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Finding a Job 1.In which job do you need...

Finding a Job

1.In which job do you need to speak a foreign language?

A. Advert A.    B. Advert B.

C. Advert C.    D. Advert D

2.Which job is suitable for those who are busy during the weekdays?

A. A babysitter.    B. A newspaper deliverer.

C. Working in a café.    D. Working in a museum shop.

3.Who are these job adverts mainly designed for?

A. Parents.    B. Teenagers.

C. Full-time workers.    D. English speakers.


1. C 2. C 3. B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章发布了四则兼职工作的招聘启事,广告分别为:Babysitter needed;Newspaper round before school; holiday job; Munchies café part-time work。 1.细节理解题。C广告里提到“We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work us…”可知C广告需要应聘者会说一门外语,故选C。 2.判断推理题。题意为哪种工作适合在工作日繁忙的人,推理得到哪种工作时间为周六和周日。对比四则广告可知只有Working in a café的工作时间为周六早上八点到下午四点,适合题目中提到工作日繁忙的人,故选C。 3.细节理解题。本题可以运用排除法得出。题意为这些工作招聘广告是主要是针对哪些人,A广告和B广告提到了“after school放学后”与“before school上学前”,故可知是针对青少年,而C广告提到了需要会说法语、西班牙语或者德语,所以只说英语是不符合要求的,故排除D选项;而第一二则广告提到了周内也要工作,故不适合有全职工作的人,故排除C。四则广告并没有提到要求是针对“父母”的,故排除A。综上最后选B。



1.    接触不同文化,开阔视野;

2.    有助于语言能力的提高;

3.    提高孩子独立生活能力。


1.    价格昂贵,增加家庭经济负担;

2.    学习时间短暂,不能系统学习;

3.    旅游占据大量时间。





1.    对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;

2.    作文中不是提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等;

3.    开关已给出,不计入总词数。

4.    参考词汇:出国游学 overseas study tours



With the improvement of living standards, overseas study tours are gaining its popularity with some high school students.





Many of us have someone in our lives that has absolutely everything. Buying a gift for that special person can prove quite stressful. Here are a few points aimed at making this challenge a little bit easier.

Buying that hard-to-find gift can have you wandering the malls for hours on end with little or no luck. Before starting such a shopping journey, think carefully about what that person might really enjoy instead of hoping the perfect gift will miraculously(奇迹般地 ) appear. Think about what is happening in their lives at the moment Have they recently experienced a major life event. taken up a new hobby, or planned a trip? Think about how your gin can contribute to a these events.

Have you ever found that perfect Christmas gift for someone in July, but decided to waif and buy it later? If you think it's a good gift, buy it then. Don’t wait until the last minute to buy that perfect present. Chances are that you'll either forget what that gift was or it won’t be available when you go to get it later. Last-minute shopping is rather stressful and usually doesn’t have the desired results.

Anything you can buy at a retail store these days can also be bought on the Internet. Better still, you can find special gifts that you normally cant find at the mall. Search for special gift ideas and you'll be amazed at the things that you may never have thought of before. For example, find out what their favorite toy or book was when they were a child and see if you can find it for sale on an auction site(拍卖现场).

Spend some time with the person and get a better idea of their interests. They may mention that they've needed something for the moment but just haven't got around to getting it. Or maybe they've lost or broken something that they really miss. Maybe they're still using something from the past that needs updating.

If all else fails, there are always gift cards. Rather than just give the gift card, however, be a little creative. Make a game out of it such as wrapping the card in a series of larger boxes so it takes a while to get to it rather than just having them open an envelope. Another choice is to include a gift card with some theatre tickets.

Topic:1. on buying a gift for someone who has everything

Think outside the Store.

●Think carefully about what might really 2. the person before going shopping,rather than trying your luck at the mall.

●Finding out what the person is 3. you.

Don’t wait until the last minute.

●No matter when you have found a proper gift, buy it 4..

●Trying to find a gift just before the event can cause you much stress and the gift may 5. you.

Shop 6.

●You can find more special gifts on the Internet than at malls.

●You may get a good 7. from the Internet.

●It’s a good idea to give the person what he liked most during his 8.

Listen closely for Ideas.

Spend some time learning about what the person needs at 9. .

Give a gift card.

Wrap the gift card 10. ,or give it together with some theatre tickets.






