满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.The boy felt a_____________ of himsel...


1.The boy felt a_____________ of himself that he had fainted when the doctor drew some blood from his arm.

2.If you p_____________ lots of money, would you buy the house you always like?

3.T_____________ as much as the shaking ground, I was sweating and dared not move my feet.

4.Smoking in public places must be b_____________, as it is a great danger to non-smokers.

5.As the weather got hotter and hotter, she had her room e_____________ with an air conditioner.

6.She was grateful that the company offered her a p_____________ training opportunity before she started her job.

7.It was a(n) _____________ (绝对地) fantastic sight to watch a volcanic eruption though it causes great damage.

8.This machine _____________ (消耗) less energy and produces less pollution than that one.

9.Don’t take _____________ (冒险) of getting infected with HIV to share your needle with anyone else.

10.Located downtown, this restaurant has a good _____________ (名声) for the good food and service among its customers.


1. ashamed 2. possessed 3. Trembling 4. banned 5. equipped 6. precious 7. absolutely 8. consumes 9. risks 10. reputation 【解析】 该题要求根据首字母或汉语提示填写适当的单词形式填空,主要考查学生的词汇掌握和运用能力。 1.考查形容词。句意:医生抽血时那个男孩晕倒了,他为此感到羞愧。根据句意和首字母可知,此处要填表“遗憾”的形容词,故填ashamed。 2.考查动词。句意:如果你拥有很多的钱,你会不会买一直喜欢的那个房子?根据语言逻辑和首字母提示可推测出 ,前半句是指如果你拥有很多钱,根据后一句的时态,故填possessed。 3.考查非谓语动词。as…as是同级比较,意思是和…..一样….,设空处意思应和shaking意思相似,再结合首字母提示可知,用tremble,根据句式结构,要用该动词的非谓语形式作状语,故填Trembling。 4.考查语态。句意:在公共场合吸烟一定要被禁止,因为这对不吸烟的人有危害。根据语境,此处要填表达禁止意思的词,吸烟与禁止之间是被动关系,用be done形式,故填banned。 5.考查非谓语动词。结合前一句句意:由于天气变得越来越热,可知,后一句是她在卧室装上了空调。配备equip,固定结构have sth done使某事被做,故填equipped。 6.考查形容词。根据语言逻辑可知,此句要表达她很感激公司在她参加工作之前给她提供了宝贵的培训机会,此空要填形容词修饰名词作定语,故填precious。 7.考查副词。句意:火山喷发绝对是奇妙的景象,尽管它会造成很大的损失。根据汉语提示和该词所在位置,可知,此处要用副词修饰形容词fantastic,故填absolutely。 8.考查动词。句意:这个机器比那台耗能少且污染小。此处要用动词作谓语,根据主谓一致,用动词的单三形式,故填consumes。 9.考查名词。句意:不要冒着感染艾滋病毒的危险去和别人共用一个针头。take risks冒险,故填risks。 10.考查名词。句意:位于市中心的这个餐馆因食物和服务好而在顾客间得了好名声。短语:have a good reputation有好名声,故填reputation。

Many people used to consider art to be paintings of fields with flowers, portraits of old- fashioned men in top hats, or pictures of bowls of fruit. 1., art has changed greatly in the last century. Now, computer game art and graffiti (涂鸦) 2. (accept) as types of art forms, too. There are 3. (exhibit) of these contemporary types of art in famous art galleries. Let’s discover some famous contemporary artists.

Damien Hirst is an English artist. He became famous after 4. (attend) Goldsmiths University in London, and was very popular in the 1990s. He has used a lot of dead animals in his work, including dead sharks, sheep and cows. He is famous 5. his diamond-covered skull, which was shown in an art gallery for a limited amount of time.

Marcel Duchamp, a French-American painter and sculptor, is considered one of 6. most important artists of the 20th century as he has influenced many artists. He changed 7. was the “normal” idea in the art world. Perhaps his best 8. (know) piece of work is simply a men’s urinal that he decided to label as art.

William Eggleston is an American photographer 9. made modern colour photography acceptable as an art form. Before him, black and white photography was much 10. (popular). Eggleston’s photographs are very “American”. They contain lots of images of “Coca-Cola, No Parking signs and palm trees”.



