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Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s memoir (回忆录) Becoming has become the best-selling book 1. ( publish) this year in the US just 15 days after publication. The sales figure ( two million copies)2. (announce) by Penguin Random House last Friday.

Becoming mainly tells the story about 3. Michelle has balanced work and family 4. a professional woman. The book is 5. window into the personal life of the first African-American First Lady and the first black US President. About marriage, Michelle mentions, “I married a creative thinker, and I had to remind 6.(I) that we were adapting to each other to make two individuals a solid, permanent us.” In the memoir, Michelle speaks 7. (honest) of difficulties she met with in her life. The 54-year-old also criticizes (批评) US President Donald Trump, 8. (write) that she can “never forgive” him. That’s because during his presidential campaign. Trump’s “birther” theory that Michelle’s husband was not born in the US 9. therefore was not a legal President put her family’s 10. (safe) at risk.


1. published 2. was announced 3. how 4. as 5. a 6. myself 7. honestly 8. writing 9. and 10. safety 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了今年美国最畅销的书《前第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马的回忆录》的一些内容。 1.考查非谓语动词。句意:今年出版的《前第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马的回忆录》在出版15天后就成为今年美国最畅销的书。book 与publish之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,故填published。 2.考查时态语态。句意:企鹅兰登书屋上周五公布了这一销售数字(200万册)。sales figure 与announce之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态,last Friday表明用一般过去时,故填was announced。 3.考查宾语从句。句意:这本书主要讲述了米歇尔作为一名职业女性是如何平衡工作和家庭的。此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少方式状语,故填how。 4.考查介词。句意参考上题解析,根据句意可知此处表示“作为”,故填as。 5.考查冠词。句意:这本书是了解美国第一位非裔第一夫人和第一位黑人总统的私人生活的一扇窗户。window是可数名词,此处用不定冠词表示泛指,故填a。 6.考查代词。句意:我不得不提醒我自己:我们是在互相适应,让两个个体成为稳固的、永久的我们。此处表示“我自己”,故填myself。 7.考查副词。句意:在回忆录中,米歇尔诚实地讲述了在生活中遇到的困难。修饰动词speaks用副词,故填honestly。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:54岁的米歇尔还批评了特朗普,写到她永远也不会原谅他。The 54-year-old与write之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作状语,故填writing。 9.考查连词。句意:因为在总统竞选期间,特朗普认为米歇尔的丈夫不是在美国出生的,因此不是一个合法的总统,这个出生地理论将她的家庭安全置于危险之中。根据句意可知此处表示顺承关系,故填and。 10.考查名词。句意参考上题解析,作put的宾语要用名词,故填safety。

    Several months ago, Greece suffered from the refugee (难民) disaster. I hadn’t been ____ of the Scale (规模) of it until I actually got to Greece. I____as manager of the Oinofyta Camp. This work is like being a ____, And I realized that I had met my ____, which was to take care of them and show them that they were loved and cared about, not____.

All of the Greek islands are ____. I have a camp that within three or four days could ____500 people.

When your life is spent getting handouts (救济的) from everyone all day, you lose your ____. I had this ____ idea that it would be great to start a business, sewing bags from leftover ____ material. Those people were the ____ people in the camp because they had a purpose. We have ____ in America who want to buy these bags now.

Learning to say ____ has been one of the harder things here at the camp; the constant ____of residents. I was so happy for them when they got their family ____, and so sad because I knew that the____ of me being able to ____ see them again was pretty slim.

My ____ kids are all asking me the same question now: “Mom, when are you coming home?” I don’t know. I hope that my legacy (遗赠) here is that the refugees will always remember that I cared about them, that they were special and ____, and that they were worthy of that ____.

