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Be careful on January 8th —It's official...

    Be careful on January 8th —It's officially the most dangerous day of the year. The insurance(保险)company Hyperion has studied accident statistics(统计数字)and has found that there are more accidents on January 8th  than on any other day.

Accidents are certainly more likely to happen at particular times of the year. One general rule is that more accidents happen in winter months, because risk increases in bad weather.

In 2004 and 2005 Hyperion found that the worst day was January 8th , with 298 accidents reported to them. March 3th was the safest day, with only 89 reports. Six of the ten worst days for driving were in January.

It's clear that icy and snowy conditions are dangerous, but some other statistics are puzzling. A British Medical Journal report in 2001, for example, found that hospital admissions were always higher than usual on Friday the 13th .

But it is not only when Friday falls on the 13th  that it is a dangerous day. Four of the top ten worst days for accidents last year were Fridays-perhaps because everyone is rushing home for the weekend-while Thursdays are the safest day of the week.

At what time of the day is an accident most likely to happen? The Health and Safety Authority found that people are most likely to have an accident at 11:00 a. m. , while the safest time of day is between 4: 00 and 5: 00 a. m. —probably because most people are in bed!

Finally, good news for Harry Potter fans. Doctors at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford noted that fewer children were in hospital on the weekend when Harry Potter books were available to the public. Deaths fell by over 50% when the last two books went on sale. So if you want to be really safe, you should read a Harry Potter book in bed. at around 5: 00 on a Thursday morning, in summer.

1.What is special about Janua, 8th according to Hyperion?

A. The weather is often the worst.

B. More accidents happen on the day.

C. More people are rushed to hospital.

D. It's the best day to buy insurance.

2.Why are Fridays considered to be dangerous days?

A. Fridays often fall on the 13th .

B. Busy weekdays tire people out.

C. Everyone is in a hurry to go home.

D. It's easy for people to stay up.

3.What happened when there was a new Harry Potter book?

A. It became the safest day of the year.

B. People were more likely to go out.

C. Fewer children ended up in hospital.

D. The driving conditions turned the worst.

4.What is the purpose of this text?

A. To solve a problem.

B. To give practical advice.

C. To tell an interesting story.

D. To show some study results.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者在文章中展示了一些研究结果。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的The insurance company Hyperion has studied accident statistics(统计数字) and has found that there are more accidents on January 8th than on any other day.(亥伯龙神保险公司研究了事故统计数据,发现1月8日的事故比以往任何一天都多)可知,1月8日发生的事故比平时多。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第五段中的Four of the top ten worst days for accidents last year were Fridays-perhaps because everyone is rushing home for the weekend-while Thursdays are the safest day of the week.(去年交通事故最严重的10天中,有4天是周五,这可能是因为每个人都赶着回家过周末,而周四是一周中最安全的一天)可知,之所以星期五被认为是危险的,也许是因为每个人都急于回家。故C选项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的fewer children were in hospital on the weekend when Harry Potter books were available to the public(当《哈利·波特》丛书向公众开放的那个周末,住院的儿童减少了)可知,当有一本新的哈利波特书的时候住院的儿童减少了。故C选项正确。 4.主旨大意题。根据每个段落的第一句可知,本文的目的是为了展示一些研究结果。故选D。

    Other cultures can be different from ours in many aspects! They can cat different foods and live in different types of houses. People probably speak different languages and have beliefs and customs very different from yours. However, they can also be similar in ways of connecting with each other. We sometimes call these means of communication universal languages.

Some legends hold that, thousands of years ago, there was a single language spoken by everyone on Earth. It is fun to think about a time when everyone may have been able to communicate in the same language though historical evidence does not support this, of course.

Today, there are thousands of languages spoken around the world. Yet, there are some means of communication that go beyond words and allow people of wildly different backgrounds to communicate and share emotions and feelings. For example, some people believe music is a universal language. There may be some scientific support for this idea, too. Experts have learned that, across cultures, people can recognize three common emotions in music; happiness, sadness and fear.

So what other types of universal languages might there be? Some people believe dance is a universal language. Along with music, dancing seems to be a common interest shared by peoples all over the world. Do you think you could see a dance from another culture and make some reasonable guesses about the ideas and emotions behind it? We bet you could!

