满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据中文和首字母提示补全单词。 注意:每空仅填写一个单词;在答题纸上填写整个单词...



1.NGOs are usually non-profit and sometimes international organizations i _______ of governments. (独立的)

2.The witness has given a detailed d ________ of the suspect. (描述)

3.Children in remote villages have problems r _________ good education so they have to use a screen to study. (接受)

4.Nowadaysp ______ are in greater demand due to the pressure of work. (心理学家)

5.It takes planning and p ________ to be successful. (坚持不懈)

6.We designed a q _______ about students’opinions on celebrating Christmas in schools. (问卷)

7.What he did on the party seemed to be c_____ to his character. (相反的)

8.Burger King offers a v_______ of burgers and drinks. (多样)

9.My mother insisted that I should make an e ______ for my bad behavior in public. (解释)

10.When it comes to collegewe are mistaken in thinking that being smart is more  important than being a _________. (擅长运动的)


1. independent 2. description 3. receiving 4. psychologists 5. perseverance 6. questionnaire 7. contrary 8. variety 9. explanation 10. athletic 【解析】 1.句意:非政府组织通常是非营利性的,有时是独立于政府的国际组织。该空修饰名词organizations,用形容词,所以填independent。 2.句意:这个证人对嫌疑犯作了详细的描述。该空作句子宾语,用名词,所以填description。 3.句意:偏远农村的孩子很难接受良好的教育,所以他们不得不使用屏幕来学习。have problems (in) doing做某事有困难,该用法是固定用法,所以填receiving。 4.句意:现在,由于工作的压力,心理学家需求量大。该空作句子主语,用名词,根据are,可判断出主语用名词复数,所以填psychologists。 5.句意:成功需要计划和毅力。该空作句子宾语,用名词,所以填perseverance。 6.句意:对于学生对学校庆祝圣诞节的看法,我们设计了一份问卷调查。该空作句子宾语,用名词,所以填questionnaire。 7.句意:他在晚会上的所作所为似乎与他的性格相反。be contrary to与…相反,该短语是固定短语,所以填contrary。 8.句意:汉堡王提供多种汉堡和饮料。a variety of各种各样的,该短语是固定短语,所以填variety。 9.句意:我母亲坚持要我对我在公共场合的不良行为作出解释。make an explanation for对…做出解释,该用法是固定用法,所以填explanation。 10.句意:当谈到大学,我们错误的认为聪明比运动更重要。该空作being后的表语,用形容词,所以填athletic。


The day that I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of 1. anxious. I was trying to do some revision for an important oral exam in the local library and people 2. keepdisturbing me. I was getting more and more annoyed and of coursethe more upset I gotthe less I was able to concentrate. The last straw was when I heard someone 3.sing behind me.  The singing  was so loud that I could even recognise the song! I turned around and glared at the person 4. was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me and she  had a big smile 5. her face. She was standing with a book in her hands near the“English Literature”section. She looked like a literary type and seemed very interested in 6. she was reading. I glanced at 7. book's cover. It was a book of Tennyson's 8.poem.

The fact that she looked like a sensitivefriendly girl didn't matter. If anythingit made me even angrier. “How could she be so selfish?”I thought 9. angry. In factI was surprised there wasn't steam 10. come out of my ears!



Seeds on Ice

Close to the North Poleremote and rocky Plateau Mountain in the Norwegian archipelago of

Svalbard seems an unlikely spot for any global effort to safeguard agriculture. In this cold and deserted environmentno grainsno gardensno trees can grow. Yet at the end of a 130-meter-long tunnel cut out of solid stone is a room filled with humanity’s most precious treasure, the largest and most diverse seed collection—more than a half-billion seeds.

A quiet rescue mission is under way. With growing evidence that unchecked climate change-will seriously affect food production and threaten the diversity (多样性) of crops around the worldthe Svalbard Global Seed Vault (地窖) represents a major step towards ensuring the preservation (贮藏) of hundreds of thousands of crop varieties. This is a seed collection, but more importantly, it is a collection of the traits found within the seedsthe genes that give one variety resistance to a particular pest and another variety tolerance for hotdry weather.

