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The Ice and Snow Festival Highlights It ...

The Ice and Snow Festival Highlights

It will fall upon January 1st, 2019 and last till the early March, 2019, Based on the theme of “Bright Pearl of the Crown of Ice and Snow”, a variety of activities about ice and snow, concerning tourism, culture, fashion and sport, will be open to all tourists.






The 11th International College Students Snow Sculpture Competition—Inspiration Snow Dream

Jan. 4th7th

Harbin Engineering



The 35th Group Wedding Ceremony on the Ice

Feb. 5th

Zhaolin Park

The 30th Hundred-Flower Dance contest

Feb. 13th

People’s Stadium

2019 New Year Concert

Feb. 20th

City Concert Hall


The 31st Sun Island Snow Sculpture Art Exposition for senior people

Feb. 5th10th

Sun Island Scenic Area


International Contract of Ice and Snow

Feb. 6th and 7th

Friendship Palace

International Winter Swimming Inviting Competition

Jan. 1st for trail operation and officially opening on Jan. 5th, till the early Mar.

Jiuzhan Park



1.Where can you go to see college students’ snow sculpture works?

A. Harbin Engineering University.    B. People’s Stadium.

C. Sun Island Scenic Area.    D. Friendship Palace.

2.Who is the 31st Sun Island Snow Sculpture Art Exposition intended for?

A. Newly-married couples.    B. The old.

C. College students.    D. The young.

3.Which event will last the longest time?

A. 2019 New Year Concert.

B. The 30th Hundred-Flower Dance Contest.

C. The 05th Group Wedding Ceremony on the Ice.

D. International Winter Swimming Inviting Competition.


1. A 2. B 3. D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。短文介绍了哈尔滨冰雪旅游节的相关信息。 1.细节理解题。由Art栏中的place中的“Harbin Engineering University”可知,第十一届国际大学生雪雕大赛将于1月4日~7日在哈尔滨工程大学举行。所以你可以去哈尔滨工程大学看大学生的雪雕作品。故A选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由Tourism中的“The 31st Sun Island Snow Sculpture Art Exposition for senior people”可知,第31届太阳岛老年人雪雕艺术博览会于2月5日~10日太阳岛景区举行。所以,第31届太阳岛雪雕艺术博览会是专为老年人举办的。故B选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由Sport中的“Jan. 1st for trail operation and officially opening on Jan. 5th, till the early Mar.”可知,国际冬季游泳邀请赛1月1日试运行,1月5日正式开放至3月初。在对比其它活动的时间。所以国际冬季游泳邀请赛持续的时间最长。故D选项正确。


Technology is forever changing the way we get our news. Many people now get a lot of their news on electronic devices, instead of traditional media, such as newspapers, television or radio. An increasing number of people also report turning to social media for information

Now, there is a new technology that could greatly change the way we get the news: computer-created news readers. Recently, China launched what it called the worlds first artificial intelligence, or Al news presenters.

The news readers, supported by machine learning technology, are based on two real-life Chinese newsmen. One is able to present newscasts in English, the other, in Mandarin Chinese Report said machine learning was used to examine video images and sounds of the two newsmen. Similar technology has been used to create video products known as “deepfake” videos. "A deepfake a video that looks real, but was electronically changed. Such videos can make people appear to say things they never said

It's said that the Al presenters will be a great improvement to the news team because they "can work 24 hours a day" on its website and on social media. One of the presenters even promised to work tirelessly" to keep people informed. Some machine learning experts said the system showed off Chinas latest progress in voice recognition, text-to-speech technology and data analysis

Others wondered about the effects robots might have on employment and workers. Some people argued that only low-level jobs requiring heavy labor will be easily replaced by robots. Others praised the technology as a way for companies to make money from low-cost labor machines. Some businesses have experimented with similar technology for possible use in news operations.

Britain’s BBC recently released a video that used machine learning to make it look like one of its news readers speaking different languages. The London-based company that developed the system says its goal is to "remove the language barrier" for many different kinds of video across the internet. Also, Amazon's working on Alexa smart speaker system to create a special news reader voice. Amazon is reportedly preparing to launch Alexas news reader voice in the near future




假定你是校学生会成员李华,负责学校中国传统文化系列活动之一 Tea Party。请给外籍老师John写一封邮件,邀请他前来参加。内容包括:











10% of life is made up of what happens to you and 90% of life is decided by how you react.

What does this mean? Let us use1.example.

You are having breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. What happens next 2.(determine)by how you react.

