满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Paen Long has had a dream ever since he ...

    Paen Long has had a dream ever since he saw a plane for the first time at the age of six. His dream was to ____ a plane. Last year, the 30-year-old man started building his plane ____. “I was afraid that people would ____ me, so sometimes I worked at night,” he said. It was a long time ____ he put his dream into practice. Paen Long tried to build his own plane, using the money he had ____ from running his own garage (汽车修理厂). He has spent three years ____ YouTube videos in order to ____ how to make a plane.

It took him a year to build his plane, using mostly recycled materials. The plane’s first ____ came at 3 pm on 8th, March. Local villagers gathered excitedly to watch the plane fly. ____, the plane only got 50 m in the air before crashing (撞击) to the ____. “When all people were looking at me, I felt very ____,” he said.

Although the first try ____. Paen Long remains ____. His next project is to build a seaplane. Paen Long thinks the plane will cost over $10,000. “I never feel ____ for spending all my money building a plane,” he said.

His wife, Hing Muoyheng, ____ about her husband, especially as they have two young sons. However, she has no ____. “I don’t know how planes work and he doesn’t have any ____ to help him. He can only search for information himself,” she said, “I tried to ask him to ____ a few times because I was afraid, but he said he wouldn’t ____, so I have to support his ____.”

1.A. repair B. make C. draw D. buy

2.A. carefully B. impatiently C. secretly D. suddenly

3.A. make use of B. make fun of C. get tired of D. turn to

4.A. before B. until C. when D. since

5.A. expected B. saved C. stolen D. borrowed

6.A. recording B. producing C. showing D. watching

7.A. answer B. learn C. control D. guess

8.A. design B. flight C. interview D. meeting

9.A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise

10.A. ground B. crowd C. house D. park

11.A. angry B. excited C. proud D. ashamed

12.A. appeared B. continued C. changed D. failed

13.A. determined B. kind C. nervous D. upset

14.A. anxious B. sorry C. hungry D. grateful

15.A. hears B. knows C. talks D. worries

16.A. chance B. aim C. choice D. reason

17.A. experts B. classmates C. volunteers D. workers

18.A. fly B. stop C. help D. leave

19.A. give up B. give in C. give away D. give out

20.A. suggestion B. dream C. conclusion D. research


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。Paen Long从小就有个梦想:建造属于自己的飞机。三十岁的他重拾自己的梦想,用回收材料做了一架飞机。虽然这次尝试并未成功,但他并不打算放弃。 1.考查动词辨析。repair修理;make做,制造;draw画;buy买。根据下文started building his plane可知,Paen Long的梦想是“做”一架飞机。build与make是同义词,故选B。 2.考查副词辨析。carefully 仔细地,认真地;impatiently 不耐烦的;secretly 秘密地,偷偷地;suddenly突然地。根据下文“I was afraid that people...so sometimes I worked at night,” he said. Paen Long有时在夜里工作,可知“偷偷地(secretly)”造他自己的飞机。故选C。 3.考查动词短语辨析。make use of利用;make fun of取笑,嘲笑;get tired of对….厌烦了;turn to使转向,求助于。根据上下文可知,Paen Long有时候在晚上造飞机,是因为害怕别人“嘲笑”他。故选B。 4.考查固定句式。before在……之前; until…一直到……;It was+时间点+when…; It was+时间段+since+主语+过去完成时。It was long time before从句为固定句式,意为“多久以后才…….”。分析It was a long time _____4_____ he put his dream into practice.可知,until, when不符合句式的要求。而如果since,后面要用过去完成时,所以也不符合句式的要求。根据上下文的内容可知,过了好长时间Paen Long才将他的梦想付诸于实践。故选A。 5.考查动词辨析。expected期望,预测;saved节约;stolen偷;borrowed借。根据语境可知,Paen Long用开汽车修理厂“攒下”的钱来制造飞机。故选B项。 6.考查动词辨析。recording记录;producing生产;showing表明,显示;watching观看。此处是指Paen Long花了三年时间“看(watching)”YouTube视频。故选D项。 7.考查动词辨析。 answer回答;learn学习;control控制;guess猜测。根据语境可知,Paen Long花了三年时间看YouTube视频的目的是为了“学习”如何制造飞机。故选B项。 8.考查名词辨析。design设计 ;flight飞行,航班;interview面试,采访;meeting会见,见面。根据语境可知,这里指第一次“飞行”。故选B项。 9.考查副词辨析。Therefore因此;Besides 此外,除此之外,还…;However可是,然而; Otherwise否则的话。根据下文的...the plane only got 50m in the air before crashing...可知,这次飞行失败,与上文是转折关系,要填However。故选C项。 10.考查名词辨析。ground地面;crowd人群;house房子;park公园。根据语境可知,飞机飞到空中五十米后撞击到“地上”。故选A。 11.考查形容词辨析。angry生气的;excited激动的;proud自豪的;embarrassed“尴尬”的。根据语境“the plane only got 50 m in the air before crashing (撞击) to the _____10_____When all people were looking at me”飞机只飞了50米撞到地上,所有的人都在看我,由此可知,Paen Long感觉很“尴尬的”。故选D。 12.考查动词辨析。appeared出现,显然;continued继续;changed变化,改变;failed失败。根据上文的...the plane only got 50m in the air before crashing...根据语境可知,第一次试飞“失败”。故选D。 13.考查形容词辨析。determined坚定的;kind善良的;nervous紧张;upset心烦的。根据下文His next project is to build a seaplane.可知,尽管第一次尝试失败,但是Paen Long依然意志很“坚定的(determined)”。故选A。 14.考查形容词辨析。anxious焦急的;sorry对不起的,遗憾的;hungry饥饿的;grateful感激的。根据语境可知,Paen Long制造飞机花那么多钱,但他从未感到遗憾(sorry)。故选B。 15.考查动词辨析。hears听见;knows知道;talks谈论;worries担心,担忧。根据下文because I’m afraid可知,试飞失败,Paen Long的妻子“担心(worries)”丈夫,特别是因为他们还有两个儿子,故选D。 16.考查名词辨析。chance机会;aim目标;choice选择;reason理由。根据最后的两句语境可知,试飞失败了,她请他放弃无果,别无选择(choice),只好支持他 。故选C。 17.考查名词辨析。experts专家; classmate同学;volunteers志愿者;workers工人。根据上文Paen Long看YouTube视频学习制造飞机的语境以及下文的He can only search for information himself可知,这里指没有“专家”帮助他。故选A。 18.考查动词辨析。fly飞;stop停止;help帮助;leave离开。根据下文because I was afraid可知,Paen Long的妻子多次尝试让他“停止”,因为她担心。故选B。 19.考查动词短语辨析。give up放弃;give in屈服;give away泄露,赠送;give out分发,公布。根据but可知,妻子的多次劝说,但Paen Long说他不会“放弃”。故选A。 20.考查名词辨析。suggestion建议;dream梦想;conclusion结论;research研究。根据上下文可知,制造飞机是Paen Long的梦想,故Paen Long的妻子说她不得不支持她丈夫的“梦想”。故选B。

