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The Science of Earthquakes 1. The surfac...

The Science of Earthquakes


The surface of the earth is divided into different pieces. These are called tectonic plates (构造板块). When two plates suddenly slip past one another, an earthquake happens. This shakes the ground and everything on it.

What cause earthquakes and where do they happen?

2.They are inner core, outer core, mantle (地幔) and the earth’s crust (地壳). The crust and the top of the mantle make up a think skin on the surface of the planet. But this skin is not all in one piece. It is actually made up of many tectonic plate. They are like puzzle pieces. These pieces are always sliding around and bumping into each other. Sometimes their edges get stuck together. When this happens, the rest of the plate keeps moving. Eventually the edges come unstuck. 3..

Why does the earth shake when there is an earthquake?

Earthquakes send out waves in all directions. When they reach the earth’s surface, they shake the ground. 4.The P wave squeezes and stretches the earth. The S wave shake it up and down.


Scientists use special tools to record and measure earthquakes. These tools are called seismographs. Recordings from seismographs tell scientists when and where an earthquake took place. They can also tell scientists the size of an earthquake.

A. How are earthquakes recorded?

B. That is when an earthquake happens.

C. There are different types of earthquake waves.

D. What is an earthquake?

E. The earth has four main layers ().

F. Can scientists predict earthquakes?

G. Scientists can tell where an earthquake took place by studying the P and S waves.


1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文主要介绍了关于地震的一些知识。 1.由“The surface of the earth is divided into different pieces. These are called tectonic plates (构造板块). When two plates suddenly slip past one another, an earthquake happens. This shakes the ground and everything on it.”可知,地球表面被分成不同的部分。这些被称为板块。当两个板块突然擦肩而过时,就会发生地震。这震动了地面和上面的一切事物。所以本段在向读者解释地震是什么也就是小题1本段标题的内容。故D选项“地震是什么”符合句意。故D选项正确。 2.由“They are inner core, outer core, mantle (地幔) and the earth’s crust (地壳)”可知,它们是内核、外核、地幔和地壳。所以小题2要总说地“地球有四个主要层”。故E选项“地球有四个主要层”符合句意。故E选项正确。 3.由“These pieces are always sliding around and bumping into each other. Sometimes their edges get stuck together. When this happens, the rest of the plate keeps moving. Eventually the edges come unstuck”可知, 这些碎片总是四处移动,互相碰撞。有时它们的边缘会卡在一起。当这种情况发生的时候,剩下的板块继续移动。最终边缘会松脱。所以以上这些都在说明小题3所要总结性表达的内容--那就是地震发生的时候。故B选项“那就是地震发生的时候”符合句意。故B选项正确。 4.由“The P wave squeezes and stretches the earth. The S wave shake it up and down.”可知,纵波挤压并拉伸地球。横波上下摇动地球。所以小题4要总说“地震波有不同的类型”。然后再具体说明。故C选项“地震波有不同的类型”符合句意。故C选项正确。 5.由“Scientists use special tools to record and measure earthquakes. These tools are called seismographs. Recordings from seismographs tell scientists when and where an earthquake took place. They can also tell scientists the size of an earthquake.”可知,科学家使用特殊工具记录和测量地震。这些工具被称为地震仪。地震仪的记录告诉科学家地震发生的时间和地点。他们还可以告诉科学家地震的强弱。所以本段主要在讨论地震是如何被记录的也就是小题5本段的标题的内容。故A选项“地震是如何被记录的”符合句意。故A选项正确。

    I first began experiencing anxiety and depression (抑郁) at the age of 14, after being bullied (欺凌) at school for years. While at first anxiety and depression would came and go, it eventually became a constant part of my life.

I was so eager to find the solution to overcoming my anxiety and depression that I tried everything from when I in college to graduate school: mood-changing medication (药物), special teas, yoga, anything I read about in books, and advice given by doctors. Despite this, I still felt I hadn’t even come close to managing the problem.

But one afternoon, my eyes fell upon an article in a magazine I was reading the talked about how dogs were able to help people with anxiety and depression. The very next day, I decide to get a dog—a corgi. When I brought my little corgi. Buddy, home, I didn’t realize how much he would change my life.

