满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My mother spent her childhood with her f...

My mother spent her childhood with her father on their farm in the US. She learned how to mend fences, plow fields, and make cheese. And she learned farm life doesn't offer ______    rewards, but if you stick with it, the effort and the long days ______

My grandpa spent his later years living on a comer of the ______, named Cherry Ridge, where they ______ riding horses together every Saturday before he died in 2012.

Since that time, the farm has ______ into Cherry Ridge Therapeutic Learning Programs, a center for learning, horseback riding and companionship.

"I am a 'road scholar', learning in an experiential way," Mom told me. "I feel I was ______  with eyes to see the needs of a(n) ______ spirit," she added. She has partnered with a ______   called Working to Empower Students Together (WEST), which helps young people with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, or unstable home environments.

Mom's latest project, the Farm Day Grief Camp, was ______ out of her grieving after the     ______ of my grandpa.

"I'm an adult woman who lost my ______ only six years ago," Mom said. "There is nothing     ______ than nature and animals to help with the ______ process." The camp's first visitors were five kids mourning the loss of a 7-year-old who died of cancer. ______ included painting and recalling the child's favorite things; and a balloon launch they called Sentiments to Heaven.

"Each camper wrote one thing they wished they could ______ with their departed(去世的)loved one on their ______," Mom-said. Children living with physical disabilities are also ______ at Cherry Ridge. Recently, a student in a wheelchair smiled ear-to-ear as he led the farm's mini horses around.

Mom's vision ______ children, ensuring the lessons she learned on the farm will be ______   for years to come. I know my grandpa would be ______.

