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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Accordin...


According to a survey in May, about 9.8 percent of the 93, 420 graduates said they wouldn’t begin working right after1.(graduate). This Phenomenon is called "delayed employment”.

In fact. the number of students2.have decided not to start their careers within six months has been increasing3.(steady) since 2011. One reason is 4. young people want to find a job 5. (relate)to their personal interests, and they are not willing to give in and take jobs they don’t like . Another reason that some have determined to delay6.(find) work is to avoid the fierce competition of the job market. Recently, some Chinese college students7.(choose) to travel or volunteer instead of getting jobs. For example, Chen Nuan, 23, who will graduate8.the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts this summer, has planned 9. (tour)Europe. As the old Chinese Saying goes, 'Traveling thousands of miles is 10. (good ) than reading thousands of books’


1. graduation 2. who/that 3. steadily 4. that 5. related 6. finding 7. have chosen/are choosing 8. from 9. to tour 10. better 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。根据5月份的一项调查,93,420名毕业生中约9.8%的人表示,他们不会在毕业后立即开始工作。 1.考查名词。句意:根据5月份的一项调查,93,420名毕业生中约9.8%的人表示,他们不会在毕业后立即开始工作。根据句意,本空需要graduate的名词形式,故填graduation。 2.考查连接词。句意:事实上,自2011年以来,决定在6个月内不开始职业生涯的学生人数一直在稳步增长。本句为定语从句修饰先行词students,在从句中做主语,指人,故用关系代词who;或将the number of students看作先行词,在从句中同样做主语,指物,故用关系代词that。 3.考查副词。Increase为动词,需用副词修饰,故填steadily。 4.考查连接词。句意:一个原因是,年轻人想找一份与他们个人兴趣相关的工作,他们不愿意屈就和接受他们不喜欢的工作。本句为表语从句,且从句中不缺少成分,故用连接词that。 5.考查形容词。本句为relate做job的后置定语,需用形容词形式,故用related。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:另一个原因是一些人决定推迟找工作是为了避免就业市场的激烈竞争。delay doing sth.“推迟做某事”,后跟现在分词,故用finding。 7.考查动词时态。句意:最近,一些中国大学生选择旅游或做志愿者而不是找工作。根据上文的recently可知,本句应用现在完成时,填have chosen;或者描述近期一段时间一直持续发生的动作,用现在进行时,主语为复数,故用are choosing。 8.考查介词。句意:最近,一些中国大学生选择旅游或做志愿者而不是找工作。例如,今年夏天将从上海视觉艺术学院(Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts)毕业的23岁的陈暖(音译)就计划去欧洲旅行。短语graduate from“毕业于……”后跟介词from。 9.考查非谓语动词。短语plan to do sth.“计划做某事”后跟不定式,故用to tour。 10.考查形容词。句意:读万卷书不如行万里路。根据下文的than可知本句为比较级,故填better。

    At a beautiful beach a little boy on his knees packs the sand into a bucket He turns the bucket upside down and______it. To the______of the little architect, a castle tower is created. He works all afternoon packing the walls building sentries( 5E)with bottle tops and bridges with sticks. And a sandcastle will be built.

In a big city with _____streets and traffic, a man works in an office. He packs papers into piles, holds the phone between his______and shoulder and______the keyboard with his fingers. Contracts get signed and to the joy of the man, a _____is made. His pension will be sentries and capital gains will be______. An empire will be built.

The two builders of the two castles have very much ____ . They both______smallness into greatness. They both make something beautiful out of______ .And for both. the tide will rise and the _____will come. Yet that is where the _____stop. The little boy sees the end of his castle while the man______it. As the dusk approaches and waves near, the child _____to his feet and begins to clap as the waves wash away his _____ . There is no sorrow. no______and no regret. He smiles and goes home.

The man in his office is not very______like the child. As his empire is fading, he is terrified, trying to _____it. "Its my castle! he_____ at the incoming tide.

Go ahead and build your dreams, but with a child’s heart. When the sun______and the tides take, just applaud. Salute the process of life and go home with a smile.

