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Scientists use a test called Digit Symbo...

Scientists use a test called Digit Symbol Substitution to assess everything from dementia(痴呆) to brain damage. Hartshorne, the lead author of the study, employed the test in his study of how intelligence changes over time. 1.

Most adults are bad at memorizing bits of information without context. A classic example is that you’ll have an easier time remembering a story about someone who bakes than a person with the last name Baker. 2.A 2011 study found humans are best at learning new names in our early 20s.

The human brain has a remarkable capacity to identify faces, and scientists are just beginning to learn why. On average, our ability to learn and remember new faces appears to peak shortly after our 30th birthday.

3. Don’t worry. A 2015 study suggests that our ability to sustain attention improves with age, reaching its peak around age 43.

Dating is tough. One of the reasons could be that we’re generally bad at reading other people’s emotions until we reach our late 40s. 4.Performance peaked for people aged around 48.

Ever wonder why you always lose at Scrabble(拼字游戏)? 5.According to people’s scores on multiple-choice vocabulary tests, most of us don’t reach our peak wordsmith(词语大师) abilities until we’re in our late 60s or early 70s.

A. Having trouble focusing?

B. Good news: Your best days may be ahead.

C. Young people don’t appear to be as burdened by this issue, though.

D. He found that participants’ performance generally peaked in their late teens.

E. Participants were asked to describe the emotion the person in the photo felt.

F. Adults approaching mid-years may have the greatest capacity to remain focused.

G. The results suggest that no matter what your age is, there’s always a new peak on the horizon.


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B 【解析】人类的智力是如何随着时间变化的?是越老越聪明,还是随着年龄的增长逐渐走下坡路?本文对此作出了正确的解读。 1.D 根据上句:哈茨霍恩应用这项测试研究智力如何随着时间变化。可知,下文应该是他研究的结果。所以,D. He found that participants’ performance generally peaked in their late teens.(他经过研究发现,发现参与者最好的表现通常是在二十岁之前。)符合题意。 2.C 根据上句:这一观点的典型例证是,相比于记住一个叫贝克的人,你更加容易记住一个烘焙师的故事。再根据下文:2011年的一项研究发现,人类在20出头时最擅长记忆新名字。由此可知,然而,年轻人似乎没有这个困扰。故选C。 3.A 根据下文:不要担心。哈佛大学和波士顿注意力与学习研究所2015年的一项研究表明,人类保持专注的能力随着年龄的增长而提高,在43岁左右到达顶峰。由此推知上文应该是让人心烦的事情。所以,A. Having trouble focusing?(注意力很难集中?)符合题意。 4.E 根据上文:恋爱真的很难。原因之一可能是,在快50岁前我们通常都不善于解读别人的情绪。再根据下文:表现最好的人年龄在48岁左右。可知此空的意思是“参与者被要求描述出图片中人物的情绪。”故选E。 5.B 根据上文:想知道为什么你玩拼字游戏时总是输吗?再根据空格下文:根据人们的词汇多选测试成绩,大多数人直到70岁前后遣词造句的水平才达到巅峰。由此可知,你未来的表现可能是最好的。故选B。

A man who took a woman's seat on a train and refused to leave has been banned from rail travel for an unspecified period of time, China Railway Jinan Group said on Friday. Railway police also fined him 200 yuan ($29), according to the group.

A video posted online showed the man, Sun He, taking a window seat in an economy coach on a train from Jinan to Beijing on Tuesday, and refusing to give it back to the woman and taunting her.

"You have three choices - stand, take my seat or go to the dining coach," Sun told the young woman in the video. According to the tickets, Sun's assigned seat was one row behind the woman's.

When a train attendant came to mediate, Sun claimed he wasn't able to stand and asked for a wheelchair. A railway police officer tried to persuade him but failed, and he was then left alone. The woman was given a seat in the business-class coach.

The punishment, released on Friday, came after the nationwide anger and online condemnation (谴责) of Sun's behavior.