1.A. afraid    B. aware    C. fond    D. ashamed

2.A. took over    B. made for    C. came up    D. figured out

3.A. teacher    B. volunteer    C. mother    D. lawyer

4.A. failure    B. goal    C. moment    D. problem

5.A. forced    B. sheltered    C. cured    D. forgotten

6.A. overcrowded    B. abandoned    C. observed    D. involved

7.A. employ    B. train    C. examine    D. serve

8.A. dignity    B. pay    C. demand    D. value

9.A. strange    B. ordinary    C. wild    D. peaceful

10.A. cooking    B. tent    C. heating    D. wood

11.A. saddest    B. happiest    C. bravest    D. calmest

12.A. leaders    B. consultants    C. workers    D. purchasers

13.A. goodbye    B. thanks    C. sorry    D. hello

14.A. fighting    B. checking    C. working    D. changing

15.A. anniversary    B. party    C. reunion    D. celebration

16.A. pity    B. intention    C. possibility    D. reward

17.A. ever    B. never    C. often    D. seldom

18.A. positive    B. own    C. adopted    D. selfish

19.A. unexpected    B. thankful    C. considerate    D. important

20.A. benefit    B. reward    C. care    D. praise



    Running is a great way to get in shape and just about everyone can do it. Given that it’s so easy to take up the sport, a lot of beginners jump right into running without actually knowing what it takes to establish a healthy routine.1.. If you are just starting out, avoid the following things to help you increase your chances of running success.

Doing too much too soon

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is doing too much too soon. Picking up a new hobby like running is no doubt exciting. Runners need to ease into the sport before increasing the distance.2..


Beginners might think they need to run nearly every day to meet their fitness or weight-loss goals, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 4., especially for beginners whose muscles and bones haven’t  yet been conditioned for such intense (剧烈的) exercise. So it’s important to give your body ample rest between workouts. Follow a training plan that includes rest days.

Comparing yourself to others

5., You’re excited about running, so you are probably reading running blogs, magazines and message boards where you might start to feel inadequate about your own running pace. Instead of getting down on yourself, remember that every runner was once a beginner and use their success as motivation!

A. Not taking rest days

B. Not running every day

C. As mentioned, a healthy routine is what they attach importance to

D. Running is a demanding activity which can be really hard on your body

E. When starting out with running, it’s tough not to compare yourself to others

F. It will help reduce the risk of injury, so you can continue with your new running routine

G. Many make a number of common mistakes, which can interfere (干扰) with training or lead to injury



    From Madrid to Buenos Aires to Panama City to Lisbon, President Xi Jinping has tirelessly promoted the building of a community of shared future for mankind, and the Belt and Road Initiative (倡议) as a means to achieve that.

But all don’t see it that way. While some are quick to see its positive potentials, other countries insist on viewing it skeptically. There have been the usual doubts about the intention behind, although the mysterious threat they speak of is one they seem unable to explain clearly.

To some of them, it is a vague assumption that investments from China are potential “debt traps”that call for extreme caution or “threats to national security”. That is why the business combinations involving Chinese companies which would be mutually (相互地) beneficial have hit the rocks. The Chinese telecommunications technology giant Huawei, for instance, has found the doors to the 5G telecommunications markets of advanced countries closed to it on “national security” grounds. Likewise, the European Union has agreed on a framework regulating foreign investment (投资), particularly those from China. on the same account.

Even as Chinese and Portuguese leaders discuss bilateral (双边的) cooperation under the Belt and Road, there is no lack of concern about “China’s influence”, But existing EU rules do not forbid Lisbon from seeking such a partnership. If Lisbon sees no harm from foreign investment, no outsider is in a position to prevent it from making a choice in its own best interests.

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has reminded EU decision-makers of his country’s desire for foreign investment, and advised the latter to avoid taking “the path of protectionism”. It was a timely reminder.

Faring the challenges in today’s world, China and the countries that have embraced the Belt and Road are convinced it is the way to common development and the world’s lasting peace and stability.

1.Some countries that hold a negative attitude towards the Initiative mainly doubt its      .

A. power    B. mystery    C. intention    D. potential

2.What does the underlined part “hit the rocks” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. failed to work out    B. become a hit

C. made a difference    D. fallen into a trap

3.It can be learned from the passage that      .

A. Huawei has caused serious security problems abroad

B. the EU will take relatively strict measures on Chinese investment

C. the Road and Belt Initiative has gained much popularity for “China’s influence”

D. China’s investment in Portugal has been extremely smooth

4.What is the author’s attitude towards Portuguese Prime Minister’s advice?

A. Negative.    B. Positive.    C. Doubtful.    D. Unclear.



    Peter Skyllberg, a Swedish man, was trapped in his car for two months, with temperatures reaching -30oC, with no food or water, and yet he survived. The best explanation was that his vehicle created an “igloo (snow house) effect” and protected him from the extremely low temperatures and that his body would hibernate(冬眠) during this time.