    We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running is good exercise, but it can be hard on the body. 1..

Take It easy.

Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too bad. The body needs time to get used to increase in distance or speed. 2.

Listen to your body.

Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly (意外地). 3.. They may include body aches, sore muscles (肌肉) and pain that does not go away.


There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoe that offers the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly, you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

Take good notes.

Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for things that happen over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.

Cross train.

As we said earlier, running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury free. They say, besides running, swimming, yoga, and riding a bicycle are good exercises. 5..

A. Get good running shoes

B. Usually, there are warning signs

C. These exercises are easier on the body

D. Running may also help you live longer

E. Muscles and joints (关节) need time to recover

F. Here are five ideas to make injuries less likely

G. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “just do it”.



    The Internet plays a big part in human life. We use it for work and pleasure. We use it to learn a new language. We find advice on it. We use it to connect with family and friends. We use it to stay in touch with events we care about. The list goes on and on.

As far as the Internet being a part of our lives, — well, that train has left the station. There is no going back to an Internet-free life. But can using the Internet too much be bad for our health? It might be, say researchers. A new study finds that heavy Internet use may be connected to high blood pressure (血压) in a young group: teenagers.

The study results show that teens who spend at least 14 hours a week only online may cause high blood pressure, which makes your heart and blood vessels (血管) work too hard. Over time, this extra pressure increases your risk of a heart attack. High blood pressure can also cause heart and other diseases.

The Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan did the study. 335 young people, from 14 to 17 years old, took part in it. 134 of the teens were described as “heavy Internet users”. And researchers found that out of these 134 teens, 26 had high blood pressure. The researchers say the study is the first to connect heavy web use with high blood pressure.

The lead researcher is Andrea Cassidy Bush row. She said, “Using the Internet is part of our daily life, but it shouldn’t ruin us.” Ms. Cassidy-Bushrow adds that it is important for teens to stop to have a rest regularly from their computers or smartphones and do some kind of physical activity. She also suggests that parents shouldn’t let their children use the Internet for more than two hours a day, five days a week.

1.What does the underlined part “that train has left the station.” mean in paragraph 2?

A. the train has stopped at the wrong station

B. life without the Internet is nowhere to be found

C. the train has changed its course

D. there is something wrong with the station

2.What is Para. 3 mainly about?

A. The advantages of Internet use. B. The harm of high blood pressure.

C. The disadvantages of Internet use. D. Ways to prevent high blood pressure.

3.Andrea CassidyBushrow would agree that ________.

A. teenagers shouldn’t use the Internet

B. the Internet will ruin human life in the future

C. regular breaks are necessary when using the Internet

D. smartphones are more harmful than computers

4.What can be used as the best title of the passage?