It remains unknown how long he will be banned from rail travel. But according to a guideline, offenders will be banned from rail travel for 90 or 180 days, depending on the violations. Violations include smoking on trains, traveling without tickets, failing to pay surcharges upon arrival, reselling tickets, using a fake ID and disrupting public order or railway safety.

The guideline, which took effect May 1, is part of measures to improve behavior and enhance public security and order.

On Friday, netizens exposed another similar case, China National Radio reported. A woman with a standing ticket took a passenger's seat on a train from Shenzhen to Qingdao on Wednesday, and refused to give it back even though a train attendant tried to mediate. The passenger and her companion were forced to stand for two hours from 4 am to 6 am, the report said.

1.Where can this passage be found?

A. A book.

B. A brochure.

C. A newspaper.

D. A poster.

2.From Paragraph 2 and 3, we can conclude that ______ .

A. Sun had something urgent to do and that was why he took the woman’s seat.

B. All stuff and passengers did nothing during the whole matter.

C. Sun got away with not buying the train ticket.

D. The woman whose seat was sat by Sun got another seat in the end.

3.Which words can be replaced to the word “taunting” in Paragraph 2?

A. teasing

B. criticizing

C. swearing

D. advising

4.All the descriptions are true EXCEPT ______.

A. Sun’s behavior was strictly opposed among Chinese netizens.

B. It is probable that Sun cannot choose railway transport forever.

C. If one buys the ticket but doesn’t use, he/she can sell it to others.

D. The guidance of violation is aimed to protect public transport.



A First Responder is someone who immediately tries to help with some incident that occurs. This could be a response to someone who is hurt or injured, a natural disaster (like a fire, flood or tornado), or maybe your pet needs help.

The response might be at your house or in your neighborhood or community. When called, the First Responder is trained to come right away. A quick response is the surest way that the incident can be resolved in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of damage to individuals and to property.

A First Responder is responsible for the protection and preservation of life, property, evidence, and the environment. They are trained in many areas like emergency management, public health, clinical care, public works, and in operating equipment.

Together, they work to provide support services at the “onset” of an incident. “Onset” means at the early stages. They work to help in all response areas of prevention, response, and recovery:

Prevention is trying to stop more things happening in the future as a result of this incident.

Response means what is done in the incident and how you react to those individuals in the incident.

Recovery means what is done to restore or rebuild (whatever it is) back to what it was like prior to the incident.

Dialing 9-1-1 is one way you can ask for help from First Responders. You should know when it is appropriate to call this emergency help number. Dialing 9-1-1 in cases that are not emergencies should be prevented. It wastes people’s time and takes away resources that are needed from other emergency situations. Your parents and teachers can talk to you about dialing 9-1-1.

We salute those people who are First Responders and we thank them for their quick responses to helping out in situations when needed. We thank them for their special technical skills and personal skills of kindness and caring they bring with them on every response job.

1.Which of situations should one contact First Responder?

A. Jane noticed a passer-by falling and unconscious during her shopping.

B. Helen was driving outside when a tornado occurred.

C. Little John’s puppy became mad and he could not control it.

D. All above.

2.Paragraph 2 to 4 imply all below EXCEPT that ______.

A. A First Responder is usually not far from the caller

B. A First Responder can support help when trouble begins

C. A First Responder is blame for their wrong doings

D. A First Responder should be professional on dealing with emergencies

3.9-1-1 should not be dialed without reason because ______.

A. the cost of dialing 9-1-1 will be quite expensive

B. others may need the emergency resource more

C. the number of 9-1-1 is not lucky

D. it is often hard to get through

4.The last paragraph may aim to ______.

A. express thanks for First Responders’ selfless work

B. call on everyone to join the team of First Responder

C. warn others not to turn to First Responder for help

D. give reasons why First Responders are amateur



(Tokyo, Jul 25, 2017) Japanese singer Mai Kuraki was presented with a Guinness World Records certificate in Tokyo, recognizing her achievement for Most theme songs sung by the same artist for an animation series.