Can humans get into a low-energy consumption state like a bear by reserving energy, and reducing body temperature? Chinese scientists are looking for the key to regulating body temperature.

Scientists have found the hypothalamus (下丘脑), an area in the central lower part of the brain, is responsible for regulating body temperature. Wang Hong, a brain scientist at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led her team to mark the neurons (神经元) responsible for regulating body temperature in mice by means of a cutting-edge genetic biology technique. In the experiments, they injected (注射) drug into mice to make the body temperatures of the mice drop rom 37C to 27 in two hours. The team found the change in body temperature caused no harm to the health of the mice. “We don’t know if we can develop a drug that can control human body temperature. We still need a lot of study.” Wang said.

Chinese scientists are not alone in such research. Body-cooling techniques are being used in pioneering hospitals around the world. Dutch doctors are now using low temperatures for patients who have suffered brain injuries in accidents, According to doctors working in Florence, it may even help to save the brains of babies who are born suffering from severe epileptic fits (癫痫病发作).

1.Why does the author mention Peter Skyllberg?

A. To tell an amazing story.    B. To introduce the topic.

C. To teach survival skills.    D. To explain “igloo effect”.

2.What did Wang Hong’s team find in the experiment?

A. Genetic biology technique helped a lot.

B. A drug could control human body temperature.

C. The mice’s health wasn’t damaged by the change of body temperature.

D. Hypothalamus was responsible for regulating body temperature.

3.How can body-cooling techniques help people?

A. Brain injuries may be treated properly

B. People trapped in snow can survive.

C. Patients with epileptic fits will be cured.

D. Medical accidents can be avoided.

4.The text is probably taken from      .

A. a biology textbook    B. a science fiction

C. a survival brochure    D. a medical magazine



    Over the years Lisa urged her sister Helen to prepare for her old age. Now they passed sixty. Lisa had a big house, Helen had the clothes on her back.

Lisa had hated being a child and couldn’t wait to grow up and buy herself everything. What Helen wanted was to go outside and play.

When anyone would hire her, Lisa put herself to work. She never touched a penny of her money though her young mouth watered for ice cream and candy. When the dimes (一角硬币) added up to dollars she lost her taste for sweets. And her bankbook became her most precious possession.

Helen had a boyfriend Harry whose only ambition was to play a horn. That Helen married Harry straight out of high school was not surprising. Two or three times Lisa was halfway persuaded, but to give up a job that paid well for a homemaking job that paid nothing was a risk she was unable to take.

Helen’s married life was nothing for Lisa to envy. She and Harry played in second-rate bands. But Lisa had a big house because her boss offered her his first house at a price so low that it would be like losing money to refuse.

Harry died abroad, in a third-rate hotel, with Helen crying as hard as if he had left her a fortune. He had left her nothing but his horn. Lisa knew she would have to bring her home.

At dinner, Helen began to tell stories. They were rich with places and people, most of them lowly, all of them magnificent. Her face showed the joys and sorrows.

Then Lisa knew why Helen didn’t mention the shining room. Tonight Helen saw only what she had come seeking, a place in her sister’s home and heart.

She said, “That’s enough about me. How have the years used you?” “I didn’t use them,” said Lisa regretfully. “I saved for them but forgot to enjoy them. Now it’s too near the end to try. ”Helen said, “Don’t count the years that are left to us. At our time of life it’s the days that count. You’ve too much catching up to do to waste a minute of a waking hour feeling sorry for yourself.” Lisa smiled.

1.In her life Lisa attached most value to      .

A. further education    B. a job in hand

C. ice cream and candy    D. a chance to get married

2.Why did Lisa lose her taste for sweets?

A. Because she kept working and had no time to buy sweets.

B. Because she worked hard to make dimes add up to dollars.

C. Because she kept saving money and lost the basic desires.

D. Because she had little money to afford sweets.

3.In what way is the story mainly developed?

A. Changing locations.    B. Giving examples.

C. Creating conflicts.    D. Comparing characters.

4.What is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Single or Married?    B. Preparations for Old Age

C. Rich or Poor?    D. A House and a Bank Account



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