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To an outsider,any culture can seem conf...

    To an outsiderany culture can seem confusing.And the UK's got a thing or two that raises a few eyebrows.Howeverunderstand the why and things might be less puzzling.1..

In a world where 61of nations drive on the rightBrits drive on the left.Why? Most people think it goes back to Medievalmaybe even Roman times.2. when you remember that right-handed people wear a sword on their left hip.Travelling on the left allowed you to  keep your weapon arm toward your opponentwho would be on your right.This practice continued until the 18th century when a law was passed requiring all traffic crossing London Bridge to keep to the left.

Visitors to the UK that have just washed their hands in an old-fashioned sink might be wondering why one tap is only for hot waterthe other cold.3..Sowhy this oddity? It relates to a time when hot and cold water were kept separate to prevent pollution.Drinkable cold water came from a mains supplybut hot water came from attic tanks and was not considered suitable for consumption.So they were kept apart.

Millions of people drink tea worldwidebut the odd Brits put milk in theirs.Why? This mysterious practice relates to the quality of china cup used in the 18th century when tea was first imposed.For the majority of Britsthe cups available couldnt stand the heat of the boiling water and would breakso milk was added first.4..And this practical tweak soon became a national habit.

5..As you can seethese odd Brits have perfectly clear reasons for left-hand drivingtwo-tap sinks and tea with milk.Even if they still seem strangeat least now youre in the know.

A.This makes it difficult to improve

B.There is a method to the madness

C.This unusual behavior makes sense

D.You can know the origins of the practices

E.Either can make washing very uncomfortable

F.This cooled the cup enough to resist the boiling water

G.Here are the reasons for three of Britains more puzzling practices


1. G 2. C 3. E 4. F 5. B 【解析】 本文属于说明文,介绍英国靠左驾驶、水槽边有冷热两个水龙头以及喝茶加牛奶的习俗及其来源。 1.分析文章可知,第二段至第四段分别介绍英国靠左驾驶、水槽边有冷热两个水龙头以及喝茶加牛奶的习俗及其来源, G选项,以下就是三个比较特殊的英国习惯的来源,开启下面的三段,切题,故选G。 2.根据本空后一句when you remember that right-handed people wear a sword on their left hip.可知,如果你还记得在中世纪或者罗马时代,习惯用右手的人会把剑佩戴在臀部左侧,故C选项,这个不寻常的行为就讲得通了,后一句讲原因,前一句讲结果,切题,故选C。 3.根据前一句Visitors to the UK that have just washed their hands in an old-fashioned sink might be wondering why one tap is only for hot water,the other cold.可知,去英国的游客会注意传统的水盆边,有两个水龙头,一个冷水,一个热水,会很奇怪。E选项,用任何一个水龙头都会让洗手变得不舒服,讲述上一句现象的影响,切题,故选E。 4.根据前一句For the majority of Brits,the cups available couldn’t stand the heat of the boiling water and would break,so milk was added first.可知,当时,大多数英国人能够使用的杯子无法承受开水的热量就会破裂,因此他们就先把牛奶加进去。F选项,这样就会降低杯子的温度,使之能够正常使用,讲述前一情况的原理,切题,故选F。 5.根据文章可知,本处是对上文的总结,而B选项There is a method to the madness,看似疯狂,实则有理,很好对上文进行总结,切题,故选B。

    It’s not easy feeling like you’re always under the spotlight being judged for each little mistake you make.Your mind is in an endless circle playing what you said and did over and over again.You wish you had a time capsule to go back and make things fight if you find mistakes.You fear what others will think about you and that they will reject and dislike you.You seek to be socially perfect.

Academicallyyou work long endless hours just to make those excellent marks.Although most would sayit's good to have high standards,”they have no idea about the internal hell you put yourself through to achieve perfection.If you come up less than your desired goal you feel as though you have failedbut youre far from failingyou just dont see it that way.So instead you are telling yourself that youre stupidand not smart.The pressure you place on yourself weighs you down and you wear thenot good enoughlabel each and every day.

You not only have high standards for yourself but you also have them for others.If people dont perform up to your expectationsthen you think them incompetent.This causes a lot of frustration because you cant trust anyone to get things right.So instead of being a team player you fly solo(单飞)and try to do two or three jobs at once.Your unrealistic expectations cause you to criticize and judge others and that leads to problems in other areas of your life.