Detective Conan has been broadcast by Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation and Nippon TV since 1996. In 2000, Mai Kuraki debuted(初次亮相)in her first collaboration with Japanese popular manga TV animation, Detective Conan, adapted from the popular comic of the same name - and her song 'Secret Of My Heart' was used in the end titles. Since then, the collaboration continued and the number of songs Mai provided for the Detective Conan series has reached a total of 21. The 21 theme songs from the show have been released between 26 April 2000 and 12 April 2017.

In April 2017, Kuraki released the latest Conan single "Togetsukyo (Kimi Omou)", the ending theme for the Anime movie Detective Conan 21: Crimson Love Letter. The song instantly entered the major music charts in Japan, selling about 30,000 physical copies in its first week.

Speaking at the presentation at Guinness World Records Japan headquarters in Tokyo, Mai said: “I was really surprised when I heard the news."

“I want to celebrate this news with all my fans because I feel that I have been making every single song with my fans”. Mai also mentioned that she herself is a big fan of Detective Conan. Born in 1982, Mai also shared her stories about Detective Conan. She and her older brother would spend their pocket money on Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine and the stories of Conan helped her through difficult times in high school. “The concept of the anime is love and friendship. And this show has encouraged me so many times over the years.”

She hopes to continue working on the series that imparted so much friendship and power onto her.

1.Mai Kuraki first sang for Detective Conan when ________.

A. she was in high school

B. she was 18 years old

C. she became a fan of Detective Conan

D. Guinness World Records certificate was sent to her

2.Which of the descriptions is right about Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine?

A. Mai Kuraki and her younger brother enjoyed it a lot.

B. Children were too young to buy this magazine.

C. The story of Detective Conan was published in the magazine.

D. The magazine told a thrilling but warm story.

3.Which order of these things happened is right?

a. Mai Kuraki released the ending theme for the Anime movie Detective Conan 21.

b. Mai firstly enjoyed Detective Conan stories.

c. Mai got Guinness World Records certificate.

d. Mai’s song was firstly used in the end titles of Detective Conan.

A. a-b-c-d

B. b-d-a-c

C. d-b-c-a

D. c-d-b-a

4.The best title of this passage should be ______.

A. Mai Kuraki won Guinness World Records

B. Detective Conan: A New-released Anime Movie

C. Music, Dream and Animation

D. Newly-debuted Singer Presented Voice



Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales. With the same amount of the money, you can find different kinds of foods in this city. Women, young and old, rarely resist the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园,天堂) at this time of year. Lovers will surely have an exciting Christmas and New Year’ s Eve celebrations at the Time Square or in the western styled bars. Spending your holiday in Hong Kong will be easy too, as several package tours are available from GZL Travel Service, with four-day tours for less than 15, 000 yuan.

Tour Package 1 (3, 200 yuan):a four-day-tour including three nights' accommodation(膳宿供应), scenic helicopter flight, night ferry(渡船) tour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus(公共汽车) to the Peak to view the city at night.

Tour Package 2 (1, 880 yuan): a four-day-shopping-tour including three nights’ accommodation, tours to Golden Beach and the Vexwork Museum, shuttle bus to the Peak and shopping opportunities.

Tour Package 3 (1, 480 yuan): a four-day-DIY-tour including three nights’ accommodation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want, when you want.

1.This advertisement probably was shown ______.

A. on New Year’s Day

B. at Christmas

C. Between New Year’s Day and Christmas

D. before Christmas

2.Who will give you this advertisement possibly?

A. Travel service center.

B. Hotel reception.

C. Your cyber friend.

D. Insurance agency.

3.If one wants to go shopping and enjoy historical knowledges, which Tour Package should be the best choice?

A. Tour Package 1

B. Tour Package 2

C. Tour Package 3

D. All are OK.




1.What do we know about the baby?

A. It was kidnapped.

B. It escaped.

C. It had a rare disease.

2.What do we learn about “free milk” programme?

A. It has been canceled.

B. It is going quite well at the moment.

C. It offered all students milk from primary school to high school.

3.What will a sale be held for?

A. Raising money for a library.    B. Selling some milk.    C. Learning some skills.

4.What will tomorrow’s weather be like?

A. The pollution will be light.    B. It will be wet and hot.    C. It will be sunny.



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