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Millions of Chinese people have been pla...

Millions of Chinese people have been playing a mobile game called Travel Frog recently. 1.. You prepare food and tools for its trips, and the frog sends you postcards while it’s away.

The game’s popularity may have something to do with how lonely people feel these days, according to Xinhua News Agency. 2., and playing the game helps them forget their loneliness for a short time.

3..   According to the Guardian, about 40 percent of US adults say they’re lonely. And in the UK, about one in five people are “always or often lonely”, The Telegraph reported.

This might be why the UK government announced in January that it had created the job of “minister for loneliness (孤独大臣)”. 4., while the minister’s office plans to spend money on activities to bring people together.

5.. When we see pictures of friends having fun or posting selfies without us, we may compare their “perfect” lives with our own, making us feel lonely and left out.

But we should remember that there’s no need to feel lonely. As UK poet John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

A. Loneliness seems to be a common problem today

B. Travel Frog is a mobile game known for its peaceful nature

C. In the game, you act as the “parent” of a frog that lives alone and enjoys traveling

D. The minister’s job is to find ways to help British people feel less lonely

E. Many players say that the lonely frog is just like them

F. The loneliness problem may be partly due to social media

G. Loneliness is believed to be harmful to people’s health


1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. F 【解析】 本文主要谈论现在社会人们普遍感到孤独。文章叙述了孤独产生的原因以及人们是怎样解决的,并给出了建议。 1.上文提示“数以百万计的中国人最近一直在玩一款名为“Travel Frog”的手机游戏。”再根据下文提示“你为旅行准备食物和工具,而the frog在它不在的时候给你寄明信片。”承接上下文,C项In the game, you act as the “parent” of a frog that lives alone and enjoys traveling(在游戏中,你扮演的是一只独自生活并喜欢旅行的青蛙的“父母”。)切题。故选C。 2.根据空格后半句“玩这个游戏可以帮助他们在短时间内忘记他们的孤独。”承接后半句,E项Many players say that the lonely frog is just like them(许多玩家说孤独的青蛙就像他们一样)切题。该项中的lonely和空格后半句的loneliness相吻合,故选E。 3.下文提示“据the Guardian报道,大约40%的美国成年人说他们很孤独。”承接下文,A项Loneliness seems to be a common problem today(孤独似乎是今天的一个普遍问题)切题。关键词Loneliness。故选A。 4.根据空格后半句提示“而部长办公室计划把钱花在让人们团结在一起的活动上。。”承接后半句,D项 The minister’s job is to find ways to help British people feel less lonely(部长的工作是找到帮助英国人不那么孤独的方法)切题。此处while是并列连词,将前后内容紧密连在一起。故选D。 5.下文提示“当我们看到朋友们在没有我们的时候开心或上传自拍照的照片时,我们可以把他们的“完美”生活和我们自己的生活进行比较,让我们感到孤独和被冷落。”承接下文,F项 The loneliness problem may be partly due to social media(孤独问题可能部分是由于社交媒体造成的。)切题。故选F。

Thanks to software like Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana, it’s easier than ever to do something on our phone or computer. All we have to do is talk, and our favorite song starts playing a few seconds later.

But in the near future, asking our phone to play a song by using our voice will seem as old-fashioned as using CDs. That’s because US tech company Microsoft recently applied for a patent (专利) for a “brain control interface” (BCI), meaning that soon, we may be able to control our phone and computer with our thoughts.

BCI technology works by converting (转化) brain signals into computer commands, similar to how pressing a certain key on a keyboard is converted into an electrical signal.This technology isn’t brand new, however.

Last year, for example, it was reported that scientists were able to help a paralyzed man from the US, 53-year-old Bill Kochevar, to move again.To do this, Kochevar was fitted with BCI technology, as well as equipment to make his muscles move. After a few weeks of getting used to it, Kochevar was able to use his thoughts to “tell” the BCI to move his muscles, meaning he was able to feed himself for the first time in years.

Aside from helping disabled people, it’s hoped that BCI technology will improve the daily lives of other people too.

US social networking platform Facebook announced last year that it was working on BCI technology to help people type by using their brain.

By 2019, the company hopes to have created a system that will allow people to type up to 100 words per minute just by thinking about them. In turn, this could be used to offer live translation, from English to Chinese, for example.

However, many people are worried that technology that can read our thoughts will create privacy (隐私) issues, especially if social media companies are involved.

But Facebook researcher Regina Dugan said at a conference last year that the company has no interest in reading people’s random thoughts. “That might be more than any of us care to know. And it’s not something any of us should have a right to know,” she said.

1.What can BCI technology do?

A. It converts our voice into computer commands.

B. It offers a live translation service for people.

C. It allows our thoughts to control certain equipment.

D. It controls our brain signals with a computer.

2.How does Kochevar probably feel about BCI technology?

A. Disappointed.    B. Thankful.

C. Embarrassed.    D. Proud.

3.Who else could benefit from BCI technology besides disabled people, according to the article?

A. Bus drivers.    B. Medical workers.

C. Social media users.    D. Shop assistants.

4.Why are some people worried about BCI technology?

A. It might do harm to their health.

B. Their privacy might not be respected.

C. It might take away too many job opportunities.

D. The equipment may be too expensive for ordinary



Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists in this century. He was born in 1942. He’s world well-known on space and time. Stephen was searching some very big questions, such as How did the universe begin? How will it end?

