满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 During ...


During the summer vacation, I took part in 1. 16th Natural English Contest(竞赛), in which I was listed in the top 10 and 2.gainvaluable experience.

I never expected 3.gothat far. And I had never thought about standing that high on the stage. 4. at that moment, I set out for the long ride, All I had to do was try.

Preparing for the contest, practicing a 3-minute speech, and overcoming stage fright(怯场), I spared no effort to take part in the competition.

One of my 5.teammate, my good friend in my school, gave me lots of encouragement and advice during the contest. Her ideas were new and powerful and she stayed quite calm when she was fighting against her 6.compete. She was like my coach, 7. showed me how to search for related materials online and how to express my own view 8.clear.

Thanks 9. the contest and the help pf my friend, I now feel relaxed on stage and confident when 10.talk.


1.the 2.gained 3.to go 4.But 5.teammates 6.competitors 7.who 8.clearly 9.to 10.talking 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了在暑假期间,作者参加了第十六届自然英语竞赛,在比赛中作者名列前十,获得了宝贵的经验。作者也非常感谢朋友的帮助。 1.考查冠词。句意:在暑假期间,我参加了第十六届自然英语竞赛,在比赛中我名列前十,获得了宝贵的经验。文中特指“第十六届自然英语竞赛”,用定冠词,所以填the。 2.考查时态。句意:在暑假期间,我参加了第十六届自然英语竞赛,在比赛中我名列前十,获得了宝贵的经验。描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填gained。 3.考查固定用法。句意:我从未想到会走那么远。expect to do期望做某事,所以填to go。 4.考查连词。句意:但是,就在那一刻,我开始了漫长的旅程,我所要做的就是尝试。与上句之间是转折关系,所以填But。 5.考查常用结构。句意:我的一个队友,我在学校的好朋友,在比赛中给了我很多鼓励和建议。One of + 可数名词复数,表示“...之一”,所以填teammates。 6.考查名词。句意:她的想法新颖有力,在与竞争对手竞争时,她保持着相当的冷静。该空作fighting against的宾语,用名词,“竞争对手”是复数意义,用名词复数,所以填competitors。 7.考查非限制性定语从句。___7___ showed me how to search for related materials online and how to express my own view ___8___(clear).是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是my coach,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以填who。 8.考查副词。句意:她就像我的教练,教我如何在网上搜索相关资料,如何清晰地表达自己的观点。该空修饰动词express,用副词,所以填clearly。 9.考查固定短语。句意:多亏了这次比赛和朋友的帮助,我现在在舞台上感到很放松,说话也很自信。thanks to幸亏,该短语是固定短语,所以填to。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:多亏了这次比赛和朋友的帮助,我现在在舞台上感到很放松,说话也很自信。talk的逻辑主语是I,它们之间是主动关系,用现在分词作状语,所以填talking。

    I used to travel to make myself relaxed. Two years ago, I was rather busy with my business and under a lot of _______, so I went to Las Vegas for a holiday. I just wanted to get away and _____  for a while.

When I was on holiday, an_______ suddenly came to me. I had long wished to pay a visit to the Greek island of Santorini. Therefore, the idea of a two-week European ______ alone was born.

I’d driven ______ across the US before, but traveling to other ______ whose languages aren’t the same as mine ______ me. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to ______with anyone.

But I soon ______ that if I wanted to follow my dreams, I had to ______ out of my comfort area. If I let ______ take control of me, I’d get nowhere.

As I was ______ more places visit on my trip, I found Mykonos, Greece, which I ______ just as much as I liked Sanorini. When I arrived in _______, it was like I was in a dream.

What I appreciated best was the bus ride to Venice. As I rode the bus and enjoyed every new thing I saw, I was completely ______ from the pressure of my work. How ______ it was to see people riding their bikes to the ______ they would like to go to!

Some people might say, “It’s not a big _______; it’s just Venice. Thousands of people go there every day.” But is was more than that to me. It was about having a ______ and when it was time for it to come true, don’t let it _______.