In the past, boredom was just part of life. You didn’t have a phone to ______ you in the car. You sat in the back seat and stared out of the window. But today, boredom is easy to ______. You can fill ______ time with apps, Xboxes and computers.

In fact, being bored can get you into real _______.

Boredom can lead to worry (Should I be doing something?). It can lead to bad ______ (I’ll ride my bike down the stairs --- what could go wrong?). People who are bored may ______ be more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

According to some experts, however, it turns out boredom can be ______ for you. Why? It has to do with the ______, which has two ways of paying attention.

The first way of paying attention is what helps you with what’s ______ around you. It helps you listen to your teacher, catch a ball, and joke with your friends. That’s the part of the brain you use ______ you text, play games and watch TV.

The other way of paying attention helps you think about how you ______. It helps you sort out your feelings about a fight with your brother. It helps you ______ the joy of baking cookies with your grandma. That’s the part of the brain you use to be ______, daydream and imagine your future.

But these two parts of your brain can’t both ______ at the same time.

So what happens if you’re always ______? You’ll only use the first part of your brain. You’ll ______ use the thoughtful part. If this part of your brain doesn’t work well, you may not know what you really feel. You can be ______ of what you really want.

That’s why it’s ______ to learn to be bored. Being able to do ______--- happily --- is an important skill. It’s something you have to practice, ______ it will feel much more rewarding than computer games.

1.A. educate    B. support    C. help    D. entertain

2.A. have    B. avoid    C. start    D. forget

3.A. spare    B. long    C. limited    D. local

4.A. pain    B. business    C. trouble    D. challenge

5.A. situations    B. concerns    C. decisions    D. performances

6.A. just    B. even    C. still    D. only

7.A. fit    B. good    C. hard    D. simple

8.A. habit    B. heart    C. brain    D. life

9.A. continuing    B. disappearing    C. hiding    D. happening

10.A. when    B. since    C. before    D. though

11.A. react    B. speak    C. feel    D. relax

12.A. tell    B. learn    C. explain    D. remember

13.A. creative    B. active    C. attractive    D. competitive

14.A. exist    B. work    C. spread    D. move

15.A. free    B. real    C. busy    D. normal

16.A. always    B. ever    C. never    D. once

17.A. shy    B. unsure    C. tired    D. careful

18.A. ordinary    B. impossible    C. difficult    D. important

19.A. nothing    B. something    C. everything    D. anything

20.A. so    B. but    C. or    D. if



Questions to ask yourself before making a big decision

Life is packed with decisions, big and small. If you feel a big decision is appearing in your life, don’t hide! Ask yourself these questions to get clear on what’s the right choice for you.

How committed am I to this change?

Rate your level of commitment on a scale out of 10. 1. Is your level of commitment higher than a 7? That’s great data for your decision!

Is this decision in line with my long-term goal?

2. Write down your goals. Then think about how this decision plays into that longer-term plan.


This is one of my favorite questions! If something is stirring(搅动) within you --- a creative idea, a calling to move somewhere new, a desire to end a relationship --- what are you giving up when you don’t do it? What might you be missing out on in your life if you do nothing?

Is now the right time?

Bear in mind: 4. But there are few real reasons we ever need to delay making a big one when it presents itself. Remember, life is always uncertain and time waits for no one.

Making a big decision doesn’t have to be so difficult. There are no right or wrong answers, or right or wrong ways to live your life. 5. Your inner wisdom has the answers. So get busy asking the person who knows best --- you.

A. What is the risk of not doing it?

B. How long have I been thinking about his?

C. Not all decisions need to be made immediately.

D. Think about the amount of work, effort and time you’d have to put in.

E. We always want to know what we need to do next.

F. You don’t have to ask other people what they think.

G. Ask yourself: What do I want five even ten years from now?



The fashionable technology of virtual reality (虚拟现实) (VR) --- the wonderful world created by computers --- is finally here, but before you rush out to buy the headset, you’ll want to take notice of experts’ warnings.

“These devices are designed mostly for adult use,” said Dr. Justin Asgarpour, Vancouver optometrist (whose job is to examine people’s eyes and to sell glasses).

