满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My mom only had one eye. I hated her. Sh...

    My mom only had one eye I hated her She was such an embarrassment(尴尬).

I_____one day she came to school I was so embarrassed How could she do this to me I threw her a_____look and ran out I_____that I would grow up and become successful staying away from her

Then I_____really hard I was accepted by Seoul National University and left my mom Then I got married and had kids too Now I'm living a_____life as a successful man

_____ this happiness came to an end when_____my mother came to see me Upon seeing my moms eye my children ran away I shouted at her_____ How can you come to_____my kids! "Hearing this she looked at me for a while and then_____

A few days later I received a letter from my mom

"My life has been long enough now And I won't_____Seoul anymore but would it be_____for you to come to visit me once in a while"

"You see when you were very little you_____an accident and lost your eye As a mother I couldn't_____watching you having to grow up with only one eye so I gave you mine I was so_____of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me I was never_____with you for anything you did I really_____you"

My_____fell apart I hated myself and cried for my mom I didn't_____any way that will make up for the most_____things I've done to her

1.A. remember B. admit C. expect D. understand

2.A. different B. hateful C. concerned D. determined

3.A. realized B. learned C. feared D. decided

4.A. suffered B. studied C. burst D. trained

5.A. happy B. special C. lonely D. boring

6.A. Still B. Instead C. Besides D. However

7.A. secretly B. frequently C. hurriedly D. unexpectedly

8.A. doubtfully B. curiously C. angrily D. excitedly

9.A. cheat B. surprise C. frighten D. command

10.A. remained B. disagreed C. shouted D. disappeared

11.A. visit B. miss C. leave D. mention

12.A. hard B. strange C. possible D. necessary

13.A. got into B. looked into C. talked about D. cared about

14.A. stop B. stand C. avoid D. help

15.A. careful B. afraid C. proud D. sick

16.A. honest B. upset C. patient D. strict

17.A. love B. believe C. ignore D. doubt

18.A. eye B. family C. world D. marriage

19.A. dream of B. know of C. make use of D. keep track of

20.A. unfair B. careless C. terrible D. dangerous


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的情感文章。这是作者因为自己母亲是一只眼而厌恶妈妈,后来才发现母亲是把自己的眼睛给了作者。这是一篇歌颂母爱的文章,让人看后心中无不为母亲而感动。 1.动词的辨析。remember记得;admit承认;expect期待;understand理解。我记得有一天她来学校。故答案为A。 2.形容词的辨析。different不同的;hateful令人讨厌的;concerned担忧的;determined有决心的。我很讨厌地看了她一眼就跑出去了。故答案为B。 3.动词的辨析。realized意识;learned学习;feared害怕;decided决定。我决定要长大,变得成功。故答案为D。 4.动词的辨析。suffered遭受;studied学习;burst爆发;trained训练。然后我就很努力地学习。故答案为B。 5.形容词的辨析。happy高兴的;special特别的;lonely孤独的;boring无聊的。现在我过着一种幸福的生活。故答案为A。 6.副词的辨析。still仍然;instead而不是;besides此外;however然而。前后句子构成转折的关系。故答案为D。 7.副词的辨析。secretly秘密地;frequently经常;hurriedly匆忙地;unexpectedly意外地。当母亲意外地来看我。故答案为D。 8.副词的辨析。doubtfully怀疑地;curiously好奇地;angrily生气地;excitedly兴奋地。我很生气地大叫。故答案为C。 9.动词的辨析。cheat欺骗;surprise使惊喜;frighten使害怕;command命令。你怎么能来吓我的孩子。故答案为C。 10.动词的辨析。remained保持;disagreed不同意;shouted大喊;disappeared消失。她看着我一会,然后就离开了。故答案为D。 11.动词的辨析。根据语境母亲写信告诉我再也不会来Seoul,因此使用visit。故答案为A。 12.形容词的辨析。hard困难的;strange奇怪的;possible可能的;necessary必要的。但是你能不能时不时地来看我呢。故答案为C。 13.短语的辨析。got into进入;looked into调查;talked about聊天;cared about关心。当你小的时候,你遇到事故,失去了你的眼睛。故答案为A。 14.动词的辨析。stop停止;stand忍受;avoid避免;help帮助。作为母亲,我不能忍受看着你只有一只眼睛。故答案为B。 15.形容词的辨析。careful小心的;afraid害怕的;proud自豪的;sick生病的。我为我儿子能看到完整的一个世界而感到自豪。故答案为C。 16.形容词的辨析。honest诚实的;upset难过的;patient耐心的;strict严格的。我对你做的事情从不感到难过。故答案为B。 17.动词的辨析。根据语境母亲真的很爱作者,因此使用love。故答案为A。 18.上下文的理解。根据语境看到母亲的信,作者的世界全都倒塌了,因此使用world。故答案为C。 19.短语的辨析。dream of梦想;know of了解;make use of好好利用;keep track of记录。我从不知道有什么能弥补我对她做过的那些可怕的事情。故答案为B。 20.形容词的辨析。unfair不公平的;careless粗心的;terrible可怕的;dangerous危险的。我从不知道有什么能弥补我对她做过的那些可怕的事情。故答案为C。

