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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 ...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉. 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.

注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.

I was admitted  to a ordinary  school I feel disappointed at the poorly-equipped classroom and I found the teachers friendly  and considerate Besides I was fond of the warm atmosphere in class I was determining to make the best of it I worked hard and got along good with my teachers and classmates Whenever I had difficulties  they were always ready help me out Soon I became one of the top student in my class that made me become confident

My experience in high school often reminds me that it is not how you are given but how you make use of it that determines on who you are


第一处:a→an 第二处:feel→felt 第三处:and→but 第四处:determining→determined 第五处:good→well 第六处:help me 前面加上to 第七处:student→students 第八处:that→which 第九处:how →what 第十处:去掉on 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者叙述了自己高中的学习生活以及对高中学习生活的感悟。 第一处:考查冠词。句意:我被一所普通学校录取了。ordinary首字母的发音为元音因素,所以用an。故a→ an。 第二处:考查一般过去时。句意:我对这个设备简陋的教室感到失望。由上下文语境可知,整篇短文是对过去事情的叙述,所以用一般过去时。故feel→ felt。 第三处:考查连词。句意:但是,我发现老师们很友好,也很体贴。根据句意可知,前后句语意转折。故and→ but。 第四处:考查过去分词。句意:我决定好好利用它。be determined to do sth“下定决心做某事”。故determining→ determined。 第五处:考查副词。句意:我努力学习,与老师和同学相处得很好。well为副词修饰动词短语get along with。故good→ well。 第六处:考查增加词。句意:每当我遇到困难时,他们总是随时准备帮助我。be ready to do sth“准备做某事”。故help me 前面加上to。 第七处:考查名词复数。句意:很快,我就成为班里最优秀的学生之一,这使我变得自信起来。one of 后接名词复数。故student→ students。 第八处:考查关系词。句意:很快,我就成为班里最优秀的学生之一,这使我变得自信起来。分析句子可知,本句涉及非限制性定语从句,which指代前面整个句子,在定语从句中作主语。故that→ which。 第九处:考查连接词。句意:我在高中的经历经常提醒我,决定你是谁的不是你得到了什么,而是你如何利用它。 分析“it is not how you are given”可知,本句为表语从句,what作give的宾语。故how→ what。 第十处:考查删除多余词。句意:我在高中的经历经常提醒我,决定你是谁的不是你得到了什么,而是你如何利用它。determine在本句中为及物动词后直接接宾语。故去掉on。


Tea is one of the most favored drinks in our life However the origin of tea is lost among history 1. tales What can be roughly confirmed is that tea originated in the southwest of China According to ancient stories the first person 2. discover the effects of tea is said to be Shennong - the father of agriculture and herbal medicine in China It 3. say that Shennong once tried 72different kinds of poisonous plants in a day and he 4. lie on the ground barely alive At this moment he noticed several rather fragrant leaves 5.drop from the tree beside him Out of curiosity and habit Shennong put the leaves6. his mouth and chewed them slowly After a little while he felt well and 7. energy again So he picked more leaves to eat and thus cleared8.he body from poison

The ancient Chinese medical book 9. call Shennong Bencaojing states that"Tea tastes bitter Drinking it one can think quicker sleep less move more swiftly and see 10. clearly"This then was the earliest book to record the medicinal effects of tea



    Horror seized the heart of the soldier as he saw his life-long friend fall in the battle Caught in a trench(壕沟) with _____ gunfire whistling over his head the soldier asked his _____ if he might go out into the

"No Man's Land"_____the trenches to bring his_____friend back

"You _____ go"said the captain"but I don't think it will be worth it Your friend is probably_____ and you may throw your own life away"The captain's words didn't matter and the soldier _____ anyway

Surprisingly he_____ to reach his friend raised him onto his shoulder and_____ him back to their company's trench As the two of them fell in together to the _____ of the trench the officer_____ the wounded soldier and then looked_____ at his friend"I told you it wouldn't be worth it"he said"Your friend is dead and your _____ is deadly"

"It was worth it though sir"the soldier said

"How do you_____ ‘worth it'"responded the captainYour friend is dead!"

"Yes sir"the soldier answered"But it was worth it because when I got to him he was still alive and I had the_____ of hearing him say‘Jim I knew you'd_____'"

Many a time in _____ whether a thing is worth doing or not_____ depends on how you look at it Take up all your courage and do something your_____ tells you to do so that you may not _____ not doing it later in life

1.A. dangerous    B. distant    C. visible    D. continuous

2.A. captain    B. boss    C. soldier    D. company

3.A. behind    B. before    C. between    D. among

4.A. worried    B. killed    C. frightened    D. fallen

5.A. can    B. must    C. will    D. shall

6.A. mad    B. brave    C. dead    D. lucky

7.A. heard    B. understood    C. stopped    D. went

8.A. fought    B. wished    C. managed    D. promised

9.A. brought    B. dragged    C. forced    D. pushed

10.A. front    B. bottom    C. back    D. edge

11.A. caught    B. greeted    C. respected    D. checked

12.A. strangely    B. angrily    C. kindly    D. suddenly

13.A. feeling    B. thought    C. wound    D. pain

14.A. mean    B. mention    C. use    D. learn

15.A. pride    B. satisfaction    C. patience    D. experience

16.A. suffer    B. come    C. survive    D. help

17.A. life    B. danger    C. need    D. fact

18.A. hardly    B. slightly    C. possibly    D. really

19.A. leader    B. duty    C. heart    D. purpose

20.A. forget    B. regret    C. imagine    D. pref



    Four benefits of learning a new language Has learning a new language been sitting on your to-do list for agesThere's no better time than now to think of finally crossing it off1.