Little research has been done about the long-term effects of VR on children, but makers have not designed the VR headsets for young eyes.

VR headset maker Oculus Rift states that younger users may suffer from discomfort or ill health effects, and they are in a very important period of visual development.

“What a study has suggested is that a VR device can actually cause what we call amblyopia, potential lazy eyes, in these children with pre-existing visual conditions,” Dr. Asgarpour said.

Even children without underlying eye conditions could experience problems, like temporary double vision.

Adults should be careful too, according to the doctor, who says longer virtual reality experiences can lead t balance problems. You should be careful of your surroundings and be careful not to trip over wires. Those with heart conditions are advised not to play.

But there are some positive health uses of virtual reality. The technology has been used to treat conditions like fear of heights, and it’s also being used to help treat addictions.

“What we’re trying to do is take people into a drug-related setting and let them experience cravings (extremely strong wishes for something,)” Dr. Zach Rosenthal with Duke University said. He and his team take addicts inside a virtual house and use a series of tones to condition them to reduce their cravings.

A lot more research needs to be done about the long-term health effects of VR, but in the meantime you had better spend only a limited time on VR and make sure your children use it as little as possible.

1.What may be Oculus Rift’s attitude to children’s use of VR?

A. Discouraging.    B. Uninterested.    C. Doubtful.    D. Curious

2.What did Asgarpour say about VR?

A. It could help to improve users’ balance.

B. It was badly in need of improvements.

C. It could be used to treat heart disease.

D. It might cause kids’ sight problems.

3.Why does the author mention Rosenthal’s study?

A. To explain the harm of addictions.    B. To prove VR’s beneficial effects.

C. To comment on VR’s medical uses.    D. To discuss people’s cravings for VR.

4.What are scientists expected to find out?

A. Why children are showing much interest in VR.

B. How people can use VR to improve their health.

C. Why VR is getting more popular at the present time.

D. How VR influences users over a long period of time.



The sun rises above the Artic Ocean (北冰洋). Across the frozen sea, a white bear moves slowly.

The bear stops and sways (摇晃) his head from side to side. There is nothing to see but endless ice and red sky. Then his powerful nose senses what his eyes cannot: a beluga whale is nearby.

The bear follows the smell and spots a large hole in the ice where a small white whale is swimming. He silently walks towards the hole, then stops, standing still. The whale does not see the bear, whose white fur makes him appear invisible (看不见的) against the ice.

Finally, the whale swims close to where the bear is waiting. With terrifying speed, the bear comes to life and moves towards the whale. In a moment it is over, and the bear eats his first meal in nearly a week.

Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors weren’t always built for ice and snow. The first Arctic bears were brown bears, a species that includes grizzly bears. They came to the icy north over a hundred thousand years ago.

No one knows for sure why these bears traveled to such a cold place. Scientists think they might have wandered north looking for food. Maybe they became trapped by glaciers and couldn’t leave. Whatever the reason, the bears never should have survived.

But they did. They got used to their new environment. Their bodies changed. Their behavior changed, too. Eventually, the bears developed into an entirely new species: the polar bear. You can see some of the characteristics that polar bears developed to survive.

Sadly, these characteristics may now threaten the polar bear’s survival. As sea ice melts due to global warming, polar bears are frequently forced to come ashore (在岸上). They are poor hunters on land, which means they often go a long time between meals. The polar bear, king of the Arctic, is now classified as a threatened species.

Although the future of the polar bear is unknown, the tale of two bears continues. As temperatures rise, grizzly bears have been spotted moving north into polar bear territory (领地). These long-lost cousins, once forced apart by nature, are coming back together again.

1.What can be inferred about the white bear mentioned in the first four paragraphs?

A. It is noisy.    B. it is smelly.    C. It is starving.    D. It has good eyesight.

2.Why are polar bears struggling to survive?

A. They are threatened by other animals.

B. They are losing their hunting ground.

C. They are spending little time on land.

D. They have difficulty reaching the shore.

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The climate change

B. The polar bear’s favorite meal

C. The dark past of the polar bear

D. The mysteries of the Arctic Ocean



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