Few people will ever see or come into contact with the contents of this vault. In sealed boxesbehind multiple locked doorsmonitored by electronic security systems, enveloped in below—zero temperatures, and surrounded by tons of rock, hundreds of millions of seeds are protected in their mountain fortress. Frozen in such conditions inside the mountain, seeds of most major crops will remain viable for hundreds of years, or longer. Seeds of some are capable of retaining (保留) their ability to grow for thousands of years.

Everyone can look back now and say that the Seed Vault was a good and obvious idea, and that of course the Norwegian government should have approved and funded it. But back in 2004, when the Seed Vault was proposed, it was viewed as a crazyimpractical, and expensive idea.

We knew that nothing would provide a definite guarantee. But we were tiredfed upand frankly scared of the steady, greater losses of crop diversity. The Seed Vault was built by optimists who wanted to do something to preserve options so that humanity and its crops might be better prepared for change. If it simply resupplied seed gene banks with samples those gene banks had lost, this would repay our efforts.

The Seed Vault is about hope and commitrnent - about what can be done if countries come together and work cooperatively to accomplish something significantlong-lastingand worthy of who we are and wish to be.

1.According to the passage, the Seed Vault is ___________.

A. a tunnel where the collected seeds are displayed

B. a stone room that contains the seeds of endangered crops

C. a seed gene bank that stores diverse seeds for future agriculture

D. a lab where researchers study how to maintain the diversity of crops

2.The underlined word“viable”in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.

A. mature    B. clean

C. alive    D. valuable

3.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us __________.

A. how the seeds are preserved    B. where people keep the seeds

C. why the seeds are protected    D. what people do to study the seeds

4.We can know from the passage that _________.

A. the Seed Vault offers a solution to climate change

B. most countries took part in rescuing the seed varieties

C. the Seed Vault guarantees to prevent the loss of crop diversity

D. many people originally considered building the Seed Vault unwise



    Let us all raise a glass to AlphaGo and the advance of artificial  intelligence. AlphaGo

DeepMind’s Go-playing AIjust defeated the best Go-playing humanLee Sedol. But as we drink to its success. we should also begin trying to understand what it means for the future.

The number of possible moves in a game of Go is so huge that. in order to win against a player like Lee. AlphaGo was designed to adopt a human—like style of gameplay by using a relatively recent development--deep learning. Deep learning uses large data sets“machine learning”algorithms (计算程序) and deep neural networks to teach the AI how to perform a particular set of tasks. Rather than programming complex Go rules and strategies into AlphaGoDeepMind designers taught AlphaGo to play the game by feeding it data based on typical Go moves. ThenAlphaGo played against itself, tirelessly learning from its own mistakes and improving its gameplay over time. The results speak for themselves.

Deep learning represents a shift in the relationship humans have with their technological creations. It results in AI that displays surprising and unpredictable behaviour. Commenting after his first lossLee described being shocked by an unconventional move he claimed no human would ever have made. Demis Hassabis. one of DeepMind's foundersechoed this comment“We're very pleased that AlphaGo played some quite surprising and beautiful moves. ”

Unpredictability and surprises are—or can be—a good thing. They can indicate that a system is working wellperhaps better than the humans that came before it. Such is the case with AlphaGo. Howeverunpredictability also indicates a loss of human control. That Hassabis is surprised at his creation's behaviour suggests a lack of control in the design. And though some loss of control might be fine in the context of a game such as Goit raises urgent questions elsewhere.

How much and what kind of control should we give up to AI machines? How should we design appropriate human control into AI that requires us to give up some of that very control? Is there some AI that we should just not develop if it means any loss of human control? How much of a say should corporationsgovernmentsexperts or citizens have in these matters? These important questions, and many others like themhave emerged in responsebut remain unanswered. They require humannot human - likesolutions.

So as we drink to the milestone in AI, let's also drink to the understanding that the time to answer deeply human questions about deep learning and AI is now.

1.What contributes most to the unconventional move of AlphaGo in the game?

A. The capability of self-improvement.

B. The constant input of large data sets.

C. The installation of deep neutral networks.

D. The knowledge of Go rules and strategies.

2.A potential danger of Al is _____.

A. the loss of human control    B. the friendly relationship

C. the fierce competition    D. the lack of challenge

3.How should we deal with the unpredictability of AI?

