满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Within five minutes of meeting Olivia Po...

    Within five minutes of meeting Olivia Ports, I knew she was a special teenager.

I knew before she_____ her guitar and performed a song. I knew before I found out how a(n)___ she was born with changed her childhood. And I knew before her mother told me Olivia performed recently in front of 1,200 people.

In addition to her________musical talents, Olivia is  just so friendly,  funny and _______to   those who made her first show such a success. “She doesn’t want the story to be about her,”  said Olivia’s mother. But like all children______ chronic  (慢性的) diseases, the “journey she has been on has made her stronger.” Olivia admits she’s  not like  many kids  of  her  age. ___herself as a “little bit crazy”, she acts older than she is. She was born with a compromised immune system (缺乏抵抗力的免疫系统). When she realized she would have to____her beloved gymnastics, she took up her mom’s  old high school guitar and ________herself to play.   “I had to have something to do with so much_______time,” she said. It was during a hospital   visit that she met Classical Blast, a popular band that invited Olivia to____them as a guest performer on their Christmas____. Their encouragement gave her  the  courage to  begin  playing at public____in the area, and she was soon a regular on stage. It was yet another treatment that____her most recent performance. Recovering in her room for 15 days last Christmas, Olivia saw first-hand “how sad it can be” for children to be in hospital during the ___. That’s why this year, Olivia decided to do a benefit(义演), asking guests to bring a toy that could be taken to young  _______.

Speaking of her future, the high school senior plans to _______a year off after graduation. She wants to______for college with the goal of opening a music school for those with health ___.  When you_______your life with things you love,” she said, “it makes every day more____.”

