满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once upon a time, a king with only one l...

Once upon a time a king with only one leg and one eye was very wise and kind Even though he didn't want to have himself_______because of his physical _______, he hoped to be remembered through the portraits by his future generation. He wasn't sure_______his painting would turn out. So he invited many famous painters _______

Then the king _______that he wanted a beautiful portrait made of _______to be placed in the palace. Any painter who could _______this task should come _______and would be rewarded _______his work.

How could his portrait be made________? If not,  the king would get angry and________them, so________, they all started to make ________and politely refused to make a portrait of the king.

But suddenly one painter________his hand and said, "I will make a very beautiful portrait of you which you will surely like." The king became happy hearing that.

After taking a long time, the portrait was ready. When the painter presented the portrait everyone in the court, including the king, was left ________. He made a portrait ________which the king was sitting on the________, on the one-leg side,________his bow and aiming the arrow with his one eye ________.

The king was very pleased and gave him a great ________.

1.A. commented    B. printed    C. copied    D. painted

2.A. appearance    B. advantages    C. disabilities    D. identity

3.A. how    B. when    C. whether    D. which

4.A. in and out    B. home and abroad    C. here and there    D. up and down

5.A. announced    B. commanded    C. determined    D. admitted

6.A. self    B. itself    C. himself    D. themselves

7.A. do with    B. carry out    C. sort out    D. deal with

8.A. forward    B. toward    C. front    D. ahead

9.A. but for    B. attached to    C. based on    D. because of

10.A. beautiful    B. fancy    C. amazing    D. magical

11.A. inspect    B. punish    C. appreciate    D. replace

12.A. now and then    B. step by step    C. again and again    D. one by one

13.A. bargains    B. apologies    C. excuses    D. evidences

14.A. voted    B. put    C. recovered    D. raised

15.A. calm    B. confident    C. upset    D. amazed

16.A. in    B. on    C. through    D. over

17.A. chair    B. horse    C. palace    D. tree

18.A. taking    B. putting    C. holding    D. shooting

19.A. staring    B. open    C. wide    D. closed

20.A. award    B. reward    C. smile    D. house


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文主要讲了一个只有一条腿和一只眼睛的国王想要叫画师画一张画像,但画家都怕画不出国王想要的效果,怕受惩罚,所以都一一找借口推辞,但有一个画家自告奋勇,画了国王在马上用弓箭瞄准,画里只需要画出国王一条腿和一只眼睛,对此国王很满意并奖赏了画家. 1.考查动词词义辨析,commented评价;printed打印;copied复制;painted绘画。此处指由于国王只有一条腿和一只眼睛,因此他不想让人家画他,故答案为D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。A. appearance外貌;B. advantages 优点;C. disabilities残疾;D. identity身份。上下文的理解,根据上文的a king with only one leg and one eye可知,这是国王的身体残疾,因此使用disabilities,故答案为C。 3.考查引导词的辨析。A. how如何;B. when什么时候;C. whether是否;D. which哪一个。他不确定他的画像结果会是怎样的,因此使用how引导宾语从句,故答案为A。 4.考查短语的辨析。in and out进进出出;home and abroad国内外;here and there四处;up and down上下。所以他邀请了国内外的很多画家,故答案为B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。announced宣布;commanded命令;determined决心;admitted承认。然后国王宣布他想要一张漂亮的画像,故答案为A。 6.考查反身代词的辨析。A. self自己;B. itself 它自己;C. himself他自己;D. themselves他们自己。根据语境国王想让画家们画出一张自己的画像,因此使用himself,故答案为C。 7.考查短语的辨析。do with处理;carry out执行;sort out分类;deal with处理。任何一个能执行该项任务的画家可以自告奋勇,故答案为B。 8.考查介词短语辨析。A. forward向前;B. toward向;C. front前面的;D. ahead向前。根据语境任何一个能执行该项任务的画家可以自告奋勇,使用短语come forward,故答案为A。 9.考查短语的辨析。but for要不是;attached to附属于;based on依靠;because of由于。此处指依照画家所画的给予奖励,故答案为C。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。beautiful美丽的;fancy奇特的;amazing令人惊奇的;magical魔法的。如何让国王的画像变得漂亮呢,故答案为A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。inspect视察;punish惩罚;appreciate欣赏;replace替代。如果不好的话,国王会生气并惩罚他们,故答案为B。 12.考查短语的辨析。A. now and then偶尔;B. step by step 一步步;C. again and again反复地;D. one by one一个接一个。根据下文的 politely refused to make a portrait of the king可知,画家害怕被国王惩罚,他们一个接一个地拒绝了,故答案为D。 13.考查名词的辨析。bargains讨价还价;apologies道歉;excuses借口;evidences证据。画家开始找借口,故答案为C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。voted投票;put放置;recovered恢复;raised举起。但是突然有一个画家举起手,故答案为D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。calm冷静的;confident自信的;upset不安的;amazed惊奇的。当画家呈现画像的时候,任何一个人包括国王都很惊奇,故答案为D。 16.考查介词的辨析。A. in在……里面;B. on在……表面;C. through通过;D. over在……之上。根据语境在这张画像中国王坐在马上,因此使用in this portrait,故答案为A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。A. chair椅子;B. horse马;C. palace宫殿;D. tree树木。此处指国王坐在马上的情境,因此使用horse,故答案为B。 18.考查动词词义辨析。taking拿走;putting放置;holding拿着;shooting射击。此处指国王坐在马上,手里拿着弓,故答案为C。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。staring盯着;open打开的;wide宽的;closed闭着的。此处指国王手里拿着弓,箭头瞄准目标,所以一直眼睛是闭着的,故答案为D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。A. award奖品;B. reward奖励;C. smile微笑;D. house房子。根据语境国王对画像很满意,所以给了画家一个很大的奖励,因此使用reward,故答案为B。

Tips to Start a Great Day For most, the morning is a mad rush to get everyone ready and out the door. By the time you reach the office, you're probably already dealt with the stress of family, weather, and traffic. Unless everything goes perfectly, you'll carry all that stress and share it throughout the day with your partners in the office.1.

Open your eyes to fresh flowers.

If the first thing you see when you wake up is a dark and dirty wall or empty winter yard, you can certainly improve those important few minutes with a pleasing area of bright color. 2.Research suggests that exposure to bright colors in the early morning raises your spirits and energy.

3.If you organize your to-do-list, breakfast menu and your clothes the night before, you'll wake up feeling in control and relaxed. Taking 20 minutes to arrange everything ahead of time can save you 30 minutes to get dressed or search for the car keys.

Try 15 minutes of meditation.(冥想)

Some might be afraid that a meditation period early in the morning could just put you back to sleep. 4.It allows you to pay attention to what you're doing and remove harmful energy

Begin with inspirational(启发灵感的)reading

Part of what I often do in the morning easily allows for reading first thing. Many read the news, which can be a sad way to start the day. 5.This will give you good, fun thoughts to keep you full of energy throughout the day.

Try one of these tips each day or join them. Either way, you'll be prepared to make it a great day.

ABe sure you have a different plan.

BPlan the night before.

CBut real meditation actually makes the brain more active in a deep and thoughtful way.

DBe open to the useful energy the world brings your way.

EFear not; it is possible to get the day started right.

FBuy a few books that are cheerful, hopeful, inspiring or even humorous for your first brain stimulus(刺激).

GPick up a pleasant bunch of flowers every few days and set it right in your sight.



With Christmas soon approaching, many young people are buying gifts and making dinner reservations, but Geng Yingying is thinking about a serious subject – death.

Geng is a healthy 21-year-old student at Northwest Normal University in Gansu Province. She volunteered to donate(捐赠)her body for medical research and education because she wants to leave something to the world after her death. She first learned about body donation through a volunteer activity in 2016. Not long after that, one of her friends died in an accident. "I realized life is vulnerable(脆弱)and I wanted to make it more meaningful." she said.

Geng is one of a growing number of young Chinese who have registered(注册)as voluntary body donors in recent years. The number of registered volunteers for body and organ donations was over 2610 in Gansu by November 20, compared with just 80 in 2014, according to the statistics released by the local Red Cross Society.

In Beijing, more than 21,100 people applied to donate their cadavers(遗体)by the end of 2017since the city started a body donation registry in 1999.So far, over 2,600 donations have been used for medical research and education, according to the Beijing Red Cross Society.

Zhan Haibing is a postgraduate student in the School of Public Health at Lanzhou University. He refers to cadavers as "silent teachers." "Silent teachers have played an irreplaceable role in medical education and research. They can give medical students a real understanding of human bodies" Zhan said.

China's body donation program started in the early 1980s. Yuan said the traditional belief lack of knowledge on donation procedures, and failure to obtain support from families of the donors are three main reasons that have long slowed donations.

As the laws and the overall environment for donation continue to improve, and people's attitudes on funeral customs are gradually changing, body donations have become more acceptable. People are showing more respect and understanding to the donors.

Meanwhile, many Chinese universities have called on "life education. " They ask their students to participate in volunteer activities in hospitals, funeral parlors, nursing homes and Red Cross societies to better understand the meaning of life.

1.Geng Yingying is referred to as an example ______.

A. to start the topic of the passage

B. to sing a praise of her noble behaviour

C. to warn readers of vulnerable life

D. to introduce her moving story to the readers

2.Which is the main difficulty in making the decision to donate?______

A. New ideas    B. Support from families

C. The traditional belief    D. Lack of courage

3.We have every reason to believe that ______.

A. Silent teachers play the most important role in helping medical students

B. Gansu Province is in the lead of body donation in China.

C. Geng Yingying will have a long life for her kindness.

D. Body donation will be more acceptable among young Chinese.

4.Where can you most probably read the passage______

A. In a story book    B. In a science fiction

C. In a newspaper    D. In an advertisement



China's lasting research and development efforts have helped the nation keep its pioneering role in developing 5G mobile communication technology, related standards and the licensing stage

Chinese telecom companies are trying to keep their leading role in the global race for 5G commercialization(商业化).They are speeding up R&D of the fifth-generation mobile communication technology. The 5G technology is said to be at least 10times faster than 4G services which means it will enable superfast downloads of " heavy " files like movies, self-driving cars and virtual(虚拟的)reality games. It will do large-scale experiments of using 5G in 17cities. Yang Jie, chairman of China Telecom, said. "We aim to begin commercial 5G services in 2020."

China Mobile Communications Corp is planning to use 5G with AI and cloud technology for a latest network, which is planned to be used in the year 2020. The company has played an important role in the finish of the first stage of global 5G standards. The company will push forward the cloud deployment(云部署) of the superfast technology and build an intelligent network.

Similarly, China Unicom said it will start 5G testing this year, commercialize 5G in 2019and finally carry out large-scale commercialization in 2020.

China is expected to have 576 million 5G users by 2025, according to a report published by EY earlier this month. With the global united standard set to be finished in the next year or so, China is likely to advance its plan for the commercial use of 5G connections to 2019, to possibly become one of the first 5G-ready markets in the world, EY forecast.

In the past, China was behind other countries in publishing 4G and 3G licenses. But in 5G, perhaps China will race ahead in R&D. China is struggling to take a leadership role in the global landscape. China is also hungry to join in the decision of 5G international standards, making it one of the major players.

1.The word "heavy" in the second paragraph refers to ______

A. important    B. long    C. huge    D. valuable

2.What can we infer about the passage ______

A. China attaches great importance to the commercial application of 5G

B. The large-scale experiments of using 5G will be done in 17 cities by China Mobile

C. China lay behind other countries in using 4G and 3G in the past

D. China will decide 5G international standards in the future

3.According to EY forecast, the year when China plans the commercial use of 5G connections is likely to be ______

A. 2018    B. 2019    C. 2020    D. 2025

4.The best title of this passage is ______

A. The 5G technology in China

B. Three communication companies in China

C. The commercial use of 5G in China

D. Chinese carriers wrest (争夺) 5G lead



About six years ago I was going through a tough time, trying to work two jobs to afford my rent. On a cold Sunday morning, I went to GameStop - a video game retailer(零售商), to cancel the game I'd reserved. A woman in a car parked outside called me when I exited the store. Though it was in broad daylight, I was shy about it and kept some distance when I walked over. She said she couldn't walk and requested me to purchase a Kinect, a popular game, for her as her son's Christmas gift. Because of her leg disease it was painful to her to move around. She called ahead but the employee wasn't willing to help. She gave me about100 in cash and her credit card.

I walked back in and bought the Kinect. Then it occurred to me that this woman, a complete stranger, trusted me. What was it that stopped me from lying about the payment method and just pocket her cashShe couldn't know I wasn't a cheat; and how could she possibly believe in someone so much

I handed her the cash back, explaining I had to pay with her card - it was above 100 at the time, and handed over the game and her credit card. "This is what my son's been longing for. Thank you! By the way, just from glancing at you, I know you are the one who will be a friend to someone in need. You have a face of an angel!" she said. She gave me 10 and refused to take it back. Then she drove away, saying "Merry Christmas!"

She had no idea how much of a difference even 10 made. I was able to buy a few cheap groceries for the week and it really made a hard time in my life a little better. She may think I helped her; however, I truly feel like the one who was being gifted something amazing.

1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1 ______

A. The author worked so hard that there was no time for games

B. The author was unwilling to help and kept a distance from the woman

C. The author canceled the video game for saving money

D. The woman requested the author to purchase a Kinect for her son's birthday

2.Which of the following words can best describe the author ______

A. Generous and curious    B. Kind and honest

C. Merciful and wise    D. Optimistic and selfless

3.What can we know about the woman ______

A. She chose the author because he was handsome

B. She gave the author 10for the video game

C. She knew exactly how much the video game cost

D. She didn't get off the car because of her disability

4.What can be the best title for the text ______

A. Kinect, a popular game

B. An experience that changed my life

C. A stranger who had faith in me

D. Help others, help yourself



Exhibitions worth visiting Why do we collect: the story of the book collector.

Organized by the Smithsonian Libraries, this exhibition explores the stories of Western collectors over the centuries through the collection of ancient books and manuscripts(手稿).

The exhibition will show the library's most special collections, helping visitors explore different eras and cultures, and introduce the history of American social life.

Place: National Museum of American History

Time: Nov 7,2018-July 1,2020

Closed on Christmas Holidays

Price: Free

Van Gogh and the United Kingdom

The Tate Britain in London will host the Van Gogh and Britain exhibition to exhibit more than 45 paintings of Van Gogh. This is the largest Van Gogh exhibition in the UK in the past 10 years.

One of the most important exhibits this time will be the painting "Sunflower" from the National Gallery of England. This painting was completed in 1888 and is one of the only four remaining pieces in the world.

Time: Nov 9, 2018-Apr 28, 2019 1000am-1730 pm

Stop ticking one hour and 15 minutes before opening

Place: Tate Museum, London SW1A

Price: Full Ticket 12 pounds Student Ticket 8pounds

Harry Potter: The history of magic

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the publication of the novel "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by British writer J.K.Rowling, the New York Historical Society and the British Library holds this exhibition.

During the exhibition, the museum will invite J.K.Rowling to give a special speech for the fans of Harry Potter. The speech requires to book free tickets online in advance.

Place: New York Historical Society Museum

Time: 10:00 am-18:00 pm daily

Price: Full Ticket 21 dollars Student Ticket 16 dollars

Mysterious Ocean

"Mysterious Ocean" is a popular science exhibition for teenagers. It introduces the latest developments and research results of marine science(海洋科学) in recent years to help students develop their interests in oceanography.

In the exhibition, visitors can see specimens(样本)and enjoy their photos, or observe their structures through microscopes to feel the endless charm of marine science.

PlaceAmerican Museum of Natural History

TimeMar 92019 - Aug 182019

PriceFull Ticket 28 dollars Student Ticket 14dollars

1.What is special for the exhibition in the Tate Museum ______

A. It is the largest exhibition in the UK in the past 10years.

B. It is held only once a year.

C. It has the one of the four remaining paintings Sun Flower.

D. It has the world's largest collection of Van Gogh's works.

2.If you want to participate in J. K.Rowling's speech, what do you need to get ______

A. A ticket online for the exhibition.

B. Your student card.

C. One of the books written by JK Rowling.

D. A free online booking ticket.

3.Which exhibition can a student get the biggest discount for a ticket ______

A. Why do we collect: the story of the book collector.

B. Harry Potter: The magic of history.

C. Mysterious Ocean.

D. Van Gogh and the United Kingdom.



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