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Why do Chinese like drinking hot water? ...

Why do Chinese like drinking hot water?

In Western countries, drinking hot water isn't common. 1.

2..A British man, who has been in Beijing for over five years, visited  local cafe during his trip in England. He said to a friendly waitress in a classy British accent, “Can I have a glass of hot water, please?” The waitress' eyes widened. She was so confused. “To...to...to drink?” she replied. Eventually, the man received the steaming liquid but felt cold stares from every corner of the cafe. Westerners are as curious about why Chinese people drink hot water as Chinese are curious about why Westerners drink cold water.

This cultural difference is not a simple issue, but related to history, culture, and science. When did Chinese start to drink hot water?3.. Archaeologists found pottery dating to 20,000 years ago. They believe the pottery was used to cook food and heat water.

Drinking hot water is considered to be healthier among Chinese people.4. Bodies’ normal temperature is 37, which keeps the smooth flow of blood cycle and the regular operation of the body's organs. Cold water has the effect of slowing.

5.If the body is too weak to warm up, some syndromes(症状)may present themselves, like cold hands and feet, Raynaud's phenomenon(the fingers turning white after exposure to low temperature or emotional events),a weak desire to eat food, poor digestion or body pain.

A. The answer lies in history.

B. There is a story online.

C. It is easy to provide an accurate answer.

D. Westerners often drink with ice almost every day.

E. Drinking cold water leads to an imbalance of temperature inside a body.

F. Hot water was reserved for the pregnant women, the elderly and the sick.

G. When drinking cold water, you will consume more energy to warm up.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.G 【解析】 本文属于说明文,介绍中国人喜欢和热水的原因。 1.根据前一句In Western countries, drinking hot water isn't common.可知,本段描述西方人喝水习惯,喝热水不常见,习惯喝冰水,故D选项,承接上一句,切题,故选D。 2.分析本段可知,本段主要讲述一个在北京生活了五年的英国人去英国餐厅要求热水时,受到周围的关注,可知,本段讲了一个故事,故B选项符合。 3.根据后文Archaeologists found pottery dating to 20,000 years ago. They believe the pottery was used to cook food and heat water.可知,考古学家发现两万年前的陶器,他们认为这些陶器是用于煮食物和烧热水,可知,中国人喝热水的答案可以从历史中找到,故选A。 4.根据后文Bodies’ normal temperature is 37℃, which keeps the smooth flow of blood cycle and the regular operation of the body's organs. Cold water has the effect of slowing.可知,人体正常温度为37摄氏度,这个温度保证正常的血液循环和身体器官的运行,如果喝冷水就会影响温度的降低,故E选项切题,选E。 5.根据后文_If the body is too weak to warm up, some syndromes(症状)may present themselves, like cold hands and feet,可知,身体体温过低,就会出现一些症状,故本段描述喝冷水可能造成的一些影响,故选G。

    Scientists have recently discovered a major habitat where live more than 1.5 million Adelie penguins(企鹅)near the Antarctic Peninsula. Based on direct ground counts and computer counts, the researchers found a total of 751,527 pairs of Adelie penguins on the Danger Islands in the Weddell Sea on the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula. The Adelie penguins discovered here is more than the rest in the other places of Antarctic Peninsula, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Moreover, the number represents the first complete census of Adelie penguins in the Danger Islands, the researchers added. “Until recently, the Danger Islands wasn't known to be an important penguin habitat.” Heather Lynch, an ecologist from Stony Brook University who led the study, said, “These super habitats have gone undiscovered for decades partly because the islands themselves are distant and the dangerous waters that surround them.” The Danger Islands appears to have avoided recent loss in penguin population documented on other parts of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Another study published earlier suggested that more than 70 percent of king penguins may disappear by the end of the century as a result of global warming and overfishing. As the Danger Islands is likely to remain important islands for many penguins under climate change, scientists believe it deserves special consideration in the design of Marine Protected Areas in this area. “Now that we know how important this area is for penguin, we can better move forward designing Marine Protected Areas and managing the fishery,” said Lynch.

The idea of building the Marine Protected Areas, which covers 1.8 million square km of the Weddell Sea and around the Antarctic Peninsula, was first put forward by the European Union and supported by nongovernmental organization Greenpeace. In January, a global campaign has been started in the vast fishing-free zone to better protect wildlife.

1.What can we learn from paragraph 1?

A. Researchers knew the number of penguins only by computers.

B. There are 751,527 pairs of penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula.

C. Researcher may have never been to the Antarctic Peninsula.

D. The Danger Islands may be fit for penguins to live on.

2.What does the underlined word “census” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Population count. B. Living condition.

C. Birth. D. Desert.

3.Why are there many penguins on the Danger Islands?

A. The Danger Islands is unknown for humans.

B. There is little climate change there.

C. Many people are protecting penguins.

D. The Danger Islands is free from being disturbed by humans.

4.What can we know from what Lynch said?

A. Half of king penguins will die out in the future.

B. The Antarctic Peninsula needn't become Protected Areas.

C. Because the Danger Islands is dangerous, it becomes a super habitat.

D. The number of penguins discovered here is the largest in the Antarctic Peninsula.



    Something makes your throat strange. It night be a piece of dust or some food that went down your breathing tube by mistake or mucus(黏液)that dropped down from your nose. You cough.

Sometimes you cough on purpose because you want to clear your throat. Other times you don't have to cough. Cough are useful. They clear your main breathing tube, the same way you clear a straw when you blow through it.

If you have mucus or dust or food in your throat, a cough will help to clear it out. But if you have an infection, a cough won't make it go away. That's why, sometimes, you keep coughing. If you do a lot of coughing, your stomach and chest muscles might ache from extra exercise.

