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Free Online Courses Reading in the Digi...


Free Online Courses

Reading in the Digital Age

This course is for people from all walks of life who enjoy reading and would like to know how literary scholars understand texts in the digital age. It introduces you to a variety of ways of understanding texts. Through the course, you will become familiar with professional reading practices as well as newer, computer-driven reading skills.

Duration: 6 weeks                4 hours pw                        2 August

Exploring English: Shakespeare

This course is aimed at high school students and university students who wish to learn more about Shakespeare. The first week will look at Shakespeare’s life and times. For the rest of the course, we will look closely at a different play each week. Shakespearean actors will help us explore the universal themes in Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest and Macbeth. Our video tutor (辅导员) will guide you through the course and look at the words and phrases that Shakespeare introduced to the English language.

Duration: 6 weeks                2 hours pw                         16 July

The European Discovery of China

This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Chinese, European or world history. It focuses on when and how the West first approached China. We will look at China’s place in the world and connections to the West via the Silk Road, the rise of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, and finally the Ming dynasty. We’ll know this period of Chinese history through the eyes of Western travellers from the 13th to the 17th century. What these Western travellers saw, what they didn’t see — that’s the story that we will uncover in this course.

Duration: 8 weeks                6 hours pw                         6 July



1.When you take Reading in the Digital Age, you will ________.

A. walk into different people’s life B. learn ways of understanding texts

C. get better at computer skills D. share opinions with literary scholars

2.Who will help students better understand the themes of Shakespeare’s plays?

A. Actors. B. Scholars.

C. Historians. D. Video tutors.

3.What can people learn from The European Discovery of China?

A. China’s discovery of the West. B. The rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty.

C. The importance of the Silk Road. D. China’s interest in Western travellers.

4.What are the subjects of these online courses?

A. Science and history. B. Media and health.

C. Nature and environment. D. Language and culture.

5.In which way do the three courses have in common?

A. They are aimed at students. B. They are provided for free.

C. Each lasts 6 weeks. D. Each takes 2 hours per week.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。介绍了免费网络课程的相关信息。 1.细节理解题。由Reading in the Digital Age中的“It introduces you to a variety of ways of understanding texts.”可知,它向你介绍了理解课文的各种方法。所以 当你在上Reading in the Digital Age的课时,你会学到理解课文的方法。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由Exploring English: Shakespeare中的“Shakespearean actors will help us explore the universal themes in Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest and Macbeth”可知,莎士比亚笔下的演员将帮助我们探索《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》、《暴风雨》和《麦克白》的共同主题。所以演员能帮助学生更好地理解莎士比亚戏剧的主题。故A选项正确。 3.推理判断题。由The European Discovery of China中的“We will look at China’s place in the world and connections to the West via the Silk Road, the rise of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, and finally the Ming dynasty.”可知,我们将通过丝绸之路,成吉思汗和蒙古帝国的崛起,最后是明朝,来看看中国在世界上的地位和与西方的联系。所以丝绸之路对于了解中国很重要,故判断出人们能从The European Discovery of China的发现中学到丝绸之路的重要性。故C选项正确。 4.细节理解题。由Reading in the Digital Age中的“This course is for people from all walks of life who enjoy reading and would like to know how literary scholars understand texts in the digital age”由Exploring English: Shakespeare中的“This course is aimed at high school students and university students who wish to learn more about Shakespeare”由The European Discovery of China中的“This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Chinese, European or world history.”可知,本课程为喜欢阅读并想知道文学学者如何理解数字时代文本的各行各业人士开设的。本课程是针对想要学习更多关于莎士比亚知识的高中生和大学生开设的。本课程针对任何对中国、欧洲或世界历史感兴趣的人开设的。所以这些网上课程的主题是语言和文化。故D选项正确。 5.细节理解题。由标题“Free Online Courses”可知,免费网络课程。所以这三门课的共同点是他们是免费的。故B选项正确。



1. 赞赏对方介绍中国文化;

2. 指出错误;

3. 希望更正;

4. 词数100左右。

参考词汇:赛艇 — rowing boat          龙舟 — dragon boat








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Steven,

I really appreciate that you have been paying close attention to the Calligraphy Contest. I’m writing provide you with some relevant informations.

Aimed at encouraging us to learn traditional culture but attach great importance to handwriting, the Calligraphy Contest of our school enjoying a huge success. A large number of students and even some teachers took an active part in it, which the participants handed in our satisfying works which were later graded by Calligraphy masters. And then the excellently ones were exhibited to the public. As far as I’m concern, this kind of activity benefit us a lot. Calligraphy is very meaningful and gives us peace of mind as well.

The contest will also be held the next year. You’ re welcome to enter for it, too.