The attempt to be perfect is called perfectionism and it's the unachievable American dream thats damaging our emotional and mental health.We strive for perfection with our bodyin our performanceand in our relationships.In a society that overstates mistakesis it any wonder that so many young people attempt the impossible task of being perfect?

We all have flawsfearsand make mistakesand thats perfectly OK.Its our imperfections that make life interesting and they help us grow into a stronger more adaptable person.We dont have to strive to achieve the impossible.We are designed to be perfectly imperfect.

1.What might be the most suitable title of the text?

A. Far from failing    B. Perfectly Imperfect

C. Perfectionism Phenomenon    D. Unachievable American Dream

2.Which of the following is a perfectionist most likely to agree?

A. Nobody is perfect.    B. Be generous with praise.

C. There is no bestonly better.    D. A contented mind is an everlasting feast.

3.What can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?

A. More and more people are tolerating mistakes.

B. The society is partly to blame for perfectionism.

C. Many young people find it impossible to be perfect.

D. Its unusual for a society to seek perfectionism nowadays.

4.What does the author think of imperfection?

A. Its part of our life.    B. Its unbearable.

C. It deserves to be overcome.    D. It does harm to our mental health.



    A freshly baked roll is as delightful as a softlight cloud on a summer's day.What gives bread much of its appealing texture is glutena group of proteins found in wheat.But in people with celiac disease(乳糜泻)gluten damages the small intestine().Many others may have milder gluten intolerance and avoid foods that contain it.

Most gluten-free bread is made from alternative flours such as rice or potatoso it tastes and feels different from wheat bread.Nowhoweverresearchers say that they have found a way to genetically engineer wheat that contains far less of the most troublesome type of gluten—but still has other proteins that give bread its characteristic taste and springiness.

Genetically modified crops are the subject of fierce debate around the world.The biggest concern involves the practice of inserting DNA from one species into anothersays Francisco Barroa plant biotechnologist.To avoid this genetic crossoverBarro and his colleagues used the gene-editing technique CRISPRCas9 to cut selected genes from a wheat genome(基因组).

Their study zeroed in on alpha-gliadins(α-胶质蛋白)gluten proteins believed to be wheats major troublemakers in the immune system.The researchers designed bits of genetic material that directed the scissor-like Cas9 protein to cut out 35 of the 45 alphagliadin genes.When the modified wheat was tested in a Petri dishit produced an 85 percent weaker immune responsethe team reported online last September in Plant Biotechnology Journal.

Wendy Harwooda crop geneticist at the John Innes Center in Englandwho was not part of the studynotes that the engineered wheat has a long way to go before it can be turned into anything marketable.I dont think it's the end of the story.she says.This is just a really important step in maybe producing something that is going to be incredibly useful.To develop a completely safe strain of wheat for celiac patientsthe researchers may need to target more of the gluten genes.Barro says his team is working on that.

1.Whats the text mainly about?

A. Making glutenfree bread.

B. Advantages of gluten-free wheat.

C. Debate about genetically modified crops.

D. Developing genetically engineered wheat.

2.Why is bread mentioned in paragraph 1?

A. To advertise a new study.

B. To raise the topic to be written about.

C. To provide some advice for the readers.

D. To popularize some information about medicine.

3.What concerns people most according to paragraph 3?

A. Genetic crossover.    B. Gene-editing technique.

C. The practice of using DNA.    D. The subject of fierce debate.

4.Whats Wendy Harwoods attitude towards engineered wheat?

A. A little alarmed.    B. Mildly surprised.

C. Somewhat opposed.    D. Cautiously optimistic.



    Hawking was perhaps the most famous scientist in the world when he died in 2018 at age 76.His 1988 bookA Brief History of Timesold ten million copies and made him an unlikely superstar even to people who sweated through high school science.

Humor was always a big part of Hawkings effort to bring physics to the masses.In his 2010 bookThe Grand Designfor instancehe recounts howin 1277the Catholic Church declared scientific laws such as gravity to be wrongsince they seemed against God's idea.Interestingly,”the text adds jokingly,“Pope John was killed by the effects of the law of gravity a few months later when the roof of his palace fell in on him.

