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"Big tobacco" is what the bosses of seve...

    "Big tobacco" is what the bosses of several large technology firms have started calling Facebook Being compared to the tobacco giants is far from praise but it is not the only widespread analogy(比拟). A lower blow is the suggestion that Facebook may become like Yahoo the once highflying internet firm that fell

Even a year ago the idea would have been unthinkable But since January Facebook has become trapped in a series of misjudgments and missteps It became clear that it had done too little to stop Russian interference(干涉) in America's election in 2016 It had to admit that it had shared the personal data of 90m users with outside firms without permission

The comparison to Yahoo is imperfect Even at its peak Yahoo's business was never as large and profitable as Facebook's One of the main reasons Yahoo declined is because it lost out to a powerful competitor Google in online search Marissa Mayer its boss from 2012 until its sale to Verizon last year was unable to restore advertisers' or employees' confidence as users left

But people who watched Yahoo's falling see similarities Executive(主管) turnover was a leading indicator of its decline before Ms Mayer was hired Yahoo went through four chief executives in three years Mr Zuckerberg who controls the majority of Facebook's voting shares is not leaving but many top executives are This year several have announced their departures including Facebook's chief security officer

When advertisers' faith in Facebook has been shaken politicians in Washington are running out of patience with the company Lawmakers' inspection of the firm is causing it to be more cautious about how it uses data for targeting advertisements and about what information it makes available to outsiders

Mr Zuckerberg and Ms Sandberg are under pressure to prove to employees and advertisers that Facebook is not only trustworthy but worthy of their time and money If they cannot do so and the company's share price continues its slide it is possible that Ms Sandberg will be replaced in the next year Mr Zuckerberg will doubtless have thoughts about Yahoo's sorry tale

1.For Facebook being compared to "big tobacco" is     

A. positive

B. ambitious

C. creative

D. negative

2.According to the author what does Facebook currently have in common with the failed Yahoo

A. Letting out users' data

B. Being deep in financial crisis

C. Leaders are leaving the company

D. Laying off a large number of employees

3.The author tries to support his judgment about Facebook by     

A. questioning its management

B. using evidence related to it

C. analyzing its financial data

D. listing its advantages and disadvantages

4.What is the main idea of the passage

A. Facebook gets trapped in trouble

B. Two companies are deep in crisis

C. How to save Facebook

D. Faith is more valuable than gold


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 本文是一篇科教类短文,主要讲述了Facebook陷入困境的状况。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段后两句Being compared to the tobacco giants is far from praise, but it is not the only wide﹣spread analogy(比拟).A lower blow is the suggestion that Facebook may become like Yahoo, the once high﹣flying internet firm that fell.可知,对于Facebook来说,被比喻成"烟草巨头"根本不是表扬,而是负面消极的。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段第三句Mr.Zuckerberg,who controls the majority of Facebook's voting shares,is not leaving,but many top executives are.可知现在的Facebook与失败的雅虎的共同之处是领导者正在离开公司。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句Mr.Zuckerberg,who controls the majority of Facebook's voting shares,is not leaving,but many top executives are.This year several have announced their departures,including Facebook's chief security officer.控制Facebook大部分投票权股份的扎克伯格并未离开,但许多高管都离开了。今年有几位高管也宣布离职,其中包括Facebook的首席安全官。在根据第五段When advertisers' faith in Facebook has been shaken, politicians in Washington are running out of patience with the company.可知当广告商对Facebook的信心受到动摇时,华盛顿的政客们已经对公司失去了耐心。可知,作者试图通过使用与之相关的证据来支持他对Facebook的判断。故选B项。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“"Big tobacco" is what the bosses of several large technology firms have started calling Facebook. Being compared to the tobacco giants is far from praise, but it is not the only wide﹣spread analogy(比拟). A lower blow is the suggestion that Facebook may become like Yahoo, the once high﹣flying internet firm that fell.”可知很多人把Facebook比喻成“烟草巨人”,而且Facebook很可能会步雅虎的后尘。本文主要讲述了Facebook陷入困境。故选A项。

    University of Pennsylvania researchers say that for the first time they have linked social media use to increases in depression and loneliness The idea that social media is anything but social when it comes to mental health has been talked about for years but not many studies have managed to actually link the two To do that Penn researchers led by psychologist Melissa Hunt designed a study that focused on WeChat Snapchat and Instagram

The study was conducted with 143 participants who before they began completed a mood survey and sent along photos of their battery screens showing how often they were using their phones to access social media "We set out to do a much more complete study which attempts to imitate real life" Hunt said

The study divided the participants into two groups The first group was allowed to maintain their normal social media habits The other the control group was restricted to 10 minutes per day on social media The restrictions were put in place for three weeks and then the participants returned and were tested for outcomes such as fear of missing out anxiety depression and loneliness

The results showed a very clear link between social media use and increased levels of depression and loneliness "Using less social media than you normally do would lead to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness" Hunt said