1.A. put away B. took over C. picked up D. set down

2.A. condition B. position C. environment D. reality

3.A. amusing B. entertaining C. delightful D. impressive

4.A. graceful B. grateful C. addicted D. appreciated

5.A. fighting B. beating C. defeating D. winning

6.A. Referring B. Thinking C. Describing D. Observing

7.A. ban B. avoid C. replace D. abandon

8.A. helped B. served C. influenced D. taught

9.A. off B. down C. out D. up

10.A. recognize B. interview C. join D. affect

11.A. trip B. tour C. travel D. journey

12.A. albums B. events C. cafes D. thrillers

13.A. led to B. lay in C. split up D. put into

14.A. seasons B. winters C. holidays D. years

15.A. singers B. audience C. performers D. patients

16.A. set B. take C. put D. turn

17.A. ask B. pay C. wait D. head

18.A. insurances B. challenges C. products D. symptoms

19.A. fill B. push C. set D. mix

20.A. challenging B. complex C. meaningful D. powerful


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文为记叙文。主要记叙了一位出生时免疫系统受损的坚强女孩追逐音乐梦想的故事。 1.考查动词短语辨析。A. put away收起来;B. took over接管;C. picked up拿起,拾起。D. set down制定,放下。根据后面的“her guitar and performed a song.”可知,他拿起(picked up)吉它演奏了一首歌,故选C。 2.考查名词辨析。A. condition健康状况,环境;B. position位置,职位; C. environment 环境;D. reality现实。根据下文语境可知,奥利维亚出生时免疫系统受损。因此此处是指“她出生的健康状况(condition)是如何改变她的童年的”。condition和 environment都有“环境”的意思。但如果指健康状况时只能用condition。故选A。 3.考查形容词辨析。A. amusing有趣的;B. entertaining有趣的,娱乐的;C. delightful令人愉悦的;D. impressive 给人印象深刻的,引人注目的。根据文中的内容可知,她有引人注目的(impressive)音乐天赋,故选D。 4.考查形容词辨析。A. graceful优雅的;B. grateful感激的,令人愉快的;C. addicted上瘾的;D. appreciated感激的,欣赏的。此处的意思是指“奥利维亚是非常友好,有趣的,并且她对那些让她第一次展示成功的人是感激的(grateful)。故选B。 5.考查动词辨析。A. fighting抗击;B. beating击打;C. defeating击败;D. winning赢得。根据后面的the “journey she has been on has made her stronger.”可知,与疾病作斗争(fighting)让她变得更强大。故选A。 6.考查动词辨析。A. Referring提到;B. Thinking思考;C. Describing描绘,描写;D. Observing观察。此处是指她把自己描述(Describing)成“一个小疯子”。因此此处选C。 7.考查动词辨析。 A. ban禁止;B. avoid避免;C. replace替代;D. abandon放弃。句意:当她意识到她必须放弃(abandon)她心爱的体操时,她拿起她妈妈高中时的旧吉他…,故选D。 8.考查固定搭配及动词辨析。A. helped帮助;B. served为…服务;C. influenced 影响;D. taught教会。此处是指“她拿起她妈妈高中时的旧吉他,自学弹吉他。Teach oneself sth.为固定搭配,意为”自学…”。因此选D。 9.考查形容词辨析。A. off远离的;B. down沮丧的,心情不好的,向下的;C. out 外面的;D. up上面的,向上的。因为她是一个有病的女孩,所以很多时候是心情不好的。因此此处是指“我不得不应付许多心情不好的(down)时间”,故选B。 10.考查动词辨析。A. recognize认出;B. interview面试,采访;C. join加入;D. affect影响。根据第12小题后的“and she was soon a regular on stage”可知,她加入了这个乐队。因此此处是指“正是在一次医院访问中,她遇到了古典乐队,一个受欢迎的乐队,这个乐队邀请奥利维亚作为客座表演者加入(join)他们。”故选C。 11.考查名词辨析。A. trip旅行;B. tour旅行,观光,巡回演出;C. travel旅行,漫游;D. journey旅行,旅程行期,历程,过程。此处是指“邀请奥利维亚作为嘉宾参加他们的圣诞巡回演出(tour)”。这四个选项都有旅行,但只有tour有“巡回演出”的意思,故选B。 12.考查名词辨析。A. albums相册;B. events事件,(有组织的)活动;C. cafes咖啡馆;D. thrillers紧张刺激的事,惊悚片。他们的鼓励使她有勇气开始在该地区的公共活动(events)中演出,她很快就成了台上的常客。故选B。 13.考查动词短语辨析。A. led to导致;B. lay in在于;C. split up分离,分开;D. put into把…放入。根据语境可知,正是另一种治疗导致(led to)了她最近的表现。故选A。 14.考查名词辨析。A. seasons 季节;B. winters冬天;C. holidays 假期;D. years年。根据后面的时间状语“last Christmas”可知, 圣诞节是放假的。故此处是指“去年圣诞节,奥利维亚康复的15天里,她亲眼目睹了孩子们在假期(holidays)中住院是‘多么可悲’”,故选C。 15.考查名词辨析。A. singers 歌唱手;B. audience观众;C. performers 表演者;D. patients病人。根据上文第13小题和14小题中间的的“for children to be in hospital during the holidays”可知,此句是指“奥利维亚决定做一次义演,让客人带一个给小病人(patients)的玩具”,故选D。 16.考查固定搭配及动词辨析的。A. set off出发,引起;B. take… off 请假,休假;C. put off 推迟;D. turn off关闭。此句是指“谈到她的未来,这位高中生打算毕业后休假(take… off)一年。”故选B。 17.考查动词辨析。A. ask请求;B. pay付款,偿还,支付;C. wait等候;D. head朝…前进。此处是指“她朝着大学前进(head),目的是开一家音乐公司”, 故选D。 18.考查名词辨析。A. insurances 保险;B. challenges挑战,难题;C. products 产品;D. symptoms症状。根据语境可知,此处是指“她想上大学,目标是为那些有健康问题的人开办一所音乐学校。” Those with health challenges意为“健康有问题的人”,故选B 。 19.考查固定搭配及动词辨析。A. fill填满;B. push 推;C. set放置;D. mix搅拌。此处是指“当你的生活充满你爱的东西”,fill…with…为固定搭配,意为“使…充满….。用…填满…”,故选A。 20.考查形容词辨析。A. challenging 富有挑战性的;B. complex复杂的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. powerful强有力的。此句为:她说:“当你的生活充满你所爱的东西时,它会让每一天变得更有意义(meaningful)。”,根据语境可知选C。

How to Build the Skill of Understanding People

It’s not always easy to predict or understand how someone else feels. Some people are better at it than others, but just about everyone can improve with practice.1..