Hawking was only 21 when he was diagnosed with the disease ALS.For most peoplethe condition would have been a disaster.But Hawking rolled over hardship as if it were just a pebble under his wheelchair.Life would be tragic,”he once said,“if it werent funny.He kept smiling even though he spent more than 50 years in a wheelchair.

He loved adventure and fun,”says Mlodinowwho once took Hawking on a punt-boat trip down the fiver Cam in CambridgeEnglanddespite the obvious danger of the boat turning over.You know about when he went on the Vomit Comet? Its a plane that flies in a parabolic(抛物线的)path so you are weightlesslike you are in space.A lot of people vomitbut he loved that sort of thing.And he was 65 at the time.

Hawkings greatest hithumor-wisewas probably the cocktail party he threw in 2009.It was awelcome reception for future time travelers,”he saidso naturallyhe sent out the invitations the day after the party.No one showed up yet.Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my partyproving that time travel will one day be possible,”Hawking explained.And if that happensdont be surprised if Hawking is there too.After allhe never missed a chance to have fun.

1.What does the text mainly tell us about Hawking?

A. He related physics to humor closely.

B. He made great contributions to physics.

C. He went through many funny experiences.

D. He was optimistic about the future of science.

2.What can we learn about Pope John?

A. He was not in favor of God.

B. He was a scientist like Hawking.

C. He was opposed to the law of gravity.

D. He was killed due to the discovery of gravity.

3.What drove Hawking to go on the Vomit Comet?

A. His fondness of adventure.

B. The invitation from his friend.

C. The requirements of his work.

D. His desire for recovery from ALS.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. The cocktail party was a great success.

B. The possibility of time travel was not proved.

C. Hawking was a man who enjoyed holding parties.

D. The wormhole time machine was used at that time.



4 apps to help you make the most of your money

Living on a student budget can be tough.Budgeting is essential and its important to make savings in any way possibleso you can make the most of your money.Here aye some useful apps for saving money as a student.


Cost to sign up:free

This is probably the most wellreceived student discount app.Its easy to sign up to and once you haveall you have to do is use the codes Unidays provides you with when youre paying in-store or checking out online.Unidays also sometimes increases its discount offers at certain stores and websites.Keep an eye out for these increased discounts to save yourself some extra cashparticularly as Christmas is on the horizon.


Cost to sign up:free

Vouchercloud offers some amazing deals that cannot be missed.Theres frequent 2 for 1 deals or discount available at many well-known restaurants such as Pizza ExpressFrankie& Bennys and Giraffe.They also offer deals on hotelscity breaks and a range of items such as Real Techniques products.It's a great way to save on Christmas presentsthe regular 40off at The Body Shop is always worth looking out for!


Cost to sign up:free

You may have seen the TV adverts for TopCashback.With the TopCashback appyou can view all participating stores security cameras.Thenall you have to do is complete your online shopping Via the app to receive cash back on any purchases you make.For exampleif you buy online at Amazon you can receive up to 9cashback into your account.It doesnt always seem like a lot of money but if you shop online frequently it all adds up!


Cost to sign up:subscriptions costs vary(monthly to annually subscriptions available)

Even though it costs to subscribe to Tastecardthe discounts are worth it.With a Tastecardyou can get 2 for 1 meals or 50off food at participating restaurantsall of which can be viewed on the app or website simply by typing in your postcode.These discounts are available at chains like Pizza Hut and Bella Italia and also independent restaurants across Manchester.

1.Which of the following is the most popular with students?

A. Unidays.    B. Vouchercloud.    C. TopCashback.    D. Tastecard.

2.What is special about TopCashback?

A. It can only be used in stores.

B. It costs a lot of money to sign up.

C. No ads for TopCashback appear on TV.

D. Online cashback can be stored in your account.

3.What does Tastecard help you to save money on?

A. Hotels.    B. Restaurants.    C. Tickets.    D. Presents.




1.What is the speaker talking about?

A. The ways to stop cheating in exams in Algeria.

B. The use of mobile phones around the world.

C. The functions of electronic devices at schoo1.

2.How long does the exam season last?

A. 12 days.    B. 10 days.    C. 6 days.

3.Where has the government put security cameras?

A. At the printing companies.

B. On the student desks.

C. In the exam halls.

4.What did Rania Salim think of the governments policy?

A. Unfair.    B. Useless.    C. Reasonable.



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