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A woman was sitting by herself in a movi...

A woman was sitting by herself in a movie theatre. The movie she was about to set was a musical version(版本)of a very successful book that had sold a million copies that year.

As the woman was waiting for the movie to begin, she noticed that the theatre was very crowded but the two seats next to her were empty.

Suddenly a large man carrying a big fur coat walked down the aisle(走廊) and sat down, placing the fur coat on the seat next to her.

When the lights went out, the fur coat bean to move, and the woman realized it was not a coat but a large furry dog. He was sitting up in the seat, watching the movie screen with great interest. As soon as the movie started, the dog began to nod his head and beat his paws () in perfect time to the music.

When the movie was over. the woman turned to the man and said, Excuse me, sir. but I’ve never seen Such a well-behaved dog in a movie theatre before. Does he go to the movies often?

Oh, yes, replied the man.

And he seemed to enjoy everything so much, she said, It was just amazing!

As a matter of fact, it surprised me too. said the man. He hated the books!”

1.What kind of movie was the woman about to see?

A. A movie about a clever dog    B. A musical movie based on a book

C. A movie about two film-goers    D. A movie telling of a popular book.

2.What can we conclude from Para 4?

A. The man enjoyed the movie very much

B. The dog made noise and disturbed others

C. The dog was bright enough to enjoy the movie

D. The woman enjoyed the movie very much

3.What did the woman do when the movie was over?

A. She communicated with the man happily

B. She praised the man for bringing his dog

C. She punished the dog for making noise

D. She complained about the dog angrily.

4.In the end. the man said he was surprised because_______

A. he didn’t like the movie, but his dog did

B. his dog could enjoy the movie like a human being.

C. his dog hated the book and the movie,

D. he enjoyed the movie, but his dog didn’t


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文讲述了一位女士去看电影,一个男人带着一只狗去看电影,这只狗很聪明,能够欣赏电影,电影结束后这位女士和男士就这只狗看电影这件事情进行了愉快的交谈。 1.细节理解题。由第一段“The movie she was about to see was a musical version of a very successful book that had sold a million copies that year.”可知,她要看的电影是根据一本非常成功的书改编的音乐版电影,那年这本书卖出了一百万册。所以这个女人要看的电影是根据一本书改编的音乐版电影。故B选项正确。 2.推理判断题。由第四段“As soon as the movie started, the dog began to nod his head and beat his paws (爪) in perfect time to the music. ”可知,电影一开始,那只狗就开始点头,在非常合适的时机,还会伴随着音乐拍打着它的爪子。所以这只狗与其他普通的狗不同,他非常聪明,能够欣赏电影。故判断出从第4段我们可以得出的结论是:这只狗很聪明,可以欣赏电影。故C选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由最后四段“Excuse me, sir. but I’ve never seen Such a well-behaved dog in a movie theatre before. Does he go to the movies often?” “Oh, yes, ”replied the man. “And he seemed to enjoy everything so much, ”she said, “It was just amazing!” “As a matter of fact, it surprised me too. ”said the man. “He hated the books!”可知,打扰了,先生。但我从没在电影院见过这么乖的狗“他经常去看电影吗?” “哦,是的,”那人回答。 “他似乎很享受一切,”她说,“真是太神奇了!” "事实上我也很惊讶"那人说。"他讨厌书! 可知,从对话的内容我们可以看出,电影结束后,这个女人和那个男人愉快地交谈了起来。故A选项正确。 4.推理判断题。由最后两段“And he seemed to enjoy everything so much, ”she said, “It was just amazing!” “As a matter of fact, it surprised me too. ” 可知,“他似乎很享受一切,”她说,“真是令人惊讶!” "事实上我也很惊讶"那人说。所以,这个女人对狗能像人类一样欣赏电影这件事情感到很惊讶,这个男人也同样对此事感到惊讶。故判断出,男人很惊讶的原因是因为他的狗能像人类一样欣赏电影。故B选项正确。

One of the most important aspects of an image is color. People are very sensitive to color, and different colors have different on people.

