满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What will the man do first? A. Have some...

What will the man do first?

A. Have some coffee.    B. Return a book.    C. Write a report.


B 【解析】 此题为听力题,解析略。  

假如你是李华,你校外教Mr Johnson打算在中国过春节.请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:

1 邀请他与你共度春节;

2 介绍过春节的活动,如吃团圆饭,放烟花,剪纸等;

3 表达期待和祝愿.

注意:1 词数100左右;

2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.

参考词汇:  家庭团聚  a family reunion  烟花 firework  剪纸 paper-cutting




Li Hua









I went to my friend Jema's house today I often visited her on the weekend Sometimes we swim in the pool or play the tennis together It was raining today so we couldn't do those thing "Let's watching a movie" Jema suggested "You're my guest Katy so you can pick the very one which suits you" I finally picked a movie called Dance of Joy The movie were about a girl called Susan who liked to dance I told Jema she loved the movie She laughed and said she had found it complete boring She had only kept watching it because my enjoying it so much I felt a little bad about that and it's nice to have a good friend like Jema




Sneezing(打喷嚏) is one way the body protects itself from 1. sick). Your brain2.signal you to sneeze Then your eyes close and-achoo! -germs (细菌) 3.shoot out of your nose

One sneeze can put as many as 40000 droplets of saliva (唾液) and mucus (黏液) into the air And those droplets travel up to 100 miles per hour 4.fast than cars on the freeway

Here in the US we say "bless you" when someone sneezes The same goes for a number of other5. country), including Wales and France But 6. general it's more common 7. connect to health than to give blessings In China you say "May you live 100 years!" In Germany it's simply "Health!"

8. do we wish sneezers well The custom may date back to 9.ancient belief It is said that evil (邪恶的) spirits went out of our bodies during a sneeze - and that these spirits then try to get back in

Your nose can produce up to 32 ounces of mucus every day That's enough mucus to fill more than two soda cans

Mucus is 10. usual clear If it's green yellow or brown then you might want to see a doctor



    Haus was a godsend to the DaLuca family in Florida When the dog arrived their daughter Molly and he became best friends in no time _______Molly was around Haus was always by her side In fact the family said his sweet _______made him a "fan favorite" around the neighborhood

One day Molly was in the backyard playing and ______ Haus was right by her side Then suddenly Molly's grandma saw Haus jumping forward frantically (发狂似地) at an _______snake

When the snake _______its way over to the pair Haus put himself between Molly and the snake After the first bite many dogs would have ______ But Haus stood his ground Bite after bite he _______the tiny human he loved so much

Grandma put Molly and Haus into the car and _______the brave dog to the vet immediately It_______that the snake bit Haus three times and he had blood pouring from his leg

At the animal hospital Haus went downhill ______ His body had so much venom (毒液) inside that he couldn't even raise his head For a time it was _______ whether or not Haus would pull through _______though he did!

In addition to the antivenom vets also _______muscle damage to Haus' leg The treatments and week-long stay were ______ But people from all across the country _______the furry hero donating more than 52000 to _______his medical bills

Molly prayed for her 4-legged best friend and to her ______ Haus made a full ______! Haus really proved his deep _______for this family when he protected Molly from an _______that most certainly would have been deadly!

1.A. Whether    B. Whenever    C. Though    D. Unless

2.A. nature    B. dream    C. guidance    D. life

3.A. by chance    B. above all    C. in return    D. as usual

4.A. artificial    B. deadly    C. similar    D. friendly

5.A. forgot    B. marked    C. made    D. lost

6.A. calmed    B. survived    C. escaped    D. helped

7.A. appreciated    B. begged    C. persuaded    D. protected

8.A. rushed    B. invited    C. forced    D. introduced

9.A. ran out    B. worked out    C. turned out    D. proved out

10.A. instead    B. again    C. normally    D. quickly

11.A. unimportant    B. unclear    C. unnecessary    D. unpleasant

12.A. Obviously    B. Naturally    C. Thankfully    D. Undoubtedly

13.A. repaired    B. hid    C. described    D. recognized

14.A. free    B. effective    C. painful    D. expensive

15.A. inspected    B. respected    C. trusted    D. changed

16.A. cover    B. reduce    C. get    D. avoid

17.A. glory    B. mercy    C. request    D. relief

18.A. recovery    B. journey    C. explanation    D. examination

19.A. hope    B. love    C. pride    D. regret

20.A. charge    B. mistake    C. attack    D. medicine



The coffee story

Kaldi was tired but he couldn't sleep His goats were awake and very noisy "Why can't they sleep"Kaldi thought 1.They were eating some green plants with little red fruits on them Kaldi decided to taste the fruits He ate the soft part of each fruit and the hard things in the centre 2.He was not tired He felt more awake and did not want to sleep

Those hard things were coffee beans and Kaldi discovered them in Ethiopia more than 1000 years ago 3.Perhaps it is true perhaps not Nobody knows But we know that coffee grew first in Ethiopia and we know that somebody discovered it there more than 1000 years ago

4.Arab farmers began to grow coffee plants People learnt to make a drink from the beans and they called it qahwa

For 400 years only the Arabs knew about qahwa Then people in Turkey learnt about it Soon after that western Europeans began to drink it and in 1652 the first coffee shop in London opened

5.Some famous coffee-growing countries are Brazil Colombia Indonesia and of course Ethiopia Coffee is one of the world's favourite drinks thanks to Kaldi and his goats

A At least that's the traditional story

B After a minute he began to feel different

C Many Arab farmers grew coffee to make money

D Now farmers grow coffee in many parts of the world

E Coffee was such an important drink during that time period

F He couldn't understand the problem so he watched the animals carefully

G After that Arab travelers took coffee plants to Egypt and other Arab countries



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