    After too many "Ill start next Mondays" you finally decide to start your clean eating plan1.Here are some top tips to help you beat the food temptation(诱惑)and keep healthy

Keep your goal in mind

Some people go as far as to suggest sticking a picture of your ideal body on your fridge If that can work for you go ahead2.Keep your goal in mind Remember that the choices you make today will decide how your body looks and feels


This doesn't mean eating a cheat meal or the chocolate you have been dreaming of Try connecting rewards with nonfood items rather than junk food Reward your fitness exercise and clean eating with dancing singing Karaoke or new jeans to go with your new figure

Start small

We've heard that Rome wasn't built in a day We should follow the same principle when it comes to dropping weight or eating clean4.By the end of the year you would have made around fifty small changes that's more than enough to equal big results

Prepare healthy snacks

5.Have healthy snacks such as a small tub of blueberries nuts apple slices with nut butter julienne carrots or other vegetables within easy reach

A Reward yourself

B Watch your weight

C Beat the temptation by always being prepared

D Just remember why you started beating the temptation

E When you feel really thirsty have a cup of cold water instead

F We can start by making one simple small change every week or two

G You look at the model on the cover of a magazine and wonder how she made it



    One day we were hiking in the Oakland woods when my daughter noticed plastic litter in a stream She looked at me and said "Daddy That doesn't go there "

What she said brought me back to a summer camp On the morning of a visiting day right before they let our anxious parents come running through the gates our camp director would say"Quick! Everyone pick up five pieces of litter You get a couple hundred kids each picking up five pieces and pretty soon you've got a much cleaner camp

So I thought why not use that crowdsourced tidying model to the entire planet And that was the inspiration (灵魂)for Litterati The goal is to create a litterfree world Let me show you how it started I took a picture of a cigarette using Instagram Then I took another photo……and another photo

And I started telling people what I was doing and they started to join We were becoming a community(共同体)that was collecting photos Each photo tells a story It tells us who picked up what and when So I built a Google map showing where pieces were being picked up And gradually the community grew and the Literati grew

If you really want to create change there's no better place to start than with our kids

A group of fifth graders picked up 1 247pieces of litter just on their schoolyard And they learned that the most common type of litter was the plastic straw wrappers(包装纸)from their own dining hall So these kids went to their headmaster and asked "Why are we still buying straws"And they stopped And they learned that separately they could each make a difference but together they created an influence

It doesn't matter if you're a student or a scientist whether you live in Honolulu or Hanoi this is a community for everyone

