuff is amazing!” I proudly ________ my medal as we walked to the post-race festivities. My lungs and my comfort zone both expanded.

1.A. accepted B. permitted C. pushed D. raised

2.A. runner B. policeman C. doctor D. lawyer

3.A. regret B. mind C. stop D. forget

4.A. follow B. attend C. join D. urge

5.A. signed B. gathered C. involved D. registered

6.A. commented B. hesitated C. wondered D. enquired

7.A. went off B. went out C. broke off D. broke out

8.A. smoothly B. heavily C. quickly D. abruptly

9.A. or rather B. more than C. rather than D. better than

10.A. pleasant B. reasonable C. casual D. different

11.A. react B. describe C. feel D. realize

12.A. ashamed B. painful C. embarrassed D. nervous

13.A. rich B. loose C. ready D. thick

14.A. arms B. mind C. heart D. legs

15.A. strength B. patience C. expectation D. wisdom

16.A. formally B. immediately C. normally D. actually

17.A. However B. Therefore C. Yet D. Instead

18.A. rewarded B. handed C. put D. presented

19.A. thrilled B. amused C. shocked D. frozen

20.A. enjoyed B. hugged C. kept D. seized



If one thing on your wish-list is a stress-free holiday, then here are some shopping tips prepared for you, which will save both your time and money.

Don’t be tough on your brains. 1. Don’t be afraid to look for clues and ask for ideas. First, see whether the folks on your to-buy-for list have already dropped some valuable hints of their dreamed items. If you strike out, encourage your lucky recipients to post items they wish someone would buy for them. You can also find inspiration in the many online gift guides. 2. — Gifts for Dads, Gifts for Golfers and such. Then you’ll get the idea.

3. You really can enlist your own personal helpers. Don’t feel guilty about that—after all, Santa employs helpers too. Many stores have free professional shoppers who can pick out presents for you. We’re not talking just high-end stores such as Blooming-dale’s and Nordstrom. 4. They’re all hungry to win your business away from online retailers. But you’ll likely need an appointment, so call ahead or search stores’ websites for “personal shopping”. You’ll typically find a link on the home page under Contact Us or Services.

Have gifts delivered.Time is money, and for not a lot of money you can save a lot of time by having your gifts delivered right to your door. Some mom-and-pop shops offer delivery service while chain stores tend to charge for that, but it still might be worth paying for the convenience. 5. First go to postmates.com or download the free app and see whether it’s available in your area. Then type the name of a store into the search bar, click on the store, and enter the item you want.

A. Make an appointment ahead.

B. Can’t figure out what to buy?

C. Do you wish for a stress-free holiday?

D. Get someone else to do shopping for you.

E. They are typically organized by recipient, interest, and/or price range.

F. Others like Macy’s and J. Crew will also let you leave the shopping to them.

G. For local stores that don’t offer this convenience, try the Post-mates delivery service.



A pretty face is never forgotten. Do you believe so? But maybe it is untrue! Psychologists believe beautiful people are less likely to be recognized. A new study suggests that attractiveness can actually prevent the recognition of faces, unless a pretty face has particularly distinctive features, such as Angelina Jolie’s.

German psychologists think the recognition of pretty faces is distorted (扭曲) by emotions. Researchers Holger Wiese, Carolin Altmann and Stefan Schweinberger at the University of Jena, Germany, discovered in a study that photos of unattractive people were more easily remembered than pretty ones when they showed them to a group of people.

For the study, which was published in science magazine Neuropsychologia, the psychologists showed photos of faces to test subjects. Half of the faces were considered to be more attractive and the other half as less attractive, but all of them were being thought of as similarly distinctive looking. The test subjects were shown the faces for just a few seconds to memorize them and were shown them again during the test so that they could decide if they recognized them or not.

The researchers were surprised by the result. “Until now we assumed that it was generally easier to memorize faces which are being considered as attractive, just because we prefer looking at beautiful faces,” Dr. Wiese said. But the study showed that such a connection cannot be easily proven. He assumes that remembering pretty faces is distorted by emotional influences, which enhance the sense of recognition at a later time. The researchers’ idea is backed up by evidence from EEG-recordings (脑电图记录) they used during their experiment which show the brains’ electric activity.

The study also revealed that in the case of attractive faces, considerably more false positive results were detected. In other words, people thought they recognized a face without having seen it before. “We obviously tend to believe that we recognize a face just because we find it attractive.” Dr. Wiese said.

1.What do we know about the photos from Paragraph 3?

A. They were all of pretty faces.

B. They were selected at random.

C. They were not distinctive at all.

D. They were showed twice to the test subjects.

2.What does the underlined phrase “false positive results” in the last paragraph mean?

A. People actually only recognize few pretty faces.

B. People recognize more ugly faces than pretty ones.

C. People claim to recognize a face they have never seen.

D. People recognize fewer faces than they have thought.

3.What can be inferred from the new study?

A. People are reluctant to recognize ugly faces.

B. Beautiful people are particularly distinctive.

C. Attractiveness  prevents the recognition of faces.

D. Attractive faces are always easy to be recognized.

4.Which word can show the author’s attitude towards the findings of the research?

A. Doubtful.    B. Disapproving.

C. Favorable.    D. Objective.



    LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12 (Xinhua)—Legendary comic book writer Stan Lee has died at the age of 95, according to media reports on Monday.

Lee, born in Stanley Lieber on Dec. 28th, 1922, began his career in 1939 and joined the Marvel Comics in 1961.

He is considered as one of the most legendary names in the history of comic books and the leading creative force behind the rise of Marvel Comics. He co-created iconic fictional characters such as Spider-Man, X-Men, the Avengers, and many more.

Lee’s characters often have super powers, but they also have weaknesses. They were humans, not gods. They not only struggled to save the world, but also to pay their bills, make friends, and hold jobs. This made Marvel comic book heroes stand apart from its competitor DC, which produced the seemingly perfect heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman. Those superheroes have been adapted into blockbuster films, most of which were made after Disney acquired Marvel in a 4-billion-dollar deal in 2009.

In a statement, Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company said Stan Lee was as extraordinary as the characters he created.

Marvel also praised Lee on its website by putting on one of Lee’s famous quotes, which goes, “I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain, you’re doing a good thing. ”

Praise from his Hollywood peers and colleagues was generous. President of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige appreciated Lee’s unparalleled impact on the industry. “No one has had more of an impact on my career than Stan Lee,” Feige said. “Our thoughts are with his family and the millions of fans who have been forever touched by Stan’s genius, charisma and heart.”

1.How do Lee’s characters differ from those of DC?

A. They are perfect heroes.

B. They often have super powers.

C. They are not humans, but gods.

D. They have human shortcomings.

2.We can learn from Lee’s statement in Paragraph 6 that ________.

A. it is embarrassing to be a comic-book writer

B. a taste of entertainment is necessary in people’s lives

C. entertainment is the most important thing in the world

D. you can do everything well if you are able to entertain

3.According to the passage, we could know that ________.

A. Lee influenced Kevin Feige’s career a lot

B. Lee joined the Marvel Comics in his forties

C. Lee created the fictional characters all by himself

D. The superheroes were adapted into films before Disney acquired Marvel

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Comics Legend—the Marvels and DC

B. The Superheroes in Stan Lee’s Comics

C. Marvel’s Comics Legend Stan Lee Dies at 95

D. The Life Story of Marvel Comics Legend Stan Lee



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