满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Experts suggest that young parents _____...

Experts suggest that young parents ______ some time to communicate with their children instead of spending much time playing games on the phone.

A. set aside    B. put away

C. make up    D. account for


A 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:专家建议年轻的父母留出一些时间和他们的孩子交流,而不是花很多时间在手机上玩游戏。A. set aside留出;B. put away储存;C. make up编造; D. account for对…负有责任,根据题意,故选A。  

This kind of plant ______ grass in appearance , so it’s difficult for the students to tell them.

A. reflects    B. instructs

C. resembles    D. shapes



In response to the citizens’ concern, the government claimed ______ measures to attend to the increasingly serious smog in the past two months.

A. taking    B. to take

C. having taken    D. to have taken



—What about the two of us going downtown ?

— ______. I hate spending time hanging around.

A. That suits me fine    B. Why not

C. It depends on the weather    D. Well, that’s the last thing I will do




Water is the driving force of all nature, Leonardo da Vinci claimed. Unfortunately for our planet, water supplies are now running dry at an alarming rate. The world’s population continues to increase but that rise in number has not been matched by adequate supplies of fresh water. Reports show that more than a billion individuals — one in seven people on the planet — now lack access to safe drinking water.

In Sao Paulo, a Brazilian city, drought got so bad that residents began drilling through basement floors and car parks to try to reach groundwater. Officials in this city warned that rationing(配给制)of water supplies was likely soon. Citizens in Sao Paulo might have access to water for only two days a week. In California, US, officials have shown that the state has entered its fourth year of drought. At the same time, its per capita(人均)water use has continued to rise.















How to save a friendship

Friends are like stars. Even if you don’t see them, you know they are there. And while a shooting star is a beautiful thing to observe, a dying friendship is one of the most painful things to experience. However, if you believe that it is worth trying to save it, then it is worth it. So if you are still moved by a friendship that has given you priceless moments and treasured memories, at least try to save it. While problems are unavoidable, if both of you see the value in saving what you have, focusing on fixing things may just be effective, and your connection may even come through this test stronger than before.

The moment you realize that the two of you have started growing apart, do something about it. Waiting will only bring about an unavoidable permanency of the loss of your friendship. Be prepared to be the one who makes the first steps; your friend may be laboring under the belief that it is something you have done to harm the friendship, so you shouldn’t wait around for them to solve things.

As life changes around us, friendship change too. However, changes in your life don’t mean that your life has to destroy your friendship. Talking openly about the changes is important, as well as accepting that the two of you have changed but still have space, love and respect for one another in your lives. If your friend has distanced himself or herself from you because of changes in your lives, take the chance to show that while life has changed, the importance of your friendship has not.

Make sure your friend has talked and listened, and both of you have looked for ways to reach compromises(和解)on the things that have weakened your friendship and set the relationship back on track. If you mean as much to this person as they mean to you, you will have at least made some progress in the right direction through mutual(彼此的)compromises in the end.

Once you have worked through the challenges facing your friendship and come to a shared solution, show your friend how much they mean to you. Start creating new memories and precious moments that will make the unpleasant page in your common history look insignificant and never worth mentioning again.

How to save a friendship


● A dying friendship makes you feel 1..

● Try to save the friendship that2.you of your experiences.

● The connection between you and your friends will3.the test and become stronger if both of you4.your friendship and focus on renewing it.


● On realizing your relationship with your friend is not as6.as before, you had better do something.

● Don’t wait for others’ actions but be7.to step forward first.

Know Your differences

● Changes in life don’t 8.affect friendships.

● Prove to your friend that your friendship is still important if your friend has kept you at a9..

Reach a compromise

Mutual compromises on things that have weakened your friendship help10.the relationship between you and your friends.

Move forward

New memories and precious moments after the challenges help to turn the unpleasant page in your common history.





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