A girl 1.(name)Dina was born in California in 1932. After 2.(graduate) from university in 1954, she worked at a children’s hospital in Kentucky for several years. However, her interest in animals inspired her 3. ( take)her first step towards her future work. In 1966, she went to Africa to study rare mountain gorillas

Even though some of the gorillas were quite dangerous, this didn't not discourage her. She showed great 4. (devote) to her work and loved to tell people about gorillas. Dina was an outgoing and kind person and had the ability to gain valuable data about their lives by becoming a 5.(company)to them. She wrote a book about the gorillas she had lived 6. It is thanks to her research 7.we now know more about mountain gorillas. Her love for the gorillas teaches people about dangers these animals 8.(face)with. Now they are protected by governments and various organizations. 9.her work, there would be very few mountain gorillas left today. She has received world’s 10.(famous)around the world and is now regarded as one of the heroes of the 20th century.




1.There is enough e ______ that people whose diets lack vitamins are more likely to develop some types of disease.

2.He was d______by the company because of the huge loss due to his carelessness.

3.The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an e______ is to stay calm.

4.The average man fails not because he lacks ability but because he lacks the ability to c______on what he should do.

5.Linda is fond of the a______ of peace and calmness in the remote village.

6.There are ______(广泛的) concerns over food safety in the country.

7.I do believe it is possible for different nations to live together in______ (融洽).

8.There is no point ______(使确信)him of Tina’s honesty because he just doesn’t believe in any person in the company.

9.Was it just a ______(巧合)that the woman who ran the competition won the first prize?

10.Considering her quality and experience, she is the ideal ______(候选人)for the position of general manager.



When I was eight, I got my first pair of glasses. Far from being made fun of at school, the only struggle I got was endless requests to try on my new glasses. Hearing about what happened at school, my father once looked at me and asked whether I had pretended to be the blindness just to look like Harry Potter?

With my strange hair and glasses, I did nothing to avoid it, either. The Harry Potter books were the great pop cultural event of my generation, who began reading again. My school librarian, both confused and annoyed by us Potter fans, dealt with fights over the schools few old copies by setting a new rule: Harry Potter could be borrowed for only three days, instead of the whole week of borrowing period every other title was allowed.

In the 20 years since the first book arrived on shelves, publishers and parents have been asking what has made J.K. Rowling's books so loved. It is better to look at the influence they have had on their readers. Yes, the books were about a boy taking on a dark and powerful enemy in the magical world, but they were also about love defeating hate, determination and choosing" between what is easy and what is right". Rowling’s entire magical characters were all people we want to be.

I grew up with Harry and together we became children with our own opinions, teens easy to get angry and young adults thinking of everything as normal. When the final book came out in 2007.I read it for 12 hours without a break and cried as I finished it. I felt something sad: the end of Harry’s story signaled the end of my childhood. I was suddenly aimless. Meanwhile, my now Potter-mad father walked impatiently nearby, waiting for the proper moment to take the book away from his daughter.

Harry Potter did shape my generation. As a girl who grew up mostly in peacetime, many of the ideas I found in these books were ones we had never come across before. The magical world’s terrible treatment of non-human beings was the first description of slavery I knew. The treatment of Harry’s teacher Remus Lupin, who hides his condition at work, is a metaphor(比喻) for the shame surrounding those who suffer from AIDS. And all settings like this may have real-world reflections .A study found that teenage Harry Potter readers showed more tolerance (包容) towards those who were suffering. Is it possible that Jeremy Corbyn's popularity among the young had anything to do with their literary education? Is it possible that Harry Potter, in the 20 years he has been with us, has inspired a generation to be more empathetic(感同身受), welcoming and socially open- minded than those before it? We will see If not, at least my glasses are still cool.

1.Paragraph 1 is intended to show_____.

A. the authors sufferings caused by the glasses

B. the author s close relations with other students

C. the misunderstanding between the author and her father

D. the popularity of Harry Porter among students

2.How did the school librarian stop the fights between Potter fans?

A. By preventing Potter fans borrowing Harry Potter many times

B. By selling the Harry Porter books in the library.

C. By creating a new rule for Harry Potter’s borrowing period.

D. By buying more Harry Potter books for the library.

3.What can we learn about the Harry Potter books from Paragraph 3?

A. The book has been the most popular one among all the books for twenty years.

B. It is the story of revenge(复仇)in the magical world that makes the book popular.

C. Readers are crazy about the book because it has taught them how to love and make wise choices.

D. The book has had such great influence on the readers that they all want to be magical persons.

4.Why did the author cry when she read Harry Potter that came out in 2007?

A. Because she suddenly found that she was too old to read Harry Potter.

B. Because her father was for a chance to take her book away.

C. Because she had no plan for what to do after her childhood ended.

D. Because she was too sad to know the 2007 book was the last Harry Potter book.

5.The underlined word "signaled "in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.

A. described    B. created

C. changed    D. marked

6.What's the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Harry Potter has great effects on the author's generation.

B. The characters in Harry Porter were created through great imagination.

C. Compared with other people, Harry Potter readers are more tolerant.

D. Reading Harry Potter is important for children living in peacetime.



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