满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Do you know who made the ABC song? Some ...

    Do you know who made the ABC song? Some people say a man named Charles Bradlee created the song. He was the first person to say he owned it. That was in 1834. Bradlee called the song “The Schoolmaster”. A schoolmaster in an old name for a teacher. No one knows where it came from. But we do have some clues.

Sounds Like Another Song

The ABC song sounds the same as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. It has the same tune, or music. It sounds like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, too. Try singing each song. Sing them in a row. You can hear for yourself! The tune was first printed in 1761. It didn’t have any words. No one knows who wrote it. Later, a woman wrote the words for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. Her name was Jane Taylor. She lived in England. She wrote the words in 1806. Mozart was a very famous composer. He wrote a piece of music in 1785. It sounds a lot like the ABC song!

We Learn Better From Songs

When the ABC song first became popular, few children went to school. Most people did not learn how to read. They did not learn how to write, either. As time went on, this changed. More people needed to know how to read and write. More children started learning the ABC song. It helped them remember the letters.

Why do we sing the ABC song? We could just read it quietly. Or we could say it without singing. Why is the song partly important? The answer is related to how we learn. Children have always leaned from grown-ups. But 200 year ago, most people couldn’t read or write. Children had to remember things. They could not write down what they learned. They could not read about it later. So it was important to remember. Songs helped people remember. People sang song that told stories. They taught their children what they knew through songs.

So, no none really knows who made the ABC song. We do know that this song is popular today. Most children who learn to speak English will sing it. Then they will remember their letters!

1.How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By listing facts. B. By comparing.

C. By telling a story. D. By examining differences.

2.Who made the ABC song?

A. Charles Bradlee

B. Jane Taylor.

C. Mozart.

D. No one knows the answer exactly.

3.Why was making the alphabet into a song important?

A. Because the song was written by a famous music writer.

B. Because the song helps people remember the letters.

C. Because the song sounds like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.

D. Because children always learn from grown-ups.

4.Why the Question “Who made the ABC song?” is used in the beginning?

A. To test the readers.

B. To introduce a topic.

C. To show the song is important.

D. To analyze the cause and effect.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文通过某些线索来说明ABC歌曲是谁创作的。但没有人真正知道是谁创作了ABC这首歌曲。 1.推理判断题。由标题“Sounds Like Another Song”和“We Learn Better From Songs”的内容可知,这首曲子于1761年首次印刷。它没有任何文字。没人知道是谁写的。后来,一位女士写下了“闪闪发光的小星星”的歌词。她的名字叫简·泰勒。她住在英国。这句话是她在1806年写的。莫扎特是一位非常著名的作曲家。他在1785年写了一首曲子。听起来很像ABC的歌。但是200 年前,大多数人不会读也不会写。孩子们必须记住一些事情。他们不能把学到的写下来。歌曲帮助人们记忆。人们唱着讲故事的歌。他们通过歌曲教给孩子们他们所想知道的东西。所以以上都是在列举事实。故判断出短文是通过列举事实来展开的。故A选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由最后段“So, no none really knows who made the ABC song”可知,所以,没有人真正知道是谁创作了ABC这首歌。故D选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由倒数第三段“ More children started learning the ABC song. It helped them remember the letters.”和倒数第二段“ Songs helped people remember. People sang song that told stories. They taught their children what they knew through songs.”可知,越来越多的孩子开始学习ABC这首歌。它帮助他们记住这些字母。歌曲帮助人们记忆。人们唱着讲故事的歌。他们通过歌曲教给孩子们他们所知道的东西。所以为什么把字母表变成一首歌很重要是因为歌曲帮助人们记住字母。故B选项正确。 4.推理判断题。通读全文可知,短文第二段第三段是通过某些线索来说明ABC歌曲是谁创作的,第四段对谁创作了ABC歌曲进行了总结,所以判断出第一段中的问题“Who made the ABC song?” 是为了介绍主题。以此来引出后几段的内容。故B选项正确。



Dear Dale,

My mother recently gave birth to a boy, my new younger brother. But though he’s adorable (可爱的), I have to do more chores than before. And when I don’t do them well, my father scolds (批评) me. I feel terrible. What can I do?