Once the “puppy excitement” went away, my anxiety and depression came back as usual. One morning, I woke up with those familiar feeling again. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I turned to pull the covers back over my head and gave up. That’s when I saw Buddy.

Buddy started jumping all over me, licking my face, letting me know that it was time to go outside. It was as if he were saying, “There’s no time to be sad, the world is amazing!” And for the first time in my life, my life was changing. I really was a new person. This was my new beginning.

It’s been more than a year since that day, and I’ve never spent another morning unable to get out of bed. I’ve not cried myself to sleep or spent my days stuck with fear and regret. Sure, I still have days when I feel sad or anxious. But with Buddy, my best friend, by my side, I’ve finally learned how to manage these feelings and emotions.

1.Which cannot describe the author before she got a corgi?

A. Anxious. B. Depressed. C. Hopeful. D. Fearful.

2.How did the author know having a dog might help with her depression?

A. She read about it by chance.

B. She knew it from her doctors.

C. She knew it after having a dog.

D. She knew it from her friend.

3.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined words “stuck with” in the last paragraph?

A. please with B. unable to move

C. unable to get ride of D. free of

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Dogs Are Our Best Friends

B. Pet Dogs Can Be the Best Cure

C. How to Overcome Depression

D. Getting Rid of Depression Is a Piece of Cake



    There have been nine secetary0generals of the United Nations (联合国秘书长) since the first one was appointed (任命) in 1946. But somehow, Kofi Annan has been the one that people tend to remember the best.

Annan, born in Ghana, was the first black African to ever hold the job. And he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2001. Just as the New York Times put it, Annan “redefined (重新定义) the UN”.

During those 10 years—from 1997 to 2006—the world was at its worst. This period witnessed the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Sept. 11 attacks of 2001, and the US’s invasion (侵略) of Iraq in 2003.

On its own, the UN has little power. However, Annan combined that power with his own to achieve great things. He kept the world from falling apart from attacks and wars. He also fought for women’s rights and the educational rights of children, and fought against the spread of HIV in Africa.

It was because of these things that he and the UN were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, for their work toward “a better organized and a more peaceful world”. Annan also put “people” at the center of everything the UN does. He took the trouble to relate to (建立联系) others—young or old, senior or junior, ambassador (大使) or security guard (保安).

Maybe what Annan did was more than just redefine the UN. Indeed, as Antonio Guterres, current secretary-general of the UN, said, “In many ways, Kofi Annan was the UN.”

1.According to the passage, we can learn that ______.

A. secretary-generals are not usually remembered by people

B. people believe that Annan has been the best leader of Ghana

C. Annan is the only black man to win the Noble Peace Prize

D. Annan is the first black African secretary-general of the UN

2.The underlined word can be replaced by “______”.

A. saw B. made

C. prevented D. happened

3.What did Annan do to redefine the UN?

A. Women and children were kept from being attacked.

B. He stopped the spread of HIV and found the cure for AIDS in Africa.

C. He made the world a better and more peaceful place.

D. He has every country get the same rights in the UN.

4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. Annan has trouble in communicating with others.

B. People are believed less important than others by Annan.

C. The current leader of the UN thins highly of Annan and his great achievements.

D. People in higher position easily get more support from the leaders of the UN.



    Do you know who made the ABC song? Some people say a man named Charles Bradlee created the song. He was the first person to say he owned it. That was in 1834. Bradlee called the song “The Schoolmaster”. A schoolmaster in an old name for a teacher. No one knows where it came from. But we do have some clues.

Sounds Like Another Song

The ABC song sounds the same as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. It has the same tune, or music. It sounds like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, too. Try singing each song. Sing them in a row. You can hear for yourself! The tune was first printed in 1761. It didn’t have any words. No one knows who wrote it. Later, a woman wrote the words for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. Her name was Jane Taylor. She lived in England. She wrote the words in 1806. Mozart was a very famous composer. He wrote a piece of music in 1785. It sounds a lot like the ABC song!

We Learn Better From Songs

When the ABC song first became popular, few children went to school. Most people did not learn how to read. They did not learn how to write, either. As time went on, this changed. More people needed to know how to read and write. More children started learning the ABC song. It helped them remember the letters.

