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Vacation Packages in Los Angeles A Disne...

Vacation Packages in Los Angeles

A Disney in Los Angeles Vacation packages

Enjoy a fantastic and magical adventure in the Los Angeles area with a Disney Vacation in Los Angeles, which includes four nights of stay and a 1-day Disneyland Park Hopper(通票)with transport which will help you set up a perfect experience to Disney.


Disneyland 1-day Park Hopper with transport


People of all ages love Disneyland, and you will have the park's all kinds of rides and attractions. If you would prefer to look for excitement on exciting rides like Space Mountain, you are sure to find something new and exciting at Disneyland!

Experience of the Hollywood Stars Vacation package

With Experience of the Hollywood Stars, you can get a two-night stay at a hotel and the chance to see some of the most popular stars of Los Angeles!



The package includes the Stars Homes and Rodeo Drive Shopping Tour, so you are sure to have a fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars and having a fantastic time in shopping as well.

Places of Interest in Los Angeles Vacation package

The fantastic city of Los Angeles has much to offer, and you can take full advantage of it with the Places of Interest in Los Angeles Vacation, offering three nights of stay at your choice of hotels.


Half Day Hollywood and Beverly Hills Tour


Visit the most beautiful sights in the area and come back to your freshly-made bed for all three nights of your stay. You'll be able to enjoy every moment of your vacation whether in your room or out on the town.

1.Which place should you go to when you would like to take exciting rides?

A. Disneyland

B. Stars’ homes

C. Hollywood

D. Beverly Hills

2.What can you do in the Experience of the Hollywood Stars Vacation package?

A. Meet your favorite stars in their homes.

B. Visit the most wonderful sights.

C. Enjoy all kinds of rides and shows.

D. Have great fun in shopping.

3.Which activity can you enjoy in the Vacation Packages in Los Angeles?

A. Seeing the houses of stars.

B. Having dinner with stars.

C. Getting two-night stay at a hotel

D. Watching Disneyland cartoons.


1.A 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇广告布告类阅读。这篇文章主要介绍了洛杉矶的度假套餐。 1.细节理解题。答案定位在A Disney in Los Angeles Vacation packages部分If you would prefer to look for excitement on exciting rides like Space Mountain, you are sure to find something new and exciting at Disneyland!可知当你想玩刺激的游乐设施时,你应该去迪斯尼乐园,故选A。 2.细节理解题。答案定位在Experience of the Hollywood Stars Vacation package部分The package includes the Stars Homes and Rodeo Drive Shopping Tour, so you are sure to have a fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars and having a fantastic time in shopping as well.可知在Hollywood Stars Vacation package,你可以享受购物的乐趣,故选D。 3.细节理解题。答案定位在Experience of the Hollywood Stars Vacation package部分so you are sure to have a fantastic time in having a look at the houses of your favorite stars and having a fantastic time in shopping as well.可知在Vacation Packages in Los Angeles,你可以参观明星的房子,故选A。


1.____________ lack of support, his suggestion of raising a pet at home was denied by the family.

2.She doesn’t know how to budget properly, so she ____________ money at the end of each month.

3.Nowadays western culture doesn’t ___________ China’s young people easily.

4.Your whole future is ___________ if you don't stop your addiction to the cellphone.

5.Everyone wanted to know how the controversy of the class  ___________ yesterday.

6.__________ you get your homework finished and handed in on time, I won’t blame you as before.

7.No one wants to see their efforts ___________ nothing at all.

8.We teenagers should try out everything ___________ it turns out to be dud.

9.The whole meal was good and the wine_____________ was excellent.

10.After a desperate divorce, her mood _____________ optimism to extreme depression last year.




1.It was said that the movie “The Mermaid” was s___________ (拍摄) in Shenzhen.

2.There will be an a___________ (忧虑不安的) moment when the testing result finally comes out.

3.Nowadays the law g___________ (保证) equal rights for men and women.

4.China and India have s___________ (加强)their cooperation in many fields.

5.The medicine is e___________ (有效的) for knocking colds.

6.If someone has a___________ (滥用) the power, the national Constitution will definitely punish him.

7.Having no children of their own, the couple decided to a___________ (收养) an orphan.

8.He decided to give away everything he p___________ (拥有) in the past days and devote himself to charity.

9.They failed in all their a___________ (尝试) to cheat in the exam.

10.There was no p___________ (预测) for this earthquake, and therefore it caused great damage.

11.Now many young girls are dieting to keep a good f___________ (身材).

12.The annual r___________ (范围) of temperature in Shenzhen is from 10C to 38C.

13.He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his a___________ (目标).

14.This song is a t___________ (典型的) example of jazz music.

15.The teacher has s___________ (确切地) mentioned the important language points before the final exam.

16.Our study plan should be more f___________ (灵活的) so that we can adjust it when needed.

17.Sports clothes are not a___________ (适合的) for a formal wedding.

