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Learning Java by OnlineGatha Price: $1.5...

    Learning Java by OnlineGatha

Price: $1.5 Words: 93,560 Language: English  Published: May 21, 2018

This book has been designed for students as well as teachers to help them out in learning the fundamental concepts of the Java Programming Language. It uses a bottom-up approach in explaining various topics -- that is, it explains basic syntax(句法) and gradually moves towards the complex problems.

Ice Age by John Gribbin & Mary Gribbin

Price: $3.99 Words: 26,790 Language: English   Published: December 15, 2014

John and Mary Gribbin tell the remarkable story of how we came to understand the phenomenon of Ice Ages. How frequently do Ice Ages occur? How do astronomical rhythms(节律) affect the Earth's climate? Have there always been two polar ice caps? What does the future hold?

The Pool Bible by Ken Walker

Price: $14.95 Words: 77,400 Language: English Published: March 21, 2013

Maintain your own pool - and save pots of money! A plain-language guide to care and maintenance of swimming pools by an expert in the field. The secrets of water balance and pH are laid bare for the backyard pool-owner! The Pool Bible is full of tips, tricks & advice. Save 10% of the cover price in the first 12 months or YOUR MONEY BACK. (PS - No-one has asked for a refund yet.)

The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra Moody

Price: $3.99 Words: 85,430   Language: English   Published: February 12, 2018

A battle between the humans and the Unfaih appears on the horizon, and Sloane and Rhyn must take measures to stop the violence that threatens to destroy everyone they love. Can they find the solution in time? Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!

1.What’s the theme of the book by OnlineGatha?

A. Computer science    B. School life

C. Climate change    D. A TV program

2.What does the book The pool Bible promise its readers?

A. Quick delivery    B. A free present

C. The chance of a refund    D. Better after-sales service

3.Which book is published as part of a series?

A. Ice Age    B. The Pool Bible

C. Learning Java    D. The Oblivion Stone


1. A 2. C 3. D 【解析】 这是一篇广告布告类阅读。文章主要介绍了几本书的价格以及售价。 1.推理判断题。答案定位在Learning Java by OnlineGatha部分This book has been designed for students as well as teachers to help them out in learning the fundamental concepts of the Java Programming Language.(本书是为学生和教师设计的,旨在帮助他们学习Java编程语言的基本概念。)由此可知OnlineGatha写的书的主题是计算机科学,故选A。 2.细节理解题。答案定位在The Pool Bible by Ken Walker部分Save 10% of the cover price in the first 12 months or YOUR MONEY BACK. (PS - No-one has asked for a refund yet.)可知The pool Bible承诺他的读者退款的机会,故选C。 3.推理判断题。答案定位在The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra Moody部分Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!(现在就拿起你的《生活守护者》系列第三本书吧!)由此推断出The Oblivion Stone是作为一个系列的一部分出版的,故选D。






1.嫌疑人已抓获,所有相关证据已移交警方.  concern

2.众所周知,学习方法因人而异,适合你的不一定适合我.  necessarily

3.我突然想到,我忘记提醒班长集合时间了,随即给他发了一个消息.  It




Summary writing

The life of a journalist can be exciting To be in constant pursuit of the latest news demands a curiosity that can only be rewarded by getting to "where it is happening" as soon as possible The goal of course is to relate what is happening to the public as clearly as possible

However every journalist must be careful to report not only a vivid picture of what is happening but a true picture Each journalist reports his or her own version of what has taken place Still this version must be an actual account if the reporter is to maintain a reliable reputation

In order to get to the truth in some news stories a reporter must rely on the statements of someone who is on the inside of the situation Often this insider will only talk to a reporter if the reporter promises never to reveal the insider's name The insider usually threatens never to admit meeting with the reporter if his or her name is revealed

Because stories of this nature often involve criminal activity reporting them becomes a dangerous job

This kind of work involved in obtaining news in this manner serves as an inviting situation for the underworld as well as the legal world Members of the underworld want to find out who the insider is so that they can keep him or her quiet Members of the legal world claim that the reporter will obstruct(阻挠)justice if he or she fails to disclose the insider's name

Devotion has given journalism its reputation for reliability a reliability that each journalist is expected to uphold in his or her search for truth Supplying a truthful account of each day's occurrences is the serious contract made between reporter and the public




Bill Gates doesn't pretend he lives in an egalitarian(主张平等的) household When it comes to parenting his three children the billionaire Microsoft giant readily admits his wife Melinda has done more than her share of the work raising the kids

"My wife does 80%" Gates told a crowd  of Harvard students last Thursday Gates spent two years there taking math and computer science courses as a prelaw student but never finished up his degree "Myeldest graduates from Stanford in June so I'm optimistic she won't fall into my footsteps" Gates joked

1. They followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model The core idea of the philosophy is centered on the idea of exerting emotional control essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or scolding kids2. Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at carrying out the approach

"Can you get rid of the emotion You can't totally do it" he said

Aside from ruling in hotblooded parent tempers the love and logic model also stresses the importance of not leaning into  rewards for kids but  instead demonstrating unconditional love and admiring kids for who they are not what they do or don't achieve like a poor test score

"Many highly successful people struggled with grades as children" Fay wrote on his site "3."