Why do we sing the ABC song? We could just read it quietly. Or we could say it without singing. Why is the song partly important? The answer is related to how we learn. Children have always leaned from grown-ups. But 200 year ago, most people couldn’t read or write. Children had to remember things. They could not write down what they learned. They could not read about it later. So it was important to remember. Songs helped people remember. People sang song that told stories. They taught their children what they knew through songs.

So, no none really knows who made the ABC song. We do know that this song is popular today. Most children who learn to speak English will sing it. Then they will remember their letters!

1.How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By listing facts. B. By comparing.

C. By telling a story. D. By examining differences.

2.Who made the ABC song?

A. Charles Bradlee

B. Jane Taylor.

C. Mozart.

D. No one knows the answer exactly.

3.Why was making the alphabet into a song important?

A. Because the song was written by a famous music writer.

B. Because the song helps people remember the letters.

C. Because the song sounds like “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.

D. Because children always learn from grown-ups.

4.Why the Question “Who made the ABC song?” is used in the beginning?

A. To test the readers.

B. To introduce a topic.

C. To show the song is important.

D. To analyze the cause and effect.





Dear Dale,

My mother recently gave birth to a boy, my new younger brother. But though he’s adorable (可爱的), I have to do more chores than before. And when I don’t do them well, my father scolds (批评) me. I feel terrible. What can I do?


Dear Dale,

My mother recently gave birth to a boy, my new younger brother. But though he’s adorable (可爱的), I have to do more chores than before. And when I don’t do them well, my father scolds (批评) me. I feel terrible. What can I do?




Dear Emily,

Congratulations on the new member of your family.

It’s completely natural for you to feel different now that you’re not your parents’ only child. Before, you got all their attention, but now, you have to share that attention with your new brother.

However, rather than feel sad about your new situation, you should see it as an opportunity to show everyone how mature (成熟的) you are. Now that your brother’s here, you’re no longer the kid of the family.

This also means that you now have the responsibility to help raise your brother and show him how the world works.

As for your parents, put yourself in their shoes and you’ll see why they’re acting differently toward you.

Your parents still love you as much as they did before, of course, but raising a baby is very difficult and tiring.

Because of this, you should try your best to support your parents by not getting upset if they scold you or ask you to do things you normally wouldn’t have to do.

Most importantly, remember to keep setting a good example to your brother. Once everything settles down, you’ll never be able to imagine life without him.


Dear Emily,

Congratulations on the new member of your family.

It’s completely natural for you to feel different now that you’re not your parents’ only child. Before, you got all their attention, but now, you have to share that attention with your new brother.

However, rather than feel sad about your new situation, you should see it as an opportunity to show everyone how mature (成熟的) you are. Now that your brother’s here, you’re no longer the kid of the family.

This also means that you now have the responsibility to help raise your brother and show him how the world works.

As for your parents, put yourself in their shoes and you’ll see why they’re acting differently toward you.

Your parents still love you as much as they did before, of course, but raising a baby is very difficult and tiring.

Because of this, you should try your best to support your parents by not getting upset if they scold you or ask you to do things you normally wouldn’t have to do.

Most importantly, remember to keep setting a good example to your brother. Once everything settles down, you’ll never be able to imagine life without him.



1.What is Emily’s trouble?

A. How to get along well with her family members with the baby born to her family.

B. How to get rid of chores she normally doesn’t have to do.

C. How to take care of her adorable brother when parents are busy.

D. How to avoid Father’s scolding when she does something wrong.

2.What should Emily do according to Dale?

A. Love her parents as much as she can.

B. Try to pay more attention to herself.

C. Put herself in her parents’ shoes.

D. Feel sad about her new situation and see it as an opportunity.

3.Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a travel guide. B. In an interview.

C. In a journal. D. In a textbook.




1.Which month is it then?

A. September. B. October. C. November.

2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.

3.What will the high temperature be on Friday?

A. 60 degrees. B. 65 degrees. C. 70 degrees.

4.Why should people take advantage of the weekend?

A. There will be a festival.

B. There will be many events going on.

C. The sunny weather may not last.



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