Another universal language that you might not have thought of is math! If you think about it now, though, it just makes sense. The value of pi is roughly 3. 14159 no matter where you are on Earth, likewise, figuring out the value of something involves the same mathematical calculations, regardless of whether you' re counting in dollars, pesos or coconuts.

1.What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 probably refer to?

A. The view that people only used one language.

B. The fact that there used to be many languages.

C. The evidence that proves old languages funny.

D. The doubt that people didn't understand each other.

2.Why is music regarded as a universal language?

A. It can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

B. It can be understood more easily than languages.

C. It usually comes from different backgrounds.

D. It helps people to share common feelings.

3.What are the universal languages according to the passage?

A. Math, English and music.

B. Music, dance and math.

C. History, culture and music.

D. Emotion, pi and music.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Various Differences Between Cultures

B. Music Helps People Show Feelings

C. Universal Languages Connect Different Cultures

D. Cross-cultural Communication History




Become a director, scriptwriter(编剧), editor(编辑)and more…ll in a week?

Six half days of film making + six half days of fun activities.

What's it all about?

Imagine yourself as the new Steven Spielberg or Ridley Scott? Love the cinema, but think you could do better? Or do you dream of being the next Keira Knightley or Johnny Depp? If so, then this is your holiday! You and your group will choose the type of film to make-adventure, fantasy, thriller or comedy. Then you'll create your own film to show at the end of the week. What's more, you'll also take your film home on DVD too!

Can I do other activities as well?

Yes, every day there's also half a day of activities from our great activity programme, and different entertainment(娱乐)every evening. So you can pack in lots of other new experiences too!

What do I learn?

You'll learn the basics of film and sound recording, performing, and script-writingand how to use sound effects, visual effects and music.

You'll also learn about the work of a director, before editing your own film.

Do I need any experience?

No, our fantastic trained instructors and film industry experts will guide you through the whole process, and give you tips from the professionals.

Do I need any specialist equipment?

No, we'll provide all the equipment, from top digital video cameras and editing equipment, to costumes and make-up. Just bring your imagination!

Only 695 per child!

1.Why are Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott mentioned?

A. To show they are really great.

B. To make the course attractive.

C. To show the popularity of films.

D. To introduce the course's teachers.

2.What will the kids do in the evening?

A. Show their films.

B. Enjoy themselves.

C. Learn how to make films.

D. Take part in outdoor activities.

3.The kids who want to have the course are expected to.

A. wear make-up

B. bring cameras

C. be film-lovers

D. be experienced

4.What is the text type of the passage?

A. A lecture.

B. An instruction.

C. A poster.

D. An advertisement.











Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a student of Grade 2 in senior high school. ________________________________________________








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua









I, together with my friend James, go to the cinema the other day. The film Never Say No left a deeply impression on me, from which I have learned a lot. No matter what great difficulties we meet with in our life, we shouldn’t lose heart. Instead, you should face up to the problems and manage to overcome them. At the present, I have some difficulties in adapting to my new study life. I’m determined to try harder and more optimistic. And I’m convincing that I can make it with the guidance of my teachers and friends. The film is well worth see once again. Which I suggest doing, my dear friends, is that you should watch it.




Mandarin Chinese(普通话)is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most  1.  (wide) spoken first language in the world. Each year more and more students around the world 2. mother tongue is not Mandarin are studying it with enthusiasm. Let’s take Russia 3. example.

The number of Mandarin learners in Russia 4. (grow) hugely from 17,000 to 56,000 in the past 10 years, For the first time in 2019, over  5.  (hundred) of middle school students in Russia will take Mandarin as a subject in the USE (the Unified State Exam), a national entrance exam that l1th graders must pass 6. (enter) college.

“The idea of teaching a foreign language at school is to 7. (broad) students’ horizons, giving them the ability to get all sorts of information and a chance to be more successful in the future. As 8. result. those who learn and know Mandarin will surely benefit much from it,” said Ivan Yaschenko, the director of the center of Pedagogical Skills. International businesses prefer to hire people who speak more than one language. Students with both  9.(profession) backgrounds and a good command of Mandarin will be more competitive when 10. (apply) for jobs.



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