A. We should stop AI machines from developing even further.

B. We should call on the government to solve these problems for us.

C. We should rely on ourselves and come up with effective solutions.

D. We should invent even more intelligent machines to solve everything.

4.What's the author’s attitude towards this remarkable advance in AI?

A. Supportive.    B. Optimistic.

C. Doubtful.    D. Cautious.



Dear Bobby Brune

Children learn best when they're having fun. “Jungle Gym Jimmy”is an article for parents and children that teaches playground safety and shows how simply playing can promote good health and fitness. The tips are given through the funny voice of the“tour guide”on the playgroundseven—year-old Jimmy. By listening to Jimmy, children learn how to use the equipment safely and how to get the most fun out of a day on the playground.

As a Kid Talk subscriber for the last seven years. I am very familiar with your publication, and feel this article would be a positive addition to the “I Can Do It” section of the magazine. The article is 2114 wordsand has been divided into categories in a way that holds children's interest. Being a mother of four children and using our home as a meeting place for most of the neighborhoodI've had the opportunity to test and confirm that the fun and easy “exercises” offered here are not only effective but are lots of fun for kids.

I've been writing children's stories and articles for several years, and have had many of my stories published in Kids Know Besta small newspaper that the Cinder Primary School publishes each month. I'm also a founding member of the“Right On Baby”editorial group which publishes a monthly e—zine for parents with newborns, and I’m a contributing editor to “Write Now,” an online site that teaches creative writing.

Thank you for your time.


Claudia Parker

1.The author has written this letter to a _________.

A. magazine    B. website

C. newspaper    D. primary school

2.By writing the third paragraphthe writer wants to show that she ________.

A. is experienced in writing articles for children

B. writes lots of articles about her own children

C. often reads different stories for her children

D. is good at designing activities for children.

3.The purpose of the letter is to _______.

A. open a new section in a publication for parents

B. start a game to promote good health and fitness

C. organize a class teaching children how to play safely

D. recommend an article on how to have fun on the playground



    Galaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that the woman asked the man for the direction. He told her that he did not know. Galaxy decided to help them. She had learned the sign language when she served as a volunteer in the deaf and mute (聋哑) school. Then she showed the woman the direction and left her email address to them in case they needed her help later.

She received an email from that man the next day. Kazrim was his name. Galaxy replied his mail sincerelyThey both started chatting online soon after and began seeing each other. Although they only communicated with the sign language, it never bothered her.

Galaxy was fond of him gradually. Obviously, Kazrim was the same too. He presented Galaxy with a bunch of sunflowers and asked her sincerely, “Are you willing to be my girlfriend?”

Galaxy was pleasantly surprised. She requested him to give her some time to persuade her parents.

As she had expectedher parents were very angry after they had learned of their love story.

Galaxy explained“Kazrim is an excellent and a very optimistic person. He has a very positive attitude towards life and work. He cares for others always. He is 100 better than the normal. Moreover, the mute is still a human. He should possess a perfect and wonderful love. ”

Her parents asked to see himthen. The very worried Galaxy took Kazrim home a few days later. When they were on the trainKazrim told her,“I'm going to tell your parents that I'll be looking after you well with all my life!” Galaxy was deeply moved.

As soon as they had entered the houseGalaxy introduced him to her parents. She said,“This is Kazrim. ”Just right after her speechan unbelievable thing happened. Kazrim threw the gift away and held her in his arms tightly.

He said. “YOU CAN TALK?”It was the same question that Galaxy wanted to asktoo.

The four people were shocked all of a sudden. As a matter of fact, Kazrim always believed that Galaxy was a mute and he still fell in love with her deeply.

1.How did Galaxy and Kazrim get to know each other?

A. They met each other by chance.

B. They were introduced to each other

C. They once studied at the same university.

D. They both served in a special needs school.

2.How did Galaxy probably communicate with Kazrim before she took him home?

A. Writing words on paper.    B. Using the sign language.

C. Judging from his expression.    D. Speaking her native language.

3.What did Galaxy expect her parents to do?

A. To have a talk with Kazrim.    B. To prepare for her marriage.

C. To treat Kazrim as a normal man.    D. To accept Kazrim as her boyfriend.

4.What can we learn about the two young people from the passage?

A. They fell in love at the first sight.

B. They cheated each other to win love.

C. They mistook each other for being mutes.

D. They ignored the anger of Galaxy's parents.



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