1.A. kicks    B. lifts    C. breaks    D. covers

2.A. surprise    B. relief    C. amusement    D. delight

3.A. lonely    B. busy    C. clean    D. empty

4.A. hand    B. neck    C. arm    D. ear

5.A. fixes    B. touches    C. hits    D. checks

6.A. profit    B. point    C. record    D. wish

7.A. bridges    B. tool    C. buckets    D. beaches

8.A. in hand    B. in common    C. in need    D. in total

9.A. increase    B. cut    C. shape    D. put

10.A. something    B. anything    C. everything    D. nothing

11.A. award    B. victor    C. future    D. end

12.A. similarities    B. competitions    C. differences    D. changes

13.A. follows    B. accepts    C. ignores    D. enjoys

14.A. jumps    B. struggles    C. sticks    D. bend

15.A. dream    B. gift    C. masterpiece    D. memory

16.A. excitement    B. hesitation    C. fear    D. desire

17.A. wise    B. naughty    C. curious    D. active

18.A. finish    B. protect    C. improve    D. collect

19.A. glances    B. stares    C. yells    D. points

20.A. set    B. shines    C. rises    D. burns



Take care of your spine(脊柱)

The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spine cord, a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain1.

Maintaining good posture( 姿势) is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you are asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions. 2. . Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it's important to get up and stretch regularly.

3.Stretch can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better arrangement. Strength exercises like pushups(俯卧撑) can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don’t overdo the exercise, as repeated motions can strain the muscles around your spine.

Finally, your diet affects the health of your spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, vitamins B and D are essential to keep bones healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement.4., so it is also helpful to do some of the back exercise outside.

Many of the actions necessary to keep your spine healthy are identical to those used to preserve your health in other ways.5.

A. However, the latter is also absorbed from sunlight.

B. Staying still for too long can be hard on your back.

C. So protect your back, the rest of the body will benefit.

D. Protecting your spine with yoga is also a necessary step.

E. Try the following exercises to keep your spine more flexible.

F. Exercise is also an important factor in the health of your spine.

G. So you should take the following factors into account to have a healthy spine.



    Since App Store was set up, it has been selling consumers one simple thing choice. Whether you wanted to play games, read the news, or do a thousand other things, there was something for whatever you desired.

Then something funny happened. Logging into the App Store today is like going into a shopping mall with only a coupon(优惠券) for one thing: There’s so much choice; it might be easier to give up than to choose.

It isn’t consumers who are burdened, though. Too much content of all kinds also has economic effects. When countless choices are available, it causes pressure, pushing prices down and driving us a bit crazy.

So what is the way forward? It may well be to turn less choice itself to the marketing strategy. There are already signs that this is happening. Firstly content companies are looking to prevent their offerings from getting lost in the tons of stuff. Most obvious is Disney, which is planning to open its own streaming service next year. The point is to narrow the focus so that those seeking Disney cartoons will have one place to go, rather than being around various services.

Yet if that represents a careful first step, there are more extreme options too. Consider the idea of a wine club: from tens of thousands of bottles each year, subscribers pay someone to select the most interesting ones. Perhaps what comes next for digital content is similar-carefully selected offerings from trusted sources that put choices in the hands of someone else in order to get rid of the anxiety of choosing.

Up to now, too much choice in digital media has only one solution: the algorithm(运算法则). But we ve seen the trouble with algorithms on You Tube They feed you only what you’ve already said you like, not things you may not know you re into. Worse, they have a tendency to serve up disturbing content he way forward cant simply be more or better algorithms.

Instead, it's time for digital companies to start thinking about how to put limits on things: on how much we can use a device, or what we are available to choose from.

As we move further into the digital revolution, what people ask for is clear: Less.

1.What will too much choice of content on the market result in?

A. The shutdown of companies    B. The anxiety of consumers

C. The poor quality of products    D. The slowdown of economy

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A. Content companies should withdraw their offerings online

B. Content companies should post their offerings on App Store

C. Content companies adopt different methods to narrow the consumers focus

D. Content companies open their own streaming services on You Tube

3.How do algorithms probably respond to consumers needs?

A. They make a better choice for them    B. They help to remove disturbing content

C. They change their interest in digital media    D. They fail to offer what they possibly like

4.What is the authors attitude towards limiting the choice consumers have

A. Approving.    B. Skeptical

C. Opposing.    D. Neutral



    Canada is a bilingual country with "co-official " languages. English and French enjoy equal status as the official languages of all government agencies in Canada. This means that the public has the right to communicate with and receive services from government in either English or French. Government employees have the right to work in the official language of their choice in certain bilingual regions.