Every cough happens in the same way: Firstly, you take a breath so that you have air in your lungs. Secondly, you close your throat and tighten up some of the muscles in your chest, getting them ready for the big push.

Coughs make an exploding sound because of the air that is pushed out of your lungs through closed lips in the back of your throat. These vocal cords(声带)are forced open by the air causing the explosion that we call a cough. They are the same vocal cords that make the noise when you sing or talk; you sound like you because of your vocal cords.

You can tell who is talking by the sound of a person's voice, but it's hard to tell who is coughing by the sound of the cough. People with high voices sometimes have low coughs. People with low voices sometimes have high coughs. That's because the sound of a cough depends upon how much air is blown out and whether or not the vocal cords are swollen from an infection.

1.What is the first step of a cough?

A. Sending out air. B. Breathing in air.

C. Opening the mouth. D. Closing your throat.

2.What can we learn from the text?

A. Coughs are bad for one's health.

B. Coughs can cure an infection.

C. A lot of coughs can make your chest muscles ache.

D. People with high voices always have high coughs.

3.What is the main function of cough?

A. Clearing your throat. B. Cleaning your nose.

C. Preparing for singing a song. D. Making an exploding sound.

4.What makes the sound of a cough different?

A. Throat. B. Breathing tubes.

C. The amount of air blown out. D. The voices of people.



    I am Duncan Bannatyne. I am a successful businessman with a chain of health clubs and hotels.I also appears on the BBC series Dragons Den,where I judge new business ideas. The only thing I enjoyed at school was maths. I had the ability to add up, but my maths teacher didn't have much time for me because I couldn't write down how I got the answers. I hated things like English-I slightly had difficulty in reading. I was hopeless at sport, too. I could see that the kids who went to high school had better toys than me so I made up my mind to do as well as I could, so that I could pass the exam and get into the best school. I worked very hard, and then I made it. I was the only one in the family who did, so my parents were so proud of me.

I started delivering newspapers when my mother said I couldn't have an ice cream because we were too poor. When I went to the newsagent's (报纸杂志店)the owner told me that there was no need for a delivery boy. I said that my mother would like her paper delivered. But he told me, “That's one person. I need 100.”At last, I knocked on 150 doors. When the ice cream van(箱式货车)came around again, I had enough money to buy ice creams for my whole family.

When I left school, I didn't use my business skills for fifteen years. I was in the Navy and then worked as a garage mechanic. It was always in my mind, though. When I was twenty nine, I was on a beach in the Channel Islands with my girlfriend and we decided to go back to the mainland and make money. Believe it or not, my first company was Duncan's Super Ices which expanded from a single ice cream van to a large group of ice cream vans.

1.What can we know about Duncan from paragraph 1?

A. He did well in reading.

B. He was good at maths and sport.

C. He was admitted to the best high school.

D. His parents were not satisfied with his performance.

2.Why did Duncan deliver newspapers when young?

A. To buy ice creams.

B. To set up his first company.

C. To get some working experience.

D. To improve his calculating skills.

3.What made Duncan try his best to study at school?

A. Wanting ice creams. B. Wanting better toys.

C. Helping his mother. D. Making money.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Duncan made a fortune in the Channel Islands.

B. Duncan attended Dragons Den to make himself well-known.

C. Duncan didn't start a business until he went back to the mainland.

D. Duncan persuaded over 150 households to have their newspapers delivered.



    Ancient & Baroque

Rome is one of the world’s most attractive cities with probably more to see here than in any other capital on earth. With a recorded history for about 2,500 years, nowhere else seems to have managed to combine classical places of interest and medieval (中世纪的) buildings from Renaissance palaces to Baroque piazzas.

Four nights in centrally located four-star hotel.

Lake Garda,Venice & Verona

An astonishing beautiful scenery shines in Lake Garda in Verona, the medieval world's richest city-outstandingly unique Venice. For centuries, Italy has drawn visitors in search of culture and romance, with few countries comparable to its art, music, design, scenery, food and wine.

Full-day exploring beautiful Lake Garda both on land and by boat.

Six nights in a four-star hotel, including local breakfast and dinner.

Lake Como & Alpine Railways

This wonderful wintertime break includes a visit to beautiful Como Town, with its breath-taking views. Take a journey on the scenic Bernina Express Railway to famous St. Moritz, and explore Como's shores.

Enjoy the magic of Italy's romantic lake and discover the lakeside Como Town.

Five nights' accommodation at the three-star Hotel Bazzoni.

Lake Garda Trip

Lake Garda, Italy's largest lake, has attracted visitors for over a century with its wonder-ful scenery-clear blue waters. Explore its colourful, and historic lakeside towns, and you will enjoy all this beautiful scenery that Lake Garda offers.

Seven nights in one of our carefully chosen hotels on Lake Garda.

Return flights from your chosen airport to Italy.

1.How long does Lake Garda Trip last?

A. About four days. B. About five days.

C. About seven days. D. About six days.

2.What is special in Lake Garda, Venice & Verona?

A. Four nights living in hotel. B. Offering local dinner.

C. Exploring Lake Garda by ship. D. Offering return tickets.

3.Which trip will be the best one to take in cold weather?

A. Ancient &.Baroque. B. Lake Garda,Venice & Verona.

C. Lake Como & Alpine Railways. D. Lake Garda Trip.




Travel Plan




… visit the old royal houses in the Forbidden City


… see Chinese painting in the National Art Gallery


… drink Chinese tea in Laoshe Tea House








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Dear Peter,

I’m happy to hear you’re coming to Beijing.


Looking forward to meeting you soon!


Li Hua



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