1.A. joy B. pressure C. loss D. pain

2.A. wait B. sleep C. work D. relax

3.A. idea B. incident C. stranger D. invitation

4.A. stay B. research C. vacation D. study

5.A. fast B. alone C. entirely D. together

6.A. cities B. parks C. countries D. companies

7.A. attracted B. frightened C. surprised D. interested

8.A. agree B. play C. communicate D. travel

9.A. realized B. responded C. selected D. suggested

10.A. look B. leave C. make D. step

11.A. fear B. pride C. anger D. courage

12.A. in danger of B. in place of C. in search of D. in charge of

13.A. explored B. visited C. doubted D. liked

14.A. Asia B. Europe C. America D. Africa

15.A. tired B. lost C. different D. free

16.A. threatening B. generous C. hard D. nice

17.A. castles B. places C. situation D. homeland

18.A. deal B. reality C. order D. ending

19.A. business B. dream C. future D. journey

20.A. explore B. decrease C. go D. happen



    The smell of campfires attract many people into the woods and mountains for camping trips. Especially, the start of summer or perhaps fall is the perfect time to take a camp. Here are several reasons you should consider packing up the sleeping bags and heading into the mountains.

You get closer to nature

1. Campgrounds are about as close as you can get to some of the most beautiful places on the earth.

You get far away from technology

Communicate with nature. 2. So you and your children can leave the cellphones at home. You may get up close with wildflowers and the fresh air.

Food tastes much better in the outdoors

Cooking over an open fire gives meat a special taste which can’t be done well on the stove at home. 3..

Camping is affordable

When short of cash for a vacation, many families can keep it cheap by heading into the woods for a camping trip. Camping equipment can be bought for very little money. 4.

5. Most of your friends will wish they had come along with you.

A. Give your friends some advice about camp

B. You may want to enjoy yourself in your house

C. Most campgrounds don’t have Wi-Fi or even a phone signal

D. The biggest cost is usually the gas to get to the campground

E. Post a few photos of your camping trip to mountains when at home

F. While camping, you’re most likely to be in a national park or national forest lands

G. Camping food is some of the best-tasting food and it tastes even better in the fresh air.



    Public Health EnglandPHEis targeting pizzas, ready meals, ready meat and takeaways. The government has also required the food industry to start using healthier food and encourage the public to opt for lower calorie foods.

It is all part of an effort to cut calorie(卡路里)intake by 20% by 2024. The target will point to 13 different food groups, which are equal to about a fifth of the calorie taken by children. If action is not taken, PHE said, it would be prepared to ask the government to pass laws.

PHE would be strictly monitoring progress by looking at which products people were buying and would be prepared to punish companies which do not take their duties. The government is also organizing a program encouraging adults to consume(消耗)400 calories at breakfast and 600 each at lunch and dinner.

At present, adults consume between 200 and 300 calories more than they should each day. PHE chief nutritionist Dr. Alison Tedstone said the 400-600-600 tip would make it easier for people to make healthier choices" by being able to judge what they should be eating in each sitting.

How many calories should we eat? It is suggested that women eat no more than 2,000 calories a day, while men should limit their intake to 2,500. For children, it depends on age. A four-year-old should consume no more than 1,300, while for teens aged 17 and 18, it is about 3,000, but overweight children are eating up to 500 calories more than that.

Prof Russell Viner, of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, said it was a necessary move. He said, “Over the past 40years, there had been a slow growth in food sizes, with pizzas and hamburgers simply much bigger than they were in our parents' time," The convenience of fast food at pocket money prices and the advertisement of unhealthy food and drinks to children add to the problem.

1.What does the underlined word “opt” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Choose B. Sell

C. Refuse D. Inspect

2.What will happen to a company if it encourages high calorie food?

A. It will be punished by customers

B. It will be forced to stop producing foods

C. It will be punished by Public Health England

D. It will be asked to throw away all the food

3.Who should take in the most calories?

A. Babies aged 4 B. Teens aged 18

C. Woman D. Men

4.What can be learned from the text?