Best wishes!


Li Hua




One of China’s largest hanfu-themed 1. (event), the annual Hanfu Cultural Festival in Xitangancient town, East China’s Zhejiang Province. 2. (hold) from October 28 to 31 last year. According to statistics from the organizer, 157,326 visitors attended 3. festival, many of 4. were hanfu-wearing enthusiasts, called “tongpao”.

5. (original) from the collection of ancient Chinese Poetry Book of Songs, the word tongpao is-now used to describe whoever appreciates 6. (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. 7. (forbid) during China’s last feudal (封建的) dynastythe Qing Dynasty, hanfu clothing has been little known 8. the public for many decades.

Nowadays, hanfu is making a comeback.Tongpao has risen in number over the past 15 years 9. a worker in Central China’s Henan Province named Wang Letian made a hanfu-style suit and wore 10. in public in 2003.



    As I sat motionless on the steps of the pool, watching everyone else swim back and forth, I realized that I had spent most of my life watching others enjoy themselves. It was then that I _______ a little girl staring at me with a look of confusion. I smiled at her, hoping to _______ the ice by talking to her. Unfortunately, my _______ failed and she just kept on staring. My _______ increased as a little boy swam up to me and said, “I feel sorry for you.”

After the _______, a thought struck me, I had to change _______ the world viewed me. Because it was children who stared at me the most, I decided to write a children’s book that taught them about _______ in a fun way. This is when KatGirl, a super hero in a _______ who helps children that are being bullied, came into my mind.

I quickly _______ inside my apartment and began creating the story. As I wrote each word, I could ________ my future as a world-renowned author and public speaker. My excitement ________ like wildfire. Over the next two years, the story ________ many changes before it saw the world in the spring of 2011. My perseverance ________ paid off.

One day I was invited to speak to the students at a neighboring school. I confidently wheeled into a classroom filled with students who ________ at me just like the little girl in the pool. “How do you feel when you see me?” I asked them. The kids bravely ________ “ I feel sorry for you.”

I opened my book and started reading. Immediately I noticed the children’s stares turned to ________. “ How do you feel when you see me?” I asked again. Without ________ they replied, “You are so cool! Does your ________ fly too?” I just smiled, “No, not yet, but maybe some day.” I knew in my heart that this was ________. The past two years had proven to me that with ________ anything is possible.

1.A. suggested B. noticed C. watched D. appreciated

2.A. forget B. break C. remove D. deliver

3.A. project B. anger C. advice D. attempt

4.A. relief B. curiosity C. awkwardness D. encouragement

5.A. encounter B. competition C. argument D. interview

6.A. how B. what C. when D. why

7.A. disabilities B. potentials C. paintings D. manners

8.A. pool B. car C. wheelchair D. spaceship

9.A. walked B. wheeled C. rushed D. raced

10.A. regard B. realize C. picture D. consider

11.A. folded B. recovered C. spread D. declined

12.A. turned down B. went through C. looked up D. got around

13.A. generally B. carefully C. separately D. eventually

14.A. called B. stared C. glimpsed D. laughed

15.A. greeted B. agreed C. continued D. responded

16.A. smiles B. doubts C. jokes D. tears

17.A. hesitation B. discussion C. intention D. imagination

18.A. body B. chair C. dream D. book

19.A. funny B. strange C. true D. false

20.A. generosity B. popularity C. harmony D. determination



    When we were kids, if our parents wanted us to stop the screen time, they would turn off the TV. 1. They grab the cell phone, the tablet or the laptop. Here we will talk about how to control their screen time.

First, limit the time they use screens. 2. Kids are smart. Once you go back to your daily routine, they will quickly be back on a screen. Because they just don’t understand that when you tell them to get off the tablet or computer, you mean for the rest of the day.

3. It can be going outside to play, reading a fun book or cleaning their room. Presenting them with an alternative helps the under-developed planning part of their little brains get past what they can’t do and see what else is possible.

And third, hide the screen device. That one may not seem very fair. 4. If they don’t see the device around the house, they can’t grab it. This way, works for us adult-types who may be a little too addicted to screens ourselves.

Ultimately, the best way to help kids recognize how much is too much screen time is to limit our own. Yeah, you may have to stare at one all day for your job, but do you really have to come home and immediately turn on the TV or answer that email on your phone? Don’t think your kids aren’t taking excuses from your actions. 5.

A. Second, give them an alternative.

B. So, it’s necessary to set a limited time.

C. It may seem easy, but it can be challenging.

D. Now, kids often have a choice of which screen they want.

E. They watch you just as closely as they watch those screens.

F. Now go to find a screen and turn it off, for you and for your kids.

G. But the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” actually works sometimes.



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