18.I think what you should do now isto be m___________ (精神上) prepared to face the reality.

19.If you want to improve your English, you’d better first recite large q___________ (大量的) of English words.

20.The citizens around this area all o___________ (反对) the building of a motorway for the time being.




1.The doctor was very impolite to the patient, _______of course, made things even worse.

2.He got himself into a dangerous situation _______he was likely to lose control over the plane.

3.The science of medicine, in_______ progress has been very rapid, is perhaps the most important of all the science.

4._______are interested in it are welcome to participate.

5._______(know) as the mysterious prankster, Banksy is good at causing stirs in the art world.

6.The picture shows a young boy standing outside on a snowy day, arms _______ (outstretch) with his mouth wide open.

7."Curiosity killed the cat ", so be careful _______ (ask) questions.

8.Michael is strongly against "serous art". Neither _______he like it that one can only see art in museums.

9.My point here was _______less is more.

10.No one knows _______ he really is -- except that he's known by the name "Jan Thorburn".

11.It is not what you will do but how you plan to do it _______ counts..

12.I wonder ______ is being done to help the endangered species.

13.Much attention should be paid to the rainforest and human beings are supposed to appreciate _______ the animals live together.

14.Dashan, who _____ (learn) crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it upwith the Western stand-up tradition.

15.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that he _____ (be) a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.

16.It _______(hope) that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild again.

17.Never before _______I seen such a moving film.

18.I would appreciate ______ if you could do me a favor to carry the package upstairs?

19.Every means _______(try) to protect panda bears over the past decades.

20.The thought came to her ________maybe she had left the door open when she left home




One of the purposes of children’s slang(俚语) is to stop adults from being able to understand1. they’re saying. Obviously, the strategy works. Recent research shows that 2. majority of adults can’t translate the meaning of common slang.

In a survey of 4,500 people last month, it 3. (find) that 85% of adults didn’t understand accepted translations of emoji (表情符号) and text. The researchers warned that a lack 4. awareness of what children are communicating online can leave them unprotected, with phrases that express eating disorders and unhappiness not 5. (understand).

For young people growing up with technology, this new language comes 6. (natural), but it’s leaving some adults unsure about what is being said by their children online. 7. is important for adults to speak to young people about how they use social media and chat online.

Caroline Bunting, general manager at Internet Matters, said, “While it is unrealistic to expect parents 8. (know) every piece of Internet slang their children will ever see, online 9. (safe) starts with a conversation. It’s vital for parents to talk to their kids about their digital worlds, including the sorts of 10. (thing) they might experience online and the types of problems to be aware of.”



    Everyday on the way to work I drive down a street lined with pine trees. One tree in particular_______my attention. It musthave suffered some _______. Part of its trunk grew nearly parallel to the ground, and then in an effort to _______ its own course of life, the trunk took a 90 degree turn _______ to stand tall and stretch toward the sun.

This tree became a _______ for me. Each day as I drove by, I saw this bent but determined tree and I would be_______ . It was a reminder to me that _______ I may not have had the best start in life, I could change _______ in the parts of my life at any time.

I was planning to stop one day to get a perfect _______ of my kindred-spirit (志趣相同的) tree. But that week I was _______. After that busy week, I still didn’t take any action. Every time I drove by the tree I would _______ myself, “Tomorrow, I’ll stop tomorrow to take one.” Then one day, as I _______by  “my” tree, I glanced over, and much to my _______ found a sawed-off stump (树桩) where that symbolic tree had stood. Gone. I had _______ my plan until “tomorrow” and tomorrow proved to be too _______.

A picture of a tree is not of great _______. But my lesson rang through clearly _______ I found out one of my colleagues had been_______with stage-four cancer. He may no longer have many _______.

What have you been putting off? What would you do today if you knew you would _______ have the opportunity to do it again? Why not do those things that you have been putting off until tomorrow?

1.A. paid B. caught C. fixed D. escaped

2.A. damage B. influence C. experience D. defeat

3.A. follow B. design C. change D. imagine

4.A. applying B. attempting C. happening D. learning

5.A. shelter B. signal C. sign D. symbol

6.A. interested B. satisfied C. encouraged D. educated

7.A. even though B. as if C. in case D. if only

8.A. purpose B. plan C. habit D. direction

9.A. glance B. view C. picture D. knowledge

10.A. busy B. free C. worried D. bored

11.A. tell B. help C. call D. see

12.A. wandered B. drove C. rode D. ran

13.A. surprise B. pleasure C. regret D. happiness

14.A. taken off B. cut off C. put off D. called off

15.A. cold B. far C. sunny D. late

16.A. value B. achievement C. fun D. disappointment

17.A. when B. before C. because D. unless

18.A. linked B. combined C. provided D. diagnosed

19.A. lives B. tomorrows C. lessons D. opportunities

20.A. surely B. almost C. ever D. never



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