It starts with watching.

Try these ways to develop your observation skills.

2. Next time you’re at the cafe, or on the bus, try this: Look  around and try to  identify how people might be feeling based on their body language, facial expressions, and what they’re doing. The girl with the textbooks on her knee might have an exam coming up.Does she seem confident or stressed?

Read books or watch movies that have realistic descriptions of human emotions. 3. Try to understand why the characters feel the way they do. Based on those emotions, predict what a character will do next. Or see if you can explain why a charater did what he or she did.

It improves with listening.

Most of us rate ourselves as good listeners after all, listening seems like such a simple, basic thing to do. But often we’re so busy thinking of what we want to say that we don’t listen as much as we’d like.

Practice listening well in everyday conversations.4. Train  yourself  to  think  of listening as more important than talking.

Tune in to feelings as well as story. When a friend tells you about something, try to imagine how he or she might have felt. Make statements that show you’re trying to understand your friend’s experience, like: “Oh, that must have felt amazing!” or “That must be upsetting for you.”5.

A. Observe what people around you like.

B. Observe the behavior of people around you.

C. Here are some tips for you to share the skill.

D. Pay attention to how different characters feel and act.

E. Really pay attention to what the other person is saying.

F. Understanding others is all about watching and listening.

G. You might find you can predict what your friend will say next.



    When people go to the hospital to have a medical examination, sometimes doctors will ask them  to  have  an X-ray or  CT. What about a PET? PET stands for Positron Emission.

Tomography(正电子成像素). PET scanner扫描仪)create 3-D images of what is happening in the body. Scientists are devloping this medical equipment that could tell them more about the human body, and help them develop more-effective treatments for cancer, heart disease and brain disorders. It would be the world’s first full-body PET scanner.

Researchers are calling the large scanner that they are developing Explorer. It will give medical workers images of what is happening in the whole human body that have never been seen before. PET scanners now give doctors images of only parts of the body.

The U.S National Institutes of Health gave a research team at the University of California at Davis $ 15.5 million to build the scanner.

Ramsey Badawi, a professor at UC Davis, says the scanner will give researchers new information about how human organs (器官)work together.

“We’re a system of organs and all the organs interact with each other. And we’ve never really been able to get that with imaging before, and now we’re going to be able to look at that. These images help us find out and follow diseases. The new scanner will help us do that even better.”

Simon Cherry, another professor at UC Davis, says the PET scans can show the progress of both disease and medical treatments. “With PET scans we’re looking at function. We’re actually able to say something about what the cells in the body are doing. He says the Explorer uses a much lower amount of radiation(辐射)than today’s PET tests, and creates images more quickly. “So we can do scans in maybe 30 seconds that now take 20 minutes. Or we do scans under a very small radiation.”

A complete view could help researchers develop new medicines that target diseases and parts of the body. It could help doctors reduce harmful side effects by following the movement of medicines through the body.

The researchers hope to test the Explorer with humans in three years.

1.What is the most obvious advantage of Explorer about the image it produces?

A. It will give doctors images of human organs.

B. It can offer doctors images of the whole human body.

C. It will give doctors images of only parts of the body.

D. It will give doctors images of better quality.

2.What does the word “It” mean in the last but one paragraph?

A. The body B. A new medicine

C. A complete view D. A disease

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward Explorer?

A. Doubtful B. Positive

C. Supportive D. Objective

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. PET scanners create 3-D images.

B. Doctors will develop more effective treatments for cancer.

C. The world’s first PET scanner will be put into use.

D. A full-body PET scanner is being developed.



    In Rio , one of the points of attraction is doubtlessly the most famous beach in the world, the Copacabana. When the weather is right the Copa becomes a stage on which everyone can play a part. Rio’s beaches, however, are bad news for swimmers. The surf is so striking. Often careless or over-courageous tourists must be pulled out of the water by a rescue(救援) team. In peak season during January and February, the helicopters of the governmental rescue organization, fly life-saving tasks from sunrise to sunset. Doctors also need to be on board when the control room reports an emergency(突发事件). The doctors and rescuers will do their best with the equipment available on board. If the patient shows no signs of recovery, the  rescue team decides to fly him to hospital.