1 Easier travels

The fabled(传说中的)language barrier is real - as soon as you travel outside tourist areasunderstanding others and making yourself understood can be quite the challenge2. In this way you can experience all the riches a foreign country offers

2 Better work relations

Being able to speak to your clients (委托人) in their preferred language can be of great help for your business relationships3. Indeed speaking an extra language could earn your salary up to 20 percent

3 Improved brain function

Learning a new language can develop your thinking abilities and help your mind work better Studies have even shown that language learning reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

4 Increased focus

Language learning shapes your brain into a well-oiled multi-tasking machine As you build a new mental word list you'll notice an improvement in your ability to do several things at once and to quickly switch between tasks4.

So start by determining what you want to do -taking a trip moving to another country or looking for a better job for instance5. Be open-minded listen to others and most of all practice practice and practice some more!

AJust involve yourself in the language

BThis makes it possible for you to find a good reason

CYour overall focus will be sharper and your brain will work better

DYou should be familiar with the language spoken where you're traveling

ELearning a new language is a good way to improve your ability in this field

FHere are some benefits of language learning that will convince you to take the leap

GIt will improve not only your professional reputation but your chances of scoring a raise



    The year 3700 Earth is far too hot for any human to call it home On this planet at least man is nothing more than a memory - if there is anything left to remember the"wise man" But what about our wisdom -will any of it survive us

The conventional answer is no Knowledge requires a knower and there will be no knowing minds around then But if information survives perhaps in books or hard drives maybe the knowledge isn't quite dead but dormant (休眠), ready to become alive with the help of other minds that develop over time or come to visit Earth in the distant future

At first sight that seems to be reasonable after all we have done similar things with past knowledge For example we saved an ancient computer from a ship destroyed at sea off the southern coast of Greece and succeeded in finding the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphics(象形文字). Careful work can bring previously lost wisdom back to life

However the key point is that there is a certain cultural continuity with those ancient times that allows us to reason and make progress in the dark we know we are dealing with the legacy (遗赠) of other humans

Without that link the survival of objects and raw data doesn't guarantee the survival of knowledgeAnd a lack of continuity in language with any future intelligence would be a barrier Knowledge is closely connected with language When a language dies out we can lose systems of reasoning that they contain If that's lost then it can't be recovered

All this means that other minds might not be able to fully make human knowledge alive when we are gone It is better to concentrate on not dying out in the first place

1.What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1 ______

A. To present an interesting idea

B. To state a problem of the future

C. To inform us of the earth in 3700

D. To introduce the topic of the text

2.What do the words"similar things"in Paragraph 3probably refer to ______

A. Developing the minds

B. Remembering the wise man

C. Making lost wisdom alive again

D. Learning from the ancient civilization

3.What plays the key part in getting cultural continuity according to the text ______

A. Language    B. Intelligence

C. Knowledge    D. Information

4.What can be the best title for the text ______

A. Can human beings live on

B. Will our wisdom survive us

C. How we can protect our culture

D. What the earth will be like in the future



    "Her grades are fine I'm not worried about that but she just doesn't seem to love learning any more"

Alice's mum said

She's absolutely right I'd noticed the same thing about her daughter over the previous two or three years when I'd been Alice's middle school teacher and I have an answer right there on the tip of my tongue to what has gone wrong Yet I'm torn between my responsibility to help Alice and the knowledge that what I have to say is a truth I'm not sure this mother is ready to hear

The truth for this parent and so many others is this Her child has sacrificed her natural curiosity and love of learning at the altar of achievement and it's our fault Alice's parents her teachers society at large - we are all supposed to be blamed in this crime against learning From her first day of school we pointed her toward that altar and trained her to measure her progress by means of points scores and awards

We taught Alice that her potential is tied to her intellect(智力), and that her intellect is more important than her character We taught her to come home proudly bearing grade As championship prizes and college acceptance and not on purpose we taught her that we don't really care how she obtains them We taught her to protect her academic and extracurricular(课外的)perfection at all costs and that it's better to quit when things get challenging rather than risk losing that perfect record Above all else we taught her to fear failure That fear is what has destroyed her love of learning

1.We can infer from Paragraph 2 that the author ______

A. thinks Alice is right

B. is uncertain of the answer

C. hesitates to express an idea

D. wonders why the mother is worried

2.Which can replace the underlined words"at the altar of" ______

A. instead of    B. at the risk of

C. at the loss of    D. in the interest of

3.What has really made Alice change her attitude to learning ______

A. Being slow in study    B. Fear of bad grades

C. Difficulty in study    D. Press from parents

4.What is more important for a teenager in the author's opinion ______

A. His knowledge    B. His intellect

C. His character    D. His achievement



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