Dear Dale,

My mother recently gave birth to a boy, my new younger brother. But though he’s adorable (可爱的), I have to do more chores than before. And when I don’t do them well, my father scolds (批评) me. I feel terrible. What can I do?




Dear Emily,

Congratulations on the new member of your family.

It’s completely natural for you to feel different now that you’re not your parents’ only child. Before, you got all their attention, but now, you have to share that attention with your new brother.

However, rather than feel sad about your new situation, you should see it as an opportunity to show everyone how mature (成熟的) you are. Now that your brother’s here, you’re no longer the kid of the family.

This also means that you now have the responsibility to help raise your brother and show him how the world works.

As for your parents, put yourself in their shoes and you’ll see why they’re acting differently toward you.

Your parents still love you as much as they did before, of course, but raising a baby is very difficult and tiring.

Because of this, you should try your best to support your parents by not getting upset if they scold you or ask you to do things you normally wouldn’t have to do.

Most importantly, remember to keep setting a good example to your brother. Once everything settles down, you’ll never be able to imagine life without him.


Dear Emily,

Congratulations on the new member of your family.

It’s completely natural for you to feel different now that you’re not your parents’ only child. Before, you got all their attention, but now, you have to share that attention with your new brother.

However, rather than feel sad about your new situation, you should see it as an opportunity to show everyone how mature (成熟的) you are. Now that your brother’s here, you’re no longer the kid of the family.

This also means that you now have the responsibility to help raise your brother and show him how the world works.

As for your parents, put yourself in their shoes and you’ll see why they’re acting differently toward you.

Your parents still love you as much as they did before, of course, but raising a baby is very difficult and tiring.

Because of this, you should try your best to support your parents by not getting upset if they scold you or ask you to do things you normally wouldn’t have to do.

Most importantly, remember to keep setting a good example to your brother. Once everything settles down, you’ll never be able to imagine life without him.



1.What is Emily’s trouble?

A. How to get along well with her family members with the baby born to her family.

B. How to get rid of chores she normally doesn’t have to do.

C. How to take care of her adorable brother when parents are busy.

D. How to avoid Father’s scolding when she does something wrong.

2.What should Emily do according to Dale?

A. Love her parents as much as she can.

B. Try to pay more attention to herself.

C. Put herself in her parents’ shoes.

D. Feel sad about her new situation and see it as an opportunity.

3.Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a travel guide. B. In an interview.

C. In a journal. D. In a textbook.




1.Which month is it then?

A. September. B. October. C. November.

2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.

3.What will the high temperature be on Friday?

A. 60 degrees. B. 65 degrees. C. 70 degrees.

4.Why should people take advantage of the weekend?

A. There will be a festival.

B. There will be many events going on.

C. The sunny weather may not last.




1.Where did the man begin his trip?

A. From California. B. From Florida. C. From Washington.

2.How long did it take to go from Chicago to New York?

A. 20 hours. B. 45 hours. C. 65 hours.

3.What was the man’s trip like on the whole?

A. So-so. B. Boring. C. Enjoyable.

4.What does the man think of traveling by train?

A. It saves time.

B. It saves money.

C. It is a great way to see the country.




1.Which room does the man show the woman first?

A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom.

2.What’s wrong with the carpet?

A. It’s dirty. B. It has a hole in it. C. It has a strange color.

3.What do we know about the kitchen?

A. The window won’t close.

B. The door needs fixing.

C. The refrigerator is in bad condition.




1.What does the man offer the woman?

A. Carrots. B. Apples. C. Pears.

2.What will the woman do next?

A. Go to school. B. Practice volleyball. C. Go to the grocery store.



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