In general, red is an exciting color. which creates an image of action, energy danger. Red is also the most frequently used color in flags. Eighty percent of the world's flags contain red. A study in Germany showed that football teams wearing red are more successful. Blue is a very calm color. Business executives usually wear dark blue suits. Blue is also a peaceful color. The flag of the United Nations is light blue. Yellow is associated with openness and freedom. Green is a very relaxing color. Surgeons nowadays wear green, because it's less tiring than white. Black creates an image of power and authority. It can also be a very threatening color. Gangsters and vampires often wear black. white is a pure and strong color. This is one reason why doctors wear white coats. We trust them more. Grey is a very anonymous color. People wearing grey don’t want other people to notice them. Brown is the opposite of black It's warm and friendly. while black is threatening

1.What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?

A. Color and Character    B. Color and Occupation

C. People are sensitive to color    D. Color and Image

2.Which of the following is true about color according to the passage?

A. Blue is a peaceful and calm color

B. Brown Is the opposite of pink presenting warmth.

C. Red creates an image of energy, danger and freedom.

D. Eighty per cent of the world's flags contain green.

3.The underlined word" anonymous" roughly means_____

A. outstanding    B. beautiful    C. unknown    D. exciting



It's always adventurous and romantic to visit an island country. Take a look at some breathtakingly beautiful island countries in the world, which everyone should visit at least once in his lifetime


It' s believed that Maldives is one of the most popular honeymoon(蜜月) places as well as one of the most beautiful island countries. Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Maldives is made up of a series of ancient coral reefs that grow up along the sides of ancient volcanoes, with fascinating beaches


Fiji has plenty of surprises for any adventurous traveler. It is famous for the worlds best surf scenes, attracting many surfing lovers to ride the great waves. Well, if surfing is not for you and you love sitting on the beach and relaxing, hiking or seeing breathtaking waterfalls, Fiji is also a suitable island country to visit


Malta, a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea, has a rich history and culture. There are amazing sky-high cliffs to climb>, wonderful temples to visit and lots of amazing places to go diving. There are plenty of interesting things to explore here and everyone can find something to enjoy. The historic part of Malta is shown in its architecture. great walled cities, and many underground tunnels.

1.Which place will be most likely to be chosen by a newly-married couple according to the text?

A. Maldives    B. the Mediterranean Sea    C. Malta    D. Fiji

2.What is the special part about Fiji?

A. You can see the world's most breathtaking waterfalls

B. It is surfing lovers favourite island country

C. There are sky-high cliffs to explore.

D. You can try the world's longest

3.What can tourist do in Malta

A. Hike on green plains    B. Ride the greatest waves

C. See breathtaking waterfalls    D. Explore underground tunnels




1.At what age did Emily start learning ballet?

A. Five    B. Six    C. Nine

2.Why did Emily move to Toronto

A. To work for a dance school

B. To perform at a dance theater.

C. To learn contemporary dance

3.Why did Emily quit dancing?

A. She was too old to dance.    B. She failed to get a scholarship    C. She lost interest. in It

4.How does Emily feel about stopping training?

A. She’s pleased    B. She’s regretful    C. She’s upset.




1.Who is Macy?

A. Ed’s mother    B. Ed’s teacher    C. Ed’s friend

2.How does Ed usually go to kindergarten?

A. By car    B. On foot    C. By bus

3.What does Ed enjoy doing at the kindergarten?

A. Telling stories.    B. Singing songs    C. Playing with others

4.What do the teachers say about Ed?

A. He’s clever    B. He’s quiet.    C. He's brave




1.Which color do cats see better than humans?

A. Red    B. Green    C. Blue

2.Why do cats bring dead birds home?

A. To eat them in a safe place    B. To show off their hunting skills    C. To make their owners happy

3.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?

A. Grateful    B. Humorous    C. Curious



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