Like the United States, Canada started as a colony. Beginning in the 1500s it was part of New France but later became a British colony after the Seven Years’  War. As a result, the Canadian government recognized the languages of both colonizers: France and England. The Constitution (宪法)Act of 1867 admitted the use of both languages in federal courts. Years later, Canada strengthened its commitment to bilingualism when it passed the Official Languages Act of 1969, which reconfirmed the constitutional origins of its co official languages.

Recognition of both English and French protects the rights of all Canadians. Among other benefits, the 1969 Act recognized the Canadian citizens should be able to access federal laws and government documents, whether their native language was French or English. The general law also requires that consumer products feature bilingual packaging throughout the country.

The Canadian government is committed to advancing the equality and the use of English and French and provides support to the development of English and French minority communities. However, the reality is that most Canadians speak English, and of course, many Canadians speak another language entirely.

Although the federal government theoretically guarantees bilingual services in all areas, there are many regions where English is the clear majority language so the government does not offer services in French in those regions. Canadians use the phrase "where numbers justify "to indicate whether a local populations language requires bilingual services from the government.

While many Canadians are bilingual in English and French, Statistics. Canada finds that over 200 other languages were reported as a language spoken by its people. About two-thirds of the respondents who spoke one of these languages also spoke either English or French

1.Why are two official languages accepted in Canada?

A. The language-using tradition caused by Canada's colonial history

B. The theoretical commitment made by Canadian courts in the past

C. The welcome attitude towards people coming from all over the world

D. The mastery of two languages of Canadians because of school education

2.What is the current situation of official languages in Canada?

A. People speaking English are superior because of their access to federal laws

B. Federal governments have to provide bilingual services to all citizens in Canada

C. French minority communities are given more support due to their language-using history

D. There are more people speaking English than French in some parts of Canada

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The legal court usage of French and English was established in Canada in 1969.

B. Some Canadians in certain districts might speak neither English nor French

C. Either French or English should be used on products in Canada according to the law

D. English has gained superior legal position to French because of bigger users in Canada

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The Official Languages in Canada    B. Canada, a Multiple-language Land

C. Balancing English and French in Canada    D. Advancing English and French in Canada



    I’m a student in my third year at Robert Gordon University, but I also work 35 hours a week at Sainsbury's to make ends meet.

I constantly have to force myself to stay awake, and to be alert, whatever it takes. The work I do at Sainsbury's is very physical like stacking(fi3 ik)shelves. I am lucky because the amount I lift at work is nothing compared with the weight I lift in the gym. I know I have the strength to bear it.

I am originally from Nigeria. I came here when I was seven. Money was always tight. My parents gave me everything I needed, but there was no money for luxuries. I worked hard at school though and, with the help of professors, I got the best A-level grades in my class.

Unfortunately, though I had applied for "settled "British residential status the Home Office waited until I was in sixth form to approve my application. That meant I was not eligible for a student loan. The only way I could afford to go to university was that I got a job that would pay for all my living costs and my parents paid for my tuition fees.

I don’t have much time to socialize because of my job. Ideally, Id like to have more time to study so I can excel at my course. Yes, I have a lot on my plate, but working hard isnt new for me. Growing up, my parents cultivated in me the importance of working hard for what I want in life.

My dream is to get a job in the NHS. But now, Im just focused on trying to get the best grades I can. Whenever I find life hard, I tell myself this is about my future.

1.Why does the author work long hours and sometimes overtime every week?

A. To pay for his own living expenses    B. To pay for his tuition fees

C. To prove his ability to earn money    D. To help his parents pay off the debts

2.What does the underlined word "eligible "in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Responsible    B. Anxious

C. Qualified    D. Accessible

3.Which of the following can NOT be used to describe the author?

A. Persistent    B. Diligent

C. Sociable    D. Ambitious

4.Which proverb can best summarize the passage?

A. Actions speak louder than words    B. God help those who help the themselves

C. A penny saved is a penny earned    D. Where there is life, there is hope



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