In Rio, lifesaving is a man’s job. The four-meter-high watchtowers are always manned. Alarm at tower number 5, a woman has swum too far out to sea and can’t make it back to the beach by herself. One minute later the rescue team has reached the Copacabana. From a height of ten meters above the water, Luis Carlos jumps into the sea close to the helpless swimmer.  His workmates on board must keep an eye on him so that they can tell the pilot in which position to keep the helicopter. Another man is in the water now to help calm the woman down and get her ready to be airlifted. The pilot must slowly control the helicopter sideways and aim carefully. Once the net is full, the helicopter slowly flies to the beach.

The air rescue team is back on duty again. In the course of the day, there are eight more emergencies. The daily record at the end of the day reads, “nothing unusual happens.”

1.Which kind of person is more likely to have an accident in Copacabana?

A. a man who can’t swim

B. a man who has nothing to worry about

C. a man who fears the sea

D. a man who was a doctor

2.When the rescuer jumps into the sea to help the swimmer in danger, the helicopter will ______

A. fly to them as close as possible

B. fly over them and wait for orders

C. fly slowly to the beach

D. fly to the hospital

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. The Copacabana is a bad place for swimmers.

B. After the rescuers pick up the patient, they will send them to hospital.

C. If there is no accident, the rescue team will record “nothing unusual happens ”.

D. The helicopters of the rescue organization will fly tasks day and night.



Britain’s Beautiful National Parks Offer Lots to See

Many visitors to the UK go straight to London and never explore outside the capital , which is a pity, for there is a huge variety of landscape only a few hours away, in any one of Britain’s largest areas of protected countryside, its national parks.

The Cairngorms

The biggest is the Cairngorms in northern Scotland, with some of the country’s highest mountains and the best place for skiing. Climbing and fishing are also popular, along with Scotland’s national game, golf. Wildlife enthusiasts are well rewarded this is the home of

the red deer, red squirrel and golden eagle.

The Lake District

Over the border in England is the Lake District, originally made famous by local Romantic poet William Wordsworth two hundred years ago. Crowds of people have been travelling here since 1847 when a railway was built to its biggest lake, Windermere. Children’s writers have found inspiration here too, and the mountains make for excellent walking, with breathtaking views.


Wales also has its fair share of very impressive landscape Snowdonia was one of the

first national parks to be created in 1951. You will find the road signs in two languages and hear Welsh spoken in the local shops. If mountain climbing is not your thing, try visiting a castle built by a 13th-century prince, or check out the nearby beaches.

The Jurassic Coast

Covering 95 miles of the coastline from East Devon to Dorset, the Jurassic Coast is just as amazing, with rocks recording 185 million years of the earth’s history. The first underwater dinosaur(恐龙) remains were found in the high rocks here in the early 19th century.

The Giant’s Causeway

For the strangest coastal scenery of all, cross the Irish Sea to the Giant’s Causeway. Created 50-60 million years ago, the Giant’s Causeway has been a source of respect, fear and wonder through the ages. So it’s not surprising that all kinds of imaginative stories come from it.

1.If a person is fond of wild animals, which one is the best choice for him?

A. The Cairngorms B. The Lake District

C. Snowdonia D. The Giant’s Causeway

2.What can you learn from the passage?

A. The Lake District is a good place to create works for painting.

B. Snowdonia is the first national park to be created in Britain.

C. The first dinosaur remains were found on the Jurassic Coast.

D. You can get to the Giant’s Causeway by crossing the Irish Sea.

3.Where is the article most likely to be taken from?

A. A map B. A newspaper

C. A science book D. A textbook






3 开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数.

Dear Mr Smith

I've read your advertisement for a volunteer for children's winter camp



Li Hua



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