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean

A. Cleaning up a place as a team

B. Camping with family members

C. Picking up litter while traveling

D. Stopping littering wherever one goes

2.The Literati realizes its dream of creating a litterfree world by     

A. downloading a Google map

B. telling stories to generous people

C. collecting photos on the Internet

D. picking up litter and spreading the idea

3.According to Paragraph 4 what did the kids learn from their experiences

A. Rome wasn't built in a day

B. Many hands make light work

C. Actions speak louder than words

D. Where there is a will there is a way

4.What can be the best title for the text

A. A Community in Progress

B. Create a Better World

C. One Piece at a Time

D. Photos Tell Stories



    Time is time no matter where we are in the world However it seems like whenever we wait for a friend to get ready five minutes can seem like a whole day And meanwhile a really interesting twohour movie may feel like it only lasted a few minutes So how is it that time doesn't always seem to follow the same rules What actually affects 影响)our feeling of time

According to a new study published in the journal Nature in August the differences in how we sense time come from a"clock inside our brain However the brains clock controlled by a network of brain cells gets its sense of time from our experiences and memories reported Medical News Today So unlike regular clocks our brain forms a " subjective(主观的) time coming from the ongoing flow of experience" Edvard Moser director of the Kavli Institute based at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology explained in Neuroscience News

To examine the activity of this network a team of scientists at the Kavli Institute studied the brain activity of rats for several hours during which time the rats were required to complete a series of activities According to Neuroscience News it was found that when the rats carried out any repetitive(重复的)activities the brain network became more precise It matched the actual time of day On the other hand when they took part in any exciting experiences the brain network didn't rely on real time markers This led to time passing unconsciously(无意识地).

According to Moser to speed up or slow down the brain's clock depends on whether the brain simply judges time based on experiences it processes(加工). "If we change what we are doing we also change our experience of time he told the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation " It's not about clock time but about our subjective feeling of time

1.The author gives the examples in paragraph 1mainly to show     

A. time is sometimes changed depending on where we are

B. five minutes sometimes is equal to a whole day

C. an interesting twohour movie actually lasts less than two hours

D. time doesn't always seem to go on a regular basis

2.According to Moser the brain's clock is affected by     

A. regular clock time

B. personal experiences

C. physical health

D. the number of activities

3.The text is mainly about     

A. how to judge time

B. how to value time

C. how our brain works

D. how our brain senses time



    Back in 1963 a company in the US was suffering from low employee(员工) spirit Everyone was worried that they might lose their jobs since the company had just joined up with another company which meant there were suddenly more employees than needed

That was when Harvey Ball19212001), an artist was invited by the company to find a way to raise the workplace's spirit It took Ball less than 10 minutes to draw a smiley face on a bright yellow background which was then made into buttons that employees could wear on their jackets as a reminder to smile at each other The face soon became part of the companys culture and was introduced across the country and before Ball realized itto the world

However as much effort as Ball made that "message"soon grew to become twisted(歪曲的). Just think about it How many of us still use the simple smiley face emoji just to say "I'm smiling " Chances are when we use it we often mean "I'm just going to ignore you or"That' s just perfect" in a sarcastic(讽刺的)way And our favorite emojis perhaps also include the upsidedown face or the face with tears of joy both changed from Ball's former smiley face and yet both are often used sarcastically

Indeed in today's world we deal with many things with sarcasm instead of with a smile perhaps because were finding it harder and harder to be happy but we keep forgetting about the fact that happiness and smiling go both ways As Vietnamese spiritual teacher Thich Nhat Hanh once said "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy That was probably what was in Balls mind when he first came up with the smiley face A smile brings joy and joy brings people closer together

1.Ball drew the smiley face in order to     

A. show his gift for drawing

B. decorate the employees jackets

C. cheer up the employees in the company

D. spread the company's culture to the world

2.According to Paragraph 2 the smiley face has been     

A. changed gradually

B. used in a bitter way

C. ignored completely

D. recognized as a happier sign

3.What can we learn from the text

A. Smiling can bring about happiness

B. Smiling is not popular in today's world

C. We should make ourselves happier in a different way

D. We haven't understood the true meaning of the smiley face



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