Social media invites what Hunt calls "downward social comparison" "When you're online it can sometimes seem that everyone else is cooler and having more fun and included in more things and you're left out" Hunt said And that's just generally discouraging "Every minute you spend online is a minute you are not doing your work or not meeting a friend for dinner or having a deep conversation with your roommate" And these real life activities are the ones that can encourage selfesteem and selfworth Hunt added

"People are on their devices and that's not going to change" she said But as in life a bit of control goes a long way

1.Before the study was conducted the participants completed a survey to     

A. imitate people's real life

B. link loneliness to depression

C. show their use of social media

D. prove social media is important

2.The results of the study showed using less social media would result in     

A. people's fear of missing out

B. higher levels of depression

C. obvious relief in loneliness

D. lower levels of happiness

3.In Hunt's opinion which activity benefits more to mental health

A. Hiking out with friends

B. Making comparison with others

C. Playing computer games in spare time

D. Logging onto social media and having fun

4.Which can be the best title of the passage

A. A Study on Social Media

B. How to Improve Mental Health

C. People Addicted to Social Media

D. Social Media Influences Mental Health



    Recently a 1935 letter in which Ernest Hemingway detailed his catch of a 500lb blue marlin(青枪鱼), an adventure that is believed to have partly inspired his novel The Old Man and the Sea has been sold for28000 £22000).

The handwritten letter was sent by Hemingway on 8 May to the fishing editor of the Miami Herald laying out in great detail how the author and his friend Henry Strater battled to keep sharks away from the marlin after catching it off the Bahamian island of Bimini

Nate D Sanders the auction(拍卖) company which sold the letter said it documented for the first time in Hemingway's own words not only the size of the marlin but also the attack by sharks reflecting the plot of the novel

The company added that Hemingway's account of the marlin catch differed from other anecdotes of it one of which described Hemingway using a machine gun on the sharks which is said to have attracted more sharks rather than frightened them away

The Old Man and the Sea was also inspired by an anecdote told by Hemingway's Cuban friend Carlos Gutierrez In 1936 Hemingway wrote in a magazine that Carlos had told him about an old fisherman who caught a great marlin alone

Three years later Hemingway told his editor Max Perkins that he was planning a short story about the old commercial fisherman who fought the swordfish all alone in his sailing boat Instead he ended up writing For Whom the Bell Tolls not returning to the story about the old fisherman until January 1951 It won him the Pulitzer in 1953 and was specifically cited when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954

1.What does the underlined phrase "laying out" in the second paragraph mean

A. Discussing

B. Wondering

C. Imagining

D. Presenting

2.What did the auction company stress when selling the 1935letter

A. The style of the writer

B. The history of the letter

C. The contents of the letter

D. The popularity of the writer

3.What inspired Hemingway to write The Old Man and The Sea besides his own adventure

A. Henry Strater's account

B. Carlos Gutierrez's story

C. Max Perkins' life experience

D. Nate D Sanders' description

4.Which is the correct order of time for the following facts in the passage

1Hemingway wrote a letter to describe his adventure

2Hemingway caught a big blue marlin

3The letter was sold at auction

4The Old Man and The Sea won the Nobel Prize

A. ①③②④

B. ②①④③

C. ②④①③

D. ②③①④



    We work with Cambridge County Council's Participation Team to create opportunities for young people to visit the University and learn more about it The following events are scheduled for the 2019/2020 academic year

SuperStar workshops

12 engaging workshops are planned for young people aged 7 to 11 These halfday visits will be held throughout the year at times when young people are not at school If participants complete 8of the 12workshops they will be awarded the nationally recognised SuperStar Crest Award

Please note workshops will only run if we have a sufficient number of attendees usually around 3+ participants).

Explore University Days

Explore University Days are for young people aged 1215 Participants visit the University for two days and engage with a range of universityrelated workshops and other fun activities

Previous participants have engaged with the following

• Visited the Sports Centre

• Took part in a Neuroscience workshop

• Enjoyed a twocourse meal at a University College

Dates will be confirmed in early December 2019 and a schedule for event will follow in the New Year

Events for post16 students

If you are studying for your post16 qualifications and are considering applying for Cambridge or would like to find out more about a specific subject the following events might be for you

• University and College Open Days

• Subject Masterclasses

• Cambridge Science Festival

1.What can the participants do in SuperStar workshops

A. To stay only half a day

B. To get a gift

C. To enjoy a free meal

D. To visit all the 12 workshops

2.Which event is specially for applicants of Cambridge

A. SuperStar workshops

B. The Neuroscience workshop

C. Explore University Days

D. Events for post16 students

3.The events in the passage most probably aim to     

A. introduce some courses

B. advertise Cambridge University

C. enrich students' spare time life

D. promote children's interest in touring









参考词汇:红色文化The Chinese "Red Culture"




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.






Last month our class organized a hiking along the Chaobai Riverwhich run through Hebei Beijing and Tianjin Much to my disappoint I found the river was serious polluted At that moment I was determined to do what I could protect it First under my teacher's help I used the equipments from the school lab to test the quality of the river water But thenI used the data I had collected it to analyze the pollution of the water FinallyI write a report on the pollution of the river to the local government I also gave a presentation in class where I suggested that we must make small changes to protect our water resources



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