Stephen was a student at Oxford University. He studied math and science. Then, at the age of twenty, he became sick. He was so young, but the doctors said to his family, “He has only two more years to live.” As a matter of fact, the doctors were wrong – he didn’t die. He can’t walk but he uses a wheelchair. He can’t feed himself and get in or out of bed himself. But he refused to give in to the condition. He talks with the help of a computer. After Oxford, Stephen went to Cambridge University. Three years later, in 1965, he became a doctor of philosophy(哲学).

Because of his serious health problems, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams(图表) or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he became one of the most famous scientists in the world. In 1981, he met the Pope(教皇) in Rome. They talked about his ideas. Then in 1988, he wrote his first important book, A Brief History of Time. It sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages. He was once invited to China, he impressed us with his self-confidence, humorous and witty conversation.

1.A Brief History of Time is ________.

A. a book which is well-known all over the word

B. a book about Rome’s history

C. Stephen’s talk collection with the Pope in Rome

D. Stephen’s talk collection with me in China

2.Stephen’s studies DO NOT relate to ________ according to the passage.

A. science    B. math

C. philosophy    D. art

3.The right order of Stephen’s main experiences in ________.

a. He went to Cambridge University.

b. He became very ill.

c. He wrote his first important book.

d. He met the Pope in Rome.

A. c-a-b-d    B. a-b-c-d

C. b-a-d-c    D. a-c-b-d

4.What does the underlined word “witty” mean?

A. Inspiring.    B. Confident.

C. Intelligent.    D. Funny.



Games and Hobbies

There are websites for nearly every game and hobby out there.

Teen Reads

Young book lovers will enjoy TeenReads. The website features reviews of new and popular books for teenagers, along with surveys, contests and places to discuss favorite books. Teens can also work their way through the “ultimate(最终的)” reading list on the site.


Fans of entertainment channel TeenNick will find information on the latest shows, as well as games, videos and quizzes. While the site offers updates(新信息)on TeenNick shows, it also features stories just for teens, offering suggestions on how to survive high school or giving back to school ideas.

The InSite

The InSite is designed for teens who have an interest in improving the world. Teens can learn about social justice, how to build a positive self-image(积极的自我形象)and how to help the planet. They can also submit artwork and writing or discuss how to make the world a better place.


ChallengeYou is a computer game design website. Teens can design games on the site or play games designed by other kids and teens. They can share their games with friends or take part in weekly game-building contests. There is also a chat room and a forum(论坛)where site users can discuss game building or arrange to play together.

1.Where might you find information on the latest teenager books?

A. On TeenReads    B. On TeenNick

C. On The InSite    D. On ChallengeYou

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. You can publish your own writing on TeenReads

B. TeenNick is mainly a place to discuss school problems

C. The InSite helps to make a better you and a better world

D. You can find information about games on all these websites

3.If you have designed a computer game and want to share it with your friends, you should go to __________.

A. TeenReads    B. TeenNick

C. The InSite    D. ChallengeYou



Positive attitude leads to joy

There isn’t any doubt that positive thinking is valuable after you find out you have cancer. But will positive thoughts help the cancer go away?

There have been a number of studies on this subject, but none of the studies say that positive thinking is a factor (因素) in helping cancer go away, or that negative feelings can make cancer worse.

So, is there a reason to have a positive attitude? Of course there is.While I understand the danger of my illness, I choose not to focus on statistics(数据统计). I always imagine myself as being among the smaller group of patients who survive. Why do I do that? So I can sleep well; so I can plan a trip for two days from now; so I have a reason to begin writing another book with the expectation that I’ll finish it; so my husband and I can enjoy lunch out; so I can reach out to someone else who’s having a difficult time and offer them encouragement.

A positive attitude can also help family members feel better so they can contribute to a more loving family environment. Most cancer patients, as well as their family members, know all too well how dangerous cancer can be. It’s difficult to carry on when patients receive bad news. But a positive attitude helps me want to do things that I know are beneficial(有益的) to my health, and helps me through the thinning hair, tiredness and low blood counts which are the side effects(副作用) of my treatment(治疗).

So, I prefer to stay happy and positive. I do my best not to think too much about all the hospital visits, and I try not to panic (惊慌) if I feel any pain. Instead, I seek joy as much as I can, and because I am seeking joy, I find joy. Being positive might not save you from cancer, but I can almost guarantee(保证) you that if you are positive, you will find meaning in your life, as well as happiness in every day that you live.

1.According to the first two paragraphs, studies show that _________.

A. positive thinking can save patients from cancer

B. negative thinking is very likely to make cancer worse

C. positive thinking cannot help patients get rid of cancer

D. one’s attitude has a direct effect on cancer

2.After the author found out she had cancer, ______.

A. she was sure she would survive

B. she tried to enjoy her life and help others

C. she refused to go through painful treatment

D. she was quite troubled by the seriousness of her illness

3.It can be concluded from the author’s experiences that positive thinking ______.

A. makes cancer treatment less painful for patients

B. makes it much easier for people to accept bad news

C. prepares family members for what may happen next

D. helps create a good environment for patients

4.The author wrote this article mainly to ______.

A. tell patients how to fight against illness

B. explain the danger of cancer to readers

C. stress the importance of a positive attitude

D. help readers find meaning and happiness in life




1.What kind of sport is Mao Dan most fond of

A. Swimming.    B. Yoga.    C. Tennis

2.What sport is especially popular at the moment?

A. Dancing in the morning    B. Playing football in the afternoon

C. Practicing t'ai chi in the evening

3.Which year of college is Mao Dan in now?

A. The first year    B. The second year    C. The third year

4.What is the main reason that students practice sports more in the winter

A. To earn credits from the college    B. To satisfy the college's requirements

C. To take part in the college sports meet



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