A. Heavy Internet users are mostly teenagers.

B. How to prevent teenagers from the Internet.

C. Every coin has two sides - so does the Internet.

D. Too much Internet use may be bad for teenagers.



    I owe () my father a huge thank -you! Sure, I need to thank him for all those years of paying my bills, fixing my bikes, and providing a shoulder to cry on. But this year I realized that his contributions to my childhood were much more than that.

I grew up as Daddy’s Little Girl. If I had a problem that needed fixing or a question that needed answering, he was the one I ran to. He helped me get through everything from math homework as a high school student to career choices as a young adult. He always expected that I do my best in whatever I did, and he believed I could succeed in anything I put my mind to. As a result, I learned to hold myself to those same standards. He always showed me unconditional love, which helped me learn to love myself. It was something Id taken for granted (认为是想当然的) until I realized from talking with my friends that they had no similar view of their self worth. Having fathers that didn’t believe in them left them to grow up not believing in themselves.

As I was growing up, my father also showed to me how a woman should be lavished. He got along with my mom with love and respect. As a result, I grew to expect nothing less than that from the men I dated and from the man I would finally marry. Dad was a living picture of godliness (虔诚), honesty and responsibility. It was only recently that I realized what a deep influence fathers have on their daughters, lives. That is why I want to thank my dad for the example of love that he has been to me throughout my life.

1.From the second paragraph, the writer thinks it is the most valuable that ________.

A. her father was very strict with her

B. her father helped her a lot in every way

C. nothing was difficult if her father was on her side

D. Father’s trust deeply influenced her self-confidence

2.The underlined word “lavished” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by ________?

A. loved B. respected

C. treated D. calmed

3.Who would the writer turn to when in trouble?

A. Her .friends. B. Her mother.

C. Her husband. D. Her father.

4.The feeling the writer wants to express to her father in this text is ________.

A. grateful B. sad

C. proud D. pitiful



    US people are overweight, eat lots of fast food and fill their homes with pets. At least that’s what 21 European teenagers think.

The students, 18 from Germany and 3 from France, are exchange students. They are studying in the US for a year. After a few days in the US, they said what they thought about the country.

Most talked about the amount of fast food US people eat. It’s not that the students don’t eat fast food. They just don’t eat as much.

Laetitia Villeneuve from France said she eats fast food, usually McDonald’s, only once or twice a year.

“I like it,” said Nora Koeberle from Germany. “But I couldn’t eat it every day. I’d get fat.”

Students are surprised at how big US people seem.

“There are fat people in Germany,” said Antonia Greimel from Germany. “But not as many as there are here.”

They also spoke about the animals. Silvana Wolfram from Germany said she had heard about how people had lots of pets in the US.

Other ways of US high schools interested the students.

For example, Koeberle said she wouldn’t be able to play an instrument or sports as part of her classes in Germany. She can in the US.

But the best thing about US high schools is something the European kids can’t get back home. “I do wish we had parties,” Koeberle said.

1.Where do the 21 students come from?

A. Germany and France. B. Germany and England.

C. France and Greece. D. England and Greece.

2.Which of the following about the students is TRUE?

A. Greimel thinks there Ve more fat people in Germany.

B. Villeneuve eats McDonald’s once or twice a week.

C. Koeberle has music class or PE class in Germany.

D. Wolfram has learned something about pets in the US.

3.According to the last paragraph, we know ________.

A. Koeberle will go to parties before she leaves the US

B. there are not parties in Keoberle’s school in Germany

C. Koeberle wants to hold a party with her classmates

D. Koeberle doesn’t like the parties in the US

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. why US people eat so much fast food

B. why US people are overweight

C. what the 21 European students think of US people

D. how people have lots of pets in the US



Guide for New Students


The TWU Express is a shuttle (班车) service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 9 am and 3 pm, Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1.


The TWU Cafeteria is open from 7am to 8pm. It serves snacks (小吃), drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay in cash or with your ID cards. You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study.

If you are on campus in the evening or late at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Café in the bottom level of the Gouglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching.


The Wellness Centreon the top floor of Douglas Hall, is committed (承担) to physical, mental and social health. A doctor or a nurse is available (可获得的) if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm.


The Globe, in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying, cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays.

1.What is the function (功能) of TWU Express?

A. To carry students to the lecture halls.

B. To provide students with campus tours.

C. To take students to the Mattson Centre.

D. To transport students to and from the stores.

2.What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria?

A. Do homework and watch TV. B. Have meals and meet with friends.

C. Buy drinks and enjoy concerts. D. Add money to your ID and play chess.

3.Where and when can you cook your own food?

A. The McMillan Hall, Sunday. B. The Lower Café, Sunday.

C. The TWU Cafeteria, Friday. D. The Globe, Friday.



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