1.A. good    B. real    C. different    D. instant

2.A. run out    B. come back    C. go by    D. pay off

3.A. farm    B. school    C. town    D. country

4.A. imagined    B. avoided    C. enjoyed    D. missed

5.A. developed    B. divided    C. looked    D. bumped

6.A. unable    B. confused    C. gifted    D. annoyed

7.A. happy    B. curious    C. determined    D. hurt

8.A. course    B. program    C. game    D. product

9.A. born    B. ready    C. found    D. grown

10.A. illness    B. trouble    C. loss    D. failure

11.A. mom    B. dad    C. husband    D. child

12.A. better    B. worse    C. easier    D. stranger

13.A. learning    B. thinking    C. relaxing    D. grieving

14.A. Trainings    B. Activities    C. Methods    D. Rules

15.A. share    B. agree    C. play    D. provide

16.A. painting    B. balloon    C. door    D. book

17.A. reliable    B. upset    C. cautious    D. welcome

18.A. protects    B. challenges    C. inspires    D. questions

19.A. abandoned    B. changed    C. preserved    D. recognized

20.A. worried    B. proud    C. thankful    D. surprised


1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍母亲在农场的生活经历。作者的母亲和父亲在美国的农场里度过了她的童年。她学会了如何修补篱笆、犁地和做奶酪。她还知道,农场生活不会带来立竿见影的回报,但如果你坚持下去,努力和漫长的日子就会有回报。 1.考查形容词。A. good好的;B. real真的;C. different不同的;D. instant立刻。根据And she learned farm life doesn't offer ___1___ rewards, but if you stick with it, the effort and the long days_____2_____ .可知,她还知道,农场生活不会带来立竿见影的回报,但如果你坚持下去,努力和漫长的日子就会有回报。故选D。 2.考查动词短语。A. run out用完,耗尽;B. come back回来;C. go by经过; D. pay off付清,得到回报。根据And she learned farm life doesn't offer ___1___ rewards, but if you stick with it, the effort and the long days_____2_____ .可知,她还知道,农场生活不会带来立竿见影的回报,但如果你坚持下去,努力和漫长的日子就会有回报。故选D。 3.考查名词。A. farm农场;B. school学校;C. town城镇;D. country国家,农村。根据My grandpa spent his later years living on a corner of the ___3___ , named Cherry Ridge, where they ___4___ riding horses together every Saturday before he died in 2011.可知,我爷爷晚年住在农场的一个角落里,名叫樱桃岭(Cherry Ridge),在他2011年去世前,他们每个星期六都在那里骑马。故选A。 4.考查动词。A. imagined想象;B. avoided弊端;C. enjoyed喜爱;D. missed想念,错过。根据My grandpa spent his later years living on a corner of the ___3___ , named Cherry Ridge, where they ___4___ riding horses together every Saturday before he died in 2011.可知,我爷爷晚年住在农场的一个角落里,名叫樱桃岭(Cherry Ridge),在他2011年去世前,他们每个星期六都在那里骑马。故选C。 5.考查动词。A. developed发展;B. divided分开;C. looked看;D. bumped碰撞。根据Since that time, the farm has ___5___ into Cherry Ridge Therapeutic Learning Programs, a center for learning, horseback riding and companionship.可知,从那以后,农场发展成了樱桃岭治疗学习项目,一个学习、骑马和交友的中心。故选A。 6.考查形容词。A. unable不能的;B. confused困惑的;C. gifted有天赋的; D. annoyed恼怒的。根据I feel I was ___6___ with eyes to see the needs of a(n) ___7___ spirit, she added.可知,她说:“我觉得自己天生就有一双能看到受伤心灵需要的眼睛。”故选C。 7.考查形容词。A. happy高兴的;B. curious好奇的;C. determined下定决心的;D. wounded受伤的。根据I feel I was ___6___ with eyes to see the needs of a(n) ___7___ spirit, she added.可知,她说:“我觉得自己天生就有一双能看到受伤心灵需要的眼睛。”故选D。 8.考查名词。 A. course过程,课程;B. program节目;C. game游戏;D. product产品。根据She has partnered with a ___8___ called Working to Empower Students Together (WEST), which helps young people with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, or unstable home environments.可知,她与一个名为“共同增强学生力量”的项目合作,该项目帮助有学习障碍、情感和行为挑战或不稳定家庭环境的年轻人。故选B。 9.考查形容词。A. born天生的;B. ready有准备的;C. found发现;D. grown长大的。根据Mom's latest project, the Farm Day Grief Camp, was ___9___ out of her grieving after the___10___ of my grandpa.可知,妈妈最近的一个项目是“农场日悲伤营”(Farm Day Grief Camp),是在她失去爷爷后的悲痛中诞生的。故选A。 10.考查名词。A. illness疾病;B. trouble麻烦;C. loss损失;D. failure失败。根据Mom's latest project, the Farm Day Grief Camp, was ___9___ out of her grieving after the___10___ of my grandpa.可知,妈妈最近的一个项目是“农场日悲伤营”(Farm Day Grief Camp),是在她失去爷爷后的悲痛中诞生的。故选C。 11.考查名词。A. mom妈妈;B. dad爸爸;C. husband丈夫;D. child孩子。根据“I'm an adult woman who lost my ___11___ only six years ago,”可知,“我是一个成年女性,六年前才失去了父亲。”故选B。 12.考查形容词比较级。A. better更好;B. worse更差;C. easier更容易; D. stranger陌生人。根据“There is nothing ___12___ than nature and animals to help with the ___13___ process.”可知,“没有什么比大自然和动物更能帮助我们悲伤的过程了。”故选A。 13.考查动词。A. learning学习;B. thinking想,认为;C. relaxing放松; D. grieving使悲伤。根据“There is nothing ___12___ than nature and animals to help with the ___13___ process.”可知,“没有什么比大自然和动物更能帮助我们悲伤的过程了。”故选D。 14.考查名词。A. Trainings训练;B. Activities活动;C. methods方法,手段;D. Rules规则。根据___14___ included painting and recalling the child’s favorite things and a balloon launch they called Sentiments to Heaven.可知,他们的活动包括画画和回忆孩子们最喜欢的东西,还有一个气球升空,他们称之为“情感天堂”。故选B。 15.考查动词。A. share分享;B. agree同意;C. play玩;D. provide提供。根据“Each camper wrote one thing they wished they could ___15___ with their departed (去世的) loved one on their___16___ ,” Mom said.可知,妈妈说:“每个露营者都在气球上写下了一件他们希望能与逝去的亲人分享的东西。”故选A。 16.考查名词。A. painting绘画;B. balloon气球;C. door门;D. book书。根据“Each camper wrote one thing they wished they could ___15___ with their departed (去世的) loved one on their___16___ ,” Mom said.可知,妈妈说:“每个露营者都在气球上写下了一件他们希望能与逝去的亲人分享的东西。”故选B。 17.考查形容词。A. reliable可靠的;B. upset烦恼的;C. cautious谨慎的; D. welcome受欢迎的。根据Children living with physical disabilities are also ___17___ at Cherry Ridge.可知,在樱桃岭也欢迎身体有残疾的儿童。故选D。 18.考查动词。A. protects保护;B. challenges挑战;C. inspires 鼓舞;D. questions询问。根据Mom’s vision ___18___ children, ensuring the lessons she learned on the farm will be ___19___ for years to come.可知,母亲的愿景激励着孩子们,确保她在农场学到的经验在未来的岁月里得以保存。故选C。 19.考查动词。A. abandoned抛弃;B. changed改变;C. preserved保护;D. recognized认识,意识到。根据Mom’s vision ___18___ children, ensuring the lessons she learned on the farm will be ___19___ for years to come.可知,母亲的愿景激励着孩子们,确保她在农场学到的经验在未来的岁月里得以保存。故选C。 20.考查形容词。A. worried担忧的;B. proud自豪的;C. thankful感谢的; D. surprised感到吃惊的。根据I know my grandpa would be ____20____可知,我知道我爷爷会感到骄傲的。故选B。

Amy joined a painting group but didn't seem to               , so she left.

A. fall for    B. come across    C. fit in    D. come over



______to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.

A. Having been asked    B. To ask

C. Having asked    D. To be asked



Evidence has been found through years of study______children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.

A. why    B. how    C. whether    D. that



----Don’t worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.

----- ___________! I will tell Dad there’s nothing serious.

A. What a relief    B. How surprising    C. Congratulations    D. I’m so sorry



Have you ever been in a situation ____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?

A. where    B. that    C. by which    D. when



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