A. The government has passed laws about using healthier food

B. PHE is concerned about the British health problems

C. Men should eat no more than 2,000 calories

D. Hamburgers are not bigger than before



    Little boys don't like reading any more and even little girls don' t enjoy it as much as they once did: this is the accepted wisdom inside the book industry –and in many British families, too. Parents and booksellers tend to blame the growing appeal of online entertainment and handheld games, but research from the US is challenging these assumptions.

Michael Norris, an American publishing expert, will release findings in the monthly Book Publishing Report which show that, despite the best intentions, it is well-meaning mothers and fathers who often stop their sons and daughters from picking up the reading habit.

Parents have too much of a role in deciding which books their child is going to read," said Norris. It is turning children off. "

The results of a number of surveys Norris has carried out with hundreds of American booksellers over the past year have provided the basis for a series of tips for parents designed to help children find enjoyment in books.

0ne of his tips is to make sure children talk directly to a librarian or a book seller, while parents stand well back. Parents should allow children to choose their own reading material. Even if a mother or father is just standing with the child when the bookseller asks them what they like to read, we have found that the child will give an answer they think their parent wants to hear. It will not be the same answer they would give alone, said Norris.

Norris said, “What we have found is that parents should not worry whether a title looks too young or too old for a child. If it is children’s favorite book, then let them take it.” Children, added Norris, often enjoy reading books that are easy for then let them take it.” Children, added Norris, often enjoy reading books that are easy for them to understand. “My father made me read The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy when I was much too young, which, I think, was totally wrong, and I have never read another Clancy since,” said Norris.

1.What did Norris think prevents children from enjoying reading?

A. Children’s interest in handheld games

B. The declining market of the book industry

C. Parents’ influence on children’s book selection

D. The growing popularity of online entertainment

2.What do we know about the new study?

A. It is meaningless

B. It mainly focuses on British families

C. It is published to improve book sales

D. It is mainly carried out by Norris

3.What should parents do to help kids get their favorite books at bookstore?

A. Introduce new books regularly

B. Discuss popular books with their children

C. Let children choose books for themselves

D. Often seek expert advice from booksellers

4.What did Norris think of his father’s act?

A. It showed parents’ worries about kids

B. It made him love reading

C. It was quite necessary

D. It was totally wrong



    Many young people would like to make a booth(货摊)to do business on the street in the name of entrepreneurship(创业精神)and sell lemon. It might seem like an easy sell-kids offering cool drinks. Some entrepreneurs offer their tips on how to make money from this.

Joe Mansueto, founder of the investment company Morningstar, sold lemonade as a kid. "You should always pay attention to customers," he said. "When somebody's walking down the street, get out from behind the booth, greet them, talk to them and just make friends with them to attract more customers."

However, his two sons decided to sell a different drink. When they were 8 and 10, his boys sold cocoa outside their home. The great thing about business is that there are really no rules. You can be creative and try something different, Mansueto said.

But it wasn't enough for US representative Mike Quigley and his older brother to sell drinks. They sold old books at the booth and would rent them out for customers to read while they enjoyed their drinks.

Adam Ochstein, founder of StratEx Partners, a human resources service company, gave frequent visitors cards which were printed with a lemon. Every five drinks, customers got one card which allowed them to pay less than half of the next drink. However, they didn't price the drinks. "If you want to give nothing, give nothing. If you want to give $2, give $2. I think we had let the adults give more money than they probably would like to, "Today, he suggests kids use social media for marketing. He said, "It can tell people where the booth is going to be and what unique specials you're running."

1.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. How to set up a big company.

B. How to attract more customers.

C. How to make friends with others.

D. How to tell apart rich customers.

2.How did Mike Quigley make his booth different from the others?

A. By selling cocoa outside their home.

B. By renting used books to the customers.

C. By making friends with his customers.

D. By lending new books to his customers.

3.What advice about the booth does Ochstein give to kids?

A. Giving visitors free drinks

B. Giving visitors cards with a lemon

C. Taking advantage of social media

D. Allowing customers to pay less money

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Street business B. Marketing fashion

C. Service culture D. Social activities



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