The model is a bit like the ideal method in that it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems instead of feeding them answers

4. However he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids

It wasn't the only way he set boundaries for his children while they were growing up None of his kids owned a cell phone until they were 14 years old And they will each get about 10 million of their parents fortune as inheritancea mere fraction of the giant's roughly 90 billion net worth "We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything but not a lot of money showered on them so they could go out and do nothing" Gates once told TED



    What is the single most effective way to reduce greenhousegas emissions Go vegetarian Replant the Amazon Cycle to work None of the above The answer is make airconditioners radically better On one calculation  replacing  refrigerants(制冷剂)  that  damage  the  atmosphere  would  reduce  total  greenhouse gases by the equivalent of 90bn tons of CO2 by 2050 Making the units more energyefficient could double that

Airconditioning is one of the world's great overlooked industries Automobiles and airconditioners were invented at roughly the same time and both have had a huge impact on where people live and work

Unlike cars though airconditioners have drawn little criticism for their social impact emissions or energy efficiency Most hot countries do not have rules to govern their energy use

Yet airconditioning has done quite a lot of things to benefit humankind It has transformed productivity in the tropics and helped turn southern China into the workshop of the world In Europeits spread has pushed down heatrelated deaths ten times less than what it was in 2003 when around 70000 people most of them elderly died in a heatwave For children airconditioned classrooms and dormitories are associated with better grades at school

Environmentalists who call airconditioning "a luxury we cannot afford" have half a point however

In the next ten years as many airconditioners will be installed around the world as were put in between 1902when airconditioning was inventedand 2005 Until energy can be produced without carbon emissions these extra machines will warm the world At the moment therefore airconditioners create a vicious cycle The more the Earth warms the more people need them But the more there are the warmer the world will be

Cutting the impact of cooling requires three thingsbeyond turning up the thermostat(温度调节器)to make rooms less Arctic). First airconditioners must become much more efficient The most energyefficient models on the market today consume only about onethird as much electricity as average ones

Minimum energyperformance standards need to be raisedor introduced in countries that lack them altogether to push the average unit's performance closer to the standard of the best

Nextmanufactures should stop using damaging refrigerantsOne category of thesehydrofluorocarbons is over 1000 times worse than carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere An international deal to phase out these pollutants called the Kigali amendment will come into force in 2019 Footdraggers should approve and implement itAmerica is one country that has not done so

Last more could be done to design offices malls and even cities so they do not need as many air conditioners in the first place More buildings should be built with overhanging roofs or balconies for shadeor with natural aircirculation Simply painting roofs white can help keep temperatures down

Better machines are necessary But cooling as an overall system needs to be improved if  airconditioners is to fulfill its promise to make people healthierwealthier and wiser without too high an environmental cost Providing indoor shelters of airconditioned comfort need not come at the expense of an overheating world

1.Why does the author think airconditioning is an overlooked industry

A. Because many hot countries haven't put the energycontrolling rules into force

B. Because it has caused the same impact on people's life and work as automobiles have

C. Because it has brought great economic physical and educational benefits to humans

D. Because it doesn't get the due criticism for its environmental impact as automobiles do

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 4

A. The price of airconditioning will go up due to the large demand for it

B. A high environmental cost will come along with the airconditioning service

C. Environmentalists are expecting extra machines which can warm the world

D. Governments partially agree that airconditioning is a luxury we cannot afford

3.With regard to the measures to cut the impact of cooling which of the following statements is TRUE

A. Manufacturers should only stop using hydrofluorocarbons

B. People should avoid turning up the airconditioners to have cool rooms on hot days

C. People should adopt more environmentallyfriendly materials when designing buildings

D. Governments should give a green light to the agreement on eliminating the pollutants

4.The author writes this passage to     

A. arouse people's attention to the global warming

B. appeal for the global joint efforts to combat global warming

C. give credit to airconditioning for its great contributions to humans

D. offer a new perspective on how to reduce greenhouse gases emissions



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