You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks 3. in tears. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs you find your daughter has been too busy 4.(cry)to finish her breakfast and get ready to go to school. She misses the bus. You have to drive your daughter to school5.(you). After a 15-minute delay you arrive at school, And you arrive at the office 206.(minute)late. Your day has started terrible, As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse Why?  Because of how you reacted in the morning.

Here is 7.could have and should have happened. Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You 8.(gentle)say, "It’ s okay, honey, you just need to be more careful next time "Grabbing a towel you go upstairs and get your shirt9.(change) And you come back down in time to see your child getting on the bus. Everything goes well. Two different scenarios. Both started the same 10. ended different. Why? Because of how you reacted.



    It was my first night in my college dorm room. A couple of months ago, I was prepared for finals, ______, and the day I would keep my promise ______ out as soon as I had the chance. I ______used threat when I was angry or couldn’t get my way. ______my parents just grinned.

Now I ______ watching TV programs with my parents. I missed the time my parents spent with me. I missed the home videos I _____with my brother and sister. Now, those moments are only memories.

Sitting at my desk with my laptop open, I______an e-mail to a radio station my mom listens to every morning before work. I ______a special song called Don’t Forget to Remember.

The next morning, my mom got out of bed and ______the radio as usual. She was amazed by the speakers______You know how  ______I was weeks ago because I sent my little girl to school for the first time? A college student  ______ us and said that she misses her parents and______they have done for her. She also chose a special song in______of them. So we want to thank Cindy for that e-mail,  ____it really eased my worry about my little girl growing up and _____about things parents do for them.

The song began to play while my mom ran over to my dad and _____him up. "Honey! Did you hear that? Was that our Cindy? Our daughter who couldn't wait to ______home?"My dad, just barely opening his eyes, replied with, "If it is, that is very ______of her.”

I got a call from my mom that night. I was so excited to tell her that I______my first day of college and we talked for about an hour. Just when we were about to say our goodbyes, I added one last plea: "Mom, don’t forget to remember me.”

1.A. revision    B. graduation    C. vacation    D. decision

2.A. move    B. make    C. work    D. burst

3.A. still    B. yet    C. ever    D. even

4.A. And    B. But    C. So    D. Or

5.A. tried    B. avoided    C. missed    D. Imagine

6.A. sold    B. found    C. made    D. saved

7.A. addressed    B. downloaded    C. deleted    D. received

8.A. produced    B. sang    C. wrote    D. requested

9.A. turned up    B. turned down    C. turned on    D. turned off

10.A. conversation    B. announcement    C. recommendation    D. argument

11.A. excited    B. upset    C. annoy    D. cold

12.A. telephoned    B. informed    C. messaged    D. e-mailed

13.A. something    B. anything    C. everything    D. nothing

14.A. honor    B. memory    C. celebration    D. defence

15.A. though    B. because    C. unless    D. until

16.A. quarreling    B. complaining    C. forgetting    D. bothering

17.A. picked    B. lifted    C. raised    D. woke

18.A. return    B. leave    C. get    D. flee

19.A. selfless    B. honest    C. patient    D. sweet

20.A. hated    B. survived    C. wasted    D. expected



    When trying to make a successful career, which is better: being a generalist or a specialist? Inother words, should you generalize and know a little about a lot of things?1..

Natasha Olinger, a human resource expert, talks about the benefits of both. She said Generally speaking, the common wisdom is that it's always better to specialize and then you can demand a higher salary.

To explain her idea, linger uses a fairly commons situation-choosing a restaurant 2..

If you go to a restaurant that only serves sushi, you can expect high quality products, and you also should expect to pay more. If you go to a place that serves sushi, tacos and pizza, the quality of the sushi may not be so great, but the prices will probably be lower. 3..However, she adds that all is not perfect in the world of the specialist. If there is a drop in economy, a generalist may get more job offers.

Olinger suggests thinking about the size and type of business you would like to work for.4..

Also, companies that are just getting started often need people who are able to perform many different tasks. For example, your job description may be that of a graphic designer, but you may also have to do some writing, Larger companies can be just the opposite. They often need specialists-experts in a given field But perhaps the best solution is a mix of generalization and specialization. 5. . The top of the T would be the generalized part. The upright stem of the T would be the deeper understanding of a person's general knowledge-their expertise

A. Or should we combine these two with each other?

B. Some career planners call this a "t-shaped" career

C. Say you want to eat a favorite Japanese meal: sushi.

D Olinger says the world of work is not all that different

E. Small businesses often need people who can do many things

F. Olinger also warns that the world of work is more complex than this

G